ADM :: Volume #6

#578: The calamity of Undead Lord

Fei Jiao simply has not paid attention to Jiang Li that does everything to please, instead arrived in front of Mo Fan´s directly. 飞角根本没理会献殷勤的蒋黎,反而是径直走到了莫凡的面前。 I with you have contacted that Zhang Xiaohou is my student.” In the Fei Jiao eye has a smiling face, obviously Mo Fan he receives to the news that he sent. “我是与你联系过的那位,张小侯是我的学生。”飞角眼中有一丝笑容,显然莫凡给他送去的消息他收到了。 oh, oh, was sorry that I have not heard your voice.” Mo Fan smiled awkwardly. ,,抱歉我没听出你的声音。”莫凡尴尬的笑了一下。 Before Mo Fan, with him is the telephone communication, what surprising him somewhat is the man of this voice vicissitudes looks very young, 30 over most, can hold the post of Ancient Capital Military Mage Chief Military Instructor, this Fei Jiao absolutely is the extraordinary character! 莫凡之前和他是电话联系的,让他有些意外的是这个话音沧桑的男子看上去挺年轻的,三十出头最多,能够担任古都军法师总教官,这飞角绝对是了不得的人物! All right, to be honest my original(ly) very admires your, so long as almost all people know that there will present Demonic Abyss then at least over one year no one to go to there, but you actually went, but also looking came back...... Fei Jiao to say my student. “没事,说实话我原本挺佩服你的,几乎所有人只要知道那里出现过煞渊便至少一年以上没有人会去那里,可你却去了,还把我的学生给找了回来……”飞角说道。 original(ly)? You have not thought that actually my outsider does not know Demonic Abyss is what gadget!” Mo Fan said. 原本?你没有想到其实我这个外来人根本不知道煞渊是什么玩意儿吧!”莫凡说道。 Ha Ha Ha, I do not have this meaning. I listen to my student to mention you more than once, his approval and worship to your big brother may be by far my makes his military instructor and teacher, but, you truly are not common, many facts I heard.” Fei Jiao puts out a hand, seems like very absent minded appearance friendly grasped grasping with Mo Fan. 哈哈哈,我并没有这个意思。我可是不止一次听我学生提到你,他对你这个大哥的认可与崇拜可远胜我这个做他教官老师的啊,不过,你也确实不一般,不少事迹我都听说了。”飞角伸出了手,看上去很爽然的样子友好的与莫凡握了握。 Mage on the scene 50 40, had not been in the majority by Middle-Order Mage, several High-Order Mage, first are Representative speaks to this boy, is this Ancient Capital Chief Military Instructor is full of praise, everyone somewhat is unavoidably strange, this delivery bottom, looks at the chapter of Mage is also Middle-Order Mage! 在场的法师没有五十也有四十了,以中阶法师居多,也有几个高阶法师,先是一个议员跟这小子说话,紧接着又是这位古都总教官赞不绝口,大家不免有些奇怪,这货到底谁啊,看法师之章也不过是中阶法师啊! Mo Fan smiles modestly, but actually periphery the discovery throws is not feeling well all of a sudden with the vision of envy, does not immediately dare to continue some secret conversations with Fei Jiao here, directs in the topic the proper business. 莫凡谦虚一笑,但却发现周围一下子投来许多不爽与妒忌的目光,当下不敢在这里继续和飞角说些私话,将话题引到正事上。 The Fei Jiao then Zhu Meng words, open the mouth to say to everyone: Second Demonic Abyss appears to the city more than 100 kilometers places, But this...... beyond city wall only 30 kilometers a position to our, before trading for the third time does, even also includes the suburbs place!” 飞角接着祝蒙的话,开口对众人道:“第二次煞渊出现在离城市一百多公里的地方,不巧我的一个学生在那里,险些丧命。而这第三次……就在离我们这道外城墙仅三十公里的位置,换作以前甚至还算入市郊的地方!” One by one nearly!” Hunter's Union Mage said. “一次比一次近!”一位猎者联盟法师说道。 Em, one by one nearly, to the city of our present......” “恩,一次比一次近,离我们现在的这座城市……” Did not say that Demonic Abyss has the space uncertainty, can that be the coincidence?” Zhong Zishan said. “不是说煞渊有空间不确定性吗,那会不会是巧合?”钟紫山说道。 Our also hope is the coincidence, but these really made one have to consider something three times much.” Side Zhu Meng that silent for a long time Division Commander opens the mouth to say. “我们也希望是巧合,但这三次实在令人不得不多考虑一些事情。”祝蒙身边的那位沉默许久的军司开口道。 