WAO :: Volume #15

#1468: Her sound

The curtain yawns. 幕打了个呵欠。 He opens eyes, has a look at all around. 他睁开眼,看看四周。 The dim light of night is deep. 夜色深沉。 Chi Hu and Renedora are still resting. 赤鹄蕾妮朵尔还在睡。 Gu Qingshan has awaked, has been chewing anything. 顾青山已经醒了,正在嘴嚼着什么。 When do you awake?” Mu asked. “你什么时候醒的?”幕问。 Just.” Gu Qingshan ambiguous say/way. “刚刚。”顾青山含混不清的道。 What are you eating?” Curtain curious asking. “你在吃什么?”幕好奇的问。 His belly exudes rumble the sound that does not make every effort to succeed. 他的肚子发出一声不争气的咕噜声。 Gu Qingshan spits the leaf of mouth, said: I was looking that this leaf can eat.” 顾青山将嘴里的叶子吐出去,说道:“我在看这树叶能不能吃。” „Have we reduced to must eat the leaf?” Mu said with a sigh. “我们已经沦落到要吃树叶了吗?”幕叹息道。 No, this leaf somewhat slight toxicity, unedible.” Gu Qingshan say. “不,这树叶有些轻微的毒性,不能吃。”顾青山道 Two people talked, Chi Hu awoke, was Renedora. 两人交谈间,赤鹄醒了,紧接着是蕾妮朵尔 What are you quarrelling?” Renedora frowns to say. “你们在吵什么?”蕾妮朵尔蹙眉道。 Rhodes was saying we have not eaten.” Curtain say/way. 罗德在说我们没吃的了。”幕道。 Renedora said: That walks, went to a recent living area to have a look, to could find what food.” 蕾妮朵尔道:“那就走吧,去最近的一个聚居点看看,也许能找到什么食物。” The people stand, extinguishes the campfire, tidies up thing, covers the trace, prepares set off. 众人站起来,熄灭营火,收拾东西,掩盖痕迹,准备出发 We have not been able to walk.” Gu Qingshan said suddenly. “我们还不能走。”顾青山忽然道。 Un? Why?” Renedora asked. “恩?为什么?”蕾妮朵尔问。 Also remained for three hours, Controlling Fate formally started, we must make some preparations.” Gu Qingshan say. “还剩三个小时,司命就正式开始了,我们必须做些准备。”顾青山道 Mu said: Rhodes said also right, first Controlling Fate requests two relations, second Controlling Fate requests three relations, no one knows when third Controlling Fate comes, can have the change.” 幕接话道:“罗德说的也对,第一次司命要求两种联系,第二次司命要求三种联系,谁也不知道第三次司命什么时候来,会不会有变化。” Chi Hu somewhat despairs, said: „Can we have the new relation?” 赤鹄有些绝望,说道:“我们还能产生新的联系吗?” Four youngster are lost in thought together. 四名少年一起陷入沉思。 Brother and sister, friends, schoolmate, master and disciple, lover. 兄妹、朋友、同学、师徒、恋人。 This was person and between the person the most common relation, in addition, what but also there is? 这是人和人之间最常见的联系了,除此之外,还有什么? Gu Qingshan say: You give me thing, but my anything does not give you, like this you are my creditor.” 顾青山道:“你们都给我一件东西,而我什么也不给你们,这样你们就是我的债主。” This idea is good.” “这个主意好。” The curtain approved one, pulls out a candle from Book of Destiny, gives Gu Qingshan. 幕赞了一声,从命运之书中抽出来一根蜡烛,递给顾青山 This thing looks very precious.” Gu Qingshan asked. “这东西看上去很贵重啊。”顾青山问。 Mu explained: karma item, is very precious, a person can only use his entire life one time- after you it lights, to its permits desire-” 幕解释道:“因果物品,十分珍贵,一个人一生只能用一次-你把它点燃之后,对着它许一个愿望-” Then will my desire be realized?” Gu Qingshan said. “然后我的愿望就会实现?”顾青山接话道。 No, your desire will fail.” Curtain say/way. “不,你的愿望就会落空。”幕道。 Really is powerful thing.” “真是强大的东西。” Gu Qingshan acclaimed one, very carefully received the candle. 顾青山赞叹一声,小心翼翼的把蜡烛收起来。 Renedora said: I may not have curtain so many good thing.” 蕾妮朵尔道:“我可没幕那么多好东西。” She thinks, takes out coin to give Gu Qingshan. 