ADM :: Volume #6

#579: Hunter King

Hunter King!” 猎王!” Cock-a-doodle-doo, when Hunter King did you arrive at Ancient Capital??” “喔喔,猎王您什么时候来到古都了??” Who this person is, why did you call him Hunter King?” A Magic Association member extremely pushed nearby Hunter Mage puzzled. “这人是谁啊,你们为什么叫他猎王?”一个魔法协会的成员万分不解的推了推旁边的猎法师 Hunter King Du Xiao you did not know, the Mysterious List expert......” that Hunter Mage vision revealed the meaning of several points of worship. 猎王独萧你都不认识,玄榜高手啊……”那名猎法师目光露出了几分崇拜之意。 Mo Fan knows this person, initially when scale skin Mother Demon in the Pearl Academy stadium did all kinds of evil things the precisely entire fellow controlled a azure great corner/horn monster to drop from the clouds, that aggressive Mo Fan is still unforgettable. 莫凡认识这人,当初鳞皮母妖明珠学府体育馆为非作歹时正是整个家伙驾驭着一头青色巨角怪兽从天而降,那份霸气莫凡至今难忘啊。 But his subordinate, is a beautiful and bewitching man of wear leather clothing, seems like some relations with Blue Sky Hunter's House, Lingling always calls him Yao Nan. 而他的手下,是一个穿着皮衣的妖冶男子,和青天猎所似乎有一些关系,灵灵总是叫他妖男 Mo Fan will look at one in the future, discovered that puts on the light cyan thick skin stature like woman equally slender Yao Nan really also, he has not followed Hunter King Du Xiao to walk, arrived at Mo Fan here on the contrary, smiling say/way: What's wrong, magic beast killed greasily, wants to change the undead taste??” 莫凡往后看了一眼,发现穿着淡青色厚皮肤身材如同女人一样纤细的妖男果然也在,他并没有跟着猎王独萧走出去,反倒是走到了莫凡这里来,笑盈盈的道:“怎么,妖魔杀腻了,想换换亡灵的口味??” Mo Fan shrugs, opens the mouth saying: I run up to this Ancient Capital to come, ran into so many acquaintances unexpectedly.” 莫凡耸了耸肩,开口道:“我跑到这古都来,竟然遇到了这么多熟人。” Resulted, now the Ancient Capital undead cholera, our these pry can not gather?” Yao Nan said. “得了,现在古都亡灵霍乱,我们这些爱管闲事的能不聚集过来吗?”妖男说道。 Mo Fan has not chatted with Yao Nan, is the vision is gazing at Hunter King Du Xiao on the contrary, very early saw Hunter King that this everyone has awed, had not actually seen his true strength, the war of this guard North City Wall can witness. 莫凡没有和妖男闲聊,反倒是目光注视着猎王独萧,很早就见过这位人人敬畏的猎王了,却一直没有看到他真正的实力,想必这次守卫北城墙之战能够亲眼目睹了。 Really, Hunter King Du Xiao is influential, that did not agree that several leaders went expression also Matsushita on face to go by Staff Officer vermilion who the body violated the danger. 果然,猎王独萧极具影响力,那位坚决不同意几位领导去以身犯险的朱参谋脸上的表情也松下去了一些。 Ha Ha Ha, you come just right!” Zhu Meng sees Du Xiao, immediately laughingly greets. 哈哈哈哈,你来得正好啊!”祝蒙看见独萧,马上笑哈哈的上去迎接。 Must know a call-up to be able famous Hunter King Du Xiao convening, I abandoned wooden am slick.” Chief Military Instructor Fei Jiao also showed the smiling face. “要知道一个召集令能把鼎鼎大名的猎王独萧给召集过来,我就弃木修光了。”总教官飞角同样露出了笑容。 Staff Officer vermilion, my Du Xiao cannot guarantee that everyone this time hunts for Undead Lord certain come out unscathed, but the odds of success at least can increase several points, can live to bring...... Demonic Abyss badly to appear their several, ghost xu Tyrant taking advantage of this verbal command all undead, if its kill[ed], does not have many Commander Level undead and Soldier Level undead to regain consciousness immediately, our North City Wall present a big gap surely!” Hunter King Du Xiao were not many said that serious said to Staff Officer vermilion. “朱参谋,我独萧不能保证大家这次猎亡君一定安然无恙,但胜算至少能够增加几分,最不济也能够把他们几个活着带回来……煞渊出现,鬼魆暴君借此号令所有亡灵,若不立刻将它斩杀,有更多的统领级亡灵战将级亡灵苏醒,我们的北城墙必定出现一个大缺口!”猎王独萧也不多说,严肃的对朱参谋说道。 Since there are you to join......” Staff Officer vermilion to compromise finally. He is not truly able to think in just one hour other method disintegrates undead building up of ghost xu Tyrant, only before can begin using this, ready good kill[ed] plan! “既然有你加入……”朱参谋最后还是妥协了。