WAO :: Volume #11

#1045: Falling behind King

Starts also to have one hour from the enthronement ceremony. 距离登基仪式开始还有一个小时。 Earth vibrates suddenly continuous. 大地突然震动不休。 Does not have among the indications, the whole world starts to collapse. 毫无征兆之间,整个世界开始崩溃。 Powerful professionals detected that appearance of Apocalypse, their one after another leaves, goes to examine the changing condition in the world. 强大的职业者们察觉到了末日的出现,他们纷纷动身,前去查看世界的变化情况。 Imperial palace. 皇宫。 expert attention was affected by the earthquake, but the imperial palace seems even more lonely. 强者们的注意力被地震牵动,而皇宫则显得越发冷清。 This situation special, old King has died, new King is only three years old, and has not succeeded to the throne, the civil and military ministers sharply have not been entering the imperial palace. 这次情形特殊,老国王已死,新国王只有三岁,且尚未继位,文武大臣们并没有急着进入皇宫。 Therefore, when world Apocalypse arrives, in entire imperial palace not many people. 所以,当世界末日降临,整个皇宫之中并没有多少人。 At this moment, quite remote an corner/horn in imperial palace. 此刻,在皇宫中较为偏僻的一角。 Before some turret . 某座塔楼前。 In Void broadcasts together the sound suddenly: 虚空中忽然传来一道声音: „The light of royal crown.” “王冠之光。” The gate of turret opens accordingly, puts Gu Qingshan and the others to enter. 塔楼的门应声打开,放顾青山等人进入其中。 The people arrive at the peak in turret along the stair. 众人沿着台阶一路来到塔楼的顶端。 Here is a library, is placing all previous Imperial Family precious books. 这里是一个藏书室,摆放着历代皇室的珍贵书籍。 Everyone stands in the book clump, looks all around. 大家站在书丛之中,环顾四周。 Where?” Laura asked. “在哪儿?”萝拉问道。 I look- had.” Gu Qingshan say. “我来找找-有了。”顾青山道 Before he arrives at a row of bookshelf, puts out a hand to point at thick books that cover entirely the dust. 他走到一排书架前,伸手指着一本布满灰尘的厚厚书籍。 King do not believe me, but two Guardian once pledged gives loyalty to the royal family, therefore Guardian knows actually all previous King hiding place.” Gu Qingshan said. 国王们不相信我,但两名守护者曾发誓效忠王室,所以守护者倒是知道历代国王的藏身之地。”顾青山说道。 They do not know that we do come?” Zhang Yinghao asked. “他们不知道我们前来吗?”张英豪问道。 Gu Qingshan said with a smile: They also feared that discovered by monster and four gods, therefore restrained all aura to seize temporarily in the book- started before the enthronement ceremony, they will wake up, then went to converge with me.” 顾青山笑道:“他们也怕被怪物和四神发现,所以暂时收敛了一切气息夺在书中-直到登基仪式开始前,他们才会醒来,然后去和我汇合。” Right? No wonder I thought that this is a accumulated raises the ghost the book of soul artifact.” Ye Feili stares at that book to say. “是吗?难怪我觉得这是一种蕴养鬼魂的魂器之书。”叶飞离盯着那本书道。 Laura turns out the satchel, very carefully takes out a thing. 萝拉翻出挎包,小心翼翼的取出一物。 An exquisite and transparent hour glass, inside thinks of sparkling pink drifting sand. 一个小巧而透明的沙漏,里面装着亮晶晶的粉色流沙 I come.” “我来。” Gu Qingshan received the hour glass, in the book of place soul artifact. 顾青山接过沙漏,将之放在魂器之书上。 Laura recited an incantation: 萝拉念了声咒语: „The short deep attachment affectionate time, opens!” “短暂的缱绻时光,启!” One group of fine sand dust appear suddenly, floods into the book of soul artifact from the hour glass. 一团细蒙蒙的沙尘骤然出现,从沙漏上涌入魂器之书。 Ok, this was ultra rare time imprisons soul artifact, can make the surrounding area Time Flow Speed within three meters become slow.” Laura said. “行了,这可是超稀有的时间禁锢魂器,能让方圆三米内的时间流速变缓。”萝拉道。 How long can delay probably?” Boss asked. “大概能延缓多久?”老大问。 One hour in reality, was equal to that it covers the two hours within range.” Laura said. “现实中的一个小时,等于它笼罩范围内的两个小时。”萝拉道。 Two hours? Sufficed.” Gu Qingshan say. “两个小时?够了。”