ADM :: Volume #6

#575: This anything defends!

Damn!!” Saw the ferocious bone demon to look for itself unexpectedly, Mo Fan the crack scolded immediately. “操蛋!!”看见狞骨魔将竟然找上了自己,莫凡顿时破口骂道。 Others rumbled before one after another it with Middle-Order Magic, it one stupid appearance hustles, why oneself trigger a counter- thorn that defends the skill, this fellow with seeing it separate many years of biological father same to/clashes! 别人之前用一个接一个中阶魔法去轰它,它都一副蠢头蠢脑的样子撞来撞去,凭什么自己触发一下防御技能的反刺,这家伙就跟看见它失散多年的亲爹一样冲过来! Mo Fan just planned that plays jokes upon this ferocious bone demon using [Shadow Escape], may think oneself behind also Zhou Min, if oneself escaped, the ferocious bone demon will directly attack Zhou Min, that was not quite good. 莫凡刚打算利用遁影戏耍这狞骨魔将一番,可一想到自己身后还有一个周敏,要是自己逃开了,狞骨魔将直接去攻击周敏,那就不太好了。 black snake magic armor!” Helpless Mo Fan can only act as hero at this time a time, changes to a strong protecting shield to stand in own high school female student front. 玄蛇魔铠!”无奈的莫凡此时只能够充当一次英雄,化作一个坚强的护盾站在自己高中女同学的面前。 Calls black snake magic armor, the Mo Fan whole body immediately by several vague azure black Black Snake to Twisting, with delaying of their body, the Mo Fan whole body also covered this azure black scales, from toe to forehead, fully-armed! 唤出玄蛇魔铠,莫凡周身立刻被几条若有若无的青黑色玄蛇缠绕着,随着它们身躯的延展,莫凡浑身也覆盖上了这青黑色的鳞甲,从脚趾头到脑门,全副武装! black snake magic armor extraordinarier, serves as contrast several points of power Mo Fan, Zhou Min looked at some dumbfounded, just like seeing the Saint warrior's magnificent putting on gold armor before her general...... 玄蛇魔铠更非凡品,将莫凡也衬托得几分威风凛凛,身后的周敏看得都有些呆住了,宛如看见一个圣斗士在她面前华丽的穿上黄金铠甲一般…… But, had not had 1 second, the angry ferocious bone demon will have rushed to his front, raises the skeleton arm such as the hammer of steel to pound to his crude one equally crazily!! 可是,还没有过一秒钟,愤怒的狞骨魔将已经冲到了他的面前,举起骸骨手臂如钢铁之锤一样对他粗暴的一阵狂砸!! Saves him quickly!” Mu Bai frightened immediately yelled one. “快救他!”穆白顿时吓得大叫了一声。 How no one releases Magic, how no one will prevent the ferocious bone demon the attack, even if the Mo Fan whole body covered Magic Armor Equipment, but the ferocious bone demon the strength so will be fearful, Magic Armor Equipment will be pounded the scrap iron, frail Mage will unable to resist strikes like this crazily! 怎么没有一个人释放魔法,怎么没有人阻止狞骨魔将的攻击,即便是莫凡浑身覆盖了铠魔具,可狞骨魔将的力量那么可怕,铠魔具都会被砸成废铁,脆弱的法师根本就抵挡不住这样的狂击! The ground will be smashed hollowly by the ferocious bone demon got down, the ferocious bone demon will then vent spleen received the hand, is only left over a right eye to stare under the pothole that should with that to turn into the meat sauce human...... 地面都被狞骨魔将砸得凹陷下去了,狞骨魔将这才解气得收了手,用那只剩下一只的右眼凝视着坑洞下那个应该变成肉酱的人类…… A human form, deep falling in rock layer earth, azure bright magic armor was still also emitting some gloss! 一个人形,深深的陷在了岩层土里,青亮的魔铠仍旧还散发着一些光泽! Hasn't died??? 