ADM :: Volume #6

#582: Living corpses

...... …… ...... …… Outside city wall western city district 城墙西城区 The curtain of night brings the mist to cover the lamplights of ten thousand families of city, the lights are dim are making one unable to see the dim light of night of entire city. 夜幕带着雾气笼罩着城市的万家灯火,灯火朦胧着令人不能够看见整个城市的夜色。 The weather was getting more and more cold, in the winter the easy haze, god knows the next heavy rain to turn into the snow in big flakes, the estimate to the residents in entire city will be so more relieved, because the snow and ice are will freeze the soil to a certain extent hardly, undead did not crawl to run amuck easily. 天气越来越寒冷了,冬天都容易起雾,天知道下一场大雨会不会变成鹅毛大雪,那样对整个城市的居民来说估计会更安心一些,因为冰雪一定程度上是会将泥土冻得更硬,亡灵就不容易爬出来胡作非为了。 This piece of inhabited area majority is the old house, the old community, several tall buildings will somewhat like a crane among chickens area this occasionally. 这一片居民区大部分都是老房子,老小区,偶尔几栋高楼在这一带都会有些鹤立鸡群。 Between the eaves and eaves, a stature slender and delicate form like purple Bat that the night dances in the air light and lively, purple long binds her of body windproof coat to glide in the eaves simply, those has not discovered her existence in the people who on the street come and go. 屋檐与屋檐之间,一个身材纤柔的身影如同夜间轻灵飞舞的紫色蝙蝠,一身紫色长裹身风衣的她简直是在屋檐之间滑翔,那些在街道上来来往往的人都没有发现她的存在。 She stopped in the tile-roofed house courtyard, this courtyard was very not big, but inside is occupied by many people, precisely the those villagers who escaped from Flowery Village. 她停在了瓦屋院落上,这个院落不算很大,但里面住着不少人,正是华村里逃出来的那些村民们。 Village head Xie Sang sits in the steps place, is smoking a very old style tobacco pipe. 村长谢桑坐在阶梯处,抽着一个很老式的烟斗。 Medical female Su Xiaoluo arrived at his front slowly, a vision of correct use pair of suspicion was gazing at this senior village head. 医女苏小洛缓缓的走到了他的面前,正用一双怀疑的目光注视着这位老村长。 My father left the village became after the person who abandoned the ancestor, you were the person who I most respected......, but, I have to suspect you at this moment!” Su Xiaoluo asked. “我爸离开了村子成为背弃祖宗的人之后,您就是我最敬重的人……但是,事到如今我不得不怀疑您!”苏小洛质问道。 Suspects me, what suspects my?” Village head Xie Sang does intentionally muddled. “怀疑我,怀疑我什么?”村长谢桑故作糊涂。 On the eave, Liu Ru original(ly) is to have a look at everyone's situation, happen to bumped into this, in hearing that moment of Su Xiaoluo interrogation, she movement that must leap from the eaves also stopped all of a sudden, slender body stalemate slowly to darkness, only leaves behind that pair slightly shining the pupil in darkness. 房檐上,柳茹原本是想要过来看看大家的情况,正好撞见了这一幕,在听到苏小洛质问的那一刻,她要从屋檐上跃下的动作也一下子止住了,苗条的身子慢慢的陷入到黑暗里,只留下那双微微在黑暗中发亮的眸子。 I heard Gou Zi saying that he saw the Sunny Goat Village person.” Su Xiaoluo continues to ask. “我听到狗子说了,他看到了羊阳村的人。”苏小洛继续问道。 Gou Zi has acted like a madman, his words do not need to manage.” Xie Sang said. 狗子一直都疯疯癫癫的,他的话不用理的。”谢桑说道。 I also heard other matter, the matter of related Sunny Goat Village person...... you do not want to tell me, where did the Sunny Goat Village person go to?” Su Xiaoluo continues to ask. “我还听到了别的事情,还是有关羊阳村人的事情……难道你就不想告诉我,羊阳村的人到底去了哪里吗?”苏小洛继续问道。 Girl, the newspaper you did not look, Xianchi, our danger occupied the village to have six village inexplicable destruction, you also noticed that had undead to pass through directly protects our woods to attack us...... Sunny Goat Village perhaps is also this fate, why you also asked me.” Village head Xie Sang said. “丫头,报纸你不是看了吗,咸池一带,我们危居村已经有六个村莫名覆灭了,你也看到有亡灵直接穿过保护我们的木头攻击我们……羊阳村没准也是这个下场,你又何必问我。”