WAO :: Volume #14

#1363: Choice

The blood flies to well up, concentrates forms a blood stream spatially. 鲜血飞涌而出,凝空形成一道血流。 That Immortal corpse knocks down immediately. 那具仙人尸体顿时扑倒在地。 Red Ghost phantom emits from the corpse top of the head, immediately must condense the forming in the midair. 红鬼虚影从尸体的头顶冒出,立刻就要在半空凝聚成形。 in the time it takes a spark to fly off of a piece of flint, Gu Qingshan extracts a black scepter from Void, inserts on the corpse ruthlessly. 电光火石之间,顾青山虚空抽出一根黑色权杖,狠狠插在尸体上。 The sharp corner/horn skeleton head of scepter peak sends out the scarlet ray suddenly. 权杖顶端的尖角骷髅头猛然散发出猩红光芒。 Suppressing Prison Ghost Monarch Staff! 镇狱鬼王杖 Red Ghost phantom called out pitifully, immediately in retracting corpse. 红鬼虚影惨叫一声,顿时缩回尸体里去。 The Immortal corpse opens eyes suddenly, is looking at Gu Qingshan say: Rhodes, actually you are who!” 仙人尸体猛然睁开眼,望着顾青山道:“罗德,你究竟是谁!” Gu Qingshan is quite surprised. 顾青山颇为意外。 Can shout that own name, showed that Red Ghost has restored soberly. 能喊出自己的名字,证明红鬼已恢复清醒。 Normally the Evil Thoughts Burning Spirit strength, should also to continue time to end. 按说恶念焚神的力量,应该还要持续一段时间才会结束。 It seems like Red Ghost has certain resistance to Life Talisman. 看来红鬼命符有一定的抵抗能力。 You think that who I am?” “你认为我是谁?” Gu Qingshan asked. 顾青山问道。 Red Ghost extends take action, grasps in the black scepter, „the strength of this suppression soul, should be Underworld Suppressing Prison Ghost Monarch Staff- you are Underworld Ghost King!” 红鬼出手,抓在黑色权杖上,“这种镇压灵魂的力量,应该是黄泉镇狱鬼王杖-你是黄泉鬼王!” In its vision is passing complex meaning. 它目光中透着复杂的意味。 Gu Qingshan has not replied, is only the hand according to the Immortal corpse top of the head. 顾青山没有答话,只是将手按在仙人尸体的头顶。 Soul Searching Art starts! 搜魂术发动! One breath, 一息, Two breaths, 两息, Gu Qingshan is knitting the brows, receives to reach behind the back. 顾青山皱着眉,收回手。 Red Ghost fall about: „Do you think soul search? hahaha, this Immortal corpse washed off all memory, but I do not belong to this body, you cannot obtain by search any information!” 红鬼忍不住大笑起来:“你想搜魂哈哈哈,这具仙人尸体被洗掉了一切记忆,而我并不属于这身躯,你是搜不到任何情报的!” The Shan Nu sound resounds anxiously anxiously: Young master, I am very ripe with Suppressing Prison Ghost Monarch Staff, my just now induces to it has not blown this Red Ghost soul truly.” 山女的声音急急响起:“公子,我跟镇狱鬼王杖很熟,我刚才感应到它并未真正镇住这红鬼的灵魂。” I know.” Gu Qingshan looks at written prompt in Void, the response said. “我知道。”顾青山看着虚空中的提示符,回应道。 The rows of glow small character has appeared, is prompting the combat situation: 一行行萤火小字早就出现,提示着战斗的情况: Attention: You are unable to extinguish through Suppressing Prison Ghost Monarch Staff kill the opposite party, because the opposite party is not Soul Body.” “注意:你无法通过镇狱鬼王杖灭杀对方,因为对方并不是灵魂体。” It is not Soul Body, what is that? 不是灵魂体,那是什么? Although oneself attracted all blood of Immortal corpse, but Red Ghost not must be able to attack by draw talisman. 虽然自己吸掉了仙人尸体的所有血液,但红鬼并非一定要靠画符才可以攻击。 It once fished out talisman from storage bag conveniently, resisted the Black Dragon roaring flame to spit the breath. 它曾经随手从储物袋摸出符箓,抵挡住了黑龙的烈焰吐息。 Gu Qingshan maintains composure, the vision goes to the midair. 顾青山不动声色,目光投向半空。 