ADM :: Volume #6

#585: Gripped, killed by explosion it!

Really does not know how in that monster the Monster Qi man will accept fate such a stupid package to make Vice Captain, Vice Captain should not be my experienced Mage!” The Qing Lajiao[Green Pepper] resentment has soon compared favorably with Demonic Abyss dreadfully. “真不知道那个妖里妖气的男人怎么会认命这样一个蠢包做副队长,副队长难道不应该是我这种身经百战的法师吗!”青辣椒怨气滔天已经快要与煞渊媲美了。 As the Magic Association member, with the words of social science, that is the official and official, all has the title not to have the title, powerful, does not have Mage of influence on probably turn over to them to manage completely, if she is this action Vice Captain, and successfully completed this important mission, she will become the important person all of a sudden, the promotion is just round the corner, after all she already in Middle-Order Mage here card too for a long time, if can obtain genuine resources time, she believes that can break through the Middle-Order shackles certainly, having third is, controls might stronger High-Order Magic! 作为魔法协会的成员,用科学社会的话语来说,那就是公务员、官员,所有有称谓没称谓的,有势力的、没势力的法师全部要归他们管,假如她是这次行动的副队长,并且成功完成了这次重要的任务,她将一下子成为要员,升官指日可待,毕竟她已经在中阶法师这里卡了太长时间,若是能够获得一次真正的资源,她相信自己一定可以冲破中阶的枷锁,拥有第三个系,掌控威力更强的高阶魔法 Yu Qingsu, why is two Mage vitality/angry that covets life and fears death to come to make up the number, will first solve this only Bandaged Corpse, it has been close to the big corpse the strength.” The scar face male said. 余青素,何必为两个贪生怕死前来凑数的法师生气,先解决这只裹布尸将吧,它已经接近大尸将的实力了。”疤脸男说道。 Yu Qingsu cannot swallow this tone, but mission is mission, could not complete to be punished did not say, but also likely made them fall into to surrounding of undead army. 余青素就是咽不下这口气,但任务就是任务,完成不了要被处罚不说,还很可能令他们陷入到亡灵大军的包围。 Looked all around around one, new large quantities of undead with the rising tide same vine, has now fallen into the region by them, the escape route is impossible to exist, black zombie layer by layer will form outside city wall the corpse wall that is more difficult than to surmount, the only means of livelihood are to follow the large unit! 环顾了一下四周,新的一大批亡灵已经跟涨潮一样蔓了过来,以他们现在陷入到区域,退路是根本不可能存在的,一层又一层的黑色腐尸会形成比外城墙更难翻越的尸墙,唯一活路就是跟上大部队! Gives me dead!” Yu Qingsu seems like must vent this only Bandaged Corpse the anger of innermost feelings resentfully completely the body, on her right palm has the purple thunder and lightning to sparkle, changes the innumerable thunder and lightning python mark brought the air toward Bandaged Corpse to stroke rapidly deeply worried. “给我去死!”余青素像是要将内心的怒怨全部发泄到这只裹布尸将的身上,她右掌上有紫色的雷电在不停的闪耀着,迅速的化作了无数的雷电蟒痕带起空气的焦灼朝着裹布尸将击打过去。 The thunder and lightning like the whip, brushes in Bandaged Corpse the body, but the speed of this corpse is actually the astonishing rapidness, the thunder and lightning mark hit completely on the black hillock, left burned black traces above. 雷电如鞭,抽打在裹布尸将的身上,但是这只尸物的速度却是惊人的快,雷电印记全部打在了黑色的小坡上,在上面留下了一条条焦黑的痕迹。 Bandaged Corpse will move ultra-fast, the iron grey shadow flashed appears in the Yu Qingsu back unexpectedly, it like live person same arm flexible shook, immediately shroud on the both arms flew to flee unexpectedly directly, fast entangled toward the body of Yu Qingsu! 裹布尸将移动超快,灰白色的影子一闪竟然出现在了余青素的背后,它如同活人一样的手臂灵活的一抖,顿时双臂上的裹尸布竟然直接飞窜了出来,快速的朝着余青素的身上缠去! Be not bound to bind completely, otherwise it can exchange the body with you!” The scar face male quickly makes noise the reminder to say. “别被裹住完全裹住,否则它会和你交换身体!”