ADM :: Volume #6

#580: Is forced to join

Jiang Li looks in the monster Monster Qi the man, immediately uncomfortable scolded: What thing are you?” 蒋黎看着妖里妖气的这个男人,顿时不爽的骂道:“你又是什么东西?” I am Yao Nan, small fat paper speech carefully, some children of that way that otherwise Mo Fan said a moment ago to people like me created a disturbance.” Yao Nan said with a smile. “我是妖男,小胖纸说话小心一点,否则莫凡刚才说的那种方式对我这种人来说都有些小孩子打闹了。”妖男笑着说道。 Another side, several Ultra-Order Mage have deployed their strategy, when begins, when sends the light Mage group, when also gives the elimination the those white quiet/dark ghost feudal official! 另一边,几位超阶法师已经部署好了他们的战略,何时动手,何时派遣光法师团,又何时将那些白幽鬼臣给消灭! High-Order Mage is responsible for pestering Commander Level undead, around ghost xu Tyrant also the feudal officials of many undead, you were sure to remember that does not need dead to wrestle with them, must do gives to delay...... army Si Liu empty to say them merely. 高阶法师负责纠缠住统领级亡灵,鬼魆暴君周围还有不少亡灵之臣,你们切记不必和它们死搏,要做的仅仅是将它们给拖延着……”军司陆虚说道。 High-Order Mage that assembles probably four to five people, but the words of this action will be responsible for guarding city wall those inherent High-Order Mage also to transfer near half, therefore this sending out High-Order Mage should over 20 people, remaining Mage probably continue to assume city wall, preventing other undead to seize the opportunity to sneak in! 集结过来的高阶法师大概又四到五人,不过这次行动的话负责守卫城墙那些固有的高阶法师也会调动出近一半,所以这次出动的高阶法师应该会超过20人,剩下的法师就必须继续坐镇城墙,防止其他亡灵乘虚而入! The Middle-Order Mage population are most, if Military Mage also calculates that should be over 200 people, these Middle-Order Mage are mainly is responsible for shielding, and disperses the undead regiment. 中阶法师的人数最多,若是将军法师也算在内的话应该超过了200人,这些中阶法师主要是负责掩护,并且分散亡灵军团。 This mission is most essential is eliminates white quiet/dark the ghost feudal official and its white Yin ghost regiment, do not put in the security victory that numerous life prices can gain. 这次任务最关键是消灭白幽鬼臣以及它的白阴鬼军团,并非是要付出众多生命代价才可以取得的保卫胜利。 Yao Nan, you lead this batch to assemble Mage, must guarantee that the light Mage group before completing law will not receive the attack of any undead.” Representative Zhu Meng says to Yao Nan. 妖男,你来率领这批集结法师,务必保证光法师团在完成法阵之前不会受到任何亡灵的袭击。”祝蒙议员开口对妖男说道。 Does not have the issue, but my small request.” Yao Nan smile good a ritual. “没问题,不过我有一个小小的要求。”妖男微笑的行了一个礼。 What requests?” Representative Zhu Meng asked. “什么要求?”祝蒙议员问道。 Makes to give me to use Mo Fan this boy.” The Yao Nan vision flashes through a cunning light, even also has several points of playing tricks on meaning. “把莫凡这小子弄进来给我用。”妖男目光闪过一丝狡黠之光,甚至还带着几分戏弄之意。 Hears these words time, Mo Fan only wants to deliver three characters to Yao Nan silently: Grass your younger sister! 听到这句话的时候,莫凡只想默默的给妖男送上三个字:草你妹! Excuse me, I had not said that I must join this action.” Mo Fan does not fear disgraced, very direct said. “不好意思,我没说我要参加这次行动。”莫凡也不怕丢人,很直接的就说道。 Representative Zhu Meng foams with rage immediately, one ranks that from must leave gives to twist Mo Fan. 祝蒙议员立刻吹胡子瞪眼,一把就把莫凡从要离开的行列之中给拧了回来。 