Sees only in the sky, the light shadow of two world take turn unceasingly, for a while no one can do to anyone. 只见天空中,两个世界的光影不断交替,一时谁都奈何不了谁。 Chaos Snake King Ouroboros as before and that two moon Divine Talisman resistances. 混乱蛇王乌洛波洛斯依旧在与那两道太阴神符对抗。 Red Ghost notices the Gu Qingshan vision, in the heart moves. 红鬼注意到顾青山的目光,心中一动。 Rhodes, you cannot kill me, once I died, you are not the Ouroboros opponent!” 罗德,你不能杀我,一旦我死了,你不是乌洛波洛斯的对手!” Gu Qingshan unemotional say/way: Here has a transaction to want with you to do, if you comply, I do not kill you.” 顾青山面无表情道:“我这里有一个交易想跟你做,如果你答应,我就不杀你。” What trades?” Red Ghost asked. “什么交易?”红鬼问道。 Tells me all that you know.” Gu Qingshan say. “把你知道的一切告诉我。”顾青山道 In the Red Ghost surface reveals the color of ridicule: You thought that I believe you?” 红鬼面上露出讥讽之色:“你觉得我会相信你?” Gu Qingshan say: I am also in Six Paths the person, I can distribute the Heavenly Dao pledge.” 顾青山道:“我也是六道中人,我可以发下天道誓约。” Red Ghost is startled. 红鬼微怔。 The opposite party said „when Heavenly Dao pledge, Heaven and Earth has the fluctuation production that slightly cannot be observed. 对方说“天道誓约”之时,天地有微不可察的波动产生。 This showed that the opposite party truly is the person of Six Paths. 这证明对方确实是六道之人。 What do you want to know?” Red Ghost asked. “你想知道什么?”红鬼问道。 Gu Qingshan say: Holy Spirit World is the strongest world, why do you want to attack and destruction it?” 顾青山道:“圣灵世界最强的世界,你们为什么要攻击和毁灭它?” The Red Ghost vision moves from Gu Qingshan body to the midair. 红鬼的目光从顾青山身上挪向半空。 Rhodes, we must first distribute the Heavenly Dao pledge mutually, no longer attacks in following time each other, first copes with Chaos Snake King Ouroboros together.” 罗德,我们必须先互相发下天道誓约,在接下来的时间里不再攻击彼此,先一起对付混乱蛇王乌洛波洛斯。” Gu Qingshan say: It helped me, is not my enemy.” 顾青山道:“它帮了我,不会是我的敌人。” Red Ghost Path: It is Awaiter of Chaos camp, will be quick you to discover, its method will imagine you will be fiercer than!” 鬼道:“它是混乱阵营的等待者,很快你就会发现,它的手段比你想象的还要酷烈!” At this time two Blood Talisman in sky gradually became dim. 这时天空中的两道血符渐渐变得黯淡。 Quickly, Rhodes, Blood Talisman did not have my strength buff, quick to be defeated and dispersed, when the time comes no one is able to cope with Ouroboros again, your I must die!” Red Ghost anxious sound said. “快,罗德,血符没有了我的力量加持,很快就会溃散,到时候谁都无法再对付乌洛波洛斯,你我都要死!”红鬼急声道。 Gu Qingshan raised the head, looks to the sky. 顾青山抬头,望向天空。 Chaos camp...... 混乱阵营…… Facing Apocalypse, what the Order camp seeks is all All Living Things resists. 面对末日,秩序阵营寻求的是所有众生去对抗。 But the Chaos camp wants to extinguish except all lives, making the world's first one step fall into destruction. 混乱阵营则想灭除一切生灵,让世界先一步陷入毁灭之中。 As the matter stands, Apocalypse will not arrive in the destruction world. 这样一来,末日就不会降临在毁灭的世界里。 As Awaiter, can be dormant quietly, calmly waited for Apocalypse age's to finish. 作为等待者,就可以悄然蛰伏下来,静静等待末日时代的结束。 All that Chaos Snake King makes, is so? 混乱蛇王所做的一切,又何尝不是如此? If develops like this, matter that Chaos Snake King must do, is very explicit. 如果这样发展下去,混乱蛇王要做的事,已经很明确了。 It is powerful Awaiter, just restored the strength, oneself at all is not its opponent. 它是强大的等待者,刚刚恢复实力,自己根本不是它的对手。 Then...... 那么…… Only can depend upon Red Ghost to kill it. 只能依靠红鬼去杀它。 