WAO :: Volume #14

#1362: Fierce combat!( Former days perished for hegemon!)

The meaning of withering covers on the desert. 肃杀之意笼罩在沙漠上。 Red Ghost is lowering the head lowly, body killing intent is getting more and more thick. 红鬼低垂着头,身上杀意越来越浓。 Hides, was all right?” “躲起来,就没事了?” Its whispering, is extending the take action finger/refers to delimit Void fast. 呢喃着,伸出手指飞快划过虚空 The blood splashes, Life Talisman forming. 鲜血泼洒,命符成形。 Not far away, the wool of orange cat whole body has exploded. 不远处,橘猫浑身的毛已经炸了起来。 Ran without enough time, must hit hits, I on first!” Snake of Chaos say/way fast. “来不及跑了,要打就打,我先上!”混乱之蛇飞快的道。 The holy white light flies to well up, flies high to form sea of light. 圣洁白光飞涌而出,凌空形成一片光之海洋。 Is separated from the flash of orange cat body, it appears in Void. 脱离橘猫身体的一瞬间,它就显现在虚空之中。 This Is Awaiter Ouroboros?” “这是-等待者乌洛波洛斯?” Red Ghost was startled flickered, immediately hits Blood Talisman in martial art combining various techniques, then outlined another talisman. 红鬼微怔了一瞬,立刻打散手中的血符,转而去勾勒另一张符箓 The white light lays out in Heaven and Earth, shines in Red Ghost body. 白光在天地间铺陈开来,照射于红鬼身上 Chaos Divine Skill, Blue Space Slash! 混乱神技,青空斩 Clang clang clang clang clang clang- 锵锵锵锵锵锵- A Red Ghost mail-armor and helmet exudes the stormy impact noise. 红鬼一身甲胄发出密集的撞击声。 It was hit again and again retrocedes, opens the mouth blowout blood. 它被打得连连后退,张口喷出鲜血。 „Do you want to kill me? Dies!” “你想杀我?去死!” Red Ghost is roaring, fast ends the Blood Talisman picture. 红鬼怒吼着,飞快的将血符画完。 The lunar white cold light rises suddenly from the symbol, welcomed the everywhere holy white light. 月白色寒光从符中暴涨而出,迎上了漫天的圣洁白光。 Buzz- 嗡-- The junction engine knock that human is unable to distinguish, gathers together vast thundering. 人类无法分辨的交击声,汇聚成一道浩大的轰鸣。 orange cat retrocedes again several steps, is thinking deeply about the countermeasure fast. 橘猫再次后退几步,飞快思索着对策。 Shan Nu, can Life Talisman break?” He asked. 山女,命符可破吗?”他问道。 Broken can break, but Life Talisman in drawing will have an effect instantaneously, only if you hit that Life Talisman beforehand, otherwise without enough time!” Shan Nu also knows the situation to be urgent, said rapidly. “破是可以破,但命符在绘成的瞬间就会起作用,除非你事先就击中那命符,否则来不及!”山女也知道情况紧急,飞速说道。 Difficult, it has the symbol is too quick.” Gu Qingshan shakes the head to say. “难,它起符太快。”顾青山摇头说道。 „Does Earth Sword, how many Soul Strength kill it to want?” Shan Nu asked. 地剑,杀它要多少魂力?”山女却问道。 Earth Sword heavy say/way: I had felt that Gu Qingshan Soul Strength insufficiently cuts to extinguish its-, because this body is not the body of Evil Ghost, but is corpses of other categories.” 地剑沉重的道:“我已经感到顾青山魂力是不够斩灭它的-因为这具身躯并不是恶鬼之躯,而是一具其他类别的尸体。” „The corpses of other categories?” Gu Qingshan strange say/way. “其他类别的尸体?”顾青山奇道。 Right, formidable existence that one type exceeds the imagination, after dying, left behind this body, above that Red Ghost takes possession.” Earth Sword said. “对,一种超越想象的强大存在,死后留下了这具身躯,那红鬼附身其上。”地剑道。 Gu Qingshan sighed slightly. 顾青山微微一叹。 In this case, can only meet the tough head-on with toughness. 这样的话,只能硬碰硬了。 If can use heaven's choice- 如果能用天抉- Gu Qingshan looks to sea of consciousness depths, sees only Heaven Sword also in the deep sleep. 