WAO :: Volume #11

#1046: secret ownership of Water God Card

Under the strengths of four rings, four False God body that ribbons Radiance of sacred meaning is completely vanishing. 在四枚戒指的力量下,四名伪神身上那丝丝带着神圣意味的光辉全然消失。 They appear the oneself original(ly) appearance. 他们显现出自己原本的模样。 God's Descendants. 神裔 Their itself/Ben is ordinary God's Descendants. 他们本就是普通的神裔 Lost Ring of King, three Ring of Protector- this is impossible!” “遗失的国王之戒,还有三枚守护者之戒-这不可能!” Actually are you who?” “你究竟是谁?” Four gods cannot help but kneels toward the ground. 四神不由自主的朝地上跪去。 Rotation brain that they go all out, wants to find the means of resisting four ring. 他们拼命的转动脑经,想找到对抗四枚指环的办法。 What a pity is useless, this is the order from Spiritual God contract level, engraves in all God's Descendants souls. 可惜没有用,这是来自神灵契约层面的命令,刻印在所有神裔的灵魂之中。 Moreover, Gu Qingshan has not given them any opportunity. 而且,顾青山没有给他们任何机会。 This is incomparably essential one step, to prevent to present the careless mistake, Gu Qingshan let go the opportunity of attack simply, the control of concentrate one's attention completely four rings. 这是无比关键的一步,为了防止出现纰漏,顾青山索性放弃了进攻的机会,全神贯注的控制着四枚戒指。 Four gods kneel on the ground. 四神跪在地上。 But they have not actually given up resisting, opens mouth, the song is singing the Spiritual God song of praise: 但他们却并没有放弃抵抗,同时张开嘴,颂唱着神灵赞歌: Great Mother God, I summoned you-” “伟大的母神,我呼唤你-” The Gu Qingshan facial expression moves, urgently shouted: Do not let them summon that monster!” 顾青山神情一动,急喝道:“别让他们呼唤那个怪物!” His full strength urges four ring, is containing the bodies of four gods, making them kneel motionless, but does not have Technique Prohibition to stop their opens the mouth to sing praises the song of praise. 全力驱使四枚指环,遏制着四神的身体,让他们跪地不动,但却无法禁止他们张口唱颂赞歌。 Boss take action. 老大出手了。 Gave up any idea of!” “休想!” He grabs the black trident, throws toward Wind God. 他抓着黑色三叉戟,朝风神抛去。 The black trident pricks the Wind God chest, changes to one group of black tide, spreads toward his around the body. 黑色三叉戟刺入风神胸口,化作一团黑潮,朝他身周蔓延开来。 No, rescues quickly-” “不,快救-” Wind God gave up the song singing, prayed for rescue loudly. 风神放弃了颂唱,大声求救。 But the black tide rapid submerges it thoroughly, his sound stops suddenly quickly. 但黑潮迅速将其彻底淹没,他的声音很快戛然而止。 Other three False God complexion big changes. 其他三名伪神脸色大变。 They can feel, Wind God was being swallowed the flesh by that weapon. 他们能感觉到,风神正在被那柄武器吞噬血肉。 In the wink of an eye. 瞬息之间。 Wind God disappear without trace, only has that black trident to insert in the ground alone. 风神无影无踪,唯有那柄黑色三叉戟孤零零插在地上。 The black tide is surrounding the trident, non-stop revolving, finally falls following the long halberd on the ground, forms a beach shadow. 黑色的潮水环绕着三叉戟,不停旋转,最终顺着长戟落在地上,形成一滩黑影。 This was the Wind God corpse. 这就是风神的尸体了。 Other Three Gods revealed the panic-stricken color, in the mouth speeds up the song of Spiritual God song of praise to sing immediately: 其他三神露出惊恐之色,口中顿时加快了神灵赞歌的颂唱: Mother God, you are infinite in eternal, but we are your people, here reported to you, we were under the threat of life-” 母神,你是无穷之中的永恒,而我们是你的子民,在此向您禀告,我们受到了性命的威胁-” Boss did not say a word, picked up the own attack speed. 老大一言不发,加快了自己的攻击速度。 When ejecting long halberd, he has taken out Book of Destiny, finished with the quickest speed preparation. 在抛出长戟之时,他已经取出命运之书,用最快的速度准备完毕。 