WAO :: Volume #15

#1475: Comes out! Wolf of Death!

The peripheral zone of wilderness. 荒野的边缘地带。 In the each and everyone giant gulf, there is a fire to burn unceasingly, the ultra-high temperature makes the air twist, forms the invisible ripple. 一个个巨大的深坑之中,有火不断燃烧,超高的温度让空气扭曲,形成无形波纹。 The components of shatter scatter place, everywhere is. 破碎的零件散落一地,到处都是。 Bah! Really hard to deal with.” “呸!真难缠。” The form crawls together from the pit, sits on the ground, the chest fluctuates like the bellower is the same. 一道身影从坑里爬出来,坐在地上,胸口起伏如风箱一样。 „...... Killed it finally.” “总算……干掉它了。” Another sound said. 另一道声音道。 Renedora does not have long known where ran up.” 蕾妮朵尔早就不知道跑到哪里去了。” Also the sound said together. 又一道声音道。 Also two forms crawl from the gulf, sits together with the beforehand that form. 又有两道身影从深坑中爬出来,与之前那身影坐在一起 Three Gods. 三神 After three hours, they thoroughly destroyed that steel Mechanical Battle Armor finally. 历经三个多小时,他们终于彻底摧毁了那台钢铁机动战甲 The price exhausted the own strength, has to rest same place. 代价就是耗尽了自己的力量,不得不在原地休息。 Can pursue?” Poison God asked. “要追吗?”毒神问。 Pursuing must certainly pursue, but we are now exhausted, needs to rest slightly- after all these body, is the mortals.” God of Prediction said. “追是肯定要追,但现在我们精疲力尽,需要稍稍休息一下-毕竟这些身体,是凡人们的。”预言之神道。 Two god slightly nod. 两神微微点头 God of Darkness said suddenly: I discovered a strange matter.” 暗神忽然道:“我发现了一件奇怪的事。” What matter?” Poison God asked. “什么事?”毒神问。 Look.” God of Darkness picks in Void gently, picks up Stars in the hand. “看。”暗神虚空中轻轻一摘,将一颗星辰拈在手中。 The God of Prediction peak however changes countenance, said: This is not right, why all do laws outside Radiance and Death, condense in this Stars?” 预言之神耸然动容,道:“这不对,为什么光辉死亡之外的所有法则,都凝聚在这星辰中?” Poison God said: Even in our era, has not had such strange matter.” 毒神道:“就算在我们的纪元,也没发生过这么离奇的事。” God of Prediction said: Right, rule of the world was changed, is really inconceivable- yesterday evening, had certainly the matter that anything surpassed us to understand!” 预言之神道:“对,世界的规则被改变了,真是不可思议-昨天晚上,一定发生了什么超出我们理解的事!” Three Gods looks one, saw the dignity in opposite party look. 三神对望一眼,都看到了对方眼神中的凝重。 God of Prediction hesitates saying: Since can direct communication laws, we not seek for Renedora temporarily.” 预言之神沉吟道:“既然可以直接沟通法则,我们暂时就不去寻找蕾妮朵尔了。” „Should we do now?” God of Darkness asked. “那我们现在该干什么?”暗神问。 God of Prediction smiles, said: original(ly), only then Renedora can condense Stars, came from the Dust-Laden World summon us, now we do not need to depend upon her again.” 预言之神一笑,说道:“原本只有蕾妮朵尔能凝聚星辰,将我们从尘封世界呼唤而来,现在我们不必再依靠她。” You said-” “你是说-” We must seek for some corpses, summoning more companions to arrive.” “我们要寻找一些尸体,呼唤更多的同伴降临。” God of Prediction closely makes a fist , to continue saying: Waits for Myriad Gods arrived, we go to look for again Renedora, killed her, found out yesterday evening matter.” 预言之神紧紧握着拳,继续道:“等万神降临,我们再去把蕾妮朵尔找出来,杀了她,查出昨天晚上的事。” ...... …… The star light in Gu Qingshan hand illuminates all around, caused the attention of curtain, Renedora and Chi Hu. 顾青山手中的星光照亮四周,引起了幕、蕾妮朵尔赤鹄的注意。 Rhodes, did you also start to condense the star glow?” Mu asked. 罗德,你也开始凝聚星芒了?”幕问道。 Tries.” Gu Qingshan said with a smile. “试试。”顾青山笑道。 Chi Hu squats in front of Gu Qingshan, both hands about together, make the pray shape: Rhodes, you may probably try hard, I am your Covenanter, you in the future strong, decided directly I had many Strength of Laws of Death to use, to ask you!” 赤鹄蹲在顾青山面前,双手合在一起,做祈祷状:“罗德,你可要努力啊,我是你的契约者,你将来有多强,直接决定了我有多少死亡法则之力可以用,拜托你了!” Gu Qingshan somewhat speechless say/way: I am not a god, you do obeisance me to do like this.” 顾青山有些无语的道:“我又不是神,你这样拜我干什么。” You and curtain are equal to the god now in every world.” Renedora said. “你和幕现在就等于是神在凡世。”蕾妮朵尔道。 