WAO :: Volume #15

#1470: Crash thing

Dawn has risen. 晨曦已升。 Four youngster stand in the wilderness, somewhat feels helpless. 四名少年站在荒野中,都有些不知所措。 In Void, all Principle Behemoth full strength establishment the techniques of space imprisonment also. 虚空之中,所有法则巨兽全力设置的空间禁锢之术还在. Should be disaster that Principle Behemoth cause-, but they already not existed.” Curtain heavy saying. “应该是法则巨兽们造成的灾难-可是它们都已经不存在了。”幕沉重的说道。 Renedora said calmly: Looking at it like this, the whole world only had your a person who has the laws strength?” 蕾妮朵尔冷静的说:“这样看来,整个世界只剩下了你一个具备法则力量的人?” I.” Gu Qingshan say. “还有我。”顾青山道 He spreads out the hand, shows that skeleton head to everyone. 他摊开手,将那个骷髅头展现给大家。 Radiance laws manifestation becomes Book of Destiny, Law of Death manifestation becomes Skull of Death God, in addition, other Lord of Laws vanished thoroughly.” 光辉法则具现命运之书,死亡法则具现死神头颅,除此之外,其他法则之主都彻底消失了。” Strange, did they really die?” Chi Hu said. “奇怪,难道它们真的死了?”赤鹄道。 Should be, otherwise I can certainly induce them.” Mu said. “应该是,否则我一定能感应到它们。”幕说道。 But why our do memory somewhat lose?” “但为什么我们的记忆都有些丢失?” That is not clear.” “那就不清楚了。” The people have a look mutually, fills at heart puzzled. 众人互相看看,心里都充满困惑。 Chi Hu sighed, said: No matter what, from now on the world strongest two people, were the curtain and Rhodes, after all only then you can control Strength of Laws.” 赤鹄叹了口气,说道:“不管怎样,今后世上最强的两人,就是幕和罗德了,毕竟只有你们可以操控法则之力。” I give a try.” Gu Qingshan say. “我来试试看。”顾青山道 He is grasping the skeleton head single-handedly, another hand spreads out. 他一手握着骷髅头,另一只手摊开。 One group of dark roaring flame appear suddenly, static combustion in his hand. 一团黑暗烈焰骤然出现,在他手上静静燃烧。 Graciousness...... seems like this......, so long as has Death to happen, my strength can become stronger.” “恩……好像是这样……只要有死亡发生,我的力量就会变强。” Gu Qingshan is hesitating, in as far as the eye can see toward wilderness. 顾青山沉吟着,朝荒野中放眼望去 In the desolate wilderness, all insects and animals killed off by Controlling Fate. 苍凉的荒野之中,一切昆虫和动物都被司命杀光了。 Principle Behemoth death ray. 法则巨兽死光。 It is estimated that other wisdom life also died the big piece. 估计其他智慧生命也死了大片。 In this case, Strength of Laws of Death did not have means become stronger...... 这样的话,死亡法则之力就没办法变强了啊…… Gu Qingshan is thinking silently. 顾青山默默想着。 By him, Chi Hu also spreads out the hand, tries to inspire anything. 在他旁边,赤鹄也将手摊开,试图引动什么。 What a pity, anything has not happened. 可惜,什么也没发生。 Chi Hu disappointed shaking the head. 赤鹄失望的摇摇头。 Gu Qingshan shot a look at her one eyes, looking pensive. 顾青山瞥了她一眼,若有所思。 Following time, four people prepare slightly, then leaves to hurry to toward the recent human race community. 接下来的时间,四人稍作准备,便动身朝最近的人族聚居区赶去。 After all has stayed in the wilderness is not the means that the human race community possibly has food, supplies and various information. 毕竟一直呆在荒野中也不是办法,人族聚居区则可能有食物、补给、各种情报。 The sky thorough was bright. 天彻底亮了。 The hot sun hangs in the vast azure sky, bakes even more scalding hot the ground. 烈日挂在一望无际的湛蓝天空上,把地面烘烤得愈发灼热。 Wilderness like cemetery deathly stillness. 荒野如同坟场般死寂。 Four youngster approximately running a half hour, quick then streaming with sweat. 四名少年大约奔行了半个小时,很快便汗流浃背。 Suddenly, the curtain said loudly: Look, what is Heavens?” 