WAO :: Volume #15

#1469: The third seal

Star light entirely to extinguish. 星光俱灭。 The sky falls into the deep darkness again. 天空再次陷入深沉的黑暗。 The remote wind passing over gently and swiftly expansive sky, sent out layer upon layer the darkness and dark-gray ripples, the vault of heaven like the deep deep pool that the silence boiled. 遥远的风掠过长空,散发出层层黑暗与深灰色的涟漪,天穹就像无声而沸腾的深潭。 Gu Qingshan stands in the wilderness, the intention surges, for a very long time is unappeasable. 顾青山站在荒野之中,心怀激荡,久久无法平息。 This phase of fuzzy history, is the Master method! 这一段模糊的历史,原来是师尊的手段! All Living Things all forgot the matter of this period of time, guaranteed the Six Paths of Samsara matter will not divulge. 众生全忘了这段时间发生的事情,就保证了六道轮回的事不会泄露。 The Six Paths of Samsara matter does not divulge, will not bring in a bigger disaster! 六道轮回的事不泄露,就不会引来更大的灾难! The Gu Qingshan train of thought long time, the vision falls in that line of glow small characters in Void, fresh has doubts at heart gradually. 顾青山思绪良久,目光落在虚空中的那行萤火小字上,心里渐生疑惑。 War God Interface, why will I have Asura live in son-in-law this status?” 战神界面,为何我会有‘阿修罗赘婿’这个身份?” He asked. 他问道。 Because you have ‚the tears of Asura- this is the standard authentication of Asura Path being related through marriage alien race.” The War God Interface response said. “因为你拥有‘阿修罗之泪’-这是阿修罗道通婚异族的标准身份认证。”战神界面回应道。 That Beast King Path contract and treaty of alliance?” Gu Qingshan also asked. “那‘兽王道的契约与盟誓者’呢?”顾青山又问。 Beast King Path successor others Shanhai Qixia, is entire Myriad Beasts Abyss Cave is only inheritance, but soul still in it person, she represents in Myriad Beasts Abyss Cave to know all expert in secret, with you in Myriad Beasts Abyss Cave Great Grave, forms the life and death union with you.” War God Interface said. 兽王道传人山海栖霞,是整个万兽深窟唯一得传承而灵魂仍在之人,她代表万兽深窟之中所有暗中知晓一切的强者,与你在万兽深窟大墓之中,与你结成生死同盟。”战神界面道。 A Gu Qingshan slightly recollection, remembers this matter gradually. 顾青山略一回忆,渐渐想起这件事。 At that time innumerable Apocalypse will soon run out of Great Grave, destruction entire Myriad Beasts Abyss Cave, oneself to help her, helped the Myriad Beasts Abyss Cave person, started Heaven and Earth Twin Swords to go to Parallel World, looked for many oneself, resisted Apocalypse together. 当时无数末日即将冲出大墓,毁灭整个万兽深窟,自己为了帮她,帮万兽深窟的人,发动天地双剑去了平行世界,找来许多自己,一同对抗末日 Shanhai Qixia at that time, distributed the pledge. 山海栖霞就是在那个时候,发下了誓言。 Said...... 这么说…… oneself also really has the connection with Asura Path and Beast King Path. 自己还真的与阿修罗道兽王道有关联。 Gu Qingshan raised the head suddenly. 顾青山忽然抬起头。 Sees only in the sky, Stars of that idea appears absolutely again, their original(ly) had been cut a sword by Xie Daoling, but actually appears at this moment again. 只见天空上,那万万计的星辰再次浮现,它们原本已经被谢道灵斩过一剑,但此刻却再次浮现。 What was different from before, everywhere Stars no longer sent out the light of twinkle, lost that inexplicable constriction. 与之前不同的是,漫天星辰不再散发出闪烁的光,也失去了那种莫名的压迫感。 They change to lines after lines of light, everywhere scurry about, crashes into various Earth places from the sky. 它们化作一道道流光,漫天乱窜,从天空坠入大地各处。 Great and magnificent meteor shower was born! 一场宏大而壮观的流星雨诞生了! Gu Qingshan calmly looks at this. 顾青山静静看着这一幕。 Master wants by this Controlling Fate Apocalypse, to do to conceal for this world slightly, is dispersing of Six Paths fragment strives for time. 师尊想以这“司命末日,为这个世界稍做掩饰,为六道碎片的飞散争取时间 This writing skill is how grand! 这手笔何其壮阔哉! ...... Actually does not know, this world will then have anything. ……却不知道,这个世界接下来会发生什么。 