ADM :: Volume #6

#576: Builds up the signal

Boom! 嘣! A crisp cry, the ferocious bone demon the lower limb fell after its body will change into the smashing in [Thunderbolt] unexpectedly, collapsing of being unable to withstand the load broke! 一声脆鸣,狞骨魔将的下肢在霹雳从它身体旁边滑落之后竟然化为了粉碎,不堪重负的崩断了! The body did not have the support, this fierce and tough and overwhelming power ferocious bone demon will collapse directly, that scene endures a ratio stone building to pound to fall, the momentum is huge. 身躯没有了支撑,这凶悍、威猛的狞骨魔将直接倒塌了下去,那场面堪比一座石屋砸落,声势巨大。 Originally your spirit thunder has the space to shake......” leads a group the mental perception to know the bead, immediately joyful said to Mo Fan. “原来你的灵雷拥有空间震荡……”还是领队慧眼识珠,立刻欣喜的对莫凡说道。 The crisp object most is unable to withstand the vibration of high-frequency, Mo Fan that [Thunderbolt] at all not in the ferocious bone demon the body for dividing, because this could not injure its hard spareribs. 脆的物体最无法承受高频率的震动,莫凡那一记霹雳根本不是为了劈中狞骨魔将的身体,因为这根本伤不了它坚硬的排骨。 Falls from side, crashes arrives at the ground the time immediately causes 从旁边滑落,坠落到地面的时候立刻引起空间与大地的同时震荡,震荡之力传到狞骨魔将的下肢,生生的将这已经冻得硬脆硬脆的骨腿给崩断了! The ferocious bone demon broke to pieces the leg, even its upper body overwhelming power cannot pose the big threat to everyone again, and strength of Frost corrodes is getting more and more fearful, gradually other body joints also congeals completely the ice the ferocious bone demon that this cannot move, moves cannot move. 狞骨魔将腿都碎了,就算它的上身再威猛也对大家构不成多大的威胁,并且冰霜之力侵蚀越来越可怕,渐渐的将这个不能活动的狞骨魔将身体其他关节也全部凝结成冰,动得丝毫不能活动。 When the ice crystal covered this solidification demon the whole body, so long as gives to hit hard again one time, then can completely crush this bone...... 当冰晶覆盖了这凝固魔将全身,只要再给一次重击,便可以将这骨将彻底粉碎…… Mo Fan, you are quite fierce.” The Zhou Min vision glittered, reveals appearance that a young female student worshipped. 莫凡,你好厉害啊。”周敏目光闪烁了起来,露出了一副小女生崇拜的样子。 This student, you are really a student, rarely can see your using IQ steamroll powerful magic beast student.” The applause of team leader not stingy expression said. “这位同学,你真的是学生吗,很少能够见到你这种用智商碾压强大妖魔的学员啊。”领队不吝啬言词的赞许道。 Beat a bone, everyone triumphal returns to turn over. 击垮了一个骨将,众人可谓凯旋而归。 On city wall may have many Mage, is in the majority by Elementary Mage, they while resisting other undead natural(ly) will also notice this to leave the city wall not far fight, original(ly) think that they must retreat facing the defensive power super powerful ferocious bone demon evade the point temporarily, who knew is so about to find beat the method...... 城墙上可有不少法师,以初阶法师居多,他们在抵御其他亡灵的同时自然也会注意到这离城墙不远的战斗,原本以为他们面对防御力超级强悍的狞骨魔将必须要撤退暂避锋芒了,谁知这么快找到了击垮方法…… Extraordinary, extraordinary, this ferocious bone demon the good and evil was to also be close to the big bone the strength, was struck to kill by you unexpectedly one time!” Several Hunter Mage said near city wall. “了不起啊,了不起啊,这狞骨魔将好歹也是接近大骨将实力了,竟然被你们一次击杀了!”几位猎法师城墙附近称赞道。 Is the merit of this new student.” The team leader is also very modest, is patting the Mo Fan shoulder. “都是这位新加入的学员的功劳。”领队也很谦虚,拍着莫凡肩膀。 Zhao Kunsan and king fatty two people are delighted, is full of praise to Mo Fan. 赵坤三和王胖子两人更是眉飞色舞,对莫凡赞不绝口。 Zhao Kunsan typical villains holding sway, immediately mystifying said: Certain people, no egg with love BB specially, but also thinks fiercely, nothing but skill that does not have an effect on the side release point, trading my Elementary Mage goes to the result to be the same.” 赵坤三可是典型小人得志型的,马上阴阳怪气的就道:“某些人啊,没什么卵用又特别爱BB,还以为多厉害,无非就旁边释放点不起作用的技能,换我这个初阶法师去结果都一样。” Yes, yes!” king Fatty echoes to say immediately, I have said that kills magic beast this to live, is not the equivalent takes a higher position certain line.” “就是,就是!”