A page of combustion was picked up by him in the hand, throws to two Spiritual God. 一张燃烧的书页被他拈在手中,抛向两位神灵 Flame of Nihility! 虚无之焰 The gray flame, binds loudly two gods. 灰色的火焰轰然而起,将两神裹住。 Two gods send out the pitiful yell without enough time, was fired the ashes by the flame. 两神连惨叫都来不及发出,就被火焰烧成灰烬。 The gray flame rapid contraction collapses a gray dot. 灰色火焰迅速收缩坍塌成一个灰色小点。 The quick, gray dot also vanishes thoroughly does not see. 很快,灰色小点也彻底消失不见。 Two gods die! 两神死! Among breaths, four gods have gone to its three! 一息之间,四神已去其三! Some Fire God are only farthest from the battlefield position, luck evaded the ignition of Flame of Nihility. 唯有火神距离战场的位置最远,幸运的躲过了虚无之焰的灼烧。 His going all out song sang the song of god to praise, finally praised to final one. 他拼命颂唱神赞之歌,终于颂至最终一句。 Asked Mother God to arrive at this place, for me- went!” “请母神降临此地,为我-去!” Fire God chin crooked, last ran suddenly the accent. 火神的下巴一歪,最后一句突然跑了调。 Meanwhile, in nihility of not far away, resounded a gunshot suddenly. 与此同时,不远处的虚无之中,忽然响起了一声枪响。 ! 哒! A bullet without bias and without favor hits on the Fire God chin, the violent has one group of blood splashes. 一枚子弹不偏不倚打在火神下巴上,暴出一团血花。 The Fire God song sang, therefore was broken. 火神的颂唱因此被打断。 While this opportunity, Boss rushes, will insert in the black trident of ground grasps. 趁此机会,老大冲上去,将插在地上的黑色三叉戟抓起来。 Death!” “死!” Boss calls out one. 老大暴喝一声。 The black trident has the black tide of howling, punctures toward Fire God. 黑色三叉戟带着呼啸的黑潮,朝着火神刺去。 The long halberd near the body, saw that Fire God must die the boundary, suddenly- 长戟临身,眼看火神已是必死之境,突然- When! 当! A loud sound. 一声巨响。 The black trident was resisted by the long sword. 黑色三叉戟被长剑抵住。 Gu Qingshan holds the sword, blocked Boss the strikes. 顾青山持剑,拦住了老大的这一击。 Why blocks me?” Boss asked. “为什么拦我?”老大问道。 Matter is not right.” Gu Qingshan say. “事情不对。”顾青山道 He is knitting the brows, looks to other Three Gods original(ly) positions. 他皱着眉,望向其他三神原本所处的位置。 Without playing card. 没有卡牌 Water God Card has not appeared. 水神牌并没有出现。 Boss also responded, received the black trident, was surprised the different way: „It is not truly right, Order Incarnation playing card will not vanish with their Death, but we have not actually discovered playing card.” 老大也反应过来,将黑色三叉戟收了回去,诧异道:“确实不对劲,秩序化身卡牌绝不会随着他们的死亡而消失,可是我们却没发现卡牌。” Gu Qingshan nods silently. 顾青山默默点头。 Leads away God of Life, surrounds all previous King, and even resists four False God using four rings, ultimately in several breaths, in a single breath defeated the opposite party four people. 引开生命之神,困住历代国王,乃至利用四枚戒指对抗四伪神,最终在数息之间,一口气战胜了对方四人。 But playing card actually disappears without a trace. 可是卡牌却不知去向。 Gu Qingshan gets hold of the fist. 顾青山握紧拳头。 However, now is not the ponder time. 然而,现在不是思考的时候。 God of Life can detect all life and death of this world! 生命之神能察觉到这个世界的一切生死! The just now three False God deaths, she thinks that had learned. 刚才三名伪神的死,她想必已经获知。 Must escape immediately! 必须马上逃! But playing card actually still disappears without a trace. 可是卡牌却依然不知去向。 Gu Qingshan said rapidly: Xuan Ya, you take the child ; Feili bewitches, do not let the Three Gods soul remain to leak our news!” 顾青山迅速道:“泫雅,你带上孩子;飞离勾魂,别让三神的魂魄留下来泄露我们的消息!” He spoke, Xuan Ya came suddenly, hugs the child to come back. 他说话间,泫雅就忽然现身,去抱了孩子回来。 A long hook flew for a week around the battlefield, brings three illusory Ghost Shadow, vanishes in nihility again. 