确实他也无法在短短一个小时内想到别的法子瓦解鬼魆暴君亡灵集结,只能够启用这个之前准备好的斩杀方案! Good, now the Ultra-Order Mage population enough, looks at the deployment that goes.” Fei Jiao Chief Military Instructor said. “好,现在超阶法师人数够了,就看接下去的部署了。”飞角总教官说道。 Around ghost xu Tyrant has one crowd of bones, corpse, ghost. The bone will be similar to the cockroach that obstructs the road with the corpse to us, stepped on to be then OK directly, that group of white Yingui huge quantity of words that but was commanded by the ghost feudal official will have the enormous mind impact on us, if I muddled in our several people have not repaired Mind System?” army Si Liu empty said. “鬼魆暴君周围有一群骨将、尸将、鬼将。骨将与尸将对我们来说如同挡道的蟑螂而已,直接踩过去便可以了,但由鬼臣所统帅的那群白阴鬼数量庞大的话会给我们造成极大的心灵冲击,我要是还没有糊涂的话我们几个人之中并没有修心灵系的吧?”军司陆虚说道。 This is we strikes to kill the ghost xu Tyrant biggest barrier, in any event must eliminate, that during the plan that in we originally plan to set is then most difficult to attack and capture, but......” the Zhu Meng wisp the beard was saying. “这是我们击杀鬼魆暴君最大的障碍,无论如何都要清除,在我们原拟定的计划之中便是最难攻克的一项,不过……”祝蒙缕着胡须说道。 Representative Zhu Meng turns around, the vision takes a fast look around more than 40 Mage that these can also transfer at will. 祝蒙议员转过身来,目光扫视着这些还能够随意调动的四十多名法师们。 Numerous positions were sorry very much, the present situation is more serious, I who we said a moment ago need you to assist our together kill[ed] ghost xu Tyrant. Naturally, ghost xu Tyrant will cope with by our these Ultra-Order Mage, you must do then sweeps clear the biggest barrier for us, that is white quiet/dark the ghost feudal official and its white Yin ghost group!” Representative Zhu Meng said. “众位很抱歉,现在的事态已经比我们刚才说的更加严重,我需要你们协助我们一起斩杀鬼魆暴君。当然,鬼魆暴君会由我们这些超阶法师来对付,你们要做的便是为我们清扫最大的障碍,那就是白幽鬼臣以及它的白阴鬼群!”祝蒙议员说道。 everyone has not spoken, in fact several leaders' talks they heard a moment ago, but defends city wall is being a matter, having city wall goes to slaughter with the undead army is a different matter, did not come back incautiously! 众人都没有说话,事实上刚才几位领导的谈话他们都听到了,只是守着城墙是一回事,出城墙去与亡灵大军厮杀又是另外一回事,一不小心就回不来了! Numerous positions, our actions have the strict plan, if not for this entire defense line from beginning to end must maintain some to guard the army really unable to reassign other team, will not launch in salvos four call-ups to request that everyone comes the support. Although everyone felt relieved, you must cope is not Commander Level creature, is not Soldier Level undead in groups, but guaranteed our Light Element method can open, annihilates the white Yin the ghost group of those spirit and mind disturbance......” Division Commander to see everyone heart to have the vacillation one time, quickly said the specific detail. “众位,我们这次行动是有严密的计划,若不是这整个防线始终要保持着该有的守卫军队实在抽调不出别的队伍,也不会连发四个召集令请求大家过来支援。大家尽管放心,你们要对付的并非是统领级生物,也绝非是成群的战将级亡灵,而是确保我们的光系法阵能够开启,一次性消灭掉那些精神、心灵干扰的白阴鬼群……”军司见大家心有动摇,急忙把具体细节道来。 Representative Zhu Meng takes the lead, how will we flinch?” Quick, retired Military Mage of unyielding person then stood. 祝蒙议员都身先士卒,我们这些人又怎么会退缩呢?”很快,一名硬骨头的退伍军法师便站了出来。 Behind this city wall is a city, in the city is occupied by my parents and wife and children......, therefore, please be counted my one, I did not feel relieved that gives others such arduous mission.” On a face had scar Hunter Mage to stand charming. “这道城墙后面是城市,城市里住着我的父母和妻儿……所以,请算上我一个,我不放心把这样艰巨的任务交给别人。”一名脸上有疤的猎法师魄力十足的站了出来。 The students most have the enthusiasm, fought side-by-side this not to still have glory with Ultra-Order Mage to them, the quick several students requested to join. 