疤脸男急忙出声提醒道。 The scar face is Ice Mage, the strength of his Ice Element needs some deployment, what this time tackled will be the corpse is not those Servant Level zombie, he does not dare to step on [Ice Chains] to kill rashly. 疤脸是冰系法师,他的冰系之力需要一些部署,这次对付的是尸将并非是那些奴仆级腐尸,他并不敢踩着冰锁冒然杀过去。 [Magic Vines]!” Yu Qingsu is not a vegetarian, she responded extremely quick in the future will jump out was very far, the finger controls the vine to grow immediately from the ground. 魔藤!”余青素也不是吃素的,她反应极快的往后跳出了很远,手指立马操控着藤蔓从地面下生长出来。 Rapidness that the vine growth rate stems from, is growing-power extremely strong Plant System Spirit-Seed, those [Magic Vines] before the shroud flies then fast growth in front of Yu Qingsu a vine wall...... 藤蔓生长速度出乎的快,想必是一种生长力极强的植物系灵种,那些魔藤在裹尸布飞过来之前便在余青素面前快速的生长成了一面藤墙…… The shroud is pliable but hard to break, entangling is very difficult to work loose, but like the present hits on three meters plant wall that in a rattan knitting becomes then does not have the significance, therefore shrouds very tactful returned to their master bodies in abundance! 裹尸布柔韧,缠上就很难挣脱,但是像现在这样撞在一面藤条编织而成的三米植物墙上便毫无意义,于是裹尸布们很识趣的纷纷返回到了它们的主人身体上! Bandaged Corpse is not the absolute stupidity, after it took back all the corpse cloths of dancing in the air , a fist hits suddenly toward Yu Qingsu. 裹布尸将并不是绝对的愚蠢,它收回了所有飞舞的尸布之后突然间一拳朝着余青素打去。 Is the shroud is having the true attack effect as before, sees only the those shroud to disperse from the body of this person of corpse all of a sudden, from the sky coils the thread like the long flowing silk inner sleeves dance. 依旧是裹尸布在产生真正的攻击效果,只见那些裹尸布一下子从这具人尸的身上散开,像水袖舞那样在空中盘曲出螺纹。 The thread expands, formed a crosswise vortex, seems like the monster of an esophagus and big mouth, swallows the volume to go in together with Yu Qingsu the wall of plant unexpectedly together! 螺纹扩张开,形成了一个横向的漩涡,又像是一个只有食道与大嘴的怪物,竟然连同余青素的植物之墙一起吞卷进去! So many cloths, happen to warm up in the winter, [Intense Fist]!” Shorty is filled with tease, that small fist transformed a small-scale lava mountain nozzle, erupted the boiling hot flame to go toward the shroud bang that danced in the air all of a sudden...... “这么多布,正好冬天取暖,烈拳!”矮男满心调侃,那小拳头幻化成了一个小型的熔浆山喷口,一下子喷发出了滚烫的火焰朝着那飞舞的裹尸布轰去…… The those iron grey corpse arrange/cloth was burnt down entirely, in the midair the residual also fell gently. 那些灰白色的尸布统统被烧毁,半空中残渣也随之飘落了下来。 Yu Qingsu the corpse arrange/cloth that curls suddenly from that densely packed screw extricates immediately, she looked at Shorty that scratched the fist to burn, coldly said: You should direct Bandaged Corpse!” 余青素立刻从那突然间密密麻麻螺旋卷来的尸布中解脱出来,她看了一眼擦拳而燃的矮男,冷冷道:“你应该直接裹布尸将!” All right, I come...... [Fierce Fist - Field Raze]!!” The Mo Fan sound flutters. “没事,我来……烈拳-地煞!!”莫凡声音飘出。 A fist direct bang in the ground, Mo Fan the strength of flaming roaring flame will pour into the surface, when arrives at the surface layer of land is not able to withstand this forthcoming flame the time, the position that Bandaged Corpse will be at gorgeous will be given to embezzle like the rose [Field Raze] flame by one shortly, flame grand broke the surrounding black Death Qi dense fog! 