ADM :: Volume #6

#586: Goes into the tomb chamber

zī zī zī ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!!” 滋滋滋~~~~~~~~~~!!” A big string chaotic loud electric arc spreads innumerable thunder and lightning toward the surroundings, as after that together sturdiest startling thunderclap bang ruthlessly falls, these thunder and lightning also spread fiercely in the air, splits up more unexpectedly probably electricity, will then make the effect of strength of thunder increase a point again! 一大串乱响的电弧朝着周围扩散开无数的雷电枝,随着那一道最为粗壮的惊雷狠狠的轰落下去之后,这些雷电枝也在空气中蔓延得更加剧烈,竟然好像分化出越多得电枝,便会让雷霆之力的效果再增加一分! Therefore when most thunder and lightning rumbled all of a sudden in Bandaged Corpse will then result in the column to open its body bang all of a sudden, in the iron grey cloth strip the flesh turned burned black, basically did not have with the half shoulder. 于是当最雷电一下子轰在了裹布尸将身上的时候便一下子将它身体轰得栏开,灰白色布条里面得血肉都变成了焦黑,与半边肩膀基本上都没有了。 Bandaged Corpse strong such as the corpse of cow will really have entirely different from that body, before Mo Fan when coped with that big corpse, the third level of [Thunderbolt] crazy bang does not see to play the effect of present, even if it seems like Bandaged Corpse were quick the speed, so long as can control it to kill not the too difficult matter. 裹布尸将确实和那种体壮如牛的尸将有大不相同,之前莫凡在对付那头大尸将的时候,第三级的霹雳狂轰都不见到能够起到现在的这种效果,看来即便是裹布尸将速度快,只要能够控制住它杀起来也不算太困难的事情。 After Bandaged Corpse will be injured, has not become creakies, its eye blooms the red light, the body is starting the fast zero forward velocity operation unexpectedly...... 裹布尸将受伤后并没有变得摇摇欲坠,它眼睛绽放着红光,身体竟然开始快速的原地旋转…… The velocity of whirl is getting more and more fast, this goods on the incarnation for a metal drill, the whole person drilled into earth...... 旋转速度越来越快,这货就化身为了一个金属钻,整个人钻入到了土里…… [Vine Forest] under the ground is nothing root hair, even if there are these root hair is still frail, if the enemy drilled [Vine Forest] unable to form an effect of captivity. 坤之林在地面之下是没有什么根须的,即便有这些根须也非常脆弱,如果敌人钻地的话坤之林就形不成一个囚禁的效果了。 Quick, in [Vine Forest] was only left over the hole that was drilled puts on, Bandaged Corpse will vanish in the bottom, did not have the mark to seek completely. 很快,坤之林中就只剩下了一个被钻穿的洞,裹布尸将消失在了地底,完全无迹可寻。 Damn, made it give to run away unexpectedly!” Cross scar male somewhat angry saying. “该死,竟然让它给跑掉了!”十字疤男有些气恼的说道。 Running is not better, we can hurry the large unit to go, felt that they must walk away.” Shorty has turned head the long team that looks at goes far away gradually. “跑了不是更好,我们可以赶紧回大部队去了,感觉他们都要走远了啊。”矮男回过头看着渐渐远去的长队。 Yu Qingsu obvious some are not quite willing, if knows that this fellow has ability that drills the place, oneself should first live in it with the vine comfortably, Bandaged Corpse in all corpses will be the quite scarce variety, will have many cunning abilities, if can take its undead crystallization, can let her ranking again some promotion! 余青素明显有些不太甘心,假如知道这个家伙拥有钻地的本领的话,自己就应该用藤蔓先将它给舒服住,裹布尸将在所有尸将之中算是比较稀少的品种,拥有很多诡诈的能力,若是能够将它的亡灵结晶拿下来,可以让她的排名再有一些提升! Giggle ~ giggle ~ ~ ~ very strange sound passed from the cross scar male behind position very much slightly, sounds looks like the foot of person to step “咯咯咯~咯咯咯~~~”很细微很奇怪的声音从十字疤男的身后位置传了出来,听上去就像是人的脚踩在冰面上。 