WAO :: Volume #15

#1472: Stars

Run!” “快跑!” Steel and iron Mechanical Battle Armor shouted the instance that Gu Qingshan is entraining Chi Hu, dashes toward another side full strength of path. 钢铁机动战甲喊出来的瞬间,顾青山拽着赤鹄,朝道路的另一边全力飞奔。 The curtain and Renedora closely follow. 幕和蕾妮朵尔紧紧跟上。 just now this Mechanical Battle Armor said was very clear, they are not the opponent of that three person! 刚才这个机动战甲说的很清楚了,他们不是那三个人的对手! The blasting and bellow in resound behind one after another. 炸裂声、轰鸣声在身后接连响起。 Earth vibrates unceasingly. 大地不断抖动。 Mist and dust everywhere. 烟尘漫天。 The wind that the shock-wave forms blows unceasingly, binds figure of youngster, helping them speed up leaving the place of battle. 冲击波形成的风不断吹来,裹住少年们的身形,帮助他们加快离开交战之地。 Four people do not dare to turn head, goes all out to dash. 四人也不敢回头,一路拼命飞奔。 Renedora, what are they relate with you?” Gu Qingshan runs asked loudly. 蕾妮朵尔,他们跟你是什么关系?”顾青山边跑边大声问道。 The Renedora complexion is somewhat pale, shakes the head saying: I do not know.” 蕾妮朵尔脸色有几分苍白,摇摇头道:“我不知道。” But they must kill you!” Gu Qingshan say. “可是他们要杀你!”顾青山道 Renedora has not spoken, but got hold of the fist. 蕾妮朵尔没说话,只是握紧了拳头。 Look, front is the community!” Curtain loud say/way. “看,前面就是聚居区!”幕大声道。 An architectural complex of small town appearance appears in the people field of vision. 一个小镇模样的建筑群出现在众人视野中。 We do not go, continue to hurry along!” Renedora said. “我们不进去,继续赶路!”蕾妮朵尔道。 Gu Qingshan looks at her one eyes. 顾青山看她一眼。 This woman was afraid. 这个女人害怕了。 „It is not good,” Gu Qingshan say, „our day has not eaten thing, must go to look for some food, supplements the consumption.” “不行,”顾青山道,“我们一天没吃东西了,必须进去找些食物,补充消耗。” Renedora said: But that robot is unable to resist-” 蕾妮朵尔道:“但那个机器人无法抵挡-” Gu Qingshan breaks her saying: Even our running not to stop, will be caught up with by that three people finally, they are very strong, is much stronger than us.” 顾青山打断她道:“就算我们一刻不停的奔跑,最后还是会被那三个人赶上的,他们很强,比我们强得多。” Renedora is at a loss for words. 蕾妮朵尔语塞。 Yes. 是啊。 From just now that three people of showing speed, they can certainly catch up with us. 刚才那三人展现的速度来看,他们一定能追上我们。 What to do? 怎么办? The small town is close at hand. 小镇已近在眼前。 The Gu Qingshan vision sweeps, immediately charges into some building. 顾青山目光一扫,立刻冲向某一栋建筑。 The curtain, Renedora and Chi Hu hurry to follow. 幕、蕾妮朵尔赤鹄赶紧跟上。 Bang- 嘭- Gu Qingshan kicks aside the front door, looks toward the bar. 顾青山一脚踢开大门,朝酒吧里望去。 Several glasses of liquor are placed on the air-to-air bar ; Put for night bakes the small bread to be the burnt orange, is only left over half ; Together already cold the beef steak falls on the ground of corridor, stained the dust. 几杯酒摆在空空的吧台上;放了一夜的烤小面包呈焦黄色,只剩下一半;一块早就冷了的牛排掉在过道的地上,沾满了灰尘。 Who has the space vessel?” Gu Qingshan asked. “谁有空间容器?”顾青山问。 I.” The curtain holds up Book of Destiny, hints to say. “我。”幕举起命运之书,示意道。 Gu Qingshan assigns to say immediately: Chi Hu and Renedora, you rest here, the curtain after I go the kitchen thing that installs to eat.” 顾青山立刻分配道:“赤鹄蕾妮朵尔,你们在这里休息,幕跟我去后厨装吃的东西。” Two people have leapt the bar gently, walks after the kitchen. 