WAO :: Volume #14

#1361: The violent walks Red Ghost!

The human form statue makes Gu Qingshan choose the surrender, or dies. 人形石像让顾青山选择投降,或是死。 Therefore, Gu Qingshan prepared various from the beginning. 所以在一开始的时候,顾青山就做好了各种准备。 However, Evil Ghost drops from the clouds, saying that you are so noisy, after dies, Gu Qingshan overthrows oneself all plans immediately. 但是,恶鬼从天而降,说出那句“你们这么吵,就都死吧”之后,顾青山立刻推翻了自己所有的打算。 Ouroboros your excellency, make noise and do not attack.” 乌洛波洛斯阁下,不要出声和攻击。” He spoke these words to Chaos Snake King, figure reduces gradually, turns into orange cat. 他跟混乱蛇王说完这句话,身形渐渐缩小,变成橘猫 Chaos Snake King is also astute goods, listening to these words to receive all white lights directly, submerged orange cat within the body thoroughly, no longer sent out a sound. 混乱蛇王也是个精明货色,听了这句话直接将所有白光一收,彻底没入橘猫体内,不再发出一丝动静。 At this time the curtain of night just arrived! 这时夜幕刚刚降临! orange cat starts Night Demon's Ghost Shadow directly, borrows Flawless Jade from Wei Zun Jade Pendant, goes into hiding thoroughly. 橘猫直接发动“夜魅鬼影”,从唯尊玉佩上借来“玉无瑕”,彻底销声匿迹。 A cat does not see, in desert remaining ghosts, a statue. 一猫不见,沙漠中剩下一鬼,一石像。 Temporarily disappears, you cannot run away.” Human form statue cold(ly) say/way. “暂时消隐而已,你跑不掉的。”人形石像冷冷的道。 It looks to Red Ghost, continued: You have time of three breaths, chooses the own life and death.” 它望向红鬼,继续说下去:“你有三息的时间,选择自己的生死。” Red Ghost erupts crazy laughter, exclaimed: 红鬼爆发出一阵疯狂的笑声,吼道: Only Apocalypse installs, dares to make the old man choose the life and death?” “区区一个末日装置,也敢让老夫选择生死?” Red Ghost dipped the opening of nape of the neck place with the hand, by Blood of Immortal, fast drew a symbol in Void. 红鬼用手蘸了蘸脖颈处的裂口,以仙人之血,飞快的在虚空中画了一道符。 But saw that blood color symbol immediately became, changed to the lunar white color lightly, cold(ly) shines on the human form statue. 但见那血色道符顿时成了,翩然化作月白色,冷冷照射在人形石像上。 Supreme Yin Immortal Talisman, broad cold! 太阴仙符,广寒! By that desert of moonlight illumination, was changed instantaneously braves the cold air the ice crystal. 被月光照射的那一片沙漠,瞬间化作冒着寒气的冰晶。 Ka ka ka ka- 咔咔咔咔- With sudden rise of moonlight, statue all around makes the fierce sound unceasingly. 随着月光的暴涨,石像的四周不断发出剧烈声响。 As if has what invisible thing gradually annihilated. 似乎有什么不可见东西正在渐渐破灭 Originally is Six Paths of Samsara surviving member, very good, finally held one.” “原来是六道轮回余孽,很好,终于抓住了一个。” The human form statue is saying low and deep, in the tone passes one to wither. 人形石像低沉的说着,语气之中透着一股肃杀。 Messenger.” “信使。” „No. 796 Parallel World thorough destruction, has not discovered the information.” “第七百九十六号平行世界已经彻底毁灭,没有发现情报。” „No. 1539 Parallel World and No. 65 Parallel World be at fusion condition.” “第一千五百三十九号平行世界、第六十五号平行世界处于融合状态。” Discovers Six Paths surviving member, request strangles.” “发现六道余孽,请求扼杀。” Repeats, discovers Six Paths surviving member, request strangles immediately!” “重复一遍,发现六道余孽,请求立刻扼杀!” Red Ghost is listening, while both hands draw bleeding color Life Talisman in Void unceasingly. 红鬼一边听着,一边双手不断在虚空出血命符 He said with a smile crazily: „The world had been isolated, your information transmit.” 他狂笑道:“世界早就被隔绝了,你的消息传递不出去的。” Two Blood Talisman quickly became, is initiated by him immediately. 两个血符很快成了,被他立刻引发。 Supreme Yin Immortal Talisman, Four Saints! 太阴仙符,四圣 Supreme Yin Immortal Talisman, Palace Sacrifice! 太阴仙符,宫祭 Again in addition broad cold, three couldn't Immortal Talisman have broken your Apocalypse barrier?” “再加上广寒,三道仙符还破不了你的末日结界?” Red Ghost is pointing at the human form statue, drank one illness/quick!” 红鬼指着人形石像,喝了一声“疾!” in a split second, sees only the entire desert to disappear, another world appears suddenly. 霎时间,只见整个沙漠不见了,另一个世界骤然出现。 Here is a ruined palace, under shining of moonlight, appears desolate, lifeless. 