You hear......” “你们听见……” ~ ~ ~!” “嘣~~~!” Shorty just about to speaks, the under foot is cracked by the ground that the cross scar male partly froze suddenly, in the crack jumped out two all of a sudden such as the white variable sleeve common shroud!! 矮男刚要说话,脚下被十字疤男半冻住的地面突然间裂了开来,裂缝之中一下子窜出了两根如白无常袖子一般的裹尸布!! The shroud flies toward the cross scar male, was intertwined in his front one restrained the cross scar male neck instantaneously, the tall and sturdy cross scar male also calculated the response to be quick, is encountering that his body of sneak attack to transform numerous faculae instantaneously. 裹尸布朝着十字疤男飞去,在他的面前一个交缠瞬间勒住了十字疤男的脖子,人高马大的十字疤男还算反应很快,在遭到偷袭的那瞬间他的身上幻化出了众多光斑。 The light brown light spot composed magic armor rapid coverage on his body, turned into a brown armor soldier it. 浅褐色的光斑组成了一件魔铠迅速的覆盖在了他的身上,将它化成了一个褐铠战士。 However, the pliable but hard to break shroud does not have very strong lethality, even the cross scar male were being protected by magic armor, this restrains his shroud was still entraining his head ruthlessly him drags down in the place. 然而,柔韧的裹尸布本身就不具备很强的杀伤力,即便十字疤男被魔铠保护着,这勒住他的裹尸布仍旧是拽着他的脑袋狠狠的将他拖倒在地。 When everyone responded that time, the cross scar male had been pulled off was more than ten meters away, and entrains in the grave cave that into everyone had not detected directly! 等大家反应过来得时候,十字疤男已经被拖出了有十几米远,并且直接拽入到了一个大家都没有察觉到的墓穴洞中! Saves him, saves him quickly!!” Yu Qingsu is startled beautiful face changing colors, takes the lead pursues in the cross scar male dragged away direction. “救他,快救他!!”余青素惊得花容失色,率先朝着十字疤男被拖走的方向追去。 Does to Yu Qingsu and has no ability of displacement, the light cannot catch up with that rapidly dragged away cross scar male with the running words. 奈何余青素并没有任何位移的能力,光是用跑的话根本追不上那迅速被拖走的十字疤男。 This happened only in very short one second, Mo Fan or Shorty, even to rescue cannot think that uses what Magic. 这一幕发生只在很短的一秒多钟时间,无论是莫凡还是矮男即便想要救也根本想不到使用什么魔法 He was drawn the corpse hole, how we rescue, does Is it possible that jump together??” Shorty rushes to tomb cave entrance, discovery tomb cave entrance next darkness. “他被拖进尸洞了,我们怎么救,难不成一起跳下去??”矮男跑到墓穴洞口处,发现墓穴洞口下一片漆黑。 Line of sight issue next, in tomb mostly narrow incomparable, most fears like their these by Mage of near body , if no one defends the tortoise shell Mage protection of skill from top to bottom, everyone could not insist how long will be fallen down by zombie! 视线这问题还是其次,墓穴内多半狭窄无比,像他们这些最怕被近身的法师若是没有一个浑身上下都是防御技能的龟壳法师保护,大家坚持不了多久就会被腐尸们扑倒! You do not go, I go!” Yu Qingsu clenches teeth, jumps unexpectedly directly toward that grave cave. “你们不去,我去!”余青素一咬牙,竟然直接往那墓穴洞中跳去。 Mo Fan and Shorty look dumbfoundedly in cave entrance, below is anything is not clear, jumped like this rather also too not awfully. 莫凡矮男在洞口处看得目瞪口呆,下面是什么都不清楚,就这样跳下去未免也太不要命了吧。 What to do, do we get down?” Shorty looks at Mo Fan, for a short time cannot make up mind. “怎么办,我们下不下去?”矮男看着莫凡,一时半会根本拿不定主意。 How can also, save them...... Little Flame Fairy, comes out!” Mo Fan called one. “还能怎么的,下去救他们两个……小炎姬,出来!”莫凡叫了一声。 Mo Fan starts to draw Summoning System Middle-Order star atlas, finally star atlas drew to half of time Little Flame Fairy drill, the flamelet fist must extend upward, appearance that complete came out to save the world. 