WAO :: Volume #11

#1044: Gu Qingshan stratagem

Above the dark blue sky, a filamental flow light is vertical falls, silent bangs into the horizon the end. 深蓝的天空之上,一线流光垂直落下,无声的撞入地平线的尽头。 The world quiet flickered. 世界沉寂了一瞬。 Suddenly. 突然。 The innumerable birds soar, panic flies away in the reverse direction of horizon. 无数飞鸟腾空而起,惊慌失措的朝着地平线的相反方向飞走。 beast start to flee from the direction of horizon similarly. 野兽们同样开始从地平线的方向逃离。 Their reckless running away in a panic, formed Mighty Torrent that sweeps across Earth. 它们不顾一切的仓惶逃窜,形成了一股席卷大地洪流 Many God's Descendants have flown from the sky, flies in the direction of horizon, wants to examine the situation. 不少神裔从天空飞过,朝着地平线的方向飞去,想要查看情况。 What exactly had? 到底发生了什么? The atmosphere that some type is hard to speak starts to cover the whole world. 某种难以言说的氛围开始笼罩整个世界。 The innumerable sounds in broken bits convey from underground depths gradually. 无数细碎的声音渐渐从地底深处传来。 The sound becomes more and more crowded, more and more loud. 声音变得越来越密集,越来越响。 Ground flutter. 地面颤动。 From far to near, vibration transmission of Earth to people. 由远及近,大地的抖动传递至众人脚下。 Calming Soul Country Apocalypse must arrive. 安魂乡末日就要降临了。 Boss looks far into the distance, asks: 老大举目远眺,问道: „Can you destroy completely this world?” “你要灭掉这个世界?” Gu Qingshan say: This degree can also be destruction- is not God's Descendants can save, I think it over, only has that Incarnation World Source laws monster to be capable of recalling.” 顾青山道:“这种程度也算得上是毁灭-并不是神裔们可以挽救的,我想来想去,唯有那个化身世界本源法则怪物才有能力挽回。” Zhang Yinghao has understood, said: That monster has fused to become part of source laws of this world, it will not look on destruction of the world.” 张英豪已经明白过来,说道:“那个怪物已经融合成为这个世界的一部分本源法则,它绝不会坐视世界的毁灭。” Laura said suddenly: Once world destruction, that monster also met the severe wound even dead, therefore it will certainly rescue this world.” 萝拉恍然道:“一旦世界毁灭,那个怪物也会重伤甚至死去,所以它一定会去救这个世界。” Ye Feili said: Said, after it detects the situation, definitely will leave the imperial palace.” 叶飞离道:“这么说,它察觉到情况之后,必然会离开皇宫。” People one static. 众人一静。 Zhang Yinghao sighed, said: so that's how it is, that monster in the imperial palace, this is not our only opportunities.” 张英豪叹了口气,说道:“原来如此,那个怪物不在皇宫,这才是我们唯一的机会。” Rumble! 轰隆隆! The lines after lines of world-shaking sound conveys from Earth depths. 一道道惊天动地的声音从大地深处传来。 The land starts to break up. 陆地开始崩解。 The whole world falls into shivers and sways, and is getting more and more fierce. 整个世界陷入颤抖和摇晃,并且越来越剧烈。 At this time stream of light flew back from the horizon speedily, falls in the Gu Qingshan front. 这时一道流光从地平线疾速飞回,落于顾青山的面前。 Earth Sword. 地剑 It makes such as the sound of mountain sincerely: According to you said that I placed underground that thing.” 它发出厚重如山的声音:“按照你说的,我把那东西放在了地底。” Gu Qingshan say: Very good, Laura, we can hide now.” 顾青山道:“很好,萝拉,现在我们可以藏起来了。” Laura holds the blossoming umbrella. 萝拉撑开花伞。 The people disappear. 众人消失。 Gu Qingshan then said the own arrangement at this time carefully. 顾青山这时便细细说了自己的布置。 Laura surprised say/way: What? You thought that Soul Whistler could not find us, but will keep outside Void we to appear?” 萝拉吃惊的道:“什么?你觉得灵魂尖啸者找不到我们,但还是会留在外面的虚空之中等我们出现?” Nod of Gu Qingshan without the slightest hesitation. 顾青山毫不犹豫的点点头。 Zhang Yinghao knits the brows: If Soul Whistler really outside, that did trouble...... you to determine?” 张英豪皱眉道:“如果灵魂尖啸者真的在外面,那就麻烦了……你确定吗?” Gu Qingshan say: Definitely can determine.” 顾青山道:“完全可以确定。” „Are you so why assured?” Boss rare spoke to ask. “为什么你如此笃定?”老大难得的出言问道。 