两人轻轻跃过吧台,朝后厨走去。 Chi Hu sees that looked for a sofa directly, comfortable by sitting. 赤鹄见状,直接找了个沙发,舒服的靠坐上去。 Come, sits down quickly, grasps the time rest.” She beckons to say toward Renedora. “来,快坐下,抓紧时间休息。”她朝蕾妮朵尔招手道。 Renedora as if did not have slow the god, some little time sits. 蕾妮朵尔似乎还没缓过神,好一会儿才坐下来。 They...... must kill me......” “他们……要杀我……” Renedora thought aloud. 蕾妮朵尔自言自语道。 Chi Hu sees this, comforts saying: All right, has Rhodes and curtain, they have certainly the means.” 赤鹄见她这样,安慰道:“没事,有罗德和幕在,他们一定有办法的。” Renedora looks to her. 蕾妮朵尔望向她。 Chi Hu smiles bitterly and astringently, low say/way: At least you have your main body special ability, can participate in combat, but I gave up the own auxiliary ability, no longer has Strength of Death, perhaps was unable again and everyone together combat.” 赤鹄苦涩一笑,低落的道:“至少你还具备你本身特殊能力,可以参与战斗,而我放弃了自己的辅助能力,又不再具备死亡之力,恐怕已经无法再和大家一起战斗了。” Renedora thought a while silently, suddenly sets out, after arriving at the bar, selects one bottle of liquor to come out. 蕾妮朵尔默默想了一会儿,忽然起身,走到吧台后,挑了一瓶酒出来。 She raises one's wine cup to place the Chi Hu front, said: Tries.” 她把酒放在赤鹄的面前,说:“试试。” Chi Hu has a look at the liquor, swallows the saliva, shakes the head saying: Lord of Laws of Death is have passed away, drinking also useful?” 赤鹄看看酒,咽了咽口水,摇头道:“死亡法则之主已经不在了,喝酒又有什么用?” Renedora explained: Principle Behemoth truly entire death ray, therefore the curtain is equal to that now new Lord of Laws of Radiance, but Rhodes is Lord of Laws of Death, you summoned his Strength of Laws of Death through liquor type of catalyst, could succeed.” 蕾妮朵尔解释道:“法则巨兽确实全死光了,所以现在幕等于是新的光辉法则之主,而罗德就是死亡法则之主,你通过酒这种触媒来呼唤他的死亡法则之力,也许能成功。” Chi Hu received the beverage bottle, clenches teeth, gurgle gurgle fills toward the mouth. 赤鹄接过酒瓶,一咬牙,咕嘟咕嘟往嘴里灌去。 ! 咣! She places on the empty wine bottles the table, spreads out the hand, said in a soft voice: Rhodes, please grant me Strength of Death.” 她把空酒瓶放在桌子上,摊开手,轻声道:“罗德,请赐予我死亡之力。” Latter kitchen. 后厨。 Gu Qingshan induces immediately. 顾青山立刻感应到了。 Marvelous...... is because I like drinking, she also likes drinking, therefore she natural is compatible my body Strength of Death?” “奇妙……是因为我喜欢喝酒,她也喜欢喝酒,所以她就天然的亲和我身上死亡之力?” He is muttering in a low voice, suddenly outstretches the hand, gently according to Void. 他低声喃喃着,忽然伸开手,轻轻按在虚空中。 The lines after lines of star light appears baseless, before Gu Qingshan has not responded, condensing one fully is star light scroll. 一道道星光凭空显现,在顾青山尚未反应过来之前,凝聚成一张满是星光的卷轴 This scroll drills into Void, falls on the outside Chi Hu front. 这张卷轴钻入虚空,落在外面赤鹄的面前。 Chi Hu fixes the eyes on looked, sees only above to write: 赤鹄定睛一看,只见上面写着: You provide for me, I grant you Strength of Death.” “你供养我,我赐予你死亡之力。” Chi Hu is overjoyed, hastily hand according to scroll. 赤鹄大喜过望,连忙将手按在卷轴上。 - 呼- scroll combustion completely. 卷轴燃烧殆尽。 A dark roaring flame sickle flies from Void, falls in the hand of Chi Hu. 一柄黑暗烈焰镰刀从虚空飞出来,落在赤鹄的手中。 Success!” “成功了!” Chi Hu calls out in alarm said that on the face shows the bright smile. 赤鹄惊呼道,脸上露出灿烂的笑容。 Finally. 终于。 