顾青山望向识海深处,只见天剑还在沉睡。 We prepare.” Gu Qingshan say. “我们准备上。”顾青山道 Suddenly, Tide's Sound sends out slightly buzz whining noise. 忽然,潮音发出微微的嗡鸣声。 Young master, wait/etc! Tide's Sound said that Evil Ghost Life Talisman doesn't need to consume vitality? Why it can not need to kill people, continuously release so many powerful forces Life Talisman?” Shan Nu asked. “公子,等等!潮音恶鬼命符不是需要耗费生命力么?为什么它可以不用杀人,一直释放这么多威力强大的命符?”山女问道。 Several flying swords look together toward the field in orange cat. 几柄飞剑跟橘猫一起朝场中望去。 Distant place- 远处- combat on desert directly entered most bad risk aspect. 沙漠上的战斗直接进入了最凶险的局面。 Two Radiance refuse to compromise shortly, in the holy white light, departs the weak ray. 眼看两种光辉僵持不下,圣洁白光之中,飞出一点微弱光芒。 This weak ray shakes gently, forms one suddenly fiercely round Yang, to raining same emits all round the roaring flame, such as gust of wind Shower flies to fall under. 这微弱光芒轻轻一震,骤然形成一轮烈阳,向下雨一样放出团团烈焰,如疾风骤雨般飞坠而下。 Chaos Divine Skill, Grey Fire! 混乱神技,苍火 All ice cold light burninged out along the way thoroughly. 沿途一切冰寒冷光被彻底烧尽。 Red Ghost is unhurriedly, stimulated say/way: Comes well!” 红鬼却不慌不忙,亢奋的道:“来得好!” Its no longer draw talisman, but pats storage bag, takes out blood-color talisman. 它不再画符,而是一拍储物袋,取出一张血色符箓 Illness!” “疾!” Blood-color talisman was thrown, flutters with the wind, instantaneous combustion completely. 血色符箓被抛出去,随风飘荡,瞬间燃烧殆尽。 1000 Evil Ghost phantom emerge out of thin air, is brandishing various type weapons, welcomed that all round Grey Fire. 一千多道恶鬼虚影凭空出现,挥舞着各式兵器,迎上那团团苍火 They with Grey Fire games in one, or plunge Grey Fire simply, direct and fire perish together. 他们与苍火在一处,或者干脆扑向苍火,直接与火同归于尽 Several strongest the shadow of Evil Ghost regarding Red Ghost, very carefully is protecting it. 几头最强恶鬼之影围绕着红鬼,小心翼翼的护卫着它。 Evil Ghost Life Talisman, 1800 ghost numerous! 恶鬼命符,千八百鬼众! Laughable Awaiter, your own matter cannot be solved, dares to spy on my matter unexpectedly, courts death!” Red Ghost called out loudly. “可笑的等待者,你们自己的事情都解决不完,竟然还敢来窥探我的事,找死!”红鬼高声叫道。 Had the protections of more than 1000 Evil Ghost phantom, Red Ghost put out a hand again, dipped a blood in the nape of the neck place gently, started to fly high draw talisman. 有了一千多恶鬼虚影的保护,红鬼再次伸手,在脖颈处轻轻蘸了一点血,开始凌空画符 Gu Qingshan said toward three flying sword sound transmission: 顾青山朝着三柄飞剑传音道: „The blood of that body contained boundless vitality, it does not need to worry for life force.” “那具躯体的血蕴含了磅礴的生命力,它不必为命力发愁。” Might as well with Grandness of Mountain?” Shan Nu suggested. “不如用山之傀?”山女建议道。 Gu Qingshan judges saying: „It is not good, his itself/Ben is the unconsciousness condition, the Grandness of Mountain effect is not good, is with sword-, and cannot to him the draw talisman opportunity, probably branch out the life and death as soon as possible.” 顾青山判断道:“不行,他本就是无意识状态,山之傀效果不好,还是得用剑-并且不能给他画符的机会,要尽快分出生死。” In the wink of an eye, Red Ghost delimited several blood-color talisman. 瞬息之间,红鬼又划出了几道血色符箓 It begins supinely, in the infinite white light toward sky exclaimed: Come, Awaiter, making us have a look in four Sacred Beast, which favors in you.” 