Gu Qingshan explained: Soul Whistler once spent innumerable energy, made many arrangement, only to let antiquity human race forged Heaven and Earth Twin Swords for it ; 顾青山解释道:“灵魂尖啸者曾花费了无数精力,做出了许多布置,只为让上古人族为它锻造天地双剑;” It ambushes in God Institute of 900 million world, to play dead concealment whereabouts, arranges all in secret ; “它潜伏于九亿层世界的神学院,以假死来隐匿行踪,暗中布置一切;” It really seizes the time of Parallel World invasion, completed arrival of Era of Chaos at one fell swoop.” “它真的抓住平行世界入侵的时机,一举完成了混乱纪元的降临。” „The style of Soul Whistler working, it is one does not reach the fellow who the goal does not give up.” “从灵魂尖啸者做事的风格来看,它是一个不达目的决不罢休的家伙。” My body has final Order of Demon King, it will certainly pursue to kill me.” “我身上有着最后的魔王之序,它一定会追上来杀了我。” Not is certainly lucky.” “绝无侥幸。” Boss listened silently, sighed: Present we cannot be victorious it.” 老大默默听了,叹口气道:“现在的我们打不过它。” Yes,” the Gu Qingshan agreement said, we cannot be victorious God of Life- hundred million years ago, even Gods cannot massacre it.” “是的,”顾青山同意道,“我们也打不过生命之神-亿年之前,连众神都杀不掉它。” But we must kill God of Life four servant immediately.” Zhang Yinghao said. “但是我们马上就要去杀生命之神的四位仆从。”张英豪道。 Ye Feili said: It seems like this time we were clamped by two Gods in the middle, moreover they want our lives.” 叶飞离道:“看来这次我们被两位神祇夹在中间,而且它们都想要我们的命。” The people fall into together silent. 众人一同陷入沉默。 This also is really a desperate position. 这还真是一个让人绝望的境地。 Therefore-” “所以-” Gu Qingshan lets go saying: Why we did not introduce that they did know each other?” 顾青山摊手道:“我们为什么不介绍它们互相认识认识?” At the same time. 同一时刻。 Wide and open Earth is split up. 广袤无垠的大地四分五裂。 Hides rushes to the sky in the underground depths lava and Black Flame. 隐藏在地底深处的熔浆和黑火冲上天空。 The innumerable wooded mountains and wilderness start to crash. 无数山林和荒野开始崩塌。 The world destruction advancement constantly is speeding up! 世界毁灭的进程正在不断加快! Roar- 吼-- Angry roaring resounds from profound underground together. 一道愤怒的咆哮从深远地底响起。 The innumerable black whiskers rush to the sky loudly. 无数黑色触须轰然冲上天空。 All whiskers the places of end, have exist(ence) of half individual appearance. 所有触须的终结之处,有着半个人身模样的存在 That is a whole body withered old lady. 那是一个浑身干瘪的老太婆。 Who is, dares to be moved destruction Calming Soul Country?” “是谁,竟敢动念毁灭安魂乡?” She exudes the sharp female voice, has the meaning of anger, crazy glance the whole world. 她发出尖锐的女声,带着愤怒之意,疯狂的扫视整个世界。 However no one responded to her. 然而没有人回应她。 World still in unceasingly destruction. 世界依然在不断毁灭 The old lady has to throw into underground, emits these countless whiskers. 老太婆只好一头扎进地底,放出那些数不尽的触须。 depths of black whisker thorough the whole world, appears in each break and disintegration place, wants to splice the whole world. 黑色触须深入整个世界的深处,出现于每一个断裂和崩碎的地方,想要将整个世界重新拼接起来。 This is a mammoth project, although she is Mother God of four gods, is this world's control, is unable to complete all World Fragment splicing in a hurry. 这是一个浩大的工程,她虽然是四神的母神,是这个世界的主宰,仓促间也无法将所有的世界碎片拼接完成。 Suddenly- 突然- Several whiskers discovered thing from underground depths. 几道触须从地底深处发现了一个东西 The black whisker that thing cling, assumes in old lady's front. 黑色触须把那东西卷住,呈在老太婆的面前。 This is a black small box, does not know that with what material quality manufacture, seems incomparably firm, the fluctuation of just now Earth has not made it damage. 这是一个黑色的小盒子,也不知用什么材质制造而成,显得无比坚固,就连刚才大地的波动也没有让它破损。 The old lady puts out a hand a finger/refers. 老太婆伸手一指。 The box silent shatter, does not have including dregs immediately remaining. 盒子顿时无声破碎,连一点渣都没剩下。 Together glittering and translucent carving Jade Slip, appearance of come out unscathed in her at present. 