王胖子马上附和道,“我早就说了嘛,杀妖魔这活啊,不是等阶高就一定行的。” Jiang Li was said the face by these two people by true feelings white, wishes one could to clash to tear to pieces the mouths of these two people. 蒋黎被这两个人说得脸以真情一阵白,恨不得冲上来撕烂这两个人的嘴。 However, this time he has not truly played any crucial role, he could not say a few words to refute, can only very fierce is staring at Mo Fan. 不过,这次他确实没起到什么关键作用,他根本说不出一句话来反驳,只能够恶狠狠的盯着莫凡 Zhao Kunsan and king Fatty are the real villains, must receive air/Qi ten times completely to ask for before, Jiang Li was driven away directly. 赵坤三和王胖子是真小人啊,完全是要将之前受得气十倍讨回来,蒋黎直接被气走了。 Said was too much?” Mu Bai asked one. “是不是说的有点过了?”穆白问了一句。 I did not feel, this person cannot be used.” Mo Fan thought that Zhao Kunsan and king Fatty do attractively. “我不觉得,这种人就是不能惯着。”莫凡觉得赵坤三和王胖子干得漂亮。 Struck to kill a bone, my school grades must rise sharply, hee hee!” Zhou Min seems very happy, it seems like this month her not only can obtain the original resources, could. “击杀了一只骨将,我的学分要大涨啦,嘻嘻!”周敏显得很开心,看来她这个月不仅能够获得原有的资源,说不定能够得到更多。 Mo Fan also smiles, when will speak, among the coangles suddenly discovers on the long city say/way covering by a giant blood light. 莫凡也笑了笑,正要说话之时,余角间忽然间发现冗长的城道上被一层巨大的血光给笼罩。 Buzz ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!!!!” “嗡~~~~~~!!!!” Buzz ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!!!!” “嗡~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!” The blood light appears, called along with vigorous incomparable bell, the ding reverberated all of a sudden outside this inside and outside city wall, hearing everyone spirit to inspire! 血光出现,也伴随着雄浑无比的钟鸣,钟声一下子回荡在了这外城墙内外,听得每个人精神一振! What is this?” Mo Fan puzzled asking. “这是什么?”莫凡不解的问道。 Has the big thing to appear, this is the alarm sound......” team leader says immediately. “有大东西出现,这是警钟声……”领队立刻说道。 What big thing?” Mo Fan continues to ask. “什么大东西?”莫凡继续问道。 The ding reverberates for a very long time in the ear bank, as if there is special charm, can make the person mind inexplicable is vigilant. 钟声久久回响在耳畔,似乎具有特殊的魔力,可以令人心神莫名的警惕起来。 Does not know......, assembles the signal, is to make all Mage at ease assemble to the signal of north city building.” Leads a group the vision to lift, discovered that several milky white [Brilliant Light] glitter in the sky. “不知道……咦,是集结信号,是让所有闲散法师集结到北城楼的信号。”领队目光抬起,发现有几道乳白色光耀在天空中闪烁。 Mo Fan also saw that milky white [Brilliant Light] the same as sparkle like the fireworks in the sky, he in this Ancient Capital, natural(ly) has not known that this signal is representing anything. 莫凡也看见了那乳白色光耀在天空中如烟花一样闪耀,他没有在这古都,自然不知道这信号代表着什么。 It seems like has the matter to happen, needs the Mage support.” Mu Bai looks that long North City Wall said. “看来有事发生,需要法师支援。”穆白看着长长的北城墙道。 We pass, today I have not happen to displayed.” Jiang Li looked has the important matter to happen, displays itself eagerly. “我们过去吧,正好今天我还没有怎么发挥。”蒋黎一看有大事发生,更是急于表现自己。 Launches in salvos four signals, showing is the urgent matter, injured female student do not go, rest of us overtake, definitely was other places cannot assign the manpower, this sent out a big [Brilliant Light] signal, hopes Middle-Order Mage any camp and influence that this area loafed can pass to aid.” Team leader earnest saying. “连发四个信号,说明是紧急事件,受伤的女同学就别去了,我们其他人赶过去吧,肯定是其他地方调派不出人手了,这才发出一个大的光耀信号,希望这一带游荡的中阶法师无论是哪个阵营、势力都能够过去援助。”领队认真的说道。 „Can Mo Fan, have a look?” Zhou Min asks immediately. 莫凡,要不要去看看?”周敏立刻问道。 This signal is generalized building up seeks help, in the past was the Mage voluntary support. But if launches in salvos four signals, so long as generally subordinates the school, Magic Association, Hunter's Union and big Noble Family Mage to go, if discovered that shirks, leaver intentionally, will be eliminated the influence and organization directly. 