她想了想,取出一枚钱币递给顾青山 Valley of World coin, this can make you owe my money.” Renedora said. 世界之谷钱币,这个可以让你欠我的钱。”蕾妮朵尔道。 Naturally.” Gu Qingshan say. “当然。”顾青山道 Chi Hu gave a Gu Qingshan comb. 赤鹄给了顾青山一把梳子。 Gu Qingshan received the comb, has not given her any thing. 顾青山收了梳子,没给她任何东西 Then three people established the debt relation with Gu Qingshan. 这下三人都跟顾青山建立了债务联系。 Suddenly, the sky shone. 忽然,天空亮了一下。 The people look up. 众人抬头望去。 Sees only the curtain of night to disappear gradually, tens of thousands of Stars appear again in the nighttime sky, sends out the boundless strength. 只见夜幕渐渐消隐,数以万计的星辰再次显现在夜空中,散发出磅礴的力量。 But that delay the indifferent sound resounds again: 那个呆滞而冷漠的声音再次响起: Everyone.” “各位。” Formally starts from game, three hours.” “距离游戏正式开始,还有三个小时。” But has some accidents/surprises now.” “但现在发生了一些意外。” Repugnant thing arrive in the Controlling Fate game range, it may cause the destruction to game very much.” “有一个讨厌的东西降临在司命游戏的范围内,它很有可能对游戏造成破坏。” Considering this type cannot the anti- situation, game soon start ahead of time!” “鉴于这种不可抗的情况,游戏即将提前开始!” Ahead of time starts! 提前开始! Gu Qingshan and the others one after another changes countenance. 顾青山等人纷纷变色。 This Controlling Fate full mouth lie, does not have any rule, must start unexpectedly now ahead of time! 这个司命满口谎话,没有任何规则,竟然现在又要提前开始! That ice-cold sound continues saying: 那个冰冷的声音继续道: First official game rule is as follows:” “第一次正式游戏规则如下:” First, the life span surpasses ten thousand years of inhuman exist(ence), must have 10,000 relations.” “首先,寿命超过万年的非人存在,必须具备一万种联系。” Has not satisfied this/should condition, instantly ends.” “未满足该条件的,即刻终结。” The youngster heart is hanging, listened to this condition, immediately dumbfounded. 少年们心正悬着,听了这个条件,顿时呆住 „Does life span surpass for ten thousand years?” The curtain repeated one. “寿命超过万年?”幕重复了一句。 Inhuman exist(ence)?” Chi Hu puzzled say/way. “非人存在?”赤鹄困惑的道。 The Gu Qingshan intention lightning flash, has understood. 顾青山心念电闪,已经明白过来。 What this obviously said is Principle Behemoth. 这明显说的是法则巨兽们。 Perhaps is the appearance of Six Paths of Samsara, making Controlling Fate have the alert. 也许是六道轮回的出现,让司命有了戒备。 Now it does not prepare to play. 现在它不准备玩了。 It must end all Principle Behemoth directly! 它要直接终结所有的法则巨兽 In the Gu Qingshan heart palpitates, cannot bear look toward all around. 顾青山心中悸动,忍不住朝四周望去。 Saw only the scarlet red light shadow to drop from the clouds, covers entire Earth. 只见深红色的光影从天而降,覆盖住了整个大地 On Earth leaps the inexhaustible luminous spot, all flies toward sky depths. 紧接着,大地上腾起无穷无尽的光点,全部朝天空的深处飞去。 Principle Behemoth died. 法则巨兽们都死了。 The these luminous spot, after is Principle Behemoth dies World Source Strength, by the Controlling Fate little absorption. 这些光点,都是法则巨兽死后的世界源力,正在被司命一点点的吸收。 Ended, is really knockdown Apocalypse.” Gu Qingshan said with a sigh. “完了,果然是不可抵抗的末日。”顾青山叹息道。 No Life Level Apocalypse. 无生级末日 It can want your life momentarily, but sometimes it wants to play with All Living Things, sometimes it wants to finish in a big hurry. 它随时可以要你的命,只不过有时候它想多玩弄一下众生,有时候它又想快快结束。 But it will end all eventually. 但终究它会终结一切。 Originally this is the true meaning of No Life. 