一块晶莹剔透的玉简,安然无恙的出现在她眼前。 When the box by the destruction instance, this Jade Slip was sent out the miraculous glow immediately. 当盒子被毁灭的瞬间,这块玉简顿时散发出灵光。 Next flickers, Jade Slip was activated directly. 下一瞬,玉简直接被激活。 Sees only the miraculous glow spout from Jade Slip, by the technique of cultivation world simplest miraculous present shadow, formed a lifelike image in Void. 只见灵光从玉简上喷涌出来,以修行界最简单的灵光现影之术,在虚空中形成了一个栩栩如生的形象。 The half is the face of man, the half is the face of woman, shows the virulent happy expression. 半边是男人的脸,半边是女人的脸,露出恶毒的笑意。 The sound resounds from Jade Slip together: 一道声音从玉简上响起: God of Chaos in legend, great Soul Whistler announced in this: According to the decree of this god, this world must by destruction.” “传说中的混乱之神,伟大的灵魂尖啸者在此宣告:按照本神的旨意,这个世界必须被毁灭。” Surrender, crawls in the under foot of God of Chaos, pledged that is the Spiritual God slave.” “投降吧,匍匐于混乱之神的脚下,发誓做神灵的奴隶。” Only by doing so, you can have the opportunity of life.” “唯有如此,你才可以获得活命的机会。” The old lady is staring at Summoning Talisman, the gnashing one's teeth say/way: God of Chaos? What thing is that?” 老太婆盯着传讯符,咬牙切齿的道:“混乱之神?那是什么玩意?” On Summoning Talisman continues to broadcast the sound: As Lord of Chaos, this god has promoted God Position three days ago, is in 900 million world only True God, you must-” 传讯符上继续传来声音:“身为混乱之主,本神已于三天前晋升神位,乃是九亿层世界之中唯一真神,你必须-” Summoning Talisman was ripped suddenly crushes. 传讯符忽然被一把撕得粉碎。 In old lady's pupil sends out green and glossy crazy meaning. 老太婆的眸子中散发出绿油油的疯狂意味。 Originally was just one just the become a God fellow. 原来只不过是一个刚刚成神的家伙。 Originally, in 900 million world Spiritual God such exist(ence) did not even have. 原来,九亿层世界之中连神灵这样的存在都没有了。 If not for is afraid oneself this body to bring in more terrifying monster...... 若不是害怕自己这具身体引来更加恐怖的怪物…… „An inferior new god, dares before me dissolute? When I found you, your only fate is to become my food.” She muttered in a low voice. “一个蹩脚的新神,也敢在我面前放肆?等我找到你,你唯一的下场就是成为我的食物。”她低声喃喃道。 Bang!!! 轰!!! But stopped the time of this while, the collapse of Earth depths intensifies again! 只不过停顿了这一会儿的功夫,大地深处的崩溃再次加剧! The old lady clenches teeth, has to hurry to find the way to heal the wound in the world. 老太婆一咬牙,不得不赶紧想办法弥合世界的创伤。 Another side. 另一边。 With the passage of time, shivering of Earth no longer becomes fiercer. 随着时间的推移,大地的颤抖不再变得更加剧烈。 So long as induces carefully, will discover that the disintegration of the world is falling into the slow state. 只要细细感应,就会发现世界的崩解正在陷入迟缓状态。 Matter became, God of Life is saving this World Xuan Ya, leads us to go to the imperial palace now.” Gu Qingshan say. “事情成了,生命之神正在拯救这个世界-泫雅,现在带我们去皇宫。”顾青山道 Good!” “好!” Xuan Ya complied, starts to start fearless transmission. 泫雅应了一声,开始发动无畏传送 Gu Qingshan,” Laura remembers a loophole, cannot bear ask, we have not massacred that four False God by some chance with enough time, God of Life have patched the world, that what to do?” 顾青山,”萝拉想起一个漏洞,忍不住问道,“万一我们还没来得及杀掉那四个伪神,生命之神就已经将世界修补完,那怎么办?” The star light that lines after lines of revolves appears in people around the body. 一道道旋转的星光出现在众人身周 Dauntless transmission starts to start. 无畏传送开始发动。 Everyone will arrive in the imperial palace immediately directly. 大家马上就将直接抵达皇宫。 Gu Qingshan replied: If such, I pound with Earth Sword again one time this world.” 顾青山回答道:“假如那样,我就用地剑再砸一次这个世界。” Ray greatly rises. 光芒大盛 Only listens to one that shouted, everyone from disappeared same place does not see. 只听呼的一声,所有人从原地消失不见。
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