一拳直接轰在了地面上,莫凡将熊熊的烈焰之力灌注到地表,待到大地的表层已经无法承受这即将爆发的火焰的时候,裹布尸将所在的位置顷刻间被一朵绚丽如玫瑰般的地煞火焰给吞没,火焰的壮丽都冲开了周围黑色的死气迷雾! Prosperous rumble ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ “隆隆隆~~~~~~~~” The [Field Raze] roaring flame is billowing, by coping with the words of single body goal, [Field Raze] might natural(ly) will surpass a [Nine Pillars] column. 地煞烈焰滚滚,论对付单体目标的话,地煞的威力自然会超过九宫的一柱。 The Mo Fan´s flame is still rushing the combustion, he believes that this [Field Raze] fist will cause the damage to this Bandaged Corpse, the self-confident smiling face that but he just about to floats off did not have immediately, what is following is Bandaged Corpse that fast towards oneself to/clashes startled! 莫凡的火焰还在澎湃燃烧,他相信这地煞拳会给这裹布尸将造成创伤,但他刚要浮起的自信笑容马上就没有了,随之而来的是裹布尸将快速朝自己冲来的那份愕然! Mother, this bastard speed is quick!” Mo Fan then responded that rumble is Bandaged Corpse that arrives the remnant shadow. “妈的,这杂种速度很快!”莫凡这才反应过来自己轰到的不过是裹布尸将的残影。 The one had only known, Mo Fan direct [Fierce Fist - Nine Pillars] served, why to give him a dodging opportunity! 早知如此,莫凡直接烈拳九宫伺候上去了,何必给他一个闪躲的机会! Sensitive corpse characteristics are difficult to hit, but their bodies will be far from the those big build corpse so being firm, can therefore with destroying Magic explodes to its one time, it abandoned half.” Shorty is also a hunter who experiences the old say/way, says immediately. “敏尸特点就是难击中,但它们的躯体远没有那些大体型尸将那么刚硬,所以能够用毁灭魔法炸到它一次,它就废了一半。”矮男也是一个经验老道的猎人,立刻开口说道。 Has a need for you telling us...... [Vine Forest]!” Yu Qingsu disdainfully said. “用得着你来告诉我们……坤之林!”余青素不屑的说道 Plant System is majoring of Yu Qingsu, its Plant System Spirit-Seed gives her [Vine Forest] growth rate to be very rapid. 植物系余青素的主修,它的植物系灵种赋予她的坤之林生长速度无比迅速。 Big [Vine Forest] formation original(ly) is requires some time to grow, spread and is intertwined, but her [Vine Forest] like rising straight from the ground like that unexpectedly when Bandaged Corpse will not have rushed to front of Mo Fan then completed, and will give to be stranded Bandaged Corpse in the middle of this gigantic jungle shackles. 偌大的坤之林成型原本是需要一些时间去生长、蔓延、交缠的,但她的坤之林就像拔地而起那般,竟然在裹布尸将还没有冲到莫凡面前的时候便完成了,并将裹布尸将给困在了这个硕大的丛林牢笼当中。 [Ice Chains]!” The cross scar male grasps the time actually quickly, when Bandaged Corpse the activities will be reduced it used oneself [Ice Chains]. 冰锁!”十字疤男倒是很快掌握时机,就在裹布尸将活动范围被缩小的时候它动用了自己的冰锁 The speed of [Ice Chains] flight is far from Bandaged Corpse being fast, but Bandaged Corpse will have no place to dodge now, when four [Ice Chains] rapid sneaking into to [Vine Forest], Bandaged Corpse will then be pursued everywhere by [Ice Chains] proceeds along no particular course! 冰锁飞行的速度远没有裹布尸将快,但现在裹布尸将没有什么地方可以闪躲,当四条冰锁迅速的窜入到坤之林的时候,裹布尸将便被冰锁追得到处乱撞! Gripped him, making me kill by explosion him!” Shorty rolls up the sleeves, appearance that must be remarkable. “把他抓牢了,让我轰死他!”矮男挽起袖子,一副要大显神威的样子。 [Intense Fist] considers as finished, you will ruin her prison forest.” Mo Fan prevented Shorty. 烈拳还是算了,你会毁掉她的囚牢森林。”莫凡阻止了矮男 But side slightly several points of violent Yu Qingsu has drawn Magic star atlas obviously again, the purple manic electric arc non-stop in her whole body sparkle, serves as contrast wildly this woman overbearing! 而旁边略显几分暴力的余青素已经再描画魔法星图,紫色狂躁的电弧在她周身闪耀个不停,将这女人衬托得更加狂野霸道! ----- ----- ( Did not seek day, did not strive, but request ticket!!!!) (不求天,不求地,但是要求票!!!!)
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