忽然,幕大声道:“看,天上是什么?” The people raise the head. 众人抬头。 Above the vault of heaven, stream of light came from beyond heavens, crashes toward the wilderness in rapidly. 苍穹之上,一道流光天外而来,朝着荒野中急速坠落。 The Renedora complexion changes, said: We have a look!” 蕾妮朵尔脸色一变,说道:“我们去看看!” Then, her whole person from disappears same place. 说完,她整个人从原地消失。 Gu Qingshan is also in the heart one tight, said loudly: 顾青山也是心中一紧,大声道: Walks, we follow!” “走,我们跟上!” Six Paths crashed in Gate of World. 六道冲进了世界之门 It changed to the innumerable fragments. 它化作了无数碎片。 Then besides Fair Goddess, some certainly many crash thing, will gradually arrive in this world. 那么除了公正女神之外,一定有很多很多的坠落物,将会逐渐降临在这个世界中。 Must have a look! 必须去看看! Three people of full strength run, pursues toward the place that flowing light crashes. 三人全力奔跑,朝着那流光坠落的地方追去。 Shortly , the front ground transmits the strenuous vibration. 没多久,前方的地面传来剧烈震动。 This obviously was that flowing light hit in the ground. 这显然是那流光撞击在地面上了。 Three people pick up the speed to overtake, quick discovered Renedora. 三人加快速度赶过去,很快就发现了蕾妮朵尔 Renedora stands before big hole, dull looking. 蕾妮朵尔站在一个大坑前,呆呆的望向其中。 Gu Qingshan calms down, arrives at side her with the curtain and Chi Hu together, looks toward big hole. 顾青山沉住气,与幕和赤鹄一起来到她身边,朝大坑中望去。 Sees only the big hole center, calmly is lying down a roughly 15 meters streamline section iron sheet. 只见大坑的中央,静静躺着一个约莫十五米长的流线型钢铁片。 Probably Cultivation-type creation.” The curtain has the sound said. “好像是修行侧造物。”幕出声道。 Renedora frowns saying: I am not ripe to Cultivation-type.” 蕾妮朵尔蹙眉道:“我对修行侧不熟。” Gu Qingshan leaps big hole, has fallen before that steel is one-sided, careful examination. 顾青山跃下大坑,一直滑落至那钢铁片面前,仔细查看。 This steel piece cracked less than half, deeply pricked underground, electric current sound that often sent out the disorder. 这钢铁片断裂了小半,深深刺入地下,不时发出紊乱的电流声。 Should be Technology-type.” “应该是科技侧。” He is saying, while in the steel surface of that unified whole, seeks for some keys or the touching points. 他一边说着,一边在那浑然一体的钢铁表面,寻找一些按键或触摸点。 What a pity anything had not discovered. 可惜什么也没发现。 That break margin place, has congealed to seal the condition gradually completely. 就连那断裂的切口处,也已经渐渐凝结成完全密封状态。 Material is good.” Gu Qingshan approved one. “材料不错。”顾青山赞了一声。 Chi Hu looks at Gu Qingshan that stimulated appearance, in the heart somewhat worried, has the sound said: 赤鹄看着顾青山那亢奋的样子,心中有些担忧,出声道: „When Elder attended class has said that the Technology-type thing average person does not handle, the attempt words, will often have problems randomly.” 长老上课时说过,科技侧东西一般人玩不转,乱尝试的话,往往还会出问题。” Does not give a try is always unwilling.” Gu Qingshan say. “不试试看总是不甘心。”顾青山道 He hand according to the surface of steel lengthy picture. 他将手按在钢铁长片的表面。 Immediately, a gentle electronic sound gets up: 立刻,一道柔和的电子声响起: Has not registered the user, is not workable.” “未注册用户,不可使用。” Gu Qingshan say: Application registers.” 顾青山道:“申请注册。” Electronic sound said: According to your individual brain wave, in the document storehouse had not discovered that your restoring the old type race car credentials, you are unable to apply to register.” 电子声道:“根据您的个人脑波,并未在证件库发现您的复古式赛车资格证书,您无法申请注册。” Race car? 赛车? Do you manage this 15 meters iron sheet to call the race car? 