学生是最具热情的,与超阶法师并肩作战这对他们来说是无尚的荣耀,很快几名学员就请求加入。 I also join!” “我也加入!” If must flinch, sees the building up signal time I turned around to leave, was counted me.” “假如要退缩,看见集结信号的时候我就转身离开了,算上我吧。” The team leader Zhong Zishan vision sweeps the team of students who led, original(ly) he also wants to ask their opinion, Jiang Li that finally wants to render meritorious service extremely as well as had sense of justice Zhou Min to join very much on own initiative. 领队钟紫山目光扫了一眼自己带的这队学生,原本他还想询问一下他们的意见,结果极其想要立功的蒋黎以及很有正义感的周敏已经主动加入了。 Mu Bai hesitant a meeting, finally also chose joining. 穆白犹豫了一会,最后也选择了加入。 That appearance good-looking student has not spoken, but looked that his appearance does not want to violate the danger. 那位长相俊俏的学员没有说话,但看他的样子是不想去犯险了。 This matter cannot demand, team leader Zhong Zishan has not said anything, patted his shoulder, hints the words that he does not join to leave the tower over a city gate now. 这事强求不来,领队钟紫山也没有说什么,拍了拍他的肩膀,示意他不加入的话现在就离开城楼吧。 Zhong Zishan, you?” Zhou Min asked one. 钟紫山,你呢?”周敏问了一句。 I comply with your teacher to favor you, natural(ly) goes as you like.” Zhong Zishan smiles. “我答应你们老师看好你们,自然得随你们去。”钟紫山笑了笑。 „It is attentive, but felt that we are teacher not necessarily can have a liking for your appearance.” Jiang Li ridiculed one. “还挺殷勤的,不过感觉我们系老师未必看得上你的样子。”蒋黎讥笑了一声。 Did not matter, complying with others' matter that to achieve.” How Zhong Zishan has not felt, was the vision falls on the contrary to Mo Fan. “无所谓了,答应别人的事那就得做到。”钟紫山并没有觉得如何,反倒是目光落向了莫凡 Mo Fan shrugs, said very much directly: I am travel, therefore wished your bon voyage.” 莫凡耸了耸肩,很直接道:“我就是来旅游的,所以祝你们一路顺风。” Can't, Mo Fan?” Calling out that Zhou Min is greatly disappointed. “不会吧,莫凡?”周敏大失所望的叫道。 Mo Fan did not explain, oneself does not have the duty to save the world in any case, let alone city wall, although has the military to defend, but the association/will lacks the manpower, oneself carried out Mage a chapter of responsibility to be good, unyieldingly and warmly this went out the risky matter to give these to perform good deeds and protect the homeland, to surge upward was good. 莫凡也不解释,反正自己没有义务拯救世界,更何况城墙虽然已经有兵力在守着,可总会缺人手的嘛,自己执行法师之章的职责就好了,这出去冒险的事情交给这些想要建功立业、保护家园、铁骨铮铮、热情高涨的就好了。 Snort, but also thinks that fierce, is a coward, does not match to make Mage!” Jiang Li all of a sudden arrogant, felt that the whole person was nobler than incessantly a scale Mo Fan. “哼,还以为有多厉害,就是个孬种,根本不配做法师!”蒋黎一下子高傲了起来,感觉整个人比莫凡高尚了不止一个档次。 Silly | Compels you to scold me again, does not want those undead to dig your intestines, I twist to hang your pig same head on the tower over a city gate now exorcise evil spirits.” Mo Fan is never used to the villain, coldly said to this Jiang Li. “傻|逼你要再多骂我一句,不要那些亡灵把你肠子挖出来,我现在就把你这猪一样的脑袋拧下来挂在城楼上辟邪。”莫凡从来就不惯着小人,冷冷的对这蒋黎说道。 Ok, ok, everyone had own idea, do not demand.” Zhong Zishan quickly comes out to advise to say. “好了,好了,每个人有自己的想法,不要强求。”钟紫山急忙出来劝阻道。 At this time nearby Yao Nan actually exuded the strange laughter. 这个时候旁边的妖男却发出了怪怪的笑声。 You smile anything!” Jiang Li complexion azure white, uncomfortable said to Yao Nan. “你笑什么!”蒋黎脸色一阵青一阵白,不爽的对妖男说道。 Yao Nan is still smiling, crosses said to Jiang Li some little time: Young fatty, you scolded the person who this coward saved to completely stand here, everyone told the saliva toward you, will turn into Middle-Order Water Magic [Storm Wave] to submerge you.” 妖男还在笑,过了好一会才开口对蒋黎说道:“小胖子,你骂得这个孬种救的人要全部站在这里,每人朝你吐口口水,就会变成一个中阶水系魔法暴浪把你淹没。”
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