ADM :: Volume #6

#583: Black zombie army

...... …… Death Qi is torrential, an eye of institute can the place completely by the black tide embezzling, the tide completely comprised of those black zombie, seems like the resentment that Demonic Abyss has to provide very good nutrient general for them, each zombie with putting on the black armor, turned into a well-trained army. 死气滔滔,目所能及之处全部被黑色的潮水给吞没了,潮水完全由那些黑色的腐尸组成,似乎是煞渊产生的怨气为他们提供了很好的养分一般,每一只腐尸都跟穿上了黑色的铠甲,变成了一支训练有素的军队。 Small Loach, you can eat to the full today, but also blesses that several awe-inspiring leadership do not have what accident/surprise while convenient, otherwise the father I will hang you to turn into pile of scrap iron to be melted, do not want to eat the soul again.” Mo Fan holds small pendant on chest with the hand, discussed with it really happy. 小泥鳅,你今天可以吃个饱了,但也顺便保佑一下那几个正气凛然的领导不要出什么意外,不然爸爸我挂了你就会变成一堆废铁被人熔掉,再也别想吃灵魂了。”莫凡用手抓住自己胸口上的小坠子,与之相谈甚欢。 Small Loach will never make his father think aloud that seems like stupidly X, therefore shook a swarthy body to indicate that heard. 小泥鳅从来不会让他爹自言自语看上去像个傻X,所以抖了一下黑不溜秋的身子以表示听见了。 These undead have the precise value...... Mo Fan to continue to think aloud probably. “这些亡灵好像更具凝炼的价值……”莫凡继续自言自语着。 Initially went to the those old village and undead fights time, one group of green soul Small Loach Pendant that after Mo Fan then discovered undead died, changes to eat happily, then has Servant Level Soul Essence to come in a while precise, otherwise Mo Fan cannot strengthen Fire Element Elemental Stars to 33. 当初前往那些老村庄与亡灵战斗的时候,莫凡便发现亡灵死后化作的一团绿魂魄小泥鳅坠吃得非常开心,没过多久便凝炼出了奴仆级精魄来,否则莫凡也不能够将火系星子强化到33颗。 Participated in biggest income estimate of this war to Mo Fan is Soul Essence, those Servant Level Soul Fragments took away precise, complete Soul Essence that exploded directly, completely by Small Loach suction...... 参与这场战争对莫凡来说最大的收益估计就是精魄了,无论是那些奴仆级残魄拿去凝炼,还是直接爆出来的完整精魄,全部都会被小泥鳅给吸走…… Therefore the black Servant Level zombie quantity are more, Mo Fan even more thought that these will turn into the Small Loach grain ration, no wonder this eats the fellow of fat not smooth autumn unexpectedly to shake the body today! 所以黑色的奴仆级腐尸数量越多,莫凡就越发觉得这些会变成小泥鳅的口粮,难怪这吃得肥不溜秋的家伙今天竟然抖起身子来! Kills, kills!!” The cross scar male yelled morale-boosting, among tall howl Ice Element star atlas has reappeared in his. “杀啊,杀啊!!”十字疤男鼓舞士气的大叫了一声,高吼之间冰系星图已经在他脚下浮现。 Four [Ice Chains] in the time of blinking then appeared side the cross scar male, this fellow was exceptionally old method Ice Mage, has achieved a pinnacle boundary to the [Ice Chains] control strength, saw only he himself to rise with a spring, jumps in [Ice Chains] that in front of him danced in the air, trod these to show one to wither with natural toward the [Ice Chains] cross scar male who the forward flight went, took the lead to kill in that crowd of black zombie with own [Ice Chains] unexpectedly...... 四道冰锁在眨眼的功夫便出现在了十字疤男身旁,这家伙是一个非常老道冰系法师,对冰锁的操控力已经达到了一个极致的境界,只见他自己一跃而起,跳到了在他面前飞舞的冰锁之间,踏着这些往前飞去的冰锁十字疤男展现出一份肃杀与潇洒,竟然与自己的冰锁率先杀到了那群黑色的腐尸之中…… The black zombie boundless piece, cannot see the end of their army, is not everyone, when can also murderous aura be so steaming facing such huge corpse group! 