你管这个十五米长的铁皮叫赛车? The curtain has the sound said: Ok, walks, Technology-type thing pays great attention to the jurisdiction, without the words of jurisdiction, you beat it, is equally unusable.” 幕出声道:“算了,走吧,科技侧东西非常注重权限,没有权限的话,你就是把它打烂了,还是一样不能用。” That's true.” Chi Hu also said. “确实如此。”赤鹄也道。 Gu Qingshan nods. 顾青山点点头。 He knows certainly is this, but this is the Six Paths of Samsara Human World technology product! 他当然知道是这样,但这可是六道轮回人间界的科技产品啊! Moreover this is a race car. 而且这还是赛车。 If not experience, how to be willing? 如果不体验一下,如何甘心? Gu Qingshan thinks several seconds, said suddenly: We were stranded in the wilderness, could not find food completely, my request emergency rescue service.” 顾青山想了数秒,突然道:“我们被困在荒野中,完全找不到食物,我请求紧急救援。” The electronic sound responds immediately: Starts to monitor the environment, conducts the situation analysis.” 电子声立刻回应道:“开始监测环境,进行事态分析。” A laser flies from the iron sheet, has delimited the wilderness rapidly. 一道激光从铁片上飞出去,迅速划过荒野。 „A surrounding area 7965 li (0.5 km) range is not to have Area life.” “方圆七千九百六十五里范围为无生命。” This environment poses the fatal threat to the normal person.” “此环境已对正常人构成致命威胁。” Starts to connect the emergency rescue service department.” “开始连接紧急救援部门。” Unmanned answering.” “无人接听。” Starts the alternative strategy.” “启动备选策略。” Starts to transform into the self-piloting pattern, takes obeying the praying for rescue instruction as the benchmark, decomposes into 1, 2, 3 and 4.” “开始转换为自动驾驶模式,以服从求救者指令为基准,分解为1号机、2号机、3号机、4号机。” Distortion starts-” “变形开始-” 15 meters streamline section iron sheet quickly launches in one second, changes to four double round motor race cars. 十五米长的流线型钢铁片在一秒之内迅速展开,化作四台双轮摩托赛车。 The electronic sound transmits from the motor: 电子声从摩托中传来: Four, the restoring the old type motorcycle league tournament has the specialized wilderness being out of danger strategy, please sit down at the motorized race car, we will leave this dangerous wilderness.” “四位,复古式机车联赛具备专业的荒野脱险策略,请坐在摩托赛车上,我们将离开这片危险的荒野。” Gu Qingshan relaxes, takes the lead to sit on a motorcycle. 顾青山松了口气,率先坐在一台机车上。 He looks to another three people. 他望向另外三人。 Come, this economical stamina, the speed is also fast.” Three people of Gu Qingshan in toward pit shouts. “来啊,这个节省体力,速度也快。”顾青山朝坑上的三人喊道。 Three people look at each other in blank dismay. 三人面面相觑。 I will not ride!” Curtain disturbed say/way. “我不会骑!”幕忐忑道。 All right,” the Gu Qingshan loud say/way, Technology-type most pays great attention to serve human, is very safe!” “没事的,”顾青山大声道,“科技侧最注重服务于人类,很安全!” Then, he patted the motorcycle: Waiter, long-distance drives, selects music!” 说完,他拍了拍机车:“伙计,长途开车,来点音乐!” What type do you like?” The electronic sound asked. “您喜欢什么类型?”电子声问道。 Rock and roll.” Gu Qingshan say. “摇滚。”顾青山道 Here rock and roll that only then most restores the old!” Electronic sound said. “我这里只有最复古的摇滚!”电子声道。 Come!” “来!” Thump thump thump thump thump! 咚咚咚咚咚! The blast open drumbeats resound. 炸裂般的鼓点响起。 ...... …… Another side. 另一边。 Three men stand the edge in wilderness. 三名男子站在荒野的边缘。 God of Prediction, Poison God and God of Darkness. 预言之神毒神暗神 They were reactivated in this world by Renedora, and agrees to inquire about the guest outside Gate of World. 他们被蕾妮朵尔在这个世界复活,并约定去探寻世界之门外的来客。 However at this moment, they forgot with the last night related all matters. 