莫凡开始描画召唤系中阶星图,结果星图描画到一半的时候小炎姬自己就屁颠屁颠的钻出来了,小火焰拳头还要往上一伸,完全一副出来拯救世界的模样。 A Mo Fan chill, if we had known did not put Ultraman to look to her, raised summoned beast so to raise two! 莫凡一阵恶寒,早知道不给她放奥特曼看了,养个召唤兽养得如此中二! The one side Shorty looked was shocked, for a short time has not responded. 一旁得矮男看得愣住了,一时半会没反应过来。 He discovered actually not Mo Fan has the specialness of three departments, the people who now like paying attention to the those disorderly mess list know that talent ranking's fifth Mo Fan has three departments, how many meanings was the issue your Mo Fan Middle-Order Magic draws to half Contracted Beast comes out this is? 倒不是他发现莫凡有三个系的特殊,现在喜欢关注那些乱七八糟榜的人都知道天赋排行榜第五的莫凡拥有三个系,问题是你莫凡中阶魔法描画到一半契约兽就出来了这是几个意思? Violates the Magic general knowledge!! 违背魔法常识啊!! This fellow estimated that has Space System bloodlines, therefore oneself can drill.” Mo Fan explained one reluctantly. “这家伙估计有空间系血统,所以自己可以钻来钻去。”莫凡无奈的解释了一句。 oh, oh...... I do not want to get down, I feared that really could not see my newly-born son.” Shorty indicated own true idea. ,……我不是很想下去,我怕下去了真的看不到我刚出生的儿子了。”矮男表明了自己的真实想法。 Little rubbish to father!” Mo Fan to the Shorty BB opportunity, will not raise Shorty, making Little Flame Fairy illuminate in front, turned very quiet to jump toward the grave cave in directly. “少给老子废话!”莫凡可不会给矮男BB的机会,提住矮男,让小炎姬在前面照明,一屏住呼吸直接往墓穴洞中跳了下去。 „...... Does not want......” “不……不要……” The system of Shorty was worse than Mo Fan were too more, Mo Fan simply was a savage, grabbed Shorty to tow in the cavern Shorty one. 矮男的体制比莫凡差太多了,莫凡简直就是一个野人,抓着矮男就把矮男一起拖到了洞穴里。 The grave hole presents the vertical shape, simply is a slightly big grave well, the surroundings are completely not the soil, but with some ancient was not corroded to result in the brick to bond easily, it seems like constructed the tomb in some ancient times truly people here! 墓洞呈现垂直状,简直就是一个稍大一些的墓井,周围并非全部是泥土,而是用一些古老不容易被腐蚀得砖组砌成的,看来在古时候确实有人在这里修建了墓穴! Damn, did not have!” Shorty has been falling downward, the surroundings is a black, he had yelled like the woman anxiously. 我草,还没到底啊!”矮男一直在往下掉,周围又是一片黑,他早已经像个娘们一样不安的大叫了起来。 Little Flame Fairy below, her flame shines, but looks not. 小炎姬在下,她身上的火焰照耀开,但找不到底。 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!!” “嘣~~~~~~!!” Finally, a ancient tomb chamber appeared under, body of Mo Fan after landing squatted downward, alleviates this falling downwards strength. 终于,一个古墓室出现在了下方,莫凡在落地后身体往下一蹲,缓解一下这下坠力。 Shorty did not have Mo Fan is so comfortable, fell two legs to tingle with numbness directly, loves him to shout 'motherfucker'. 矮男就没莫凡那么舒服了,直接摔了一个两腿发麻,疼得他直骂娘。 Yu Qingsu?” Mo Fan is looking all around all around, has not actually seen that Qing Lajiao[Green Pepper]. 余青素呢?”莫凡环顾着四周,却没有看到那根青辣椒 Also dragged away, hits the words that in the ground, we must kill that only Bandaged Corpse are not the difficult matter, then to others' domain, a narrow escape!!” Shorty extremely does not prefer. “也被拖走了呗,在地面上打的话,我们要杀那只裹布尸将也不是什么难事,这下到了别人的地盘,九死一生好吗!!”矮男万分的不情愿。 Also thinks after jumping down, full is undead, it seems like here is spacious.” Mo Fan saw clearly the surrounding condition taking advantage of Little Flame Fairy this movement light bulb. “还以为跳下来后会满满的全是亡灵,看来这里还是蛮空旷的。”莫凡借着小炎姬这个移动灯泡看清了周围的状况。
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