Finally oneself can combat! 终于自己又可以战斗了! She puts down the sickle, turned around to hold Renedora. 她放下镰刀,转身去抱了抱蕾妮朵尔 Many thanks you, Renedora! You helped I very big busy!” “多谢你,蕾妮朵尔!你帮了我很大的一个忙!” Renedora smiles. 蕾妮朵尔笑了笑。 Actually this matter, so long as analyzes calmly can reach the conclusion. 其实这种事,只要冷静分析就可以得到结论。 Curtain. 幕。 Rhodes. 罗德 They will become in the world final two Lord of Laws. 他们两人将成为世界上最后的两位法则之主 However here has a question. 不过这里有一个疑问。 Other Lord of Laws death rays, then their strengths? 其他法则之主死光了,那么它们的力量呢? Renedora looking pensive, looks up the star glow of oneself top of the head. 蕾妮朵尔若有所思,抬头去看自己头顶的星芒。 Three star glow, gently float above her. 三点星芒,轻轻悬浮在她头上。 Star glow...... 星芒…… This matter, must go to World of Laws to confirm. 这件事,还是得去法则世界确认一下。 But now is too dangerous, without the means goes. 但现在太危险了,没办法去。 That three people just want to kill oneself. 那三个人正想杀自己 Renedora light pressed brow. 蕾妮朵尔轻蹙眉头。 Who cannot recall that three people are. 始终记不起那三个人到底是谁。 Kills me...... 杀我…… She shakes the head, thought aloud: I grow up in Valley of World since childhood, how to know the these fierce fellow? This was too inconceivable.” 她摇摇头,自言自语道:“我从小在世界之谷长大,怎么会认识这些凶恶的家伙?这太不可思议了。” Gu Qingshan and curtain walk after the kitchen, happen to hears her to speak. 顾青山和幕从后厨走出来,正好听见她说话。 The curtain stride walks, grips her hand, firm say/way: Do not think so many, in the world many life existed, we cannot go on living well.” 幕大步走上来,握住她的手,坚定的道:“别想那么多,世界上已经没有多少生命存在了,我们得好好活下去。” Gu Qingshan added one: Who wants to kill you, I and curtain want his life!” 顾青山添了一句:“谁想杀你,我和幕就要他的命!” Renedora has a look at two people, nod of being able not help. 蕾妮朵尔看看两人,情不自禁的点点头。 In this desperate death boundary, oneself also has the trustworthy companion. 在这绝望的死境之中,自己还有值得信赖的同伴。 ...... But is oneself so why sigh with emotion? ……可是自己为什么如此感慨? Why does not know, Renedora thought that in the eye is somewhat hot, casts aside to go hastily excessively, shifts the topic: You found to eat?” 不知为何,蕾妮朵尔觉得眼中有些热,连忙撇过头去,转移话题道:“你们找到吃的了吗?” Gu Qingshan and curtain look at each other to smile. 顾青山和幕相视而笑。 Behind has food storage room, we evacuated it.” Curtain say/way. “后面有个食物储藏室,我们把它搬空了。”幕道。 Two people take out various eating drinking thing, chocks up on the table. 两人取出各种各样吃的喝的东西,在桌子上摆满。 Four people were awfully hungry, gathered round the table to eat. 四人都饿坏了,围着桌子吃了起来。 Even must escape, that must have stamina to escape is good. 就算要逃命,那也得有体力逃才行。 I think with Rhodes, cannot escape like this, after all the speed of opposite party is faster than us.” Mu said. “我跟罗德想了想,不能这样逃下去,毕竟对方的速度比我们快。”幕说道。 That what to do?” Renedora asked. “那怎么办?”蕾妮朵尔问。 Finished eating said again, has another means.” Gu Qingshan mysterious say/way. “吃完再说,有另一个办法。”顾青山神秘的道。 Chi Hu eats, say/way that while is interested in: Rhodes, you can condense the Death contract unexpectedly, it seems like you were really later Death God.” 赤鹄一边吃,一边感兴趣的道:“罗德,你竟然能凝聚死亡契约,看来你真的是以后的死神了。” Gu Qingshan is tilting the head, some say/way of doubts: When I use the Law of Death strength, as if has other strengths to help me.” 