WAO :: Volume #15

#1473: Method of running away

rule of the whole world changed! 整个世界的规则都变了! Past, Principle Behemoth is exist(ence) that the mortal only may look up. 昔日,法则巨兽是凡人只可仰望的存在 Various kind of professional can only borrow their strengths, only has strongest Valley of World, can sign the contract with Principle Behemoth, summoning them to arrive. 各类职业者只能借用它们的力量,唯有最强世界之谷,才可以与法则巨兽签订契约,呼唤它们降临。 But now, everyone all may hug Stars, unites the strength, exceeds Principle Behemoth! 但现在,人人皆可拥抱星辰,凝聚力量,超越法则巨兽 Realizes this point, four youngster shock could not speak. 意识到这一点,四名少年都为之震撼的说不出话来。 Curtain, can you also hear these strange sounds?” Gu Qingshan asked. “幕,你还能听见那些奇奇怪怪的声音吗?”顾青山问。 The curtain was startled, close your eyes, careful induction. 幕怔了一下,闭上眼,细细感应。 After several breaths . 数息之后。 I heard...... them to scream, shout and roar, in the mouth is speaking the same words.” The curtain said slowly. “我听见了……他们都在尖叫、呼喊、咆哮,口中说着同一句话。”幕慢慢说道。 Gu Qingshan asks immediately. What did they say?” 顾青山立刻问。“他们说什么?” The curtain opens eyes, in the vision is passing a watchfulness. 幕睁开眼,目光中透着一丝戒惧。 He looked at the companions, said in a low voice: They said that the gate must open thoroughly!” 他看了看同伴们,低声道:“他们说门就要彻底打开了!” Renedora calm say/way: „Are exist(ence) of these speeches, what?” 蕾妮朵尔镇定的道:“那些说话的存在,到底是什么?” Does not know.” The curtain shakes the head to say. “不知道。”幕摇头道。 Can massacres all Principle Behemoth exist(ence)?” Chi Hu said, suddenly covers to be quiet, conducted the back the one layer cold sweat. “会不会是杀掉所有法则巨兽存在?”赤鹄说完,忽然捂住嘴,背上起了一层冷汗。 If so, was too fearful. 如果真是那样,就太可怕了。 Curtain and some Renedora also discolorations. 幕和蕾妮朵尔也有些色变。 Gu Qingshan actually knows that is not that a matter. 顾青山却知道不是那么回事。 These are Awaiter. 那些是等待者 Six Paths of Samsara hit a Gate of World slit, moreover this slit is expanding unceasingly. 六道轮回撞开了世界之门的一道缝隙,而且这道缝隙正在不断扩大。 Said, Awaiter and massive Apocalypse can come in swarms? 这么说,等待者和大量的末日都要蜂拥而至了? Tastes carefully, Gu Qingshan discovered another matter. 细细回味,顾青山又发现了另一件事。 Controlling Fate Deprive all Principle Behemoth strengths, extinguishes kills innumerable All Living Things, finally was actually cut to extinguish by a Master sword. 司命剥夺了所有法则巨兽的力量,又灭杀无数众生,结果却被师尊一剑斩灭。 Is the change of this world, perhaps the Master method? 这个世界的改变,兴许就是师尊的手段? She wants to help person become stronger of this world. 她想要帮这个世界的人变强 After all Gate of World will soon open thoroughly! 毕竟世界之门即将彻底打开了! Gu Qingshan sighed, the vision fell on the table. 顾青山叹了口气,目光落在桌子上。 The liquor food with a high water content cleared off by everyone, everyone was satiated with food and wine. 酒水食物被大家一扫而光,每个人都吃饱喝足了。 Curtain, cannot delay again, starts.” He said that “幕,不能再耽搁了,开始吧。”他说道, Good.” The curtain complies to say. “好。”幕答应道。 Renedora visits two people, asked: „Do you plan to do?” 蕾妮朵尔看着两人,问道:“你们打算干什么?” The curtain said accordingly: Rhodes thought that we run these chasing down, must therefore try to find other solutions.” 幕应声道:“罗德觉得我们跑不过那些追杀者,所以得想其他办法。” What means?” “什么办法?” Is this-” “就是这个-” The curtain puts out a hand gently a point in Void. 幕伸手在虚空中轻轻一点。 Bang! 嘭! Green clothes Monster Spirit of thumb size appears before the people. 一个拇指大小的绿衣妖精出现在众人面前。 Curtain, do you want to ask me to play finally?” Green clothes Monster Spirit happy say/way. “幕,你终于想找我玩了?”绿衣妖精开心的道。 Yes, this time not only plays, because some people are chasing down us, we want to find a place to hide.” Mu said. “是的,这次不仅仅是玩,因为有人在追杀我们,我们想找个地方躲藏一下。”幕说道。 Green clothes Monster Spirit is suddenly enlighted, is striking one's chest saying: You were look, so long as our Monster Spirit wants to hide, that no one can discover!” 