这里是一片破败的宫殿,在月光的照耀下,显得冷冷清清,了无生机 Magnificent jade palace, nobody left. 琼楼玉宇,空无一人。 The human form statue by the square of card before palace, sank into a bare jade nature altar. 人形石像被卡在宫殿前的广场上,陷于一个光秃秃的玉质祭坛上。 Around the altar, Azure Dragon, White Tiger, Vermillion Bird and Black Tortoise four giant statues set up a side respectively, simultaneously observe closely the human form statue. 在祭坛四周,青龙白虎朱雀玄武四尊巨型雕像各立一方,齐齐盯住人形石像。 The infinite power and influence arrives in their body, seemed them to live to be the same. 无穷的威势降临在它们身上,就好似它们已经活过来了一样。 Lives, dies and melts, revolutions, looked at your own luck.” “生、死、化、转,看你自己的运气了。” Red Ghost crosses the hands behind the back to say. 红鬼负手道。 In four giant statues, White Tiger opens eyes slowly. 四座巨型雕像之中,白虎徐徐睁开眼。 The White Tiger Sacred Beast statue lowers the head slightly, is staring at the human form statue. 白虎圣兽雕像微微低下头,盯着人形石像。 Red Ghost shakes the head saying: „The White Tiger main life dies, you actually obtained its looking upon with favor, the luck is really good.” 红鬼摇头道:“白虎主命死,你竟然得到了它的垂青,运气真是好。” Sees only arctic fox Sacred Beast to open the mouth, puts out together pale golden severe glow, hits on the human form statue. 只见白狐圣兽张开口,吐出一道淡金色的厉芒,直直打在人形石像上。 Crash-bang! 哗啦! An irrelevant shatter sound resounds. 一阵支离破碎的声音响起。 Under the gaze of White Tiger, around human form statue invisible barrier thorough shatter. 白虎的注视下,人形石像四周的无形结界彻底破碎了。 The Chaos Snake King crazy attack are so many time, Apocalypse barrier that has not broken through, actually under Red Ghost three Immortal Talisman, direct shatter! 混乱蛇王疯狂攻击那么多次,都没有攻破的末日结界,却在红鬼的三道仙符之下,直接破碎 The lines after lines of crack winds to walk randomly on the human form statue. 紧接着,一道道裂纹在人形石像上蜿蜒游走。 It also soon by destruction! 它也快要被毁灭了! Such strength, has needed to set out stronger first-level Apocalypse......” “这样的实力,已经需要出动更强一级的末日……” Human form statue whispering, figure is changing to the dark yellow dense fog suddenly, boils intensely wells up erratically, the tide that such as flows rapidly, seems to be fermenting anything. 人形石像呢喃着,身形忽然化作暗黄色迷雾,激烈沸涌不定,如奔流的潮水,似乎在酝酿什么。 orange cat calmly watches still at one side, the Chaos Snake King sound resounds in its ear suddenly: 橘猫尚在一旁静静观看,混乱蛇王的声音突然在它耳边响起: Must consider take action!” “要不要考虑出手!” Why?” Gu Qingshan asked. “为什么?”顾青山问道。 It is evolving- cannot think that its body is also hiding the strength of evolution.” Chaos Snake King said. “它在进化-想不到它身上还藏着进化的力量。”混乱蛇王道。 How can?” “会怎么样?” It is No Plan Level Apocalypse, quick will evolve No Life Level Apocalypse, such words troubled, we may not cope.” Chaos Snake King said. “它本是无策级末日,很快就会进化成无生级末日,那样的话就麻烦了,我们不一定能对付得了。”混乱蛇王道。 Before orange cat, treads one step, stop. 橘猫前踏一步,又停住 I have prepared to enter the war momentarily, is patient- words saying that three Immortal Talisman are so fierce? You also attacked barrier obviously, why can't you break?” Gu Qingshan asked. “我已经准备好随时参战,再耐心一点-话说那三道仙符真的那么厉害?明明你也攻击了结界,为什么你打不破?”顾青山问道。 Chaos Snake King said: You made a mistake, when I attack, Apocalypse barrier produces, it specifically aims at my type of attack to conduct manifestation, therefore I cannot break through, not that Evil Ghost compared with me.” 混乱蛇王道:“你错了,在我攻击的时候,末日结界才产生,它专门针对我这种类型的攻击进行具现,所以我攻不破,并非那恶鬼比我强。” Is karma class defense barrier?” “是因果类的防御结界?” Right.” “对。” Two people exchange, on the field also has the change. 两人交流间,场上又有变化。 Red Ghost sees the human form statue to change to the pale yellow dense fog, the sound immediately becomes tyrannical: 红鬼看见人形石像化作昏黄迷雾,声音立刻变得暴虐: In my front, but also wants to evolve? Has a dream!” “在我的面前,还想进化?做梦!” Red Ghost with dipping the finger of blood was selecting on the Evil Ghost mask. 红鬼用蘸着血的手指在恶鬼面具上点了一下。 - 唰-- Sees only Evil Ghost that on the mask outlined to vanish. 只见面具上勾勒的恶鬼消失了。 