Mu said with a smile: „A mortal consecrates another mortal, and gains strength from opposite party body- in the world has not truly had this situation.” 幕笑道:“一个凡人供奉另一个凡人,并从对方身上获取力量-世界上确实还没出现过这种情况。” Did not say that I must attempt, having a look at Strength of Laws of Death to suit makes anything.” Gu Qingshan say. “不说了,我得尝试一下,看看死亡法则之力适合做什么。”顾青山道 He looks at that star light in hand, quick is being lost in thought. 他望着手中的那一点星光,很快就陷入沉思。 Chi Hu and curtain and Renedora look one, closing the door quietly, went to another compartment. 赤鹄和幕、蕾妮朵尔对望一眼,悄悄的关上门,去了另一节车厢。 Since Rhodes were pondering that the road of advanced , that is do not disturb his good. 罗德既然在思考进阶之路,那还是不要打扰他的好。 In this compartment, is only left over Gu Qingshan to sit there. 这节车厢里,只剩下顾青山坐在那里。 He starts to ponder the Boss words. 他开始思考老大的话。 „...... Radiance all have been doomed, only have Law of Death not definite......” “……光辉的一切已经注定,只有死亡法则还是不确定的……” Radiance all are doomed- 光辉的一切注定- Inner World was slaughtered by Renedora, Boss was also stabbed by her personally, then thrusts Eternal Abyss. 里世界蕾妮朵尔屠戮一空,老大也被她亲手刺中,然后推入永恒深渊 Renedora controlled Evil Ghost Path, unceasing going on a punitive expedition against other world, even controlled Myriad Beasts Abyss Cave by the technique of soul exchange, stole Boundary Divine Sword from Great Grave. 蕾妮朵尔控制了恶鬼道,不断的征伐其他世界,甚至以灵魂互换之术控制了万兽深窟,从大墓之中盗走了定界神剑 Now, she is still seeking the curtain other half body of seal. 现在,她还在寻求幕所封印的另一半身躯 these is doomed to happen, absolutely unmodifiable karma. 这些都是注定要发生,绝对不可改变的因果 Only is left over Law of Death. 只剩下死亡法则 It is indefinite. 它不确定。 It may develop the different aspects baseless. 它可能会凭空开拓出不一样的局面。 This is the unprecedented aspect that Distortion and Existence form. 这是“篡改”“存在”形成的前所未有的局面。 Read and this, Gu Qingshan could not bear think aloud: Death is desperate, can actually bring about the hope, destiny satirizes forever......” 一念及此,顾青山忍不住自言自语道:“死亡本是绝望,却能带来希望,命运永远是这么讽刺……” He extends take action, takes out Stars from Void. 他伸出手,又从虚空中取出一枚星辰 Two Stars in his hand gently float. 两颗星辰在他手上轻轻悬浮。 Although their rays dim, but actually contains inconceivable World Source Strength. 它们的光芒虽熹微,但其实蕴含着不可思议的世界源力 these Source Strength contained some laws outside Radiance and Death, it is so great and vast, wonderful and indescribable. 这些源力包含了光辉死亡之外的一些法则,它是如此宏大、浩瀚、美妙、难以言喻。 Such strength...... 这样的力量…… If the curtain, the curtain can construct the weapon and armor to have and even is find the way to make the mortal with them have the Principle Behemoth strength. 如果是幕的话,幕会用它们来构建兵器、甲具、甚至是想办法让凡人具备法则巨兽般的力量。 Perhaps, these Abyss bodies of later generation, are the curtain the method of mortal laws. 兴许,后世的那些深渊体,便是幕将凡人法则化的手段。 Weapon......” “兵器……” Gu Qingshan for a long time, put out a hand to extract a long stick from Void silent suddenly. 顾青山沉默许久,忽然伸手从虚空之中抽出了一根长杖。 Suppressing Prison Ghost Monarch Staff! 镇狱鬼王杖 Death...... the hope......” Gu Qingshan muttered in a low voice. 死亡……希望……”顾青山低声喃喃道。 He presses into Suppressing Prison Ghost Monarch Staff two Stars suddenly ruthlessly. 他突然将两颗星辰狠狠按入镇狱鬼王杖 Suppressing Prison Ghost Monarch Staff like covering the one layer cold light, shone the entire compartment like the hoar frost world. 镇狱鬼王杖如同镀上了一层冷光,将整个车厢照耀如白霜般的世界。 Strength is insufficient.” “力量不够。” Gu Qingshan takes out Stars from Void, gently according to Suppressing Prison Ghost Monarch Staff. 顾青山又从虚空取出一枚星辰,轻轻按在镇狱鬼王杖上。 Suppressing Prison Ghost Monarch Staff absorbed this Stars, became brighter. 镇狱鬼王杖吸收了这颗星辰,变得更亮了。 At this time Gu Qingshan had felt strenuous, fished out one bottle of strong liquor conveniently, operated the cover, filled fiercely toward the mouth. 这时候顾青山已经感到吃力,随手摸出一瓶烈酒,开了盖子,猛地朝口中灌去。 