顾青山道 Two hours of time is long enough, when King wake up, prepares to massacre God of Life starts all arrangement the time, actually entire combat had finished, the dishes are cold. 两个小时的时间足够长,等到国王们醒来,准备为杀掉生命之神而发动一切布置的时候,其实整个战斗早已结束,黄花菜都凉了 Why can so cope with these King? Can't borrow their strengths?” Laura asked curiously. “为什么非要如此对付这些国王?难道不能借用他们的力量?”萝拉好奇问道。 Gu Qingshan teaches saying: Laura, you can try to think- they are several hundred experienced and careful fellows, since the innumerable years, they have exhausted the thoughts, does not know that arranged many methods in this world.” 顾青山敦敦教诲道:“萝拉,你可以试着去想一下-他们是几百个老谋深算的家伙,无数岁月以来,他们用尽心思,不知道在这个世界里布置了多少手段。” Provokes the these old fogy, will be a doing a thankless job matter.” “把这些老家伙招惹出来,将会是一件吃力不讨好的事。” On second thought that actually our goals take playing card, successfully escapes from this world.” “退一步讲,其实我们的目的只是取走卡牌,成功从这个世界逃脱。” Laura said scruple: Is only thinking avoids these to be troublesome, was OK?” 萝拉迟疑道:“可是只想着避开这些麻烦,就可以了吗?” Gu Qingshan say: We do not dread combat, but can make the matter simply, is a correct processing mode.” 顾青山道:“我们不畏惧战斗,但能让事情变得简单一些,也是一种正确的处理方式。” This matter processes, Gu Qingshan oneself felt with ease many. 这件事处理完,顾青山自己都觉得轻松了不少。 All previous King is in the matter the biggest uncertainties, so long as can eliminate them beside combat, the combat uncertainty was smaller. 历代国王是整件事之中最大的不确定因素,只要能把他们摒除在战斗之外,战斗的不确定性就小了很多。 Zhang Yinghao praised: This, we do not have the enmity to be not resentful with them, kill them not to reward for services rendered, helping them not have the friendship, naturally can not have to do does not have to do.” 张英豪赞道:“正该如此,我们跟他们无仇无怨,杀他们没有酬劳,帮他们没有情义,自然是能不打交道就不打交道。” Laura nods slowly. 萝拉慢慢点了点头。 We now what to do?” Ye Feili asked. “我们现在怎么办?”叶飞离问。 „The Xuan Ya child is relating the God of Life life and death, but God of Life saved the world, I guess that can make her feel relieved, only had four gods.” Gu Qingshan say. 泫雅的孩子关系着生命之神的生死存亡,但是生命之神去拯救世界了,我猜能让她放心的,也只有四神。”顾青山道 We walk.” Boss said. “我们走。”老大道。 Laura haunches the umbrella. 萝拉撑起伞。 The people disappear immediately. 众人立刻消失。 The entire turret returned to normal. 整个塔楼恢复了平静。 The hour glass and soul artifact book of were buried in the books, if not for deliberately looks, did not discover. 沙漏与魂器之书被埋藏在书堆里,若不是刻意去找,根本发现不了。 Here is the entire imperial palace most remote place, in the past few people came to here. 这里是整个皇宫最偏僻的地方,往常都很少有人来这里。 Let alone is today, new king the day of ascending the throne. 何况是今天,新王的登基之日。 In other words- 也就是说- All previous King for this day, prepared the innumerable years. 历代国王们为了这一天,准备了无数的岁月。 But this day approaches truly, King were actually excluded in a way of simple and crude by Gu Qingshan. 但这一天真正来临的时候,国王们却被顾青山以一种简单粗暴的方式排除在外。 They will miss this combat collectively time. 他们将集体错过这一次的战斗 ...... …… Gu Qingshan and the others fast advance in imperial palace. 顾青山等人在皇宫中快速前进。 Little leans. 少倾。 Their stop footsteps. 他们停住脚步。 The front 30 meters places, are the enthronement ceremony stages of new king. 前方三十米处,已经是新王的登基仪式台。 The palace front door after stage has opened, three -year-old King well-mannered sitting are one of them, on the face leads thunder Heng, whatever several maidservants organize are dressing the King ceremonial clothing. 高台后的宫殿大门已经打开,三岁的国王规规矩矩的坐在其中,脸上带着雷恒,任由身边几名侍女摆布着穿戴国王仪服。 It seems like for these days he suffered loss a lot. 看来这几天他没少吃苦头。 Xuan Ya looked to love dearly, could not bear must shed tears. 泫雅看得心疼极了,忍不住就要垂泪。 Relax, immediately finished.” Gu Qingshan said one gently. “放心,马上就结束了。”