ADM :: Volume #6

#577: Demonic Abyss reappears!

Very happy everyone can come here, but I must tell you an unfortunate news.” Representative Zhu Meng unemotional saying. “很高兴大家能够来到这里,但是我要告诉你们一个不幸的消息。”祝蒙议员面无表情的说道。 Was saying these words time, he stepped on edge of his high black boots toward this balcony to walk, stands was carving the railing position of dragon and phoenix in that. 说着这番话的时候,他踩着他那高高的黑色靴子朝着这楼厅的边缘走去,站在了那雕刻着龙凤的围栏位置。 His words, left a everyone disconsolate incomparable back. 他的话语顿了顿,留给众人一个惆怅无比的背影。 Presented Demonic Abyss in the due north 30 kilometers positions!” The words that Representative Zhu Meng will go finally spat. “就在正北面30公里的位置上出现了一个煞渊!”祝蒙议员终于将接下去的话吐了出来。 Speaking of Demonic Abyss these two characters time, Representative Zhu Meng also has several points to sigh lightly, as if he is not willing to mention this word. 说到煞渊这两个字的时候,祝蒙议员还带着几分轻叹,仿佛连他自己都不愿意提及这个词。 Demonic Abyss???” 煞渊???” How this type of thing will appear to city such near place, won't make a mistake??” Hunter Mage said loudly. “这种东西怎么会出现在离城市这么近的地方,不会搞错了吧??”一名猎法师大声说道。 My God, to 30 kilometers, we really must face the undead cholera merely!” Middle-aged Mage exhales the sound. “我的天,仅仅离三十公里,难道我们真要面临亡灵霍乱了吗!”一名中年法师呼出声来。 Mo Fan observed the situation the surroundings, discovered that everyone's complexion changed, from other places he does not certainly know that actually Demonic Abyss is anything, can only with doubts vision inquiry nearby that team leader Zhong Zishan. 莫凡环视了周围,发现所有人的脸色都变了,来自其他地方的他当然不知道煞渊究竟是什么,只能够用疑惑的目光询问旁边的那位领队钟紫山 What thing Demonic Abyss is, why did these people hear fluster?” Mo Fan asked. 煞渊是什么东西,为什么这些人一听到就慌了?”莫凡问道。 Zhong Zishan stunned recovers after a while, looks at him to believe this fact with surrounding person same hard to. 钟紫山过了一会才中错愕中回过神来,看得出来他也和周围的人一样难以相信这个事实。 You know that I thought what earliest this world's most terrible thing is?” Zhong Zishan asked Mo Fan one. “你知道我最早觉得这个世界上最可怕的东西是什么吗?”钟紫山反问了莫凡一句。 What?” Mo Fan returned to one. “什么?”莫凡回了一句。 Initially gnawed “当初啃掉了我一个胳膊,险些让我丧命的一只统领级亡灵……”钟紫山苦涩的扯了扯嘴角,接着说道,“但是自从见到了煞渊我就不再那么认为了。 Zhong Zishan recalled the passing, initial picture is also coming clearly into view in his pupil discontented some frightened capillaries! 钟紫山回忆着过往,当初的画面还历历在目以至于他的瞳孔中都不满了一些恐惧的血丝! Demonic Abyss also calls it was lifted above was covering the hell boiler of soil, stands you can see the scene of hell on Demonic Abyss clearly, hundred ghosts send out roaring of most resentful anger, thousand corpses gnawed the object and including them that any can move, ten thousand Moshen the irrigation of their claw waiting blood...... is very unfortunate, I was just becoming Hunter Mage soon then to see smallest Demonic Abyss, fell with the partner who I grew up together, I think him to fall, looks that he was given to embezzle by tens of thousands ghost hands, looks that the densely packed corpse demon crawled to him, the composition. Giant corpse mountain ball, my affirmation, said at that time goes to hell is punishes and Curse to the dead deeply grieved, then crashes Demonic Abyss also absolutely with a it rank, at that time I helped not rejoice oneself are living, only wants to implore itself do not fall down.” 