This Division Commander precisely this Beijing Foreign Studies University city wall protecting city total Division Commander, continuous on more than ten kilometers North City Wall say/way those put on the person of Military Mage clothes to take orders completely with him. 这位军司正是这北外城墙的护城总军司,连绵了十几公里的北城墙道上那些穿着军法师衣裳的人全部听命与他。 Then calls us, to resist Demonic Abyss?? Demonic Abyss this thing has no way to resist, let alone we are only some Middle-Order Mage.” Some people said. “那么将我们召集过来,难道是为了抵抗煞渊??煞渊这东西根本没法抵抗,更何况我们只是一些中阶法师。”有人说道。 Demonic Abyss has presented the place will leave behind one group of very strong Death Qi, will soon have many Soldier Level undead and undead of feudal lord level gathers...... me to hope that there those present defend tonight tower over a city gate here, once that crowd of rank high undead have toward here steps near meaning, everyone must eliminate them!” Representative Zhu Meng said loudly. 煞渊出现过的地方会留下一团很浓烈的死气,想必用不了多久就会有许多战将级亡灵与领主级的亡灵在那里聚集……我希望在场的人今夜都守在城楼这里,一旦那群等级高的亡灵有朝着这里迈近的意思,大家都必须将它们消灭!”祝蒙议员大声说道。 So long as does not go to check Demonic Abyss, A student said. “只要不是去查探煞渊,我一点问题都没有。”一名学员说道。 Sir Representative felt relieved, perhaps we are unable to contend with huge Demonic Abyss, but there is magic beast to rebel taking advantage of Demonic Abyss, we will eradicate it surely, this is our Mage inherent responsibilities!” 议员大人放心,我们这些人或许无法和庞大的煞渊相抗衡,但有妖魔借着煞渊作乱,我们必定会将其铲除,这是我们法师的天职!” I do not have the issue, is willing to protect all night!” “我也没问题,愿意整夜守护!” Calculates my one!” “算我一个!” Also calculates my one.” “也算我一个。” As soon as numerous Mage listen is not looks for Demonic Abyss to be troublesome, feels relieved. 法师们一听不是去找煞渊麻烦,一个个如释重负。 Since everyone will appear area this, has to eliminate the heart of undead mostly, the help government defends a night, completely does not have any issue, how on the scene said also more than 40 Middle-Order Mage, 45 High-Order Mage, by the battle efficiencies of their group of people, even if undead of feudal lord level appears can still contend absolutely. 大家既然会出现在这一带,多半都有消灭亡灵的心,帮助政府守个夜,完全没有任何问题,在场怎么说也有四十多名中阶级法师,四五名高阶法师,以他们这群人的战斗力,即便是领主级的亡灵出现也绝对可以抗衡一番。 Roar wo!!” “吼嚄!!” In everyone expressed willingness when to strive, under north that murky backdrop transmits shouting that an acoustic shock this steel city wall swayed fiercely! 就在大家纷纷表示愿意出力之时,北面那昏沉的天幕之下传来了一声震得这钢铁城墙都剧烈摇晃起来的嘶吼! everyone felt that an eardrum pain, just like having giant shock-wave to cover the horizon the boundless imposing manner rumble to hit this city. 众人都感觉耳膜一痛,宛如有一个巨大的冲击波以覆盖地平线的磅礴气势隆隆的撞到这座城市来。 Representative Zhu Meng and Fei Jiao Chief Military Instructor and north wall total army Si Liu empty complexion changes, the turning around vision is gazing at the distant that black xu xu great shadow with amazement...... 祝蒙议员飞角总教官、北墙总军司陆虚脸色都是一变,纷纷转过身去目光骇然的注视着远方那黑魆魆的巨影…… Mo Fan also takes advantage of opportunity to look, discovered at that time glanced that xu shadow that sees to come to city wall here for the first time finally unexpectedly again, these time previous time is nearer, looks clearly, was away from such distance still to feel visual impact strength that its fearful body brought! 莫凡也顺势看去,发现当时第一次到城墙这里最后一瞥所看见的那个魆影竟然再一次现身了,这一次比上次更近,看得更加真切,隔着这样的距离仍旧可以感觉到它可怕身躯带来的视觉冲击力! Is it, it wants to gather many undead to break through north city wall taking advantage of Death Qi that this Demonic Abyss brings at one fell swoop!” Zhu Meng angry saying. “又是它,它想借着这次煞渊带起来的死气聚集更多的亡灵一举冲破北面城墙!”祝蒙愤怒的说道。 