村长谢桑说道。 Sunny Goat Village was very early vanished, is right?” Su Xiaoluo said. 羊阳村很早就消失了,对不对?”苏小洛说道。 Young......” Xie Sang sighs slightly. “小洛啊……”谢桑微微叹了一口气。 „The person in our village has not disappeared, do you look at...... I not fortunately good station here?” Intrusion of sound no indication to here. “我们村的人可没有消失,你看……我不就还好好的站在这里吗?”一个声音毫无征兆的闯入到了这里。 The courtyard center by well, does not know when had/left a person who is wearing the black clothes! 院落中央靠井处,不知何时多出了一个身穿着黑色衣裳的人! The person of black clothes is ordinary with the ghosts and demons, his slowly forwarded several steps, but saw that village head Xie Sang will frighten unexpectedly in the future will sit crawls, couldn't help laughing. 黑色衣裳之人跟鬼魅一般,他缓缓的向前走了几步,但是看到村长谢桑竟然吓得往后坐爬,不禁哑然失笑。 Master thanks, I am not a ghost, you feared that what I do make?” The Black Clothes clothes man said. “谢村长,我又不是鬼,你怕我做什么?”黑衣裳男子说道。 How are you...... you??” Xie Sang that has frightened shamelessly pale, seeing the ghost is more fearful. “你……怎么是你??”谢桑那张老脸已经吓得苍白苍白的了,比见到鬼还要可怕。 Su Xiaoluo has turned the head, discovered that looks very familiar by the face of the person the black hat covers. 苏小洛转过头去,发现被黑色帽子遮住的这个人的脸看上去很是熟悉。 „Are you?” Su Xiaoluo asked. “你是?”苏小洛问道。 Fang Gu.” Fang Gu swept the hat, revealed the entire appearance. 方谷。”方谷将帽子扫了下来,露出了整个容颜。 Hat of Fang Gu while sweeping looked at not far away dull silly Zhang Xiaohou specially, seems confirming what general, sees Zhang Xiaohou to have no response, this vision returned village head Xie Sang there, smiling face ghastly and fearful say/way: You do not need to fear, I first for a matter, that want to know today was which bastard killed my son? Told me, perhaps I will leave a loophole.” 方谷在扫下帽子的同时又特意看了一眼不远处呆呆傻傻的张小侯,似乎在确认什么一般,见张小侯没有任何的反应,这才目光重新回到了村长谢桑那里,笑容阴森可怕道:“你不用怕,我今天来先是为了一件事,那就是想知道是哪个混蛋杀了我儿子?告诉我,没准我会网开一面。” „Hasn't your son, your son died??” Village head Xie Sang has frightened trembling that non-stop there, even the sound is shaking. “你儿子,你儿子不是早就死了吗??”村长谢桑已经吓得在那里不停的发抖,连声音都是抖着的。 Is that female...... is that female, is that friend female of fool, I personally see her hand claw to lengthen, then...... then punctures to the side class/flow head in!” By the courtyard, acting like a madman Gou Zi ran all of a sudden, the request bonus kowtows simply probably general, impatient matter that oneself know saying. “是那个女的……是那个女的,就是傻子的那个朋友身边的女的,我亲眼看见她手爪变长,然后……然后刺到方流的脑袋里!”院子旁,疯疯癫癫的狗子一下子跑了出来,简直像是要求饶磕头一般,迫不及待的把自己知道的事情给说了出来。 Is the Flowery Village person who Gou Zi, you see side flow? But...... may you see is not......” Su Xiaoluo asks. 狗子,你看到的华村的人是方流?可……可你看到的不是……”苏小洛质问道。 Is the same clan, rare everyone, that gathers together also no. You wait a while, I called......” Fang Gu to smile them suddenly. “都是同族的,难得大家都在,那就一起聚聚也没有什么。你们等一会,我把他们都叫过来……”方谷突然间笑了起来。 When exudes the laughter, Fang Gu has drawn star atlas, that is one with the black blood same color, is not Shadow System that pure darkness color, is not Fire Element such rushes the bright Magic tone, but is one type has evil and corrupt darkness blood-color! 