黑色腐尸茫茫一片,一眼都望不见它们大军的尽头,不是所有人在面对这样庞大尸群的时候还能够这般杀气腾腾的! The cross scar male inspiration is truly effective, saw that his Ice Mage is so supernaturally brave, others also showed their different understanding of the respective Magic, started to slaughter with these dark corpse. 十字疤男的鼓舞确实有效,看到他这个冰系法师这般神勇,其他人也纷纷展现出了他们对各自魔法的不同理解,开始与这些黑乎乎的尸物厮杀了起来。 Died, should bury in underground turns into the nourishment of plant rottenly, do not run the disaster also living person!” Saying that a heroic spirit full female Mage whole body thick robe flies upwards. “死了,就该埋在地下腐烂变成植物的养料,别跑出来祸害还活着的人!”一名英气十足的女法师浑身厚袍飞扬的说道。 The soil that her index finger refers to then grows to use bad language immediately such as [Magic Vines] of wrist/skill, on [Magic Vines] steadily densely packed thorn hangnail, if will be Twisting will make it peel a skin on the body of magic beast surely, but these did not fear that the pain undead did not have so many pay particular attention to, even if the body by two, its upper part will still be crawled with that sharp claw, so long as if crawled to the living creature in front of it on winning, the result was the head is opened by this [Magic Vines] female Mage foot tall Xuecai rottenly! 她的食指所指的泥土便会立刻生长出粗如手腕的魔藤,魔藤上长着密密麻麻的荆棘倒刺,倘若是缠绕妖魔的身上必定会让它脱一层皮,可这些不怕痛的亡灵就没那么多讲究了,即便身体被生生的勒成了两段,它的上半身依然会用那锋利的爪子进行爬行,似乎只要爬到活物面前它就胜利了,结果是被这名魔藤法师一脚高靴踩得脑袋都烂开! Queen department.” Mo Fan talked over one at heart secretly, rides this will be leaving her near wants to inquire the fine reputation. “女王系的。”莫凡心里暗暗念叨了一句,乘着这会离得她蛮近的想要询问一下芳名。 [Magic Vines] female Mage stared Mo Fan ruthlessly, the complete old lady has no free time in the battlefield with the cold and arrogant stance that you know. 魔藤法师狠狠的瞪了一眼莫凡,完全一副老娘没空在战场上跟你结识的冷傲姿态。 She called Qing Lajiao[Green Pepper], in Magic Association the non- Tribunal member actually to like compared with Tribunal to Mage use violence female Mage, brought over one team of high-end student to gain experience, the playboy Noble Family juniors were used [Magic Vines] to whip one hour by her, the clothes beat...... the undead Bang Zaidiao undead quantity seventh, died in Servant Level undead on her hand had 1330, Soldier Level also 78, merely was these five years result!” A familiar sound fluttered, has several points of dreadful aura. “她叫青辣椒,魔法协会里非审判会成员却比审判会更喜欢对法师用暴力的女法师,曾经带过一队高端学员历练,有一个纨绔世家子弟被她用魔藤鞭挞了一个多小时,衣服都打烂了……亡灵榜宰掉亡灵数量第七的,死在她手上的奴仆级亡灵有1330只,战将级的也有78只,仅仅是这五年的成绩!”一个熟悉的声音飘了进来,带着几分猥琐气息。 Mo Fan has turned head, actually discovered that gathers in front of oneself to speak nearly must kiss to oneself who the man of knee smiles inexpensively said that this makes Mo Fan be startled! 莫凡扭过头,却发现一个凑到自己面前说话近乎要亲吻自己膝盖的男人贱笑的对自己说道,这让莫凡不由大吃一惊! Shorty, you how here??” Asking of Mo Fan face surprise. 矮男,你怎么在这里??”莫凡一脸诧异的问道。 I, me have depended, you will not forget me to tell you, my family lives north your Bo City street, call-up round of I came!” Shorty is also staring to say. “我一直都在啊,我靠,你不会忘了我跟你说过,我家就住在你们博城街北面,召集令一发我就过来了!”矮男也瞪着眼睛说道。 oh, sorry, in the crowd must discover that you are not an easy matter, if you do not jump to stumble to come out.” Mo Fan nods. ,抱歉,人群里要发现你不是一件容易的事,假如你自己不蹦跶出来的话。”莫凡点了点头。 