But Red Ghost had not been controlled by oneself, at present with oneself empty with the winding, in the heart does not know is having what idea. 红鬼并未被自己控制住,眼下只是跟自己虚与委蛇,心中不知打着什么主意。 Once Snake of Chaos died, then Red Ghost kills oneself inevitably! 一旦混乱之蛇死了,那么红鬼必然杀自己 No matter how, these two monster who predeceases not good...... 不管如何,这两个怪物谁先死都不行…… The Gu Qingshan intention lightning flash, with the Red Ghost sound transmission moment, shouted suddenly loudly: Red Ghost, your fate is Death!” 顾青山心念电闪,跟红鬼传音片刻,突然大声喝道:“红鬼,你的宿命就是死亡!” Suppressing Prison Ghost Monarch Staff shakes suddenly. 镇狱鬼王杖猛然一震。 Red Ghost exudes the long pitiful yell sound, the corpse fierce vibration moment, again no message. 红鬼发出长长的惨叫声,尸体剧烈抖动片刻,再无任何音讯。 time passes quietly. 时间悄然流逝。 After dozens breaths . 数十息后。 In the sky, two Blood Talisman exude the slight shatter sound, vanishes disappear without trace. 天空中,两道血符发出轻微的破碎声,消失得无影无踪 That holy white light actually seems more and more vast momentum. 那圣洁白光却显得越来越声势浩大。 The large snake that the ray composes flies, has a look at the ground the corpse, has a look at Gu Qingshan. 光芒组成的长蛇飞下来,看看地上的尸体,又看看顾青山 It said gently: This time was we wins.” 它柔和的说:“这次是我们胜了。” Right, but the matter has not ended, we must go to Holy Spirit World, massacres these by the Evil Ghost body possession fellow.” Gu Qingshan say. “对,但事情还没完,我们必须去圣灵世界,杀掉那些被恶鬼夺舍的家伙。”顾青山道 His both hands wield, immediately received in Blood of Immortal of midair the float, shoulders Suppressing Prison Ghost Monarch Staff on the shoulder. 他双手一挥,顿时把漂浮在半空的仙人之血收了起来,又将镇狱鬼王杖扛在肩膀上。 That Immortal corpse was being selected by the long stick, motionless. 那具仙人尸体被长杖挑着,一动不动。 Chaos Snake King said: Right that you said that after Three Worlds fusion, the source of Plague world by destruction, has been also remained Holy Spirit World these exist(ence) at present, must extinguish eliminates.” 混乱蛇王道:“你说的对,三个世界融合之后,瘟疫世界的源头已经被毁灭,眼下还剩圣灵世界的那些存在,必须要去灭除。” The Gu Qingshan nod said: We killed these Evil Ghost.” 顾青山点头道:“我们去杀了那些恶鬼。” The white light transferred for several weeks regarding Gu Qingshan, gentle say/way: You spoke incorrectly.” 白光围绕着顾青山转了几周,柔和的道:“你说错了。” Where is wrong?” Gu Qingshan asked. “错在哪里?”顾青山问。 Chaos Snake King say/way gently: Only kills Evil Ghost to be insufficient, other lives must kill off.” 混乱蛇王轻轻的道:“只杀恶鬼不够,其他各种生灵都要杀光才可以。” Why?” “为什么?” To guarantee the world after fusion, still like beforehand such, is Monster World that does not have the multiplication ability.” “为了保证融合后的世界,依然如同之前那样,是一个没有繁衍能力的怪物世界。” Chaos Snake King said patiently: You with me are the most unique individual, these monster that I collected before, is in the world the unique independent individual, as the matter stands, this world will still not bring to the attention of Apocalypse, we can go on living, appears until the favorable turn.” 混乱蛇王耐心的说下去:“你跟我都是最独特的个体,我之前收集的那些怪物,也都是世界上绝无仅有的单独个体,这样一来,这个世界依然不会引起末日的注意,我们可以一直活下去,直到转机出现。” What is favorable turn?” Gu Qingshan pursues asks. “转机是什么?”顾青山追问道。 Chaos Snake King. 混乱蛇王一顿。 Dragon King of Crime Prison, in fact I do not know, but we lived eventually, not?” It said. 罪狱龙王,实际上我也不知道,但我们终究是活了下来,不是吗?”它说道。 Gu Qingshan say: So long as we are living, other things are unimportant.” 