Gu Qingshan is thinking silently, near the ear broadcasts the Boss sound suddenly: 顾青山正默默想着,耳边忽然传来老大的声音: so that's how it is, in this phase of fuzzy history, secret that conceals Six Paths of Samsara is arriving, no wonder I will think that memory is fuzzy.” 原来如此,在这段模糊的历史中,藏着六道轮回降临的秘密,难怪我会觉得记忆模糊。” Gu Qingshan say: Myriad Gods Temple reveals itself , because detects the condition ahead of time, therefore arranges Renedora born, comes to seek in Apocalypse to hit Gate of World exist(ence).” 顾青山道:“万神殿出世,是因为提前察觉到状况,所以安排蕾妮朵尔出世,前来寻找在末日中撞开世界之门存在。” Boss said: But they do not know, what come is Six Paths of Samsara.” 老大道:“但是他们不知道,来的是六道轮回。” Right.” Gu Qingshan say. “对。”顾青山道 Boss said: Luckily has you to arrive in this period of time, this phase of history is gradually clear, and stabilizes, it will not change again.” 老大道:“幸亏有你来到这段时光之中,这段历史已经逐渐清晰,并稳定下来,它不会再改变了。” In Void, a page of blank emerges out of thin air, falls in the Gu Qingshan hand. 虚空之中,一张空白的书页凭空出现,落在顾青山手中。 On War God Interface appears fast one line of glow small characters: 战神界面上飞快浮现出一行萤火小字: You obtained third Part of Seal.” “你得到了第三枚封印之章。” This kind of seal altogether has six, you must obtain another three Part of Seal.” “该类封印共有六枚,你还需获得另外三枚封印之章。” Gu Qingshan looks, slightly a ponder, having the anxiety to ask: Boss, if Renedora lets this historical start over, all will happen again?” 顾青山看完,略一沉思,带着疑虑问道:“老大,如果蕾妮朵尔让这段历史重来,一切岂不是会再次发生?” Boss tone complex say/way: This phase of history has stabilized thoroughly, will not change again, but had a new problem.” 老大语气复杂的道:“这段历史已经彻底稳定下来,不会再次改变,但却出现了一个新的问题。” What issue?” Gu Qingshan asked. “什么问题?”顾青山问。 Boss said: Six Paths the technique of forgetting is fierce, stronger All Living Things, are more at the matter that in this technique forgets-, but Myriad Gods Temple uses in Renedora body is their technique of ultimate, gathered Strength of Myriad Gods.” 老大说道:“六道的遗忘之术非常厉害,越强的众生,在这个术中遗忘的事情就越多-但万神殿蕾妮朵尔身上用的是它们的终极之术,集合了万神之力。” You said, Renedora forgot very many matters, but does Myriad Gods Temple have the means to make her recall?” Gu Qingshan asked. “你是说,蕾妮朵尔忘记了非常多的事,但万神殿有办法让她回忆起来?”顾青山问道。 Renedora truly lost massive memory, but if this Renedora died, then new she will recall to happen at first two Renedora body all matters, that she will know the truth.” Boss said. “-蕾妮朵尔确实失去了大量的记忆,但假如这个蕾妮朵尔死掉,那么新的她就会记起发生在前两个蕾妮朵尔身上的所有事,那个她会知道真相。”老大道。 Gu Qingshan is startled, understands. 顾青山一怔,明白过来。 Yes. 是的。 Newborn Renedora, will obtain beforehand memory. 新生的蕾妮朵尔,会获得之前的记忆 Master must the whole world to fall into the technique of forgetting, not in view of Renedora this independent individual. 师尊要让整个世界的人陷入遗忘之术,并没有针对蕾妮朵尔这个单独的个体。 If this Renedora died, then the technique of forgetting also dissipated. 假如这个蕾妮朵尔死了,那么遗忘之术也就消散了。 This for next Renedora, untied Six Paths the technique of forgetting in disguised form. 这样就变相为下一个蕾妮朵尔,解开了六道的遗忘之术。 Next she, will recall the same place. 下一个她,会记起一起。 The Boss language fast speeds up: I am unable to say with you again, the fourth seal hides in the following time, first you must guarantee that oneself lives, then must protect Renedora, cannot make her die-, if she died, Myriad Gods Temple will gain her memory immediately, knows the ground all.” 老大语速加快:“我无法再与你多说了,第四枚印章藏在接下来的时光中,首先你要保证自己活下来,然后要保护蕾妮朵尔,不能让她死掉-如果她死掉了,万神殿立刻就会获取她的记忆,得知地上发生的一切。” „- Cannot make Myriad Gods know that today the matter, delays their actions as far as possible, when the Renedora survival to some time, you will see the fourth seal.” “-不能让万神知道今天发生的事,尽量延迟他们的行动,当蕾妮朵尔存活至某个时刻,你会看到第四枚印章。” The Gu Qingshan forced smile said: „Can't you give me directly?” 