Boy I told you, here was not Hangzhou, without that big snake in you were no matter what I rubbed the persimmon that pinched, was little bad there attire to this place, rolls to the formation.” Representative Zhu Meng is completely using one's position to get even with another person for a private grudge, whether others will be voluntary he not to demand and interfere as big Representative, but Mo Fan...... Zhu Meng has not really felt to with his polite anything! “小子我告诉你,这里可不是杭州,没有那条大蛇在你就是任我揉捏的柿子,少给本座在那里装孬,滚到队列里去。”祝蒙议员完全是公报私仇,别人是否自愿他作为大议员也不会强求与干涉,但莫凡……祝蒙实在没觉得要跟他客气什么! Hangzhou has the ability greatly, controls the snake ancestor to fight Silver Skylord, so guts color and magnificent feat his makes Representative has not had, this guard North City Wall key lies in Light Element method, precisely this batch need to guard law building up Mage, has the Mo Fan this cunning and shameless boy in the words, will also increase several points of odds of success mostly! 杭州那么大有能耐,驾驭蛇祖大战银色穹主,这般胆色与壮举连他这个做议员的都没有过,这次守卫北城墙的关键在于光系法阵,也正是这批需要守卫好法阵的集结法师们,有莫凡这个诡诈、无耻的小子在的话,多半也会增加几分胜算! Takes away, uses casually, he must dare to run away, I immediately correspondence Pearl Academy, making the principal dismiss his school register!” Representative Zhu Meng unrestrained/no trace of politeness one pushes toward the Yao Nan that side Mo Fan. “拿去,随便用,他要敢逃走,我马上书信一封到明珠学府,让校长开除他学籍!”祝蒙议员毫不客气的将莫凡妖男那边一推。 Many thanks Sir Representative helped......” Yao Nan smile all of a sudden, the whole person is rippling fearful Monster Qi. “多谢议员大人成全……”妖男一下子笑了起来,整个人荡漾着可怕的妖气 Yao Nan does not pay attention to the Mo Fan´s complaint and curses serial, starts check the number of people. 妖男也不理会莫凡的抱怨和咒骂连篇,开始清点人数 Yao Nan also has the prestige in Hunter Mage, the those hunters is willing to listen to him to dispatch, itself this time assembles is in the majority on by Hunter Mage, the remaining students and association people, Mage of no concrete influence know that he is High-Order Mage, naturally will not have what opinion. 妖男猎法师里面也颇有威望,那些猎人都很愿意听他调遣,本身这次集结过来的就以猎法师居多,剩下的学员、协会之人、无具体势力的法师知道他是高阶法师,当然也不会有什么意见。 ...... …… Has saying that this is Mo Fan first participation war! 不得不说,这是莫凡第一次参加“战争”! Here war no longer is among people for the battle of benefit and multiplication, but is the live person and deceased person, several thousand years continuously so. 这里的战争不再是人与人之间为了利益与繁衍的厮杀,而是活人与死人,几千年一直如此。 Initially Zhan Kong wanted incurred him to enlist, Mo Fan on from beginning to end is the rejection. 当初斩空想要招他入伍的时候,莫凡始终是拒绝的。 He does not like the war, is not he does not want to guard the city wall back person, but is he does not like that type tiny......, even if you are Middle-Order Mage, is also often playing very insignificant role in this normal war. 他不喜欢战争,并非是他不想去捍卫城墙背后的人,而是他不喜欢那种渺小……哪怕你是一位中阶法师,在这正常战争中也往往扮演着很微不足道的角色。 Participates in this mission Middle-Order Mage to have 200, even oneself Dual Element Canada are not many, much less, victories or not because, but oneself actually possibly chaotic died at the wars. 参加这次任务中阶法师有200名,就算自己双系加自己一个不多,少自己一个不少,胜利与否绝不会因为自己,但自己却可能在战争纷乱中死去。 The wars that are unable to change...... Mo Fan repel. 一个自己无法改变的战局……莫凡本身就是排斥的。 ...... …… The continuous black cloud cluster borders on the land of undead rule in the endless distant place, in the bordered on position that huge xu shadow is close unceasingly, that scene that just like Mo Fan sees earliest is the same, its surroundings have tide general undead to well up, is a raising the standard of revolt new king overthrows the Tyrant royal power in the people that the verbal command hungry, wanders and is homeless simply together, is admitted to warm city wall. 