ADM :: Volume #6

#581: Treads city wall

youngster should perform good deeds, are many have the feeling in front of the eldest children, before such later can, limitless.” Yao Nan and other Mage are different, even if steps into this fully is the undead land he can still chat freely. 年轻人就应该多建功立业,多在老大们面前唰唰存在感,这样以后才能够前不可限量。”妖男和其他法师们不同,即便是踏入这块满是亡灵的土地他也能够谈笑自如。 This Mo Fan but actually is also, he repels to turn over to the repel, but after does not represent to be forced to join, he must frighten two legs to send softly because of this war, he has seen the big magic beast estimate cannot compare certain High-Order Mage to be few. 这点莫凡倒也是,他排斥归排斥,但不代表被迫加入之后他就要因为这次战争而吓得两腿发了软,他见过的大妖魔估计不会比某些高阶法师少了。 He is still uncomfortable! 只是他依旧不爽! Can the present is the society under the rule, how also not stress human rights?? 现在是法治社会,怎么还可以这么不讲一点人权呢?? To join also good, your good words persuaded, little uses/gives interest, oneself did not come, became a big piece of war facing such turmoil, oneself cannot change to run to make up the number, can be victorious time escaped that is an issue does not have, Shadow System Mage was such as the cloud results in the water in this night. 要自己加入也行,你好言相劝,小施利益,自己不就来了吗,面对这样局势混乱成一大片的战争,自己改变不了跑来凑个数,打不过的时候逃跑那还是一点问题都没有,暗影系法师在这种夜间是如云得水的。 „The little fellow on your shoulder looks like compared with you likes this action, ok, Vice Captain, helping me favor these unruly Mage, my High-Order Mage not because you were then met that wise leader who make a move saved by one crowd of low undead surrounding, I was only responsible for Commander Level undead, remembered, if Commander Level undead wound to your slightest, even if behind won, I still committed hara-kiri for you apologize, but if made me see that your boy neglected to me, did not try......” Yao Nan to look at Mo Fan to speak, first half a word added very at will, but in the latter half a word words has shown. Serious and cold intention. “你肩上的小家伙看来比你更喜欢这次行动,好了,副队长,帮我看好这些桀骜不驯的法师们,我这个高阶法师可不会因为你们被一群低等亡灵包围便会出手相救的那种英明领导者,我只负责统领级亡灵,记得了,统领级亡灵要是伤到你们分毫,就算后面赢了,我也切腹为你谢罪,但假如让我看到你小子给我怠慢,不尽全力……”妖男看着莫凡说话,前半句还说得很随意,但后半句话语里已经透出了严肃与冷意 Ok, do not frighten me with this set, since came, only if game is as good as lost, I will not run away.” Mo Fan impatient replied. “行了,别拿这一套来吓唬我,既然来了,除非大势已去,我不会逃走的。”莫凡不耐烦的回答道。 What your game is as good as lost is, did Is it possible that come several Soldier Level undead urination that you frighten the pants?” The Jiang Li sound is not very the adaptation made a sound. “你的大势已去是什么,难不成是来了几只战将级亡灵把你吓的尿了裤子?”蒋黎的声音又很不是适应的响了起来。 I have my judgment.” Mo Fan said. “我有我的判断。”莫凡说道。 I looked when wants to make a military deserter excuse to you.” Jiang Li disdains completely. “我看就是给你想要做逃兵时的一个借口吧。”蒋黎满是不屑。 Mo Fan is disinclined also to swing a lard gloss cerebral palsy to explain own moral bottom line with this on, he took a Fire Element Spirit-Seed fragment from the pocket, with the hand this small crystal breaking off two, feeds to oneself shoulder on happy wants snort/hum Little Flame Fairy of singing sound, another places the mouth to chew...... 