ADM :: Volume #6

#584: Bandaged Corpse

5% discount, hehe, the world is so big, how don't you have a look?” Mo Fan sneers. “九五折,呵呵,世界那么大,你怎么不出去看看?”莫凡冷笑一声。 What do you mean, I in Ancient Capital is staying very well, on does not have the parents, below has the lovely wife, perhaps fires off this to fight, my son was born, my wife is tall, after synthesizing one next, definitely is charming big Mage, I must make him enter Tribunal......” Shorty to say incessantly. “什么意思,我在古都呆着挺好的啊,上没父母,下有娇妻,没准打完这场战回去,我儿子就出生了,我老婆个子高,综合一下以后肯定就是一个帅气高大的法师,我要让他进审判会……”矮男滔滔不绝的说了起来。 Is the meaning that asked you to roll, without the culture was really fearful. Well, does your wife want to live?” Mo Fan somewhat unexpected saying. “就是叫你滚的意思,没文化真可怕。咦,你老婆要生了?”莫凡有些意外的说道。 That is...... you under and others, I first butchered these son of a bitch am zombie, tall and sturdy of smelly his sister, one pile of corpses also gave me show off one's military strength.” Shorty scratched one group of flame later, but also has not really visited him is also Fire Mage. “那是……你等下,我先宰了这几个王八羔子腐尸,臭他妹的人高马大,一堆尸体也给我耀武扬威。”矮男随后就擦出了一团火焰,还真没看出来他也是一个火系法师 However, after Middle-Order, the department that everyone awakens turned into two, in addition Elemental Magic is not quite good to guide to awaken besides Thunder System, other department can conduct the guidance to awaken, the probability that therefore Fire Element presents like does not awaken at first was so on wane, after all Fire Element is in Elemental Magic injures objectively, the Middle-Order Mage rich words will lose everything to awaken Fire Element are Two Systems. 不过,到了中阶之后,大家觉醒的系变成了两个,再加上元素魔法除了雷系不太好引导觉醒之外,其他系都可以进行引导觉醒,所以火系出现的概率已经不像最初觉醒那么凋零了,毕竟火系元素魔法中伤害最客观的,中阶法师有钱的话都会砸锅卖铁去觉醒火系为第二系 Mo Fan actually looked, Shorty was buys the soy sauce, therefore hid oneself this Vice Captain to come intentionally do not charge justifiablily in front, this goods have not used Middle-Order Magic from beginning to end. 莫凡其实看出来了,矮男就是来打酱油的,所以故意躲到自己这个副队长这边来名正言顺不要冲锋在前面,这货从始至终都没有用过中阶魔法 But in facing front that several tall incomparable zombie, he used [Intense Fist]! 可是在面对前面那几只身材高大无比的腐尸时,他就动用了烈拳 Might and hates oneself being unwilling to gene rumbles completely to the faces of these zombie on, Shorty this fist might is really big, killed to the bang that several big zombie instantaneously, later grinning when leads each man to be passed from generation to generation that said joyfully: Male, I made the ultrasound to her secretly, although I know that everyone liked calling me Shorty, I did not mind that others this was called, but does not want to live to come out to the son who I turned over/stood up thoroughly greatly on behalf of the father, again by the savings that father so many years accumulated, can make him win in the Mage say/way on the starting line!” 像是要将自己对基因的不甘与怨恨全部轰到这些腐尸的脸上,矮男这一拳威力还真不小,瞬间将那几具高大腐尸给轰杀了,随后又笑嘻嘻的带着每个男人传宗接代时那份喜悦说道:“是男的,我偷偷给她做B超了,虽然我知道大家都喜欢叫我矮男,我也不介意别人这名叫,但不代表老子不想生个给我彻底大翻身的儿子出来,再以老子这么多年攒下的积蓄,怎么也能够让他在法师道中赢在起跑线上!” Never expected that you are man who at the most must go against heaven's will changes the life, from the scripts of numerous show, plants the battlefield like your mentioned itself to triumphal return to look that just the birth son or did this ticket to wash off, generally will die, then gave you dead makes you leave behind society happy last words especially obviously......” Mo Fan face earnest saying. “没有想到你是一个要逆天改命的顶天男子汉,但从众多美剧的剧本来看,像你这种上战场时提及自己凯旋回去看刚出生儿子或者干完这一票就金盆洗手的,一般都会死掉,然后给你死亡特显让你留下一句人世间美好的遗言……”莫凡一脸认真的说道。 „Do I, the incantation I die? The short master I assign/life steadily, these broken zombie fathers have not killed 1000 also to have 800.” Shorty breathless scolding, has to jump to fight with the fists greatly the imposing manner on Mo Fan knee. “我呸,咒我死?矮爷我命长着咧,这些破腐尸老子没杀一千也有八百。”矮男气急败坏的骂道,大有跳起来一拳打到莫凡膝盖上的气势。 How don't you have on the undead list?” Mo Fan is unforgiving. “那你怎么没上亡灵榜?”莫凡不依不饶。 How a moment ago you those words saying......” “你刚才那句话怎么说的……” Which sentence?” “哪句?” „The world is so big anything, gives to you!” “世界那么大什么的,送给你!” You two bastards chatted happily, the just right five o'clock direction has Bandaged Corpse to pursue us, leading 1-2 experts to solve.” The Yao Nan sound rushes all of a sudden. “你们两个混蛋聊开心了没有,正好五点钟方向有一只裹布尸将追着我们,带1-2好手去解决掉吧。”妖男的声音一下子闯了进来。 As command Yao Nan had seen that these two morale of troops sloppy fellows are slaughtering were loaf, but he does not care, has them to go all out in any case sooner or later! 作为统帅的妖男早就看到这两个军心散漫的家伙在厮杀中偷懒了,但他也不在意,反正迟早有他们要卖力的! Leadership, that is the corpse, our several people could not cope, even coped, the large unit vanguard speed was so fast, what to do did we fall behind?” Shorty started the smooth talker. “领导,那可是尸将,我们几个人对付不了吧,就算对付的了,大部队前行速度那么快,我们掉队了怎么办?”矮男开始了油嘴。 That waits for death, do not defy me, I have not joked with you. That...... that female, the scar face, you two assist your Vice Captain to kill the corpse!” The Yao Nan sound all of a sudden becomes cold, did not have the discussing opportunity. “那就等死吧,别违抗我,我没跟你们开玩笑。那个……那个女的,还有疤脸的,你两协助你们副队长去杀尸将!”妖男声音一下子变冷,没有了一点商量的机会。 The scar face and that Qing Lajiao[Green Pepper] immediately from slaughtering to draw back, their two seem quite well-trained, obedient were too more than Mo Fan and Shorty these two super slippery customers. 疤脸和那个青辣椒立刻从厮杀中退了过来,他们两个显得比较训练有素,服从性比莫凡矮男这两个超级老油条强太多了。 Goes, they must listen my, I do not want to give the student who runs to mix the military exploit to direct several of us dead.” That [Magic Vines] female Mage saying unrestrained/no trace of politeness. “去可以,他们都得听我的,我不想交给一个跑来混军功的学生来指挥我们几个去死。”那位魔藤法师毫不客气的说道。 This is the order, do not bargain back and forth to me. Here except for me, command jurisdiction on your Vice Captain.” Yao Nan coldly swept [Magic Vines] female Mage, a face did not say, making one feel that Yao Nan was actually desolate to the woman. “这是命令,别给我讨价还价。这里除了我,指挥权在你们副队长手上。”妖男冷冷的扫了一眼魔藤法师,一点情面都不讲,令人感觉妖男其实对女人非常冷淡。 The [Magic Vines] female Mage estimate swallowed a lot of air/Qi, her solemn undead list's seventh person, must take orders in one has not experienced small Mage that comes out from Academy, but she truly does not have the courage to defy, finally can only nod. 魔藤法师估计吞了一肚子气,她堂堂亡灵榜第七的人,要听命于一个从学院里面出来的没经验小法师,但她确实没胆子违抗,最后只能够点头。 The cross scar male is but actually indifferent, shows the facial expression that a father only wants to kill, small zombie he also kills was dull , kills, will return safe and sound, copes with the corpse perhaps interestingly. 十字疤男倒无所谓,露出了一副老子只想杀的神情,小腐尸他也杀的没趣了,冲进去,杀回来,毫发无伤,对付尸将没准有意思点。 Yao Nan, you dare not to wait for us, your his mother died!” Mo Fan looked at around one already forming a dense mass piece of undead, ruthlessly said to Yao Nan. 妖男,你敢不等我们,你他妈就死定了!”莫凡望了一眼周围已经黑压压一片的亡灵,狠狠的对妖男说道。 