煞渊也称之为被掀开了上面覆盖着的泥土的地狱锅炉,站在煞渊上面你可以清楚的看到地狱的景象,百鬼发出最怨怒的咆哮,千尸啃噬着任何会动的物体、包括它们自己,万魔伸着它们的爪子等待鲜血的浇灌……很不幸,我在刚成为猎法师不久便见到了一个最小的煞渊,与我一起长大的伙伴坠了下去,我看着他跌下去,看着他被几万只鬼手给吞没,看着密密麻麻的尸魔爬到了他的身上,组成了一个巨大的尸山球,当时我就肯定,都说下地狱是对死亡者最惨痛的惩罚与诅咒,那么坠落煞渊也绝对是与之一个级别的,当时我帮不庆幸自己活着,只想祈求自己不要掉下去。” Only is listens to Zhong Zishan to describe Mo Fan to feel absolutely terrified! 光是听钟紫山描述莫凡都感觉一阵毛骨悚然! Demonic Abyss is mouth of the hell, if it has not perhaps said there everyone is so fearful, but Demonic Abyss also has scariest characteristics.” The Mu Bai then Zhong Zishan words saying. 煞渊是一个地狱之口,假如它就在那里或许并没有大家所说的那么可怕,但煞渊还拥有一个最为骇人的特性。”穆白接着钟紫山的话语说道。 What characteristics?” Mo Fan asked. “什么特性?”莫凡问道。 It besides having sprawling swallowing, but also has space unknown nature.” Mu Bai said. “它除了拥有会不断扩大的吞噬性之外,还拥有空间未知性。”穆白说道。 What is control unknown nature?” “什么叫控制未知性?” Is you do not know where it will appear, and where the next second will appear!” Zhong Zishan said. “就是你不知道它会出现在什么地方,并且下一秒又会出现在哪里!”钟紫山说道。 What situation this...... is this??” Mo Fan heard some chest cavity to be dumbfounded. “这……这是什么情况??”莫凡听得有些膛目结舌了。 Saying Demonic Abyss was pothole Mo Fan that is flooding densely packed undead can understand the principle, said that Demonic Abyss will swallow the surrounding all, that also calculates that conformed to the natural(ly) rule, but such deep pool of the death met the space to drift this also too to be rather inconceivable unexpectedly, this was unscientific! 煞渊是一个充斥着密密麻麻亡灵的坑洞莫凡能理解其中原理,说煞渊会吞噬周围的一切,那也算符合自然规律,可这样一个死亡之渊竟然会空间漂移这未免也太不可思议了,这不科学啊! Works as the resentment to the certain extent huge, the space will be unable to withstand the load, therefore after the spatial warping, shatter, this Demonic Abyss will conduct Traverse in space and time, how as to complete space and time Traverse, we remain unknown until now, few lives to walk personally from Demonic Abyss, even Forbidden Magic Mage still possibly falls from the sky in this Hell Furnace.” The sound that sinks thickly passed on, speech person precisely face disconsolate Representative Zhu Meng. “当怨气庞大到一定程度的时候,空间都会不堪重负,于是当空间扭曲、破碎之后,这个煞渊就会进行时空上的穿梭,至于如何完成时空穿梭的,我们至今无从得知,没有几个人活着从煞渊中走出来,即便是禁咒法师也可能在这地狱熔炉中陨落。”一个粗沉的声音传了过来,说话的人正是一脸惆怅的祝蒙议员 „After energy as huge...... Mo Fan hears these words, as the influence space and time unavoidably pondered. “能量庞大到影响时空……”莫凡听到这句话后不免沉思了起来。 This is the first time that Mo Fan the concept of hearing the related space and time, but since has Space System Magic, represents the drifting on space is being absolutely possible. 这是莫凡第一次听到有关时空的概念,但既然存在着空间系魔法,就代表着空间上的漂移是绝对可能的。 The ground of never expected that undead has Magic irresoluble Demonic Abyss, thinks is also, some oneself original world many science are unable to tell the thing of any principle...... 没有想到亡灵之地上就存在着一个魔法不能解释的煞渊,想想也是,自己原来的世界也有很多科学都无法讲述任何原理的东西…… Since is indefinite space Demonic Abyss, why that must worry, was worried Demonic Abyss does expand to eight kilometers range also swallows here? Without is so exaggerating!” Mo Fan said. “既然是一个不确定空间的煞渊,那为什么要担忧,担心煞渊扩大到八公里范围把这里也吞噬吗?