莫凡懒得跟这个身上还荡着一层猪油光泽的脑瘫讲解自己的道义底线,他从口袋里取了一块火系灵种碎片,用手将这小小的晶体给掰成两段,一段喂给了自己肩膀上正开心的要哼出歌声的小炎姬,另外一段放在自己嘴里嚼着…… Before thinks matter time, Mo Fan liked chewing the root green foxtail, he once melancholy and dispirited and let in Mu Ningxue such beautiful woman embryo love with this along with the charisma of nature oneself, and requested and elopes, said that was equally formidabe facing the woman and war, therefore Mo Fan felt oneself should look for that natural feeling, so as to avoid made others know own heart actually beat more and more quickly. 以前想事情的时候,莫凡就爱嚼根狗尾巴草,他曾经用这份忧郁、颓废和随性的人格魅力让穆宁雪这样的美人胚子迷恋上自己,并要求和自己私奔,都说面对女人和战争一样难对付,所以莫凡觉得自己应该找一下那种潇洒的感觉,免得让别人知道自己心脏其实跳动得越来越快。 Has saying that undead is more fearful than magic beast! 不得不说,亡灵妖魔可怕! But the person gets sucked in boundless darkness, the surroundings would continuous undead crawls from the soil, the surroundings person are many does not have any security sense, more is far from city wall, everyone's heart is more hurried, Mo Fan felt oneself can be in this team mentality best besides Yao Nan, since own heartbeat has drawn near this degree, that side other Mage are at the both legs to tremble certainly and between the lower part incontinence paces back and forth...... 而人深陷在无边的黑暗里,周围又总会有源源不断的亡灵从土壤里爬出来的时候,周围人再多都没有任何安全感,离城墙越远,大家的心就越慌,莫凡觉得自己会是这个队伍里除妖男之外心态最好的一个,既然自己的心跳已经快到了这种程度,那边其他法师们一定处在双腿发颤和下体失禁之间徘徊…… 33, to 49 also 15, hoping this war biggest achievement these Soul Essence that I lack filling up.” Mo Fan chewed fully the mouth is the Spirit-Seed fragment of saliva without the chewing gum of taste same took, the convenience fed to shoulder on Little Flame Fairy. “33个,离49还有15个,但愿这次战争最大的收获就是把我缺的这些精魄给填满吧。”莫凡把嘴里嚼得满是口水的灵种碎片跟没有味的口香糖一样取了出来,顺手就喂给了肩膀上的小炎姬 Little Flame Fairy did not mind father's nausea, ate the fruit jelly the same as give to swallow down, flame that body that dragged as if because also mood became more exuberant several points joyfully. 小炎姬是一点都不介意爸爸的恶心,吃果冻一样就给吞下去了,身上那摇曳的火焰似乎也因为心情的愉悦变得更加旺盛了几分。 ling ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “呤~~~~~~~~~!” Suddenly, Little Flame Fairy sent out long yelling, the sound brings several points of incisiveness. 忽然,小炎姬发出了一声长长的啼叫,声音带着几分尖锐。 Mo Fan and Little Flame Fairy have the soul contract, he can understand that Little Flame Fairy must express anything, immediately frowns, vision vigilant is observing the situation periphery this ice-cold black soil. 莫凡小炎姬有灵魂契约,他能够明白小炎姬要表达什么,当下皱起了眉头,目光警惕的环视着周围这块冰冷的黑色泥土。 Here is growing some tenacious subtilises, after all must enter a colder winter, even if snow has not had been, the Ancient Capital surrounding plain still basically is bare one piece. 这里长着一些顽强的枯草,毕竟是要入更冷的冬天了,即便一场雪都还没有到过,古都周围的平原也基本上就是光秃一片。 The subtilis is rocking, after being dry the soil in splitting slowly, is almost slight has not made what sound, what a pity vigilance extremely high Little Flame Fairy discovered, but also discovered with it intention interlinked Mo Fan. 枯草在晃动,干燥后的泥土在慢慢的裂开,轻微得几乎没有发出什么声响,可惜警觉性极高的小炎姬发现了,而与之心意相通的莫凡也发现了。 Has the thing.” Mo Fan said to nearby Yao Nan. “有东西。”莫凡对旁边的妖男说道。 Yao Nan accepts fate Mo Fan is the vice- team, therefore Mo Fan is also running a 30 Middle-Order Mage group leader now, is in its duty lost/carrying its responsibility, Mo Fan also hopes that now everyone completes mission of this protection light Mage group safely...... 妖男认命莫凡为副队,所以现在莫凡也算是掌管着一个30名中阶法师的小头目,身在其职负其责,莫凡现在也希望大家安安全全的完成这次保护光法师团的任务…… Has not crawled.” Yao Nan waited for a meeting, sees in the loose land not to jump out of undead to come, therefore continuation makes everyone proceed. “没爬出来。”