WAO :: Volume #15

#1467: True secret

In the dim dim light of night, the group star is hidden. 昏暗的夜色中,群星隐没。 Renedora stands in several people, calmly waited for a while. 蕾妮朵尔站在几人中间,静静等了一会儿。 Also how long?” She asked. “还有多久?”她问道。 One minute.” God of Prediction said. “还有一分钟。”预言之神道。 The people are tense. 众人都紧张起来。 You thought that what can be?” Another person cannot bear ask. “你们觉得到底会是什么?”另一人忍不住问道。 The third humanity: Does not know, since it can hit Gate of World, that-” 第三人道:“不知道,不过既然它能撞开世界之门,那么-” Shut up!” “闭嘴!” Renedora severe reprimanding said suddenly. 蕾妮朵尔突然严厉的斥责道。 The third person keeps silent hastily. 第三人连忙噤声。 What's the matter, you most basic discrete forgot?” God of Prediction said. “怎么回事,难道你连最基本的谨慎都忘了?”预言之神道。 Excuse me, I forgot, here is not Death and dust-laden world.” That person apologized hastily. “不好意思,我忘记了,这里不是死亡与尘封的世界。”那人连忙道歉。 Several other people then take back the vision. 其他几人这才收回目光。 Then, they no longer spoke, but waited for silently. 接下来,他们就不再说话,只是默默等待。 orange cat ambush in distant place, curious is swaying the tail. 橘猫潜伏在远处,好奇的摇晃着尾巴。 What does that person actually want to say? 那个人到底想说什么? He apologized, said that here was not Dust-Laden World...... 他道歉的时候,又说这里不是尘封世界…… The care wants to come, Rope of Cloud Chart on oneself is related with Dust-Laden World, but Giant Corpse also said that Rope of Cloud Chart has nothing to do with Myriad Gods Temple. 细细想来,自己手上的云图之绳尘封世界有关,但巨大尸体又说云图之绳万神殿无关。 Then is very easy to reach the conclusion: 那么很容易得到结论: Myriad Gods Temple belongs to Dust-Laden World, but Dust-Laden World is not equal to Myriad Gods Temple. 万神殿属于尘封世界,但尘封世界不等于万神殿 Therefore does the these Myriad Gods Temple's fellow, what have not to dare in the words that World of Living spoke? 所以这些万神殿的家伙,到底有什么不敢在生界说的话? time to!” 时间到了!” Renedora has the sound said suddenly. 蕾妮朵尔突然出声道。 The Gu Qingshan train of thought was broken all of a sudden. 顾青山的思绪一下子被打断。 He looks toward the field, sees only that line of four people to raised the head, looks to the sky. 他朝场中望去,只见那一行四人全都抬起头,望向天空。 How to have come?” Renedora asked. “怎么还没来?”蕾妮朵尔问。 Prediction not necessarily absolutely accurate, time will have the slight deviation, but the place definitely is area this.” God of Prediction said. “预言不一定绝对准确,时间会有轻微的偏差,但地点肯定是这一带。”预言之神道。 Looked quickly-” another person shouted. “快看-”另一人喝道。 The sky shone suddenly. 天空骤然亮了起来。 depths of curtain of night, has the deep ray to be partly visible gradually. 夜幕的深处,渐渐有深沉的光芒若隐若现。 Almost was the flash, the these ray punctured the darkness, exposed figure above the vault of heaven thoroughly. 几乎是一瞬间,这些光芒就刺破了黑暗,在天穹之上彻底展露身形 Starry sky battleship that crosses the horizon! 一艘横贯天际的星空战舰! Its whole body is burning the flaming roaring flame, appeared time had fallen into during the radical collapse. 它浑身燃烧着熊熊烈焰,出现的时候就已陷入了彻底的崩溃之中。 Technology-type thing- originally can hit Gate of World, is Technology-type thing!” Say/Way that Renedora speaks incoherently. 科技侧东西-原来能撞开世界之门的,是科技侧东西!”蕾妮朵尔语无伦次的道。 We must go back to develop the science and technology!” Another people exclaimed. “我们要回去发展科技!”另一人大吼道。 Their excited was soon insane. 他们激动的快要疯了。 God of Prediction high sound said: No, you looked, this spaceship is not quickly good! Its body is at least twining several hundred Apocalypse!” 预言之神高声道:“不,你们看,这飞船快不行了!它身上至少缠绕着数百种末日!” Short several seconds, total disassembly of entire starry sky battleship in sky, flying ash annihilation. 短短数秒,整艘星空战舰在天空中彻底解体,飞灰湮灭。 Its each part had been thoroughly destroyed by Apocalypse, entire hull like ablation in Void, disappearing of soundless. 它的每一个部件都已被末日彻底摧毁,整个船体就像消融在虚空中一样,无声无息的不见了。 Thorough destruction?” Renedora asked. “彻底毁灭了?”蕾妮朵尔问。 „, Will not certainly have thing to remain!” God of Prediction said. “不会的,一定有东西能留下来!”