这种信号是一种广义的集结求助,往常都是法师自愿支援。但如果是连发四个信号的,一般只要隶属学府、魔法协会猎者联盟、大世家法师都必须前往,若发现故意推脱、离开者,会被直接清除出势力和组织。 Generalized building up signal will not use generally, it seems like really has the important matter to happen.” Mu Bai said. “广义集结信号一般是不会用的,看来确实有大事发生啊。”穆白说道。 Walks, in the past.” “走吧,过去吧。” Em, arrives at that side the north city building together.” “恩,一起到北城楼那边。” ...... …… The northern main tower over a city gate is situated in the Beijing Foreign Studies University city gate place, the tower over a city gate too be greatly more than corner/horn tower over a city gate, is a palatial grand Jiange fort towers above city wall simply! 北主城楼就坐落在北外城门处,城楼要比角城楼大太多了,简直就是一个巍峨宏伟的剑阁要塞耸立在城墙之上! Builds up the signal then from here round, Mo Fan and the others rushed, in this area city corridor has been fully occupied, the chapter of Mage but wears from their chest front is in the majority by Elementary Mage. 集结信号便是从这里发出来的,莫凡等人赶到的时候,这一带城楼道上已经人满为患了,只不过从他们胸前戴着的法师之章来看还是以初阶法师居多。 Middle-Order Mage at ease were too few, majority has the responsibility in the body, like Zhou Min and Mu Bai them the to gain experience student is quite special. 闲散的中阶法师太少了,大部分都有职责在身,像周敏穆白他们这样的历练学员算是比较特殊的了。 Invited Middle-Order and Middle-Order above Mage to the tower over a city gate, other Mage remained temporarily same place, waited to order.” Loud-voiced handing down from generation to generation, reverberates in the ear of everyone. “请中阶级中阶级以上法师到城楼上来,其他法师暂时留在原地,等候命令。”一个声音洪亮的传了下来,回荡在每个人的耳中。 Therefore, sparse Middle-Order Mage starts to climb/enter above the tower over a city gate, built up on tower over a city gate balcony, this balcony was around spacious, can therefore see outside the city darkness of that piece by the land that covered. 于是,稀稀拉拉的中阶法师开始登入城楼之上,集结在了城楼上的一个楼厅处,这个楼厅是前后空旷的,所以能够一眼就望见城外那一片被黑暗笼罩的大地。 On these people?” Sounds that appeared for several points to sink thickly passed on. “就这些人了吗?”一个显得几分粗沉的声音传了出来。 The steps place to higher pavilion, one full is the fine beard must the man walked impressive, follows a palace guard, Commandant. 通往更高楼阁的阶梯处,一个满是髯须的男子气度不凡的走了下来,身后还跟着一名宫廷侍卫,一名军统 Has seen Sir Representative!” “见过议员大人!” Has seen Representative!” “见过议员!” Some mingled among here Middle-Order Mage to send out the respectable regards frequently immediately. 一些经常混迹这里的中阶法师立刻发出了尊敬的问候。 Mo Fan sweeps off, but also without seeing the face saw when that wild beard Mo Fan recognized this Representative to come, immediately stares. 莫凡一眼扫去,还没看到脸看到那狂放的胡须时莫凡就认出这个议员来了,顿时瞪起了眼睛。 The Representative Zhu Meng vision is taking a fast look around, happen to hits with the Mo Fan vision of staring, the eye also stared. 祝蒙议员目光正在扫视,正好与瞪眼的莫凡目光撞到,眼睛也瞪了起来。 How is your unlucky boy!” Representative Zhu Meng gawked some little time. “怎么是你这晦气小子!”祝蒙议员愣了好一会。 My also sleep/felt bumps into you, is very unlucky.” Mo Fan said. “我也觉撞见你,挺晦气的。”莫凡说道。 Bold!” That Commandant saw that this young Mage does not have the courtesy, immediately has the beard to stare. “大胆!”那名军统见到这名年轻法师如此没有礼数,立刻出胡子瞪眼。 Zhu Meng beckons with the hand, has not been short of this extremely bold boy to scold in Hangzhou, really did not count on that this boy will respect himself, he does not have again and Mo Fan discussed, obviously had the proper business to say. 祝蒙摆了摆手,在杭州的时候就没少这个大胆包天的小子骂了,真不指望这小子会尊敬自己,他没有再和莫凡多谈,显然是有正事要说。 However, team leader, Zhou Min, Mu Bai including Jiang Li somewhat surprised looks at Mo Fan, does not understand how Middle-Order Mage Mo Fan will know like Zhu Meng big Representative! 不过,领队、周敏穆白包括蒋黎都有些惊讶的看着莫凡,不明白一个中阶法师莫凡怎么会认识像祝蒙这样的大议员
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