原来这才是无生的真正意思。 It is not concerned about face completely, we ended.” Renedora also sighed, in the vision revealed the hesitant meaning. “它完全不要脸,我们完了。”蕾妮朵尔也叹息一声,目光中流露出犹豫之意。 Right, in the oneself hand is grasping Three Great Laws of this world, after oneself died, all can again start over. 没错,自己手中握着这个世界的三大法则,当自己死去之后,一切可以再次重来 However even start over, next Renedora is unable to defeat such Apocalypse. 但是就算重来,下一个蕾妮朵尔也无法战胜这样的末日 Myriad Gods hides in the Dust-Laden World corner, itself/Ben to avoid such terrifying Apocalypse. 万神之所以躲在尘封世界的角落里,本就是为了避开这样恐怖的末日 Necessity start over? 还有必要重来吗? Also oneself does not want dead. 再说自己也不想死。 But did not have the means. 可是没有办法了。 Suddenly, the Gu Qingshan side presented shadow of the dark roaring flame. 忽然,顾青山身边出现了一道黑暗烈焰之影。 Lord of Laws of Death! 死亡法则之主 In its front Void, presented the rows of small character fast: 在它面前的虚空中,飞快出现了一行行小字: All laws will be finally on the wane, only Radiance and Death were all starts and finished, they got down eternal inheritance.” “一切法则终将凋零,唯光辉死亡是一切的开始与结束,它们将永恒传承下去。” „- I will remember your liquor.” “-我会记住你的酒。” Small character rapid flying ash annihilation. 小字迅速飞灰湮灭。 In the shadow of that dark roaring flame, flies a skeleton head of fist size, falls in the Gu Qingshan hand. 那黑暗烈焰之影中,飞出来一颗拳头大小的骷髅头,落在顾青山手中。 The next quarter, Lord of Laws of Death changes to a twinkle star ray, soars to go. 下一刻,死亡法则之主化作星星点点点的光芒,腾空而去。 It was ended by Controlling Fate. 它被司命终结了。 Gu Qingshan opened the opens the mouth, thought that anything could not say. 顾青山张了张口,却觉得什么也说不出来。 In such Apocalypse, the Will of the World manifestation body, higher life that World Source Strength forms, so collapses at the first blow unexpectedly. 在这样的末日之中,世界的意志具现体,世界源力形成的高等生命,竟然如此不堪一击。 Even they so. 连它们都如此。 Let alone is mortals? 更何况是凡人们? In the sky, Stars Radiance is getting more and more abundant. 天空中,星辰光辉越来越盛。 The sound of that delay appears again, said by the ice-cold intonation: 那个呆滞的声音再次出现,以冰冷的语调说道: „The first condition screens.” “第一个条件筛选完毕。” Next, the mortals of ground, your nightmares will soon start.” “其次,地上的凡人们,你们的噩梦即将开始。” Wept and wailed, struggled, your relations will soon become Purgatory of your mind.” “哭喊吧,挣扎吧,你们的联系即将成为你们心灵的炼狱。” „During come, contacts with you, the contact person who attaches great importance to massacres, like this you can live-” “来吧,把你们联系之中,最为重视的联系人杀掉,这样你们将可以活-” The sound catches suddenly. 声音突然卡住。 Next flickers, roar that this sound startled anger happened simultaneously: Six Paths? No, gave up any idea of!” 下一瞬,这道声音惊怒交加的吼了起来:“六道?不,休想!” Above the sky, all Stars brights rise suddenly continuous, seem resisting anything. 天空之上,所有星辰的亮光暴涨不休,似乎在对抗着什么。 That sound crazy hiss exclaimed: Even if you have Heaven World last Divine Sword, was unable to recall all these!” 那声音疯狂的嘶吼道:“就算你有天界的最后一柄神剑,也已经无法挽回这一切了!” Six Paths exist(ence), you cannot stop me-” 六道存在呵,你阻拦不了我-” Bang!!! 轰!!! Responded to it, was the deafening sound resounds through among Heaven and Earth. 回应它的,是震耳欲聋的声音响彻天地间。 dark sky, without sunlight. 天昏地暗 The strong winds howl, sad and shrill such as the ghost sobs. 