但是这一刻,他们忘记了跟昨晚有关的一切事。 Strange, is actually what thing, unexpectedly cancelled my some memory directly.” God of Prediction thought aloud. “奇怪,究竟是什么东西,居然直接抹去了我的一些记忆。”预言之神自言自语道。 No matter that is anything, in brief, we must first find Renedora.” Poison God said. “不管那是什么,总之,我们要先找到蕾妮朵尔。”毒神道。 Right, we arrive at World of Living with great difficulty, actually forgot the matter of last night, currently only has to find her, can know the truth.” God of Prediction said. “没错,我们好不容易来到生界,却忘记了昨晚发生的事,现在唯有找到她,才能得知真相。”预言之神道。 He closes one's eyes, in the mouth mumbled. 他闭上眼,口中念念有词。 Crossed several breaths. 过了数息。 She has not responded to my incantation.” God of Prediction opens eyes, said. “她没有回应我的咒语。”预言之神睁开眼,说道。 Possibly had anything to impede, here had the second set of code word, I came to relate with her.” God of Darkness said. “可能是有什么事绊住了,我这里有第二套暗语,我来跟她联系。”暗神道。 He said that then starts to read the code word. 他说完便开始念动暗语。 Still does not have the response. 依然毫无回应。 Three Gods looks one, the complexion becomes dignified. 三神对望一眼,脸色都变得凝重起来。 Renedora actually no longer responded to the own relation. 蕾妮朵尔竟然不再回应自己的联系。 She? 她到底怎么了? „It is not good, we must look for her.” Poison God said decisively. “不行,我们得去找她。”毒神断然道。 I did not agree.” God of Prediction said. “我不同意。”预言之神道。 Why?” Poison God look sharp is staring at him. “为什么?”毒神眼神锐利的盯着他。 God of Prediction said: She is fiercer than us, if there is thing to surround her, she is unable to contact us, then we went are also useless.” 预言之神道:“她比我们都厉害,如果有东西能困住她,以至于她根本无法跟我们联系,那么我们去了也是白搭。” God of Darkness also said: Truly, we died in World of Living, that really died, cannot easily violate the danger.” 暗神也道:“确实,我们在生界死了,那就是真的死了,绝不能轻易犯险。” Poison God falls into hesitant. 毒神陷入犹豫。 God of Prediction said: „, Waits for a result, if her side situation is critical, so long as she can send out the code word to call for help toward us, we save certainly her.” 预言之神道:“等吧,等一个结果,如果她那边的情况过于危急,只要她能朝我们发出暗语呼救,我们一定去救她。” Oh , can only like this.” Poison God said with a sigh. “唉,也只能这样了。”毒神叹息道。 Is saying, suddenly the distant place broadcasts some sounds. 正说着,忽然远方传来一些声音。 Three Gods looks immediately toward the wilderness. 三神立刻朝荒野中望去。 Sees only in ground that yellow sand covers, the dust flies upwards. 只见黄沙覆盖的地面上,尘土飞扬。 Humming sound humming sound buzz- 嗡嗡嗡嗡嗡- The engine sound of high powered moves restlessly to be noisy. 大马力的发动机声音躁动而嘈杂。 In the intense noise, there is a rock and roll together voice to resound in the wilderness, making one stimulate the awaking brain, rouses inexplicably. 在强烈的噪音中,有一道摇滚的嗓音在荒漠中响起,让人提神醒脑,莫名振奋。 Four motorcycle speeds are extremely fast, flashes by from Three Gods, quick vanishes on the front path. 四台机车速度极快,从三神面前一晃而过,很快就消失在前方的道路上。 Three Gods is turned round by the ash that the motorcycle raised, actually stood in same place, has moved. 三神被机车扬起的灰覆了一身,却都站在原地,一动没动。 That is the say/way that......” Poison God cannot determine. “那是……”毒神不敢确定的道。 Motorcycle, I remember her not this......” the God of Darkness hesitant say/way. “机车啊,我记得她不会这个……”暗神犹豫道。 God of Prediction jumps, said loudly: 预言之神跳起来,大声道: No, is she! Is Renedora! Pursues quickly!” “不,是她!是蕾妮朵尔!快追!”
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