Excuse me, although I get rich by various strange ways, but also was one once reverent pledging in the Hunter's Union palace, must for just, sacred Mage that only then and universal love strove......” “拜托,我虽然靠各种诡异的方式发财,但也是一个曾经在猎者联盟殿堂上虔诚的发过誓,要为正义、只有与博爱出一份力的神圣法师……” Spoke the logical expression.” “说人话。” Participates in this mission hunter to obtain the title of honor hunter, this gadget can transfer to sell for money, at least 8 million!” “参加这次任务的猎人可以得到荣誉猎人的称号,这玩意儿能转让卖钱,至少800万!” You should be the merchant, is not Mage, I look down upon you.” Mo Fan said. “你该做商人,不是法师,我看不起你。”莫凡说道。 Big brother, tower over a city gate that meets me to present, you were caught by Representative, is not voluntary.” “大哥,城楼那会我在场的,你是被议员抓进来,并非自愿。” „...... Was right, the undead list that you said a moment ago what gadget is, that what small hot pepper and green pepper how?” The ability of Mo Fan shift topic has had a familiar task and handled it with ease. “呃……对了,你刚才说的亡灵榜是什么玩意儿,那什么小辣椒、青椒的怎么了?”莫凡转移话题的本领早已经驾轻就熟。 Shorty had several points to despise, the vision is gazing at front already with the companions who undead slaughtered, the mouth slightly was crooked saying: Is the Middle-Order Mage honor list, each big influence has to hang, kills the undead number is the standard, that Qing Lajiao[Green Pepper] that you wanted to sexually harass a moment ago is seventh, kill[ed] thousand undead, this merit is not...... the paralysis that normal Mage can achieve, your small zombie also wants to sneak attack the father, stamping you were dirty your grandfather's shoes!” 矮男带起了几分鄙夷,目光注视着前面已经在与亡灵厮杀的同伴们,嘴却稍稍的歪过来道:“就是中阶法师的荣誉榜,每个大势力都有挂的,杀死亡灵的数目为准,你刚才想要调戏的那个青辣椒就是第七的,斩杀千只亡灵,这功绩不是正常法师可以做到的……麻痹,就你这小腐尸也想偷袭老子,踩死你还脏了你爷爷的鞋!” Mo Fan lowers the head looked, discovered only has zombie of half arm also to move the claw to grasp the Shorty ankle area unexpectedly, stirred up a Shorty five chi (0.33 m) body to leap, flew into a rage. 莫凡低头一看,发现一只都只剩下半个臂膀的腐尸竟然还动着爪子去抓矮男的脚踝,惹得矮男五尺之躯都跃了起来,大发雷霆。 Originally is this, in it seems like our these irregular troops also has the expert...... to eat, eats, this pitaya flavor is good.” Mo Fan speech while squeezes in one group of [Flame Ignition] to a zombie mouth that non-stop opening mouth, that posture gentle looks like a big good man to feed the refugee who the street starves to death quickly. “原来是这样,看来我们这些杂牌军里还有高手啊……吃吧,吃吧,这个火龙果味道不错。”莫凡一边说话一边将一团火滋塞入到一具不停张嘴动的腐尸嘴里,那姿势温柔的就像是一个大善人在喂街边快饿死的难民。 The speed thief who [Flame Ignition] burns the bone combustion is quick, just submerged the zombie whole body to burn to the throat of zombie, is not that slow Ignite, but burnt one group of ashes instantaneously, bone trash not remaining. 火滋焚骨燃烧的速度贼快,刚没入到腐尸的喉咙里腐尸全身就烧了起来,并非是那种缓慢的灼烧,而是瞬间焚成了一团灰烬,骨头渣渣都不剩下。 One group of green soul air/Qi that the next second, Small Loach Pendant on squish the mouth, is dying, braves after this undead suction. 下一秒,小泥鳅坠就吧唧着嘴,把这亡灵死后冒起的一团绿色魂气给吸走了。 Brother Mo Fan, you also pretty good, must know that you are that talent rank version's fifth Inborn Dual Element Mage, I said anything will also guide comes to you...... [Brilliant Light]! The young short master I surpassed you...... oh, I do not mean you, Brother Mo Fan, my meaning is to give you comes a 5% discount!” 莫凡兄弟,你也不赖的嘛,要知道你就是那位天赋排行版第五的天生双系法师,我说什么也会带路的时候给你来个……光耀!小矮爷我超度了你……,我不是说你,莫凡兄弟,我的意思是给你来个九五折!”
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