顾青山道:“只要我们活着,其他的事情都不重要。” Chaos Snake King has the happy expression: Very much so, this is the only vitality in Apocalypse.” 混乱蛇王带着笑意道:“正是如此,这是末日之中的唯一生机。” A Gu Qingshan suddenly words wind revolution, asked: This world also many Plague can Infectious Body, extinguish one time kills cleanly?” 顾青山忽然话风一转,又问:“这个世界还有很多瘟疫感染体,要不要一次性灭杀干净?” No! Don't! A destruction world, but also contains many Plague Apocalypse traces, this is the golden opportunity, will make other Apocalypse avoid here.” Chaos Snake King said. “不!千万别!一个毁灭的世界,还蕴含着不少瘟疫末日的痕迹,这是千载难逢的机遇,会让其他末日都避开这里。”混乱蛇王道。 Gu Qingshan acclaimed one, said: You think thoroughly.” 顾青山赞叹一声,道:“还是你想得周到。” The holy white light falls, binds Gu Qingshan, in same place flashes disappears. 圣洁白光落下来,裹住顾青山,在原地一闪就不见了。 ...... …… Holy Spirit World. 圣灵世界 Frost Empire. 寒霜帝国 Chaos Snake King rushes to the clouds, toward emits blazing Radiance in all directions. 混乱蛇王冲上云霄,朝着四面八方放出炽烈的光辉 Its figure like electricity, to be above speed of imagination, walks randomly in Empire each city, county and small town. 身形如电,以超乎想象的速度,在帝国的各个城市、郡、小镇游走。 Chaos Divine Skill, Blue Space Slash! 混乱神技,青空斩 The Snake King place visited, all Evil Ghost were cancelled by that holy Radiance directly, like initially in Plague world interface to these Infectious Body. 蛇王所过之处,一切恶鬼直接被那圣洁光辉抹去,就像当初在瘟疫界面对那些感染体一样。 It is Immemorial Age Awaiter, in front of these Evil Ghost, is nearly invincible exist(ence)! 它是亘古时代等待者,在这些恶鬼面前,是近乎无敌的存在 large expanse of body possession Evil Ghost died. 成片成片的夺舍恶鬼死去。 Roughly passed the times of dozens breaths, Chaos Snake King flew back to front of Gu Qingshan. 约莫过了几十息的功夫,混乱蛇王飞回顾青山面前。 Here has swept clear cleanly, we must go to another side of mainland- I can feel, there has the people of legitimate Inner World god shielding.” Snake King said. “这里已经清扫干净,我们要去大陆的另一边-我能感觉到,那里有许多正统的里世界神庇之民。”蛇王道。 Can kill off them?” Gu Qingshan asked. “要杀光他们吗?”顾青山问。 Naturally, your strength is weak, this matter is still completed by me.” Chaos Snake King said. “当然,你的实力还弱,这件事依然由我去完成。”混乱蛇王道。 It changes to one group light/only, must soar to the heavens to go immediately. 它化作一团光,立刻就要冲天而去。 wait a moment!” Gu Qingshan stops by calling Snake King. 等一下!”顾青山喊住蛇王 The light group stagnates, falls. 光团一滞,重新落下来。 What matter also has?” Chaos Snake King asked. “还有什么事?”混乱蛇王问道。 just now you had not finished with combat of that fellow, you who is stronger?” Gu Qingshan asked curiously. 刚才你跟那个家伙的战斗并未结束,你们到底谁更强?”顾青山好奇问道。 Chaos Snake King said: Many diverted it thanks to you, otherwise it continued to inject that Blood Talisman the strength, I must certainly withstand the attack of technique of that world transformation.” 混乱蛇王道:“多亏你牵制住了它,否则它持续将力量注入那血符,我肯定是要承受那种世界转换之术的攻击。” so that's how it is.” 原来如此。” Gu Qingshan faces forward to shake the black scepter on shoulder. 顾青山将肩上的黑色权杖朝前一抖。 That Immortal corpse flew. 那具仙人尸体飞了出去。 While my also a little luck, me wants to have a look at that.” Gu Qingshan say. “趁着我还有点运气在,我想看看那一幕。”顾青山道 Finishes barely the words, Immortal corpse fierce extracts two symbols, threw to Chaos Snake King. 话音未落,仙人尸体猛的抽出两张符,冲着混乱蛇王抛了出去。
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