狂风呼啸,凄厉如鬼泣。 Earth vibrates. 大地震动。 The wilderness is split up, presents the innumerable say/way being too deep to see the bottom gullies instantaneously. 荒野四分五裂,瞬间出现无数道深不见底的沟壑。 Chi Hu was shaken directly faints. 赤鹄直接被震昏过去。 Gu Qingshan supports her. 顾青山扶住她。 The curtain and Renedora are standing reluctantly. 幕、蕾妮朵尔勉强站立着。 Looks quickly!” Curtain high sound said. “快看!”幕高声道。 Three people look together toward the sky. 三人一起朝天空望去。 Unforgettable appeared. 永生难忘的一幕出现了。 Sees only a blotting out the sky and the sun black sword to put from Cloud Layers, welcomed everywhere star light to wield gently. 只见一柄遮天蔽日的黑剑从云层之中穿出来,迎着漫天的星光轻轻一挥。 Trillion Stars also extinguish. 亿万星辰同时熄灭。 The sound of that ice-cold hatred stops suddenly. 那冰冷怨毒的声音戛然而止。 The black sword fully occupied in the line of sight all vaults of heaven, it cuts this sword, entire sword blade gradually disintegration. 黑剑占满了视线内所有的天穹,它斩完这一剑,整个剑身渐渐崩碎。 It changes to the innumerable fragments, dispersed in the strong winds, disappeared quickly. 它化作无数碎片,散在了狂风之中,很快不见踪影。 In the sky, resounds together the indistinct female voice: 天空中,响起一道隐隐约约的女声: metal, wood, water, fire and earth, wind, thunder, light, darkness, and sound, decides!” 金木水火土,风雷光暗音,定!” in a split second, All Living Things myriad creations by the anchorage, even the wind is not all able again the move slightest. 霎时间,众生万物俱被定住,连风都无法再动弹分毫。 Renedora cannot move. 蕾妮朵尔不能动了。 The curtain cannot move. 幕不能动。 Chi Hu cannot move. 赤鹄也不能动。 But- 可是- Gu Qingshan actually not by anchorage. 顾青山却没有被定住。 He looked at the sky, the whole person seems to be falling into a strange mood, the whole body shivered unceasingly. 他望着天空,整个人似乎陷入了一种奇怪的情绪,浑身不断颤抖。 Master......” Gu Qingshan mute sound said. 师尊……”顾青山哑声道。 At this time, in the sky that female voice did not have to think, is sighing the say/way: Has a plan for the present, can only do to conceal by this Apocalypse slightly, preventing other Apocalypse to arrive, is dispersing of Six Paths fragment strives for time.” 这时候,天空中那女声却一无所觉,叹息着道:“为今之计,只能以此末日稍做掩饰,阻止其他末日降临,为六道碎片的飞散争取时间。” This matter top-secret, you and other All Living Things cannot have any memory, otherwise must incur the infinite fierce disaster, All Worlds Apocalypse such as shadow Subsequent Form, must make this also end.” “此事绝密,尔等众生绝不可有任何记忆,否则必招无穷凶恶祸患,诸界末日将如影随形,必令此界随之终结。” The female voice gradually becomes weak. 女声渐渐变得微弱。 I fall the reincarnation the body...... if, but the later generation has Six Paths All Living Things to come...... to know at this moment only then......” “我将身陨转世……但若后世有六道众生能来此时此刻……方可得知……” The female voice vanishes. 女声消失。 Meanwhile, in Gu Qingshan present Void, presented the rows of glow small character: 与此同时,顾青山眼前的虚空中,出现了一行行萤火小字: You are disciple and Underworld Ghost King and Asura live in son-in-law and Beast King Path human cultivator and this Immortal Technique Spellcaster contract and treaty of alliance and Six Paths Evil Face master.” “你是人类修士、此仙术施法者之徒、黄泉鬼王阿修罗赘婿兽王道的契约与盟誓者、六道恶面的主人。” You are Six Paths Lord of War.” “你是六道战争之主。” You can retain this memory.” “你可以保留这段记忆。”
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