妖男等了一会,见松动的土地中并没有跳出亡灵来,于是继续让众人往前走。 Can have the ambush?” Mo Fan asked. “会不会有埋伏?”莫凡问道。 Ha Ha Ha, the young fellow I thought that you truly somewhat studied stupidly in Academy, undead was one crowd of things that did not have the brain, they even only then and a two that can still act boldly regardless of one's safety flushed away toward Ultra-Order Mage, they did not have that brain to go to be clear that the ambush was anything.” Cross scar face male acoustic ray thick crazy saying. 哈哈哈,小伙子我看你确实是在学院学得有些傻了,亡灵都是一群没脑子的东西,它们就算只有一只、两只那也会奋不顾身的朝着一位超阶法师冲去,它们没那个脑子去想清楚埋伏是什么。”十字疤脸男声线粗狂的说道。 Right, at least I meet undead that can ambush.” Mo Fan said. “是吗,至少我就遇到了会埋伏的亡灵。”莫凡说道。 True undead, even if the feudal official and undead Sovereign those undead, they have no wisdom......” Yao Nan very affirmative saying. “真正的亡灵,哪怕是那些亡灵之臣、亡灵君主,它们都没有什么智慧……”妖男很肯定的说道。 Mo Fan has not refuted again, in the brain recalled suddenly Liu Ru with that undead youngster who oneself mentioned. 莫凡没有再反驳,脑子里突然回想起了柳茹跟自己提到的那个亡灵少年。 Naturally, Mo Fan not that matter and this matter links, but is he realized actually suddenly initially attacked Flowery Village those undead what's the matter, but also the doubts made him puzzle. 当然,莫凡不是把那件事和这件事联系在一起,而是他突然间意识到当初袭击华村那些亡灵究竟是怎么回事了,只是还有一个疑惑令他困扰。 Light Mage group that we must protect?” Mo Fan inquired one. “我们要保护的光法师团呢?”莫凡询问了一句。 They, other teams have been diverting the attention of undead regiment later now, our leaders think that is also waiting for the time somewhere, seizes the opportunity to sneak in momentarily, butchers that only Undead Lord!” A square features military officer said “他们随后才到,现在其他队伍已经在分散亡灵军团的注意力了,我们的领袖们想必也在某处等候时机,随时乘虚而入,宰掉那只亡君!”一名方脸军官说道 In other words, if Zhu Meng they have not butchered undead Sovereign, here everyone did get sucked into the undead regiment completely?” Mo Fan asked one specially again. “也就是说,假如祝蒙他们没有宰掉亡灵君主,我们这里所有人就全部深陷亡灵军团里了?”莫凡特意再问了一句。 That said that so long as we can solve white quiet/dark the ghost feudal official, they can certainly massacre Undead Lord, then will immediately have the reinforcement, without the reinforcement, several Ultra-Order Mage copes with these undead regiments is also easy as pie.” Zhou Min has the absolute confidence to this plan actually. “话是这么说,但只要我们能够解决掉白幽鬼臣,他们就一定能够杀掉亡君,然后马上就会有增援,哪怕没有增援,几位超阶法师对付这些亡灵军团也是易如反掌。”周敏倒是对这次计划有着绝对的信心。 You were afraid, I felt that you do not seem like the person who can be afraid.” Mu Bai said. “你害怕了,我感觉你不像是会害怕的人。”穆白说道。 I do not like this poor life not the feeling in my.” Mo Fan said. “我只是不喜欢这种小命不在自己手上的感觉。”莫凡说道。 Who will like.” Zhou Min said. “谁会喜欢呢。”周敏说道。 Words said that undead appears and disappears in the evening, what then they are making during the daytime?” Mo Fan asked one. “话说亡灵晚上出没,那它们白天在做什么?”莫凡问了一句。 I think, if the government suffers the grave to install WIFI to undead house to house, in the evening they estimated not bored how loafed everywhere like this to us annoys to trouble......, was not funny, I in alleviation tension-filled atmosphere.” Yao Nan turns the head to say. “我想要是政府给亡灵挨家挨坟都装上WIFI,晚上它们估计就不会无聊的到处这样游荡给我们惹麻烦了……怎么,不好笑吗,我在缓解紧张的气氛。”妖男转过头来道。 Hehe.” “呵呵。”
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