顾青山歪着头,有些疑惑的道:“在我使用死亡法则力量的时候,似乎有其他的力量在帮我。” Helps you?” Other three people of say/way with one voice. “帮你?”其他三人异口同声的道。 Right, is a Stars strength-” Gu Qingshan at this point, suddenly shut up. “对,是一种星辰般的力-”顾青山说到这里,突然住口。 Stars. 星辰 He thought. 他想起来了。 Everywhere Stars, is Apocalypse Controlling Fate strength manifestation. 漫天星辰,是末日司命的力量具现 When Master appears, oneself can induce to her is the spent force, all magical skills and strengths are in the brink of collapse. 师尊出现之时,自己能感应到她已是强弩之末,所有道行与力量都处于崩溃的边缘。 For all this, Master was a sword cuts to break to pieces Controlling Fate. 尽管如此,师尊还是一剑斩碎了司命 Then, these star glow what's the matter? 那么,这些星芒到底是怎么回事? What did Master change in secret? 师尊是不是暗中改变了什么? Gu Qingshan took a deep breath, discussed: All Living Things life belongs to Lord of Laws of Death, crawls in my, and hugs and others Death.” 顾青山深深吸了口气,念道:“众生生命归于死亡法则之主,于我脚下匍匐,并拥抱尔等的死亡吧。” The infinite star light condenses in his around the body, finally changes to one group of dark flame, calmly floats motionless. 无穷星光在他身周凝聚,最终化作一团黑暗火焰,静静漂浮不动。 Gu Qingshan is feeling the Black Flame strength, hesitates saying: Has not used my strength, but is the World Source Strength auto-polymerization, is useful to me.” 顾青山感受着黑火的力量,沉吟道:“并未利用我的力量,而是世界源力自动聚合起来,为我所用。” Renedora is startled, looked up the star light of oneself top of the head again. 蕾妮朵尔怔住,再次抬头看了看自己头顶的星光。 This matter- as if- 这件事-似乎- The curtain also extends take action, read to praise: Radiance and Dawn strength dispels all evil, is Angel arrives and for me, but to time.” 幕也伸出手,念颂道:“光辉晨曦的力量祛除一切邪恶,是天使降临并为我而至的时刻。” The innumerable star light moves around him, finally changes to splendor of the Dawn, condenses in his hands. 数不清的星光围绕他旋转,最终化作一片晨曦之辉,凝聚在他手中。 This gorgeous and dignified ray illuminated four people of body, dispelled their exhausted. 这片绚丽而庄严的光芒照亮了四人身躯,祛除了他们的疲惫。 Quite effective! 相当有效! The curtain thought a while, said: „The laws thorough change of the world.” 幕想了一会儿,说道:“世界的法则彻底改变了。” What do you mean?” Gu Qingshan asked. “什么意思?”顾青山问。 From now on, Source Strength completely manifestation of the world is Stars, can condense many Stars, then can how far grasp the laws strength.” Curtain say/way. 从现在开始,世界的源力全部具现星辰,能凝聚多少星辰,便可以在多大程度上掌握法则的力量。”幕道。 Doesn't need to communicate with Principle Behemoth?” Renedora asked. “不需要与法则巨兽沟通了?”蕾妮朵尔问道。 Does not need, only to have Radiance or Strength of Death, needs communicates with me and Rhodes.” Path leading to a tomb. “不需要了,除非是想拥有光辉死亡之力,才需要跟我和罗德沟通。”墓道。 Four people realize an issue gradually, falls into silent. 四人渐渐意识到一个问题,不由陷入沉默。 The Chi Hu difficult opens the mouth said: In other words......” 赤鹄艰难的开口道:“也就是说……” Right, yes.” The curtain nod said. “对,是的。”幕点头道。 Renedora sighed, full was the say/way that shocked: From now on, everyone all may absorb Strength of Stars, becomes Principle Behemoth such exist(ence), even exceeds them.” 蕾妮朵尔叹了口气,满是震撼的道:“从现在开始,人人皆可吸收星辰之力,成为法则巨兽那样的存在,甚至超越它们。” „- Even exceeds them.” Gu Qingshan added. “-甚至超越它们。”顾青山补充道。
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