Important matter is not wonderful, this Undead Lord was only ruling surely the army of undead, at present has Demonic Abyss to lead a cheer, it will be more irresistible, must request the reinforcement again.” The army staff officers said. “大事不妙啊,这只亡君本就统治着千万亡灵之军,眼下有煞渊助阵,它将更加势不可挡,必须再请求增援。”军参谋说道。 Personnel are very difficult to assign.” The army Si Liu empty calm sound said. “人员已经很难在调派了。”军司陆虚沉着声音说道。 „It is not good, our military is limited, undead is actually inexhaustible, if we support this night, north city wall will only be given to break through by this Undead Lord thoroughly, when the time comes Beicheng District can be a piece of bloodshed.” Fei Jiao Chief Military Instructor said. “不行,我们兵力有限,亡灵却是无穷无尽,要是我们撑不过这个夜晚,北面城墙就会彻底被这只亡君给攻破,到时候北城区会是一片血海。”飞角总教官说道。 „Before it seems like must carry out us, plan that draws up.” Representative Zhu Meng frowns to say. “看来必须执行我们之前拟定的计划了。”祝蒙议员皱起眉头道。 „The danger that Sir Representative, does this is too big, we will be stranded in the undead regiment incautiously.” That staff officer said. 议员大人,这样做的危险太大,一不小心我们就会被困在亡灵军团之中。”那位参谋说道。 Staff Officer vermilion, my Zhu Meng in the city, will not make magic beast rebel, we do not have the sufficient military to resist large-scale building up of this undead, but we have the opportunity to massacre this only undead Sovereign!” Zhu Meng have a strong sense of righteousness saying. “朱参谋,我祝蒙在的城市,就绝不会让一只妖魔作乱,我们没有足够的兵力去抵御这次亡灵的大规模集结,但我们这些人却有机会杀掉这只亡灵君主!”祝蒙大义凛然的说道。 Zhu Meng has in entire country Magic Association to the high position, is not he is controlling many Noble Family , many influences are not supporting secretly, but whenever the hidden danger emerges this Representative always to take the lead, other Representative that this was those decayed has kept aloof on the conference bench that is an armchair strategist in them unable to achieve. 祝蒙之所以拥有在整个国家魔法协会至高的地位,绝不是他掌控着多少世家,也不是有多少势力在暗中支持,而是每当隐患涌现这位议员总是身先士卒,这是那些早已经腐朽在他们高高在上的会议长椅上纸上谈兵的其他议员做不到的。 This boldness, achievement his position! 这份魄力,成就了他的地位! „It is not good, is not absolutely good, if several were defeated, this North City Wall who directs, all metropolis/can chaos!” Staff Officer vermilion resolutely opposed that these high levels violate the danger by the body. “不行,绝对不行,假如几位失败了,这个北城墙又有谁来指挥,一切都会大乱!”朱参谋坚决反对这几位高层以身犯险。 Representative Zhu Meng is likes taking the lead, but he cannot, because he is Representative draws in others to handle such dangerous matter together. 祝蒙议员是喜欢身先士卒,但他不能因为他是议员就拉上其他人一起做这么危险的事情。 What means then you do have to stop the ghost xu Tyrant offensive?” Zhu Meng asked. “那么你有什么办法来阻挡鬼魆暴君的攻势?”祝蒙反问道。 Would.” “总会有。” Does not leave for one hour, they will appear in less than three kilometers place.” Zhu Meng said. “不出一个小时,它们就会出现在三公里不到的地方。”祝蒙说道。 That is not good.” Meaning that Staff Officer vermilion simply has not made concessions. “那也不行。”朱参谋根本没有退让的意思。 „Does that add my one?” In many building up since ancient times Mage, a straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards man who puts on the black long wool yarn walked, on the face has a calm actually self-confident smile. “那加我一个呢?”众多集结古来的法师中,一位穿着黑色长毛纱的剑眉男子走了出来,脸上带着一个沉着却自信的微笑。 Others fall the vision on this person in abundance, those Hunter's Union member seemingly recognized this person, revealed the surprised color. 其他人纷纷将目光落在这人身上,其中那些猎者联盟的成员貌似一眼就认出了此人,纷纷露出了惊讶之色。 Mo Fan also looks at this person, thought that this person is especially familiar! 莫凡也看着这人,却觉得此人格外熟悉!
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