顾青山苦笑道:“你不能直接给我么?” Boss, helpless say/way: Initially I was Lord of Infinite Source Strength time, in my strength strongest big that days, I exhausted the full strength casting these six Part of Seal- you thought that present I can untie it?” 老大一顿,无奈的道:“当初我还是无穷源力之主的时候,在我力量最强大的那段日子,我耗尽全力铸造了这六枚封印之章-你觉得现在的我能解开它?” keep it up, Gu Qingshan, by you.” 加油,顾青山,靠你了。” The Boss sound vanishes slowly. 老大的声音徐徐消失。 Also is only left over a Gu Qingshan person, exist(ence) in this ancient years. 又只剩下顾青山一个人,存在于这段亘古的岁月中。 Gu Qingshan has to sigh. 顾青山只好叹了口气。 Why does not know, he remembers these words that Giant Corpse spoke suddenly- 不知为何,他突然想起巨大尸体所说的那些话- Lord of Infinite Source Strength...... did an incomparably correct matter in the dense fog history, that on the Myriad Gods Temple's ruins, casting six Part of Seal.” 无穷源力之主……在迷雾般的历史中做了一件无比正确的事,那就是在万神殿的废墟上,铸造了六枚封印之章。” „...... You must capture these six seals......, when you grasped the seal, regardless of that in the history had anything, it under your control, will not have problems.” “……你要夺得这六枚封印……当你掌握了封印,那么无论历史中发生了什么,它都会在你的控制之下,不会出问题。” Gu Qingshan receives third Part of Seal silently. 顾青山默默收起第三枚封印之章 Also remains three. 还剩三枚。 At this time, everywhere Stars has vanished thoroughly. 这时候,漫天星辰都已彻底消失。 The curtain of night returns to normal. 夜幕恢复正常。 The East is white gradually. 东方渐白。 The morning breeze has a cool meaning, is swaying the cheek of Gu Qingshan, making his spirit buoy up slightly. 晨风带着一丝凉爽之意,吹拂着顾青山的面颊,让他的精神略略振作。 Strange, what had?” The sound resounds from him together behind. “奇怪,发生什么了?”一道声音从他身后响起。 Gu Qingshan looks. 顾青山望去。 Seeing only the curtain, Renedora and Chi Hu are the bewildered facial expression. 只见幕、蕾妮朵尔赤鹄都是一脸茫然的神情。 The curtain is sizing up all around, said: „The Principle Behemoth riot, the command must massacre us, how can't I feel their existed now completely?” 幕打量着四周,说道:“法则巨兽们暴乱,号令要杀掉我们,怎么我现在完全感觉不到它们的存在了?” Chi Hu said: I remember that they seem like must deal with a disaster- you looked, in this wilderness including a vitality not to have, therefore definitely was World of Laws had what important matter.” 赤鹄道:“我记得它们好像是要应对一场灾难-你看,这荒野之中连一丝生机都没有,所以肯定是法则世界发生了什么大事。” Renedora has a look at all around, cannot help but grabbed the hand of curtain. 蕾妮朵尔看看四周,不由自主的抓住了幕的手。 What's wrong, Renedora?” Mu asked. “怎么了,蕾妮朵尔?”幕问道。 The Renedora complexion is somewhat white, said in a low voice: Does not know, I always thought oneself forgot very important matter.” 蕾妮朵尔脸色有些白,低声道:“不知道,我总觉得自己忘记了很重要的事。” I am also.” Gu Qingshan say. “我也是。”顾青山道 He walks toward Renedora, in the mouth said: I only remember that Principle Behemoth as if at each other battle, did not have the impression afterward- you?” 他朝着蕾妮朵尔走来,口中说道:“我只记得法则巨兽们似乎在彼此争斗,后来就没有印象了-你呢?” Renedora spare no effort recalled, said slowly: I only remember that in childhood the curtain and you saved me together, we learn/study Technique of World and Technique of Laws together, afterward...... Valley of World destruction, we escaped, then anything does not remember.” 蕾妮朵尔竭尽全力去回想,缓缓说道:“我只记得小时候幕和你一起救了我,我们一起学习世界之术法则之术,后来……世界之谷毁灭,我们逃了出来,然后就什么都不记得了。” Gu Qingshan visits her. 顾青山看着她。 In her look has doubts and is frightened completely. 她的眼神中满是疑惑与惊惶。 Six Paths the technique of forgetting is fierce, stronger All Living Things, are more strong person at the matter that in this technique forgets, the forgotten matter are more. 六道的遗忘之术非常厉害,越强的众生,在这个术中遗忘的事情就越多强的人,忘记的事情就越多。 This is the Boss original words. 这是老大的原话。 Although he lost the strength, but the vision has. 他虽然失去了力量,但眼光还是有的。 Said- 这么说- Did Renedora forget from the Myriad Gods Temple's matter oneself? 蕾妮朵尔自己来自万神殿的事都忘了? This was interesting...... 这就有意思了……
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