没这么夸张吧!”莫凡说道。 Expanding 30 kilometers was not too possible, such is not the hell entrance, directly is the hell present world......, but previous Demonic Abyss presents......” Zhong Zishan to say. “扩大三十公里是不太可能了,那样就不是地狱入口,直接就是地狱现世……但上一次煞渊出现……”钟紫山说道。 Right, the appearance of previous Demonic Abyss has more than 100 kilometers positions to this city.” Representative Zhu Meng heard stood in the forefront several people of dialogues, turns around then saying that in fact in probably six months ago, Demonic Abyss once in the great distance had on 600 kilometers plain to appear one time, the great distance was really far, in addition there close to Desolate Sand River, therefore knows the person who it presented were not many.” “没错,上一次煞渊的出现是在离这座城市有一百多公里的位置。”祝蒙议员听到了站在最前面几人的对话,转过身来接着道,“事实上在大概半年前,煞渊曾在相隔有六百公里的平原上出现过一次,相隔甚远,再加上那里靠近沙惘河,所以知道其出现的人并不多。” Mo Fan gawked, immediately inquires the Representative Zhu Meng specific time. 莫凡愣了一下,立刻询问了祝蒙议员具体的时间。 is that day!” In Mo Fan heart immediately with amazement a piece. 是那天!”莫凡心中顿时骇然一片。 In near six months ago, Mo Fan then in Desolate Sand River by northwest burning source North Point. 就在近半年前,莫凡便是在沙惘河以西北方向的灼原北角。 The appearance of Heavenly Tribulation flame let the burning source almost again baptism one time, but had the strange phenomenon the precisely Desolate Sand River mania! 天劫火焰的出现让灼原几乎重新洗礼了一次,但同时发生怪异现象的正是沙惘河的狂躁! At first everyone thinks that is the sequela of Heavenly Tribulation flame, but Xinxia takes Mind System Mage, those who definitely make entire Desolate Sand River appear in a terrified way, appears is anxious is not the Heavenly Tribulation flame! 起初大家都以为是天劫火焰的后遗症,可心夏作为心灵系法师,非常肯定让整条沙惘河出现惶恐、出现不安的绝非天劫火焰! Originally is this Hell Furnace Demonic Abyss!!! 原来是这地狱熔炉煞渊!!! Demonic Abyss appeared on the Desolate Sand River west that day, precisely Mo Fan and the others was in that day of burning source North Point Desolate Sand River riot!! 煞渊出现在了沙惘河西端的那一天,正是莫凡等人身临灼原北角沙惘河暴乱的那天!! Desolate Sand River is fearful existence, no one knows in radically that white careful silt under is burying many White Sand magic beast, what making in the Mo Fan heart curl up the giant mighty waves is, this small Demonic Abyss actually made this entire almost pass through the Desolate Sand River anxious rebellion of half province to get up!! 沙惘河是一个何等可怕的存在,根本没有人知道那白色的细细泥沙之中下埋着多少白沙妖魔,让莫凡心中卷起巨大波澜的是,这小小的煞渊竟然令这整条几乎穿过了半个省的沙惘河不安的暴动起来!! Then presents...... Mo Fan to inquire for the second time” immediately. “那么第二次出现……”莫凡立刻询问道。 Three months ago, the place of Xianchi, very unfortunately my student there.” The place of staircase, a wear linked Military Mage of black cloak to walk slowly, the vision is gazing at Mo Fan. “三个月前,咸池之地,很不巧我的学生就在那里。”楼梯之处,一名穿着连着黑色披风的军法师缓缓的走了过来,目光正注视着莫凡 „Are you?” Mo Fan sees this person to look at itself, in heart actually some doubts. “你是?”莫凡见此人看着自己,心中却有些疑惑。 Ancient Capital Military Mage Chief Military Instructor Fei Jiao, how did you no one know?” Jiang Li is saying, but also specially toward Fei Jiao good a ritual. 古都军法师总教官-飞角,你怎么谁都不认识?”蒋黎说着,还特意朝着飞角行了一个礼。
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