它仰起头,朝着天空中的无穷白光吼道:“来吧,等待者,让我们看看四圣兽之中,哪一个更青睐于你。” Two Blood Talisman concentrate, loudly dispersing. 两道血符一凝,轰然散开。 Moon Divine Talisman, Four Saints! 太阴神符,四圣 Moon Divine Talisman, Palace Sacrifice! 太阴神符,宫祭 The desert scene dissipates gradually, a palace is appearing slowly- 沙漠景象渐渐消逝,一座宫殿正在徐徐出现- Oh no, cannot make him use this technique!” Gu Qingshan hurried biography sound said. “糟糕,不能让他用这个术!”顾青山急忙传声道。 I know!” Snake King said. “我知道!”蛇王道。 Ouroboros has naturally also looked at these two Divine Talisman, knows fiercely. 乌洛波洛斯自然也看过这两道神符,知道厉害。 It condenses a large snake that directly is sending out holy Radiance, this snake bites the own tail with the mouth, revolving fast. 它直接凝聚成一条散发着圣洁光辉的长蛇,这条蛇用嘴咬住自己的尾巴,飞快的旋转起来。 In the sky resounds the sacred song of praise, various an extremely rare and unprecedented event exist(ence) one after another display magical technique, own strength buff in large snake body. 天空中响起神圣的赞歌,各种闻所未闻存在纷纷施展术法,将自己的力量加持在长蛇身上 Chaos Divine Skill, Praise of the Eternal World! 混乱神技,永恒世界的礼赞 The desert scene stay of dissipation is motionless, that palace scene has not arrived for a while thoroughly. 消逝的沙漠景象停留不动,那宫殿景象一时也并未彻底降临。 Deadlock. 僵持。 Two Divine Talisman strengths, fell into the deadlock with Chaos Divine Skill. 两道神符的力量,与混乱神技陷入了僵持局面。 Red Ghost laughs saying: hahaha, there is one, but then......” 红鬼大笑道:“哈哈哈,有一手,但是接下来……” It puts out a hand again draw talisman. 它再次伸手画符 On hard.” Earth Sword said. “只有硬上了。”地剑道。 We only have take action opportunity a time, later it can deal with us with the symbol surely.” Gu Qingshan say/way gently. “我们只有一次出手机会,之后它必定能用符应对我们。”顾青山轻轻的道。 Understood, Young master.” Shan Nu said. “明白,公子。”山女道。 Tide's Sound is listening silently, falls into peacefully. 潮音默默听着,陷入安静。 At this time , without other strategy to think. 这种时候,没有别的策略可想了。 On!” Gu Qingshan shouted. “上!”顾青山喝道。 In an instant, the fierce light shadow takes turn, orange cat from vanishes suddenly same place. 刹那间,剧烈的光影交替,橘猫忽然从原地消失。 Divine Skill, Form Displacement Shadow! 神技,移形换影 The guard disappears in Red Ghost behind Evil Ghost phantom suddenly. 护卫在红鬼身后的一头恶鬼虚影突然消失。 Displaces, is figure huge Black Dragon. 取而代之的,是一头身形庞然的黑龙 Black Dragon opens the mouth blowout blazing dragon breath roaring flame. 黑龙张口喷出炽烈的龙息烈焰。 Red Ghost turns around suddenly, throws a symbol, laughs saying: I know that also the fellow hides in secret, your fate has also been doomed.” 红鬼猛然转身,将一张符抛出去,大笑道:“我就知道还有一个家伙躲在暗中,你的下场也已经注定。” That rune/symbol flying in in the air, changes to a cold ice jade wheel directly, resisted the dragon breath roaring flame steadily. 那张符飞在空中,径直化作一个寒冰玉轮,稳稳抵挡住了龙息烈焰。 On!” “上!” Red Ghost roared, these are protecting its Ghost Shadow flying, charges into Black Dragon. 红鬼吼了一声,那些护卫着它的鬼影飞身而起,冲向黑龙 Ghost Shadow and Black Dragon pester continuous, fly the sky together. 鬼影黑龙纠缠不休,一起飞上天空。 Red Ghost actually being astonished sound said: „?” 红鬼却讶声道:“还有一个?” During the speeches, it has turned round again, both hands strike with force storage bag. 说话间,它已再次回身,双手猛拍储物袋 sword in its front infinite enlargement, pricks its forehead finally, puts from the back of one's mind. 柄剑在它面前无限放大,最终刺入它的眉心,从脑后穿出。 