发出笑声之时,方谷已经描画起了星图,那是一个跟黑血一样的颜色,不是暗影系的那种纯粹的黑暗色,也不是火系的那样澎湃鲜亮的魔法色调,而是一种带着邪性、腐败的黑暗血色! The black air/Qi fills the air, above has the thick smell of blood, when that dark blood-color Magic star atlas is more like some priest chart mark that uses, after draws thoroughly completes is the blood light for the first time presently, resentment recklessly!! 黑气弥漫开,上面有着浓浓的血腥味,那暗血色的魔法星图便更像是某种祭司时用的图纹,当彻底描画完成之后更是血光乍现、怨气肆意!! The black air/Qi of death flooded this entire courtyard all of a sudden, but original(ly) only then the Fang Gu courtyard central location, actually emerged one after another form in the black air/Qi. 死亡的黑气一下子充斥了这整个院落,而原本只有方谷的院落中央位置,却在黑气之中涌现出了一个接着一个身影。 No one knows where they appear, the ghosts and demons same crawl, or like summoning Magic came from the dimension space, or was Fang Gu opened the gate of hell simply, drew them directly...... 没有人知道他们是从哪里出现的,鬼魅一样爬出来,亦或者像召唤魔法那样来自次元空间,更或者干脆是方谷打开了地狱之门,将他们给直接拉了出来…… These people are seemingly lifelike, besides pale and blood crack, has no difference from the normal person. 这些人看上去栩栩如生,除了脸色苍白与又血裂纹之外,跟正常人并没有什么区别。 In the small room in courtyard, strong male Fang Youmiao heard the sound to walk, that moment that may just tread, he discovered that suddenly oneself were familiar with person courtyard here, when they and left the village appearance almost to have no change initially, this made Fang Youmiao somewhat excited wanted to hug own these with the family member same rural population...... 院落的小屋子里,壮男方幼苗听见动静走了出来,可刚踏出的那一刻,他猛然间发现自己熟悉的一个个“人”都在院落这里,他们和自己当初离开村子时的模样几乎没有什么变化,这让方幼苗有些激动的想要上去拥抱自己的这些跟亲人一样的村人…… Do not pass!!!” Su Xiaoluo called one suddenly. “别过去!!!”苏小洛突然叫了一声。 Fang Youmiao stopped, he looks at Su Xiaoluo, does not understand why completely she must bellow toward oneself, Sunny Goat Village has moved obviously Ancient Capital here, now see them finally, should not be happy that shouldn't reunite with them? 方幼苗止住了,他愣愣的看着苏小洛,完全不明白她为什么要朝着自己大吼,羊阳村明明已经迁徙到了古都这里来,现在自己总算看到他们了,难道不应该高兴吗,不应该和他们团聚吗? You had not looked that......” the Su Xiaoluo facial expression becomes exceptionally dignified, the eye was full of under several points of fear to do calmly, they have died!” “难道你没看出来吗……”苏小洛神情变得异常的凝重,眼睛更充满了几分恐惧下的强作镇定,“他们都已经死了!” They have died! 他们都已经死了! Fang Youmiao hears these words time cannot believe that when he goes to look earnestly when own these familiar rural population, gradually does not tremble coldly!! 方幼苗听到这句话的时候更是不敢相信,待他去认认真真看自己这些熟悉的村人时,渐渐的不寒而颤!! Cold night, under shining of courtyard that light bulb, so long as you spit the one breath slightly, then changes to the white fog immediately. 冷夜里,在院子那灯泡的照耀下只要你稍稍吐一口气,便会立刻化作白雾。 Su Xiaoluo breathes heavily, she exhaled the white clouds. 苏小洛呼吸沉重,她呼出了白气。 Village head Xie Sang frightens is the breath urges disorderly, but same has the white clouds to emit. 村长谢桑吓得更是呼吸促急凌乱,但一样有白气冒出。 Loses the memory Zhang Xiaohou is also so, when everyone breathes the air/Qi that because the weather puts out coldly turned into the white obvious...... 失去记忆的张小侯也是如此,每个人呼吸时因为天气寒冷吐出的气都变成了白色可见…… But these present No. more than ten village the person in courtyard strangely, they seemingly are perhaps lifelike, but no exhales the white clouds, even, surroundings black strange blood fog from Traverse in their mouths, noses and ear, simply nourished deceased person!! 可是这些诡异出现在院子里的十几号自己村的人,他们或许看上去栩栩如生,但没有一个呼出白气,甚至,周围黑色的怪异的血雾正从穿梭在他们的口、鼻、耳之间,简直就是一具一具被滋养的死人!!
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