连绵的黑色云团在无尽的远方与亡灵统治的大地接壤,接壤的位置上那个巨大的魆影正在不断的接近,正如莫凡最早看到的那副情景一样,它的周围有潮水一般的亡灵正在涌去,简直就是一个揭竿而起的新王在号令饥饿、游荡、无家可归的民众们一起推翻暴君王权,住进温暖的城墙之内。 The time that Demonic Abyss presents is longer, the resentment and Death Qi that makes will be huger, must ferment zombie, skeletons and malicious ghosts some years to obtain the qualifications of advanced/Evolve to certain original(ly) huge ahead of time, those original(ly) took deep sleep ten years and feudal official of hundred years of undead also to lift their coffin lid again, appears in this even more cold world. 煞渊出现的时间越长,所制造的怨气与死气就会越庞大,庞大到某些原本还要发酵一些年份的腐尸、骷髅、恶鬼都提前获得了进阶的资格,那些原本需要再沉睡个十年、百年的亡灵之臣也掀开了它们的棺盖,出现在这越发寒冷的世界。 undead creature pay particular attention to equivalent, equivalent high can the low undead optional summon, itself low undead not have the brain, is idler, if there is a sound to guide them to make anything, they will be glad to direct on the contrary, do not have the fear, indifferent death, only then to living creature endless greedy and hope! 亡灵生物讲究等阶,等阶高的可以对低等亡灵随意的呼唤,本身低等亡灵就没有脑子,更无所事事,假如有声音引导它们去做什么,它们反倒会非常乐意使唤,没有恐惧,无所谓死亡,只有对活物无尽的贪婪与渴望! The resentment is huger, building up undead are more, undead are more, then Death Qi sweeps across dreadfully, even if stands in has dozens kilometers city wall to smell the rotten corpse taste to it the same as swat like the sea breeze. 怨气越庞大,集结的亡灵就越多,亡灵越多,那么死气更是滔天席卷,就算是站在离之有几十公里的城墙都已经可以嗅到腐烂的尸味如海风一样扑打过来。 In a thundering rage, unceasing tumbles in the distant place, at first is also makes city wall anxious rocks several, but with the lapse of time, the roaring sound is deafening, must penetrate the eardrum simply, when with nearby partner said the fear of innermost feelings, the partners are not necessarily able to hear. 咆哮如雷,不断的在远处翻滚,起初也不过是让城墙不安的晃动几下,可随着时间的推移,咆哮声震耳欲聋,简直要击穿耳膜,和旁边的伙伴道出自己内心的恐惧时,伙伴都未必能够听见。 Long North City Wall most central towered the palatial towers over a city gate, above the towers over a city gate was gathering more than 200 Middle-Order above Mage. 长长的北城墙道的最中央耸立着巍峨的城楼,城楼之上聚集了两百多名中阶级以上的法师 With order, is headed by Representative Zhu Meng and army Si Liu empty, Chief Military Instructor Fei Jiao and Hunter King Du Xiao four Ultra-Order Mage, numerous Mage leapt this perfect defense line that in abundance resisted undead, flushed away toward people most frightened black distant place. 随着一声令下,以祝蒙议员、军司陆虚、总教官飞角猎王独萧四位超阶法师为首,众法师们纷纷跃出了这道抵御亡灵的完美防线,朝着人们最为恐惧的黑色远处冲去。 Different with Mo Fan that also covets life and fears death, including many Mage hold the glory in chapter of oneself Mage, in the heart is thinking, if wins total victories, their not only will receive many recognition, can tell all surrounding Mage friends, they have attended a kill[ed] Sovereign Level creature war! 和还蛮贪生怕死的莫凡不同,其中有很多法师都秉着自己的法师之章中的荣耀,心中想着假如大获全胜,他们不仅会受到更多的赏识,更可以告诉所有周围的法师朋友们,他们参加过一场斩杀君主级生物的战争! kill[ed] Sovereign Level creature war...... 斩杀君主级生物的战争啊…… If this Mage, sends that also to win innumerable to praise in the friend circle this honor again unpromising with the commentary of exclamation. 倘若这位法师再没出息点,把这项荣誉发在朋友圈里那也是可以赢来无数个赞与惊叹的评论。
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