一柄长钩绕着战场飞了一周,带着三道虚幻的鬼影,再次消失在虚无之中。 Boss, leads this fellow.” 老大,带着这个家伙。” Good.” “好。” Boss adjusts a head the long halberd, pricks the Fire God chest by another. 老大将长戟调个头,以另一头刺入火神胸膛。 Fire God was imprisoned all strengths immediately. 火神顿时被禁锢了一切力量。 The strength of this seal is the hidden ability of black trident. 这种封印之力是黑色三叉戟的隐藏能力。 Umbrella, transmission!” “伞,传送!” Gu Qingshan also said. 顾青山又道。 He has not been idling, puts in the black box Jade Slip conveniently, loses on the ground. 他也没闲着,随手将一枚玉简放入黑盒,丢在地上。 Laura opens an umbrella, but. 萝拉撑伞而至。 Xuan Ya starts fearless transmission. 泫雅发动无畏传送 ! 唰! The people disappear from the imperial palace. 众人从皇宫之中消失。 Said slowly, but actually appears from Gu Qingshan and Boss, comes until four gods, was killed to be captured, departs to people transmission again, but short seven breath time. 说起来慢,但其实从顾青山老大出现,直到四神现身,被杀被擒,再到众人传送离去,不过短短七息时间 Seven breath. 七次呼吸。 All finished. 一切结束。 The eighth breath- 第八息- Bang! 轰! The hard ground in imperial palace splits. 皇宫的坚硬地面裂开。 The infinite black whisker surges crazily. 无穷的黑色触须疯狂涌动。 In all whiskers end the place, has exist(ence) of half individual body finally. 在所有触须的终末之处,有着半个人身的存在 That is an old lady. 那是一个老太婆。 God of Life. 生命之神 She detected that below Death, hurried back promptly. 她察觉到手下的死亡,及时赶回来了。 Damn! Actually is who! Dares to kill my servant-” “该死!究竟是谁!竟敢杀我的仆-” Her sound is cut off. 她的声音断掉。 Because she suddenly discovered, the final royal bloodlines disappear. 因为她突然发现,最后的皇族血脉不见了。 On her front ground, a black box calmly lies down there. 在她面前的地上,一个黑色的盒子正静静躺在那里。 The old lady recognized the origin of this black box instantaneously. 老太婆瞬间认出了这个黑色盒子的来历。 The black box pointed out. 黑色盒子被一指破开。 Bai Yu lying down is one of them together, as shatter of box activates. 一块白玉躺在其中,随着盒子的破碎而激活。 Bai Yu floats in the midair, sends out the miraculous glow, composes the Soul Whistler appearance. 白玉漂浮在半空,散发出灵光,组成灵魂尖啸者的模样。 Full is the sound of threat resounds together: Pledges allegiance, or died thoroughly.” 一道满是威胁的声音响起:“归顺,或是彻底死掉。” You did not have many time to consider, come, knelt to bend down in my front-” “你没有更多的时间考虑了,来吧,跪伏在我的面前-” ! 啪! Bai Yu by crumb. 白玉被捏碎。 The old lady reveals the crazy color, to fill the virulent meaning the tone to discuss in a low voice: 老太婆露出疯狂之色,以充满恶毒之意的语气低声念道: Is a new god, really...... wants to be eaten by me?” “不过是一个新神,真的……就这么想被我吃掉?” ...... …… Another side. 另一边。 The remote place of city. 城区的偏僻之处。 In Xuan Ya original(ly) hut. 泫雅原本的小屋内。 Void turbulent, immediately returns to normal. 虚空动荡了一下,随即恢复平静。 The people appear figure. 众人现出身形 Boss is lifting the black long halberd, arrives at False God on the wall. 老大举着黑色长戟,将伪神抵在墙上。 Gu Qingshan walks to go forward: Made a long story short, we made a transaction, I forgave your life, you told me, where Water God Card was hidden by you.” 顾青山走上前:“长话短说,我们做个交易,我饶你一命,你告诉我,水神牌到底被你们藏在哪里。” Fire God is breathing heavily, is staring Gu Qingshan. 火神喘着粗气,瞪着顾青山 He erupts one to laugh wildly suddenly. 他突然爆发出一阵狂笑。 Originally you presumptuously think to obtain Card of Order unexpectedly.” “原来你们竟妄想得到秩序之牌。” hahaha, do not cherish fond hopes, Card of Order has fused together with Mother God, no one can win that card from her hand!” 哈哈哈,别做美梦了,秩序之牌已经跟母神融为一体,谁都不能从她手中夺走那张牌!”
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