预言之神道。 Crossed several breaths, just restored in the dark curtain of night, the flowing fire cuts the expansive sky together rapidly, crashes toward the place that the people are. 过了数息,刚刚恢复黑暗的夜幕中,一道流火迅速划破长空,朝着众人所在的地方坠落下来。 Its speed is getting more and more slow, finally falls in the distance people not far open land, gently float in ground, motionless. 它的速度越来越慢,最终落在距离众人不远的荒地上,轻轻悬浮于地面上,一动不动。 Renedora has three people, very carefully by the past. 蕾妮朵尔带着三人,小心翼翼靠过去。 They encircle that thing in the middle. 他们把那个东西围在中间。 Crossed several breaths, that thing still has no sound. 过了几息,那个东西依然没有任何动静。 What is this?” Renedora asked. “这到底是什么?”蕾妮朵尔问道。 No one replied her. 没有人回答她。 People are staring at that thing, but actually does not know how should reply her words. 人们盯着那个东西,但却不知道该怎么回答她的话。 That is a dark blue circular metal spheroid, engraves two special graphs in the surface. 那是一个深蓝色的圆形金属球体,在表面刻印着两个特殊的图形。 God of Prediction, your thing to Technology-type understands, those who come to see this to write is what?” Renedora said. 预言之神,你对科技侧东西懂一些,来看看这到底写的是什么?”蕾妮朵尔道。 God of Prediction carefully looked, shakes the head saying: Probably is a language, what a pity I have not seen.” 预言之神仔细一看,摇头道:“大概是一种文字,可惜我没见过。” The two also shake the head, hint oneself not to clarify the situation. 其他两人也摇了摇头,示意自己搞不清情况。 This is Civilization, we must first clarify it to represent anything.” Renedora agitated say/way. “这是门外的文明,我们要先弄清楚它代表什么。”蕾妮朵尔烦躁的道。 At this time orange cat also collected, saw that two characters. 这时橘猫也凑了过来,看到了那两个字。 In its pupil reveals the complex mood. 它眸子里流露出复杂的情绪。 The these writing, Myriad Gods Temple's existences did not know, on the contrary is his person from later generation, saw significance that it represents. 这些文字,万神殿的存在们不认识,反倒是他这个来自后世的人,一眼就看出了它所代表的意义。 Because its itself/Ben is the later generation most general human race writing. 因为它本就是后世最通用的人族文字。 Human World.” 人间。” Is these two ordinary writing. 就是这两个再普通不过的文字。 People...... within...... 人……间…… Is the meaning that Human World represents what? 人间所代表的意思是什么? In the Gu Qingshan heart appears many answers, finally falls in some answer. 顾青山心中浮现许多答案,最终落在某个答案上。 But he still cannot believe. 但他依然不敢相信。 Because this matter, if guesses with him is the same, that was too unthinkable, makes one shock. 因为这件事如果和他猜的一样,那就太匪夷所思、太让人震撼了。 Passing of time quietly. 时间悄无声息的流逝。 God of Prediction the blue metal sphere in the hand, the careful observation, hesitates saying: Technology-type thing, often particularly stressed that security, efficiency and reply, I want to ask that its, could get some answers.” 预言之神将蓝色金属圆球拿在手中,细细观察,沉吟道:“科技侧东西,往往特别强调安全、效率、应答,我想试着问它一下,说不定能得到一些答案。” Renedora said: Tries.” 蕾妮朵尔道:“试试吧。” God of Prediction to that blue sphere, is asking: Where do you come from?” 预言之神就对着那个蓝色圆球,问道:“你来自哪里?” Has not responded. 没有回应。 God of Prediction also asked: How do you come here?” 预言之神又问:“你是怎么来到这里的?” All around is peaceful, that blue spheroid is motionless, does not have any response. 四周安安安静静,那个蓝色球体一动不动,也没有任何反应。 God of Prediction has not given up, thinks carefully, continues to ask: „The technical product of what category are you?” 预言之神没有放弃,仔细想了想,继续问道:“你到底是什么类别的科技产物?” Ding- 叮-- The blue spheroid emits the ray that the twinkle non-stop. 蓝色球体放出闪烁不停的光芒。 