绿衣妖精恍然大悟,拍着胸脯道:“那你算是找对人了,我们妖精只要想躲起来,那就没有人能发现!” Renedora sees that to relax, said in a soft voice: so that's how it is, Monster Spirit most is good at hiding, they are willing to help should better.” 蕾妮朵尔见状松了口气,轻声道:“原来如此,妖精最擅长躲藏,它们愿意帮忙是最好不过的了。” Green clothes Monster Spirit hears Renedora to speak, turns the head to look to her, called out: „, Is you, initially your life of curtain under for rescuing, but spent many times.” 绿色衣妖精听见蕾妮朵尔说话,转头望向她,叫道:“哦,是你啊,当初幕为了救下你的命,可是花费了不少功夫。” Renedora smiles, said: Yes, heard that he found you at that time directly.” 蕾妮朵尔笑了笑,说道:“是的,听说他当时直接找到了你。” Green clothes Monster Spirit smiles, said: Without the means that who asked us the Monster Spirit monster technique to be used to save others is best.” 绿衣妖精嘿嘿一笑,说:“没办法,谁叫我们妖精的妖术用来救人是最棒的。” It falls from the table on the ground, has arrived at the bar corner, stands by a wood/blockhead table, with handling gently tapped knocked the ground. 它从桌子上落在地上,一直走到酒吧角落,站在一个木头桌子旁,用手轻轻敲了敲地面。 Crossed several breaths. 过了数息。 Underground broadcasts a quite vigilant sound: 地下传来一个颇为警惕的声音: Who is?” “是谁?” Green clothes Monster Spirit pulls down the throat saying: Is I.” 绿衣妖精压低嗓子道:“是我。” Underground that sound relaxed, said: Is you.” 地下那个声音放松了些,说道:“是你呀。” Right, is I.” “对,是我。” But, who are you?” “可是,你到底是谁?” I am I, how your secret path must ask that such complex issue, is question and answer that which fool establishes?” Green clothes Monster Spirit was anxious. “我就是我呀,你这个密道怎么要问这么复杂的问题,是哪个笨蛋设置的问答?”绿衣妖精急了。 Sorry!” That sound hurries to apologize. “对不起对不起!”那个声音慌忙道歉。 The floor draws back toward the two sides, exposes to below stair. 地板朝两边退开,展露出一条通往下方的台阶。 Comes with me.” Green clothes Monster Spirit then said. “跟我来。”绿衣妖精回头道。 Four youngster hurry to set out, walks into with it together underground. 四名少年赶紧起身,跟着它一起走入地下。 After they get down, the floor closes up quickly again, above also covered the one layer light dust, cannot see any trace. 他们下去之后,地板很快再次合拢,上面还覆盖了一层薄薄的灰尘,根本看不出任何痕迹。 Gu Qingshan and the others follow the stair to walk downward, arrives at a broad assembly hall. 顾青山等人一路顺着台阶往下走,来到一处宽阔的礼堂。 Here piled up with Monster Spirit, about thousand. 这里堆满了妖精,大约有近千名之多。 They lie down on the ground completely, motionless, does not have any aura. 它们全部躺在地上,一动不动,也没有任何气息。 That green clothes Monster Spirit is covering the eye, sighed: 那个绿衣妖精捂着眼睛,感叹道: „, Oh, was too bad.” “哦,天哪,太糟糕了。” Several youngster one after another dangling heads. 几名少年纷纷垂下头。 Gu Qingshan sighed, said: Also please restrain your grief and accommodate change-” 顾青山叹了口气,说道:“还请节哀顺变-” Belch! 嗝! A resounding making a belch sound passes from the Monster Spirit pile. 一个响亮的打嗝声从妖精堆里传出来。 Gu Qingshan lives, looks toward these Monster Spirit. 顾青山顿住,朝那些妖精中望去。 No sound. 没有任何动静。 These Monster Spirit still have no aura, motionless lying down on the ground. 那些妖精依然没有任何气息,一动不动的躺在地上。 Green clothes Monster Spirit said: Do not manage them, they are attending an alcoholic intoxication feigning death competitive tender match, now fits out the corpse, cannot move cannot speak- we walk.” 绿衣妖精道:“别理他们,他们在参加一个醉酒装死竞标赛,现在都装成了尸体,不能动也不能说话-我们走。” The curtain cannot bear say: Why your just now must say that was too bad?” 幕忍不住道:“那你刚才为什么要说‘太糟糕了’?” Green clothes Monster Spirit strange looks at his one eyes, very natural say/way: My this is helps them contrast the atmosphere.” 绿衣妖精奇怪的看他一眼,很自然的道:“我这是帮他们烘托氛围啊。” People simultaneously is speechless. 众人齐齐无语。 Without the means that you never know that Monster Spirit will do to have an accident. 没办法,你永远不知道妖精们会搞出什么事来。 The Gu Qingshan thoughts rotation, asked: Last night, ground life had much vanished, your Monster Spirit seems no one to be missing.” 