Meanwhile, another sword pricks from its the back of one's mind, puts from the forehead. 与此同时,另一柄剑从它的脑后刺入,从眉心穿出。 Secret Sword, Swallow Return. 秘剑,燕归 One of strongest assassination Sword Technique. 最强的刺杀剑术之一。 Ka scratches! 咔擦! The Evil Ghost mask was cut broken, one after another falls. 恶鬼面具被斩碎,一块一块的掉落下去。 Both hands of Red Ghost lift in the midair, resembles evidently is brandishing the stance of what weapon. 红鬼的双手举在半空,看样子似是挥舞着什么兵器的架势。 However in its hand does not have the weapon. 但是它手中却没有兵器。 I............ blade............” “我……的……刀……呢……” The moan that Red Ghost is at a loss said. 红鬼迷惘的呻吟道。 Gu Qingshan was also startled flash- 顾青山也怔了一瞬间- The opposite party actually do not have the weapon! 对方竟然没有兵器! As strength extraordinary Six Paths exist(ence), this simply is the inconceivable matter! 作为一名实力超绝的六道存在,这简直是不可思议的事情! However the present is not the hesitant time, in a flash, Gu Qingshan started Thunder and Lightning Divine Ability- 不过现在并不是犹豫的时候,弹指间,顾青山就发动了雷电神通- Dream Awaken! 惊梦 -” “唔啊啊啊啊-” Red Ghost sends out unwilling shouting, but falls into twitching that non-stop immediately, is unable the move slightest. 红鬼发出不甘的嘶吼,但立刻陷入不停的抽搐之中,根本无法动弹分毫。 The Gu Qingshan loosen Earth Sword, put out a hand toward sky one move. 顾青山松了地剑,伸手朝天空一招。 Vanishes with Black Dragon of dozens Ghost Shadow battles suddenly, changes to a autumn waters long sword, flashes gently. 与数十道鬼影交战的黑龙忽然消失,化作一柄秋水般的长剑,轻轻一闪。 The long sword appears in the Gu Qingshan hand directly, pierces red Battle Armor directly, then shakes- 长剑直接出现在顾青山手中,直接刺穿红色战甲,然后一震- The giant sword shadow electricity shoot flies together. 一道巨型剑影电射般飞出去。 „!” “哇!” Red Ghost spits of mouthful of blood, body was rumbled a large cave/hole. 红鬼吐出一口血,身上被轰出一个大洞。 It as if broke away from the control of Dream Awaken, suddenly laughs wildly: 它似乎脱离了惊梦的控制,突然狂笑起来: You cannot kill my, the blood of Immortal is my life force talisman, the blood is not dry, I do not die!” “你杀不死我的,仙人的血就是我的命力符箓,血不干,我不死!” Gu Qingshan brow slightly wrinkle. 顾青山眉头微皱。 At this time Tide's Sound Sword suddenly fierce sounded. 这时潮音剑突然剧烈的鸣叫起来。 Gu Qingshan without the slightest hesitation loosens Six Worlds Divine Mountain Sword, grips Tide's Sound Sword. 顾青山毫不犹豫松开六界神山剑,握住潮音剑 On War God Interface demonstrates one line of blood-color small characters fast: 战神界面上飞快显示出一行血色小字: Tide's Sound Sword needs your Soul Strength, to display All Crossing Sea of Bitterness!” 潮音剑需要你的魂力,以施展苦海皆渡!” This time......” “本次……” Gu Qingshan only looked began, in the heart lives suddenly reads. 顾青山只看了开头一句,心中忽生一念。 Tide's Sound controls the water,- 潮音控水,难道- Gu Qingshan emits own Soul Strength immediately, pours into the long sword. 顾青山立刻放出自己的魂力,注入长剑。 Buzz! 嗡! The Tide's Sound clear called one. 潮音清鸣一声。 In Red Ghost body that blood hole, departs a blood-color waterfall suddenly. 红鬼身上的那个血洞之中,突然飞出一条血色瀑布。 All blood in Immortal corpse, were drained by Tide's Sound in a single breath, fly to fall on the Gu Qingshan body side. 仙人尸体之中的所有血液,被潮音一口气抽干,飞落在顾青山身侧。 Red Ghost stands rigidly on the desert. 红鬼僵立在沙漠上。 Its throat moves, mutters: I...... do not believe......” 它喉咙动了动,喃喃道:“我……不信……”
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