If you fall behind, I am glad to notice that but actually you revenge, but you should keep off outside city wall at that time...... 20 minutes to you, we clean up the front barrier happen to take 20 minutes, does not have, you look for the means of livelihood.” Yao Nan whole face indifferent saying. “假如你掉队,我倒乐意看到你来报仇,不过那个时候你应该被挡在城墙外面……给你们20分钟的时间,我们清理前面的障碍正好要20分钟,没回来的话,你们自己找活路吧。”妖男满脸无所谓的说道。 Yao Nan whipped wing after a below, the body is maintaining float in the above of entire team, he is the person who here can only fly. 妖男拍打了一下背后的翅膀,身体保持着悬浮在整个队伍的上方,他是这里唯一一个可以飞行的人。 Sees Yao Nan to leave, Shorty whispered immediately: I thought from the beginning this action is unsafe, with our these people, if hit Commander Level creature by Yao Nan High-Order Mage, may not help us resist.” 见到妖男离开,矮男马上嘀咕了起来:“我一开始就觉得这个行动不保险,就拿我们这些人来说,若是撞到了统领级生物妖男一个高阶法师,也不一定能够帮我们抵挡。” Here wordy, might as well hurry to kill that only Bandaged Corpse.” A Qing Lajiao[Green Pepper] cold snort/hum sound said. “在这里啰嗦,不如赶紧去杀了那只裹布尸将。”青辣椒冷哼一声道。 The scar face followed in Qing Lajiao[Green Pepper] behind, to kick to break to pieces while convenient by two zombie that he freezes to carve, the mouth is also exuded the self-satisfied laughter. 疤脸跟在青辣椒身后,顺便一脚踢碎了被他冻成了冰雕的两具腐尸,嘴里还发出得意的笑声。 ...... …… Takes direction that the army goes forward for 12 points words, five o'clock directions basically were behind. 以大军前进的方向为十二点的话,五点钟方向基本上就是身后了。 Mo Fan, Shorty and scar person and Qing Lajiao[Green Pepper] fell back on the final side of entire vanguard team time then saw many iron grey shrouds sprinkle in not far away, these shrouds seem like the skin that simply falls from the ghost, meets to sway from side to side unexpectedly. 莫凡矮男、疤人、青辣椒四人退到了整个前行队伍的最后方的时候便看到了很多灰白色的裹尸布洒落在不远处,这些裹尸布简直像是从鬼怪身上掉下来的皮,竟然还会自己扭动。 Where is it at?” Shorty stands on tiptoes to start to seek. “它在哪?”矮男踮起脚寻找着。 Still one crowd of zombie, but is scattered, after all this team of destructive power astonishing Middle-Order Mage had just ground from here, a crazy bang exploded zombie that can live randomly is the zombie fight corpse. 身后依然有一群腐尸,但都是零零散散的,毕竟这一队破坏力惊人的中阶法师刚刚从这里碾过,一番狂轰乱炸下能够活下来的腐尸就是腐尸的战斗尸了。 That mummy, in hillock that station, is dancing the long flowing silk inner sleeves dance...... the Mo Fan eye to be able across darkness to see clearly a farther thing probably, therefore is pointing at that hillock position. “那个木乃伊是不是,就在小坡那站着的,像是在跳水袖舞……”莫凡眼睛能够穿过黑暗看清更远的东西,于是指着那个小坡位置。 Mummy is Egyptian pyramid that although Egyptian pyramid Undead Kingdom and place of our Ancient Capital undead is equally world-famous, but our corpse also has model/pattern Er, corpse and skinny, the ghost body died the international advanced standard.” Shorty incessant saying. “木乃伊是埃及金字塔那的,虽然埃及金字塔亡灵国度跟我们古都亡灵之地一样世界闻名,但我们这里的尸也更有范儿,尸型、骨感、鬼体都是死出了国际领先水平。”矮男滔滔不绝的说道。 pyramid? Is there also Undead Kingdom?” Saying of Mo Fan whole face surprise. “金字塔?那里也是亡灵国度?”莫凡满脸诧异的说道。 Naturally! Your world magic beast class is Magic SJ teacher teaches?” Shorty asked. “当然啦!你世界妖魔课是魔法老师教的吗?”矮男质问道。 To be honest with you, I passed through shortly.” “不瞒你说,我穿越过来没多久。” Mo Fan and Shorty words are endless, on the Qing Lajiao[Green Pepper] forehead all has been the heavy line, does not want to treat as the teammate these two thoroughly, oneself take the lead to flush away toward the hillock place, must cut that only Bandaged Corpse as soon as possible! 莫凡矮男话语没完没了,青辣椒额头上早已经全是黑线,彻底不想把这两人当做队友了,自己率先朝着小坡的地方冲去,要尽快斩掉那只裹布尸将! The cross scar man swept Mo Fan and Shorty, hehe smiled to control [Ice Chains] to kill. 十字疤汉子扫了一眼莫凡矮男,呵呵一笑就驾驭着冰锁杀过去了。
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