The orange cat facial expression moves. 橘猫神情一动。 In Evil Ghost World, each Face Incantation must, actually not know that what Red Ghost Face Incantation is? 恶鬼世界之中,每一个面咒都是必中的,却不知红鬼面咒又是什么? Sees only the jade nature altar to emit the cold light, the photo lives in the pale yellow dense fog that boils wells up together, making it unable the move slightest. 只见玉质祭坛放出一道冷光,照住沸涌的昏黄迷雾,令其无法动弹分毫。 After beforehand White Tiger opens eyes, four giant Sacred Beast statues had fallen into quietly, but after Red Ghost releases Face Incantation, the these statue was full of the inexplicable power and influence again. 在之前白虎睁眼之后,四座巨大的圣兽雕像本已陷入沉寂,但在红鬼释放面咒之后,这些雕像再一次充满了莫名的威势。 Lives, dies and melts, revolutions- we come again one time, what destiny having a look at you to obtain.” Red Ghost cold(ly) say/way. “生、死、化、转-我们再来一次,看看你会得到什么样的命运。”红鬼冷冷的道。 In four statues, that Azure Dragon statue fierce opening eyes, is overlooking the Plague mist in jade nature altar. 四座雕像之中,那条青龙雕像猛的睁开眼,俯瞰着玉质祭坛上的瘟疫雾气。 Red Ghost grins fiendishly, said: „The Azure Dragon principal species lives, then you ended.” 红鬼狞笑一声,道:“青龙主木生,这下你完了。” Sees only the Azure Dragon statue to open the mouth, blows out all colors aura gently- 只见青龙雕像张开口,轻轻吹出一阵五彩气息- ! 呼! This stream of light overflowing color aura binds the pale yellow dense fog, changes to together the strong winds, departs the sacrificial altar directly, distant falling in the open area outside square. 道流光溢彩的气息裹住昏黄迷雾,化作一道狂风,直接飞出祭台,远远的落在广场之外的空地上。 The instance of landing, this aura has changed to a small seedling, the suddenly time, quick grows into to need several people of joint holding big trees. 落地的瞬间,这道气息就已化作一颗小小树苗,眨眼的功夫,很快就长成需要几人合抱的大树。 Could not see this big tree completely once is Apocalypse. 完全看不出这颗大树曾经是一种末日 If there is any trace, that is this tree must appear compared with the surrounding these trees withered and yellow. 如果说有什么痕迹的话,那就是这颗树比周围的那些树要显得枯黄一些。 Tree- 树- The orange cat vision flashes, encircles to look toward all around. 橘猫目光闪动,朝四周围望去。 Sees only on boundless Earth outside square, planted to fill all kinds of trees, formed not to look at the woods in boundary. 只见广场之外的无垠大地上,种满了各种各样的树木,形成望不到边际的树林。 these...... by seal in this's thing? 这些……难道都是被封印在此的东西 This is the inconceivable strength! 这是何等不可思议的力量! The orange cat side is excessive, looks toward that broken palace. 橘猫侧过头,朝那残破的宫殿望去。 Nobody left. 空无一人。 What vitality does not have. 什么生机都没有。 in a split second, a light shadow revolution. 霎时间,光影一转。 The palaces, moonlight, sacrificial altars, four Sacred Beast statues, squares and woods all vanish do not see. 宫殿、月光、祭台、四圣兽雕像、广场、树林全都消失不见。 orange cat discovered that oneself returned to the desert. 橘猫发现自己回到了沙漠之中。 Comes back with him together, Red Ghost. 与他一同回来的,还有红鬼 Red Ghost Evil Ghost mask after using, replied the original(ly) appearance again, just the above Evil Ghost appearance became dim. 红鬼恶鬼面具在用过之后,再次回复了原本模样,只不过上面的恶鬼样貌变得黯淡了些。 I remember that...... just now also has a person probably.” “我记得……刚才好像还有一个人。” Red Ghost looks around, in the mouth muttered. 红鬼东张西望,口中喃喃道。 orange cat squats in not far away, cold(ly) is looking at it. 橘猫蹲在不远处,冷冷的望着它。 The Chaos Snake King sound resounds in the ear bank suddenly: This is a powerful enemy, are we walk remain?” 混乱蛇王的声音忽然在耳畔响起:“这是一个强敌,我们是走是留?” In the instance that it questioned, Red Ghost has extended take action, cut the nape of the neck, started to dip the blood. 在它问话的瞬间,红鬼已经伸出手,重新划开脖颈,开始蘸血。 It seems like, it as if prepares draw talisman. 看上去,它似乎又准备画符 The orange cat vision becomes sharp. 橘猫目光变得锐利。 Cracks a joke, if just now that symbol uses again, how oneself does cope? 开玩笑,刚才那种符要是再用出来,自己如何对付? I must kill it.” “我要杀了它。” Gu Qingshan said with Chaos Snake King. 顾青山混乱蛇王说道。
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