没死??? The ferocious bone demon will somewhat confuse as undead, struck by its arm thump, let alone was a human, bloodlines low Soldier Level monster Magic Capital City half-dead! 狞骨魔将作为亡灵都有些迷惑了起来,以它刚才的手臂捶击,别说是一个人类了,血统低一些的战将级魔都得半死不活! The ferocious bone demon somewhat will be angry, roared, gave one to grasp from earth Mo Fan unexpectedly. 狞骨魔将有些恼怒,咆哮了一声,竟然将莫凡从土里给一把抓了出来。 Big of this fellow palm, happen to can grasp the Mo Fan whole person in the hand, as if worried that the land is not very solid, this bone undead cruel wielded the hand of another bone hammer, then ruthlessly toward shaking Mo Fan´s this hand was pounding!! 这家伙手掌之大,正好可以将莫凡整个人握在手里,似乎担忧土地不够结实,这骨亡灵残忍的挥起了另一个骨锤之手,然后狠狠的朝着握着莫凡的这只手砸了过来!! In pounding that flash, bone undead spreads out the hand, is Mo Fan smashing ruthlessly on its great bone palm! 在砸过来的那一瞬间,骨亡灵将手摊开,就是要将莫凡狠狠的砸烂在它的巨骨手掌心上! Bang!!!!” “砰!!!!” The bone and bone bump into, immediately the ferocious bone demon the bone finger will appear broke, some broken bones sprinkle...... 骨与骨相撞,顿时狞骨魔将的骨指头都出现断裂了,一些碎骨洒落开…… Such an autonomy attacks, the ferocious bone demon will then feel relieved opened some oneself round of broken palms, is the next second, this ferocious bone demon glittered the red light of going wild the red pupil in! 这样一番自残攻击,狞骨魔将这才放心的打开了自己都有些发碎的手掌,可是下一秒,这只狞骨魔将红色的瞳孔里闪烁起了抓狂的红光! On the giant arm, puts on human of armor simply not to have flat getting down, does not have the flesh and blood flying in all directions, magic armor of that fearful degree of hardness even when its great strength hammers shook its bone palm position to present a big fissure. 巨大的手骨上,穿着铠甲的人类根本没有扁下去,也没有血肉横飞,那可怕硬度的魔铠甚至在它巨力相锤的时候震得它骨掌位置出现了一大片裂痕。 Makes an effort slightly again, the big bone palm separates from the those fissure place suddenly, turned into several to bring the bone grey entire tribe all of a sudden! 稍稍再一用力,突然间大大的骨头掌从那些裂痕处断开,一下子变成了好几段带着骨头灰全部落了下去! The team leader, Mu Bai, Zhou Min, Jiang Li, the fabric hat girl and handsome student watch this, but their chins will follow to solidify the demon the palm to pound the ground disruption at this moment probably together!! 领队、穆白周敏蒋黎、绒帽女孩、俊学员将这一幕都看在眼里,可此刻他们下巴都好像跟着凝固魔将的手掌一起砸地上碎裂了!! This...... this is anything defends!!!” Zhou Min put out these words again, it is estimated that she forgot her original(ly) appraises the ferocious bone demon with this! “这……这是什么防御!!!”周敏再一次吐出了这句话来,估计她都忘记了她原本是用这个来评价狞骨魔将的! Good fucking awesome Magic Armor Equipment!” “好牛B铠魔具!” Ferocious bone demon will take him not to have the means probably......” “狞骨魔将好像拿他没办法……” The ferocious bone demon will not have been battered to death own palm hammer to bits Mo Fan, Mo Fan this Magic Armor Equipment really went against heaven's will. 狞骨魔将把自己的手掌都锤碎了都没有砸死莫凡,莫凡铠魔具真是逆天了。 From breaking to pieces in the big bone palm escaped, Mo Fan also seems vivid, when he discovered that the surrounding person with looking at the monster same is staring at himself, criticized at heart! 