The melodious female voice resounds together, starts to elaborate by an unusual rhythm: 紧接着,一道抑扬顿挫的女子声音响起,以一种奇特的韵律开始阐述: Hello everyone, has completed to the deduction of language, grasping is 31.56983%, and makes the following situation to explain:” “各位好,现已完成对各位语言的推演,掌握度为31.56983%,并作出如下情况讲解:” During this hit I to receive the serious wound, this/should wound degree exceeded the self- healing limit.” “在本次撞击之中我以受到严重创伤,该创伤程度超过了自我愈合极限。” Please lay aside me in can the place of absorbed energy.” “请将我放置在可以吸收能量的地方。” Because the part of defect and damage are too many, when this restore is unable to determine steadily.” “由于缺失和损毁的部件太多,本次修复时长无法确定。” Latter will soon enter the forced dormancy condition from the bottom,” “倒数后即将进入强制休眠状态,” Three,” “三,” Two,” “二,” One,” “一,” Has entered the dormant state, From now on, is unable to make any reply again, sorry.” “已进入休眠状态,从现在开始,无法再作出任何应答,抱歉。” Radiance on blue metal sphere vanishes thoroughly. 蓝色金属圆球上的光辉彻底消失。 At this moment, it becomes like a stone. 这一刻,它变得如同一块石头。 All around peace. 四周一片安静。 Everyone in thinking deeply these words. 所有人都在深思这段话。 Hides orange cat in shadow has stiffened thoroughly. 躲在阴影中的橘猫已经彻底僵住。 It like stabbed the pit of the stomach by some inconceivable thing, for a while has not responded. 它就像被某种不可思议的东西刺中了心窝,一时并未反应过来。 Really is Technology-type thing.” “果然是科技侧东西。” Renedora first has the sound said. 蕾妮朵尔首先出声道。 Entire giant shuttle by Apocalypse destruction, it actually can also fortunately survive, I guess that its function certainly is most important.” God of Prediction said. “整个巨型穿梭器都被末日毁灭了,它却还能幸存下来,我猜它的功用一定是最重要的。”预言之神道。 But his Jane|treasure heavy receives the blue metal sphere, said: This thing is a clue, but we cannot only pay attention to this clue, will then have more and more thing to crash in World of Living, we want raise the spirits, does not let off any traces.” 他珍而重之的把蓝色金属圆球收起来,说道:“这个东西是一条线索,但我们不能只关注这条线索,接下来还会有越来越多的东西坠落在生界,我们要打起精神,不放过任何蛛丝马迹。” Very good, manages like this.” Renedora said. “很好,就这样办。”蕾妮朵尔道。 She slightly calculates time, said: My magical technique time was about to end, must return to the camp to go- tomorrow you will find an opportunity, came one to meet by chance with me, while convenient join my here team.” 她略算了算时间,又道:“我的术法时间快结束了,得回到营地去-明天你们找个机会,跟我来一场偶遇,顺便加入我这边的队伍。” With which way?” God of Prediction asked. “用哪种方式?”预言之神问道。 A Renedora slightly ponder, starts to arrange the tomorrow's matter. 蕾妮朵尔略一思考,开始布置明天的事情。 Your this......” “你们这样……” Three Myriad Gods Temple's gods stand in her body side, calmly is listening to her plan. 三名万神殿的神站在她身侧,静静听着她的计划。 Gu Qingshan has not actually listened again. 顾青山却没有再听下去。 Renedora Technique of Space is fierce, Gu Qingshan before she goes back, first step hurries back! 蕾妮朵尔空间之术非常厉害,顾青山得在她回去之前,先一步赶回去! Gu Qingshan dashes to go toward the wilderness. 顾青山朝着荒野中飞奔而去。 He starts Form Displacement Shadow unceasingly, the quick crossed over big section distance, rushed to the camp at the maximum speed. 他不断发动移形换影,很快穿越大段距离,以最快的速度赶到了营地。 His become human form, leans on again by a tree. 他重新变作人形,倚靠在一颗树旁。 He must spare no effort, be able to make the deep sleep the appearance. 他必须竭尽全力,才能做出沉睡的样子。 Because of all of just now, making in his heart surge the difficult situation, and more thinks toward depths, more felt secret was so huge and cannot survey. 因为刚才发生的一切,让他的心中涌起了惊涛骇浪,并且越往深处想,越觉得其中的秘密是如此庞大和不可探测。 The moment, Gu Qingshan will not have felt like this. 从来没有一刻,顾青山会这样觉得。 He thought that oneself saw some huge and deep secret. 他觉得自己看到了某个庞大而深沉的秘密 This secret hidden in the fuzzy history, until just now at that moment, showed the little clue toward him. 这个秘密隐藏在模糊的历史之中,直到刚才那一刻,才朝他露出了一点点端倪。 Will not be absolutely wrong. 绝对不会错。 That sound that in the just now blue color metal sphere spreads, is the Fair Goddess sound. 刚才蓝色金属圆球之中传出的那个声音,正是公正女神的声音。 Outside of Fair Goddess from Gate of World! 公正女神来自世界之门的外面! In its metal shell, writes Human World two characters. 不仅于此,在它的金属外壳上,写着“人间”两个字。 She came from Six Paths of Samsara. 她来自六道轮回 In other words, hits Gate of World, is Six Paths of Samsara! 也就是说,撞开世界之门的,是六道轮回
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