顾青山轻轻说了一句。 He looks at each other one with Boss. 他跟老大对视一眼。 Two people loosened according to the hand in flowered umbrella, comes together. 两人松开了按在花伞上的手,一同现身。 Who you are!” “你们是何人!” Quickly, hands over your weapons, is without a fight!” “快,交出你们的兵器,束手就擒!” The instance that they present, several palace Knight also appear immediately, blocks them. 他们出现的瞬间,立刻有几名宫廷骑士随之出现,将他们挡住。 Knight nervous drink to ask. 骑士们神情紧张的喝问道。 We...... seem like assassinate King.” Boss said. “我们么……好像是来刺杀国王的。”老大道。 Right, assassinates King.” Gu Qingshan nods. “对,刺杀国王。”顾青山点点头。 He extracts Earth Sword from Void, separates spatially cuts gently. 他从虚空之中抽出地剑,隔空轻轻一斩。 One Sword Boundary! 一剑境 Sacred Earth! 圣地 Supreme Unity sword technique! 太乙剑诀 This sword comes not to have the indication, people only Void-Gazing air/Qi a distortion, suddenly the strong winds raid. 这一剑来得毫无征兆,众人只见空气一阵扭曲,忽然狂风袭来。 The strong winds seize every opportunity. 狂风无孔不入。 Knight responded radically without enough time, has soared. 骑士们根本来不及反应,就已腾空。 They were destroyed all weapon armor to have by sword aura in broken bits still at the midair, the whole person goes nakedly with the wind. 他们尚在半空就被细碎的剑芒摧毁了所有兵器甲具,整个人赤身随风而去。 „-” “啊啊啊-” This is what Sword Technique!” “这是什么剑术!” Is impossible!” “不可能!” Panic shout, as the strong winds go gradually far. 惊慌失措的呼喊声,随着狂风渐渐去远。 Gu Qingshan receives the sword. 顾青山收剑。 The assurance of this sword to strength is so slight, all Knight body link a wound not to have. 这一剑对力量的把握是如此细微,所有骑士身上连一丝伤都没有。 This sword is so powerful, leeway that everyone has not revolted against. 这一剑又是如此强大,所有人都没有反抗的余地。 Only this sword, strong past a lot of swords! 只此一剑,强过昔日的千百剑! Boss saw that has resentfully however loosened the black trident in hand. 老大见状,只得悻悻然松开了手中的黑色三叉戟。 This trident powerful divine artifact from strange spirit, original(ly) should blossom in radiant splendor in confrontation of just now. 这三叉戟是来自奇诡之灵的强大神器,原本正该在刚才的对峙中大放异彩。 What a pity a Gu Qingshan sword, has solved the matter conveniently. 可惜顾青山随手一剑,已经把事情解决了。 Two people continue to walk toward King. 两人继续朝着国王走去。 Suddenly, they simultaneously stop footsteps. 忽然,他们同时停住脚步。 Four forms surrounded them. 四道身影包围了他们。 Ignorant mortal.” Wind God comes. “愚昧的凡人。”风神现身。 You dare to commit murder in Calming Soul Country unexpectedly.” God of Earth comes. “你们竟然敢在安魂乡行凶。”地神现身。 Although Mother God is not, but we want to take your life, is not the difficult matter.” Fire God said. “虽然母神不在,但我们想要取你们性命,也并不是什么难事。”火神道。 You die here!” Water God said. “你们就死在这里吧!”水神道。 Four False God come together! 四名伪神一起现身! The Boss nod said: They really in protection royal family, but......” 老大点头道:“他们果然在保护王室,但是……” But what?” Gu Qingshan asked. “但是什么?”顾青山问。 How I thought that we are the unprincipled people?” The Boss doubts said. “我怎么觉得我们才是坏人?”老大疑惑的说。 We are the unprincipled people.” Gu Qingshan say. “我们一直是坏人。”顾青山道 He will shrink another hand in sleeve to lift. 他将缩在袖子里的另一只手抬起来。 A gold/metal. 一金。 Three silver. 三银。 Ring of King and Ring of Protector wear completely on his finger. 国王之戒守护者之戒全部戴在他的手指上。 Four rings exuded the resonance sound. 四枚戒指发出了共鸣般的响声。 Gu Qingshan shouted: I am Holder of kingdom power, is the kings of all God's Descendants, in your souls, contains to the obedience of royal power, this is rule that Spiritual God sets.” 顾青山喝道:“我是王国权力的持有者,是所有神裔之王,你们的灵魂之中,都蕴藏着对王权的服从,这是神灵定下的规则。” I order you, kneels down completely!” “我命令你们,全部跪下!” Four rings erupt blazing Radiance. 四枚戒指爆发出炽烈的光辉
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