His in a single breath drank up the liquor, entered in the hand Void, in the mouth called out one: 一口气喝光了酒,将手伸入虚空之中,口中暴喝一声: Comes out!” “出来!” Another Stars was touched by him, according to into Suppressing Prison Ghost Monarch Staff. 又一枚星辰被他摸了出来,按入镇狱鬼王杖 Four Stars! 四枚星辰了! Gu Qingshan grasps the scepter, waves in Void rapidly. 顾青山手持权杖,飞速在虚空中舞动。 The scepter place visited, Star Splendour connects the line, outlined the forming. 权杖所过之处,星辉连接成线,勾勒成形。 The curtain, Renedora and Chi Hu hear the sound, hurries examination. 幕、蕾妮朵尔赤鹄听到动静,赶紧过来查看情况。 Sees only in Void, a graph was drawn by Gu Qingshan. 只见虚空之中,一个图形被顾青山画了出来。 This is......” curtain indefinite say/way. “这是……”幕不确定的道。 laws manifestation exist(ence)?” Renedora asked. 法则具现存在?”蕾妮朵尔问道。 Gu Qingshan sits on the ground, is tired gasps for breath, said: Yes, this is Law of Death Object of Manifestation, it will have Death all strengths.” 顾青山一屁股坐在地上,累得直喘气,说道:“是的,这是死亡法则具现之物,它将具备死亡的一切力量。” Chi Hu has a look at the Stars graph in that midair, sees only its some resembles some beast. 赤鹄看看那半空中的星辰图形,只见它有些像某种野兽 She said puzzled: Is why so small?” 她不解道:“可是为什么这么小?” Because I only have such strength, when later I restored, gradually lets its become stronger again.” Gu Qingshan say. “因为我只具有这样的力量,等以后我恢复了,再逐渐让它变强。”顾青山道 so that's how it is.” Chi Hu said. 原来如此。”赤鹄道。 What is it?” Asking that the curtain is interested. “它到底是什么?”幕感兴趣的问。 It will grasp the Death strength, I am willing to be called Wolf of Death.” Gu Qingshan say. “它将掌握死亡的力量,我愿称为死亡之狼。”顾青山道 Wolf of Death! 死亡之狼 He condenses life by Death unexpectedly. 他竟然以死亡来凝聚生命 life that like this obtains, certainly has the Death strength. 这样得到的生命,一定具备死亡的力量。 Really wonderful idea! 真是奇思妙想! Curtain constructs powerful soul artifact by Stars, but you condense Death-Class life by Stars- matter that you do, is not the average person does.” Renedora praised. “幕以星辰构建强大的魂器,而你以星辰凝聚死亡类生命-你们所做的事,都不是一般人做得出来的。”蕾妮朵尔赞道。 The beast graph that during the speeches, the splendor of that Stars outlined fell on the ground, gradually congealing reality. 说话间,那星辰之辉勾勒的野兽图形落在地上,渐渐凝实。 This beast was just born, the build is not truly big, only to the knee of Gu Qingshan. 野兽刚诞生,确实体形不大,只到顾青山的膝盖。 Actually is not too small. 其实也不算太小。 Looking from the outside, it like the newborn young wolf, a point, the surface is long, nose suddenly, some furry also cute. 从外表来看,它就像初生的幼狼,头尖,面长,鼻突,毛茸茸的还有些可爱 This is black Death-Class life. 这是一条黑色的死亡类生命 Four people look at that beast, does not have the slight contempt. 四人看着那野兽,却没有丝毫的轻视。 Although it was just born, although cannot see the power and prestige of wolf in its body completely, but this is life that Law of Death condenses, being doomed to grasp the Death strength, after no one knows it, strong. 虽然它刚诞生,虽然在它身上完全看不出狼的威风,但这是死亡法则所凝聚的生命,注定要掌握死亡的力量,谁也不知道它以后会有多强。 It seems like same as my All Living Things Destroyer soul artifact, the embryonic form stage, needs unceasing condensation Strength of Stars, lets its become stronger.” The curtain comments. “看来和我的众生摧毁者魂器一样,都还是雏形阶段,需要不断的凝聚星辰之力,让其变强。”幕评价道。 Right, I will train it, enabling it to grasp the Death strength slowly-” “对,我会训练它,让它慢慢掌握死亡的力量-” Gu Qingshan is saying, then beckons to say to that beast: Come, Wolf of Death, I am your Creator!” 顾青山说着,便冲着那野兽招手道:“来吧,死亡之狼,我是你的创造者!” beast looks to Gu Qingshan, in the vision reveals the meaning of being intimate with. 野兽望向顾青山,目光中流露出亲近之意。 It moved. 它动了。 Its tail first moved. 它的尾巴先动了。 Sees only it to keep swaying the tail, the starting to walk claw dashes to come toward Gu Qingshan, in the mouth barked wildly: 只见它不停摇晃尾巴,迈开爪子朝顾青山飞奔而来,口中狂吠道: Woof woof! woof Woof woof!” “汪汪!汪汪汪!” Under the gazes of four people of dumbstruck, this only Wolf of Death jumped in the Gu Qingshan bosom directly! 在四人目瞪口呆的注视下,这只“死亡之狼”直接扑进了顾青山怀里!
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