顾青山心思转动,问道:“昨天夜里,地上的生命有不少都消失了,你们妖精好像没什么人失踪。” Green clothes Monster Spirit said: This, I have asked my uncle's uncle's maternal aunt's younger brother wife's uncle's aunt's elder sister's elder brother's father's brother-in-law, he said that his mother's elder sister's playmate grandfather's friend son's the grandmother of brothers' said that yesterday evening had truly had a matter, but that matter cannot affect our Monster Spirit.” 绿衣妖精道:“这个啊,我问过我叔叔的伯伯的姨妈的弟弟的老婆的二舅的大娘的姐姐的哥哥的爸爸的连襟,他说他妈妈的姐姐的玩伴的爷爷的朋友的儿子的兄弟的姥姥说,昨天晚上确实发生过一件事,但那件事影响不到我们妖精。” Gu Qingshan: „......” 顾青山:“……” On your relations, Controlling Fate is not quite truly easy to affect you. 就你们这种联系,司命确实不太容易影响到你们。 Green clothes Monster Spirit has four people across the assembly hall, walks toward underground depths, finally arrives at a gold/metal wall magnificent station. 绿衣妖精带着四人穿过礼堂,一路往地下深处走去,最终来到一个金壁辉煌的车站。 Two minutes, the train must come.” Green clothes Monster Spirit said. “还有两分钟,火车就要来了。”绿衣妖精道。 „Do we want to ride the train to leave?” Mu asked. “我们要坐火车离开?”幕问道。 Green clothes Monster Spirit fishes out four train tickets from the bosom, gives four people. 绿衣妖精从怀里摸出四张火车票,递给四人。 It said: Naturally, this is the best way that the avoidance chases down, the monster technique train to lead you in underground to go through, its speed is quick, has led you-, the one who please has a look in the ticket to write is which stand.” 它说道:“当然,这是躲避追杀的最好办法,妖术火车会带着你们在地下穿行,它的速度很快,会一直把你们带到-咳,请看看车票上写的是哪一站。” Four people lower the head looked, sees only in the ticket to write: 四人低头一看,只见车票上写着: Alcoholic intoxication feigning death competitive tender match- cleaning scraps stand.” “醉酒装死竞标赛现场-拾荒站。” Mu said: It seems like we want the cleaning scraps stand.” 幕说:“看来我们要去拾荒站。” Green clothes Monster Spirit said surprised: What? Do you want the cleaning scraps stand? How you actually think!” 绿衣妖精吃惊道:“什么?你们要去拾荒站?啧啧,你们到底是怎么想的!” Curtain: „......” 幕:“……” Gu Qingshan say: Ticket is you give us.” 顾青山道:“车票是你给我们的。” Monster Spirit shrugs, said: This is not I can control, in the ticket has the monster technique, the automatic selection will suit your places.” 妖精耸耸肩,说:“这又不是我能控制的,车票上有妖术,会自动选择适合你们的地方。” - Bang bang bang! 呜-轰隆轰隆轰隆! The distant place broadcast the sound of train. 远方传来了火车的声音。 Ok, you cleaning scraps stand, perhaps you can there junction good luck.” Green clothes Monster Spirit said. “好了,你们就去拾荒站吧,兴许你们能在那里交好运。”绿衣妖精道。 Wait, actually does cleaning scraps stand is what place?” Gu Qingshan asked. “等等,拾荒站究竟是什么样的地方?”顾青山问道。 Green clothes Monster Spirit selected the place with the foot, said: „A garbage dump, Civilization that remains close to era, we sometimes will sort strangely, good for nothing some thing, is used to carry out the incomparably fair transaction with other races.” 绿衣妖精用脚点了点地,说道:“一个垃圾场,靠近上个纪元所残留下来的文明,我们有时候会去拣一些奇怪的、毫无价值的东西,用来去跟其他种族进行无比公正的交易。” What previous era is Civilization?” Gu Qingshan also asked. “上个纪元文明是什么?”顾青山又问。 „Don't you have the good easy to learn history lesson?” In the green clothes Monster Spirit look reveals the meaning of despising, said: Underground depths is the Myriad Gods Temple's vestige, that crowd of fearing death Spiritual God throw down the whole world, does not know where hid.” “你没好好学历史课吗?”绿衣妖精眼神中流露出鄙视之意,说道:“地下深处就是万神殿的遗迹啊,那群怕死的神灵丢下整个世界,不知道躲哪儿去了。” Recently Heavens always falls some strange thing to get down, our Monster Spirit carried out a refuse classification there, wants to fall in thing that to discover from some is valuable, therefore there is noisy now.” “不过最近天上总是掉一些奇怪的东西下来,我们妖精在那里搞了一个垃圾分类,想从那些掉落的东西里找出一些有价值,所以现在那里闹哄哄的。” „- You have a look also to might as well.” “-你们去看看也无妨。”
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