从碎掉的大骨头手掌中逃了出来,莫凡还显得生龙活虎,当他发现周围的人都跟看怪物一样盯着自己,心里暗骂了起来! The ferocious bone demon the strength is unable to destroy the hardness of Black Snake Armor, but the impulse same will hit, now Mo Fan confused, had felt that the bone must break...... 狞骨魔将的力量是无法摧毁玄蛇铠甲的坚硬,可冲击力一样会撞过来啊,现在莫凡已经七晕八素,感觉骨头都要散架了…… Oh ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!!!” “呃噢~~~~~~~!!!” After the ferocious bone demon will seem like the hysteria of wound to self-respect, going crazy yelled. 狞骨魔将像是伤到自尊后的歇斯底里,发狂的大叫了起来。 original(ly) its goal seems like the fresh/live person taste that in city wall floats, this meets it like to tear to shreds this human! 原本它的目标似乎是城墙内飘来的鲜活人味,这会它就像把这人类碎尸万段! Also stares is making anything, Mu Bai freezes its thigh with your Ice Element Magic, frozen comes it crisply, then attacks its leg together, making it have no way to dash!” Mo Fan yelled. “还愣着做什么,穆白用你的冰系魔法冻它的腿部,将它冻脆来,然后一起攻击它的腿,让它没法冲撞!”莫凡大叫道。 Mo Fan such saying Mu Bai awakened suddenly. 莫凡这么一说穆白才猛然醒悟。 Yes, oneself think a moment ago first freezes that spur, good to pinch the spur, how toward with frozen strength this defensive power strong ferocious bone demon lower limb freezing. 是啊,刚才自己都想到先冻结那骨刺,才好将骨刺捏断,怎么就往了用冰封之力将这防御力超强的狞骨魔将下肢给冻结起来。 Like bone this firm object, once froze, becomes will be very easy to break off, disintegration! 像骨物这种过于刚硬的物体一旦冻住了,就会变得很容易折断、崩碎! The Mo Fan´s means raised selected everyone, suddenly that also controlled the Ice Element Magic team leader also to display Ice Element Magic together, after riding the ferocious bone demon the sharp qi Mo Fan took off, stubbornly froze its lower limb. 莫凡的办法提点了大家,一时间那位同样掌控着冰系魔法的领队也一起施展出了冰系魔法,乘着狞骨魔将锐气被莫凡挫去一番之后,死死的冰冻它的下肢。 The ferocious bone demon the lower limb on the skin and bones, needs to support above is so huge the heavy/thick body, spot that therefore is easiest to destroy! 狞骨魔将的下肢本来就瘦骨嶙峋,需要支撑以上那么庞然厚重的身躯,所以是最容易打碎的部位! Frost most has durable Magic, many people will neglect cannot constitute big threat 『Ice Wave』 from the beginning, but the time is long, in the coordination the fetter of [Ice Chains], the strength of ice will create the decisive role. 冰霜是最具持久性的魔法,很多人都会忽略一开始构不成多大威胁的冰蔓,但时间一长,配合上冰锁的束缚,冰之力将造成决定性的作用。 Ice Element Magic of Mu Bai and team leader also truly gradually plays the effect, the ice is corroding the ferocious bone demon coldly unceasingly the skeleton, joint and leg platoon!! 穆白与领队的冰系魔法也确实逐渐起到效果,冰寒不断的侵蚀着狞骨魔将的骨骼、关节、腿排!! Again additional crucial moment!” Mo Fan has been observing the ferocious bone demon the lower limb, discovered that before the ferocious bone demon will move on obviously does not have, is so crazy fiercely, every time takes one step to abandon very big strength probably...... “再加点火候!”莫凡一直观察着狞骨魔将的下肢,发现狞骨魔将移动上明显没有之前那么狂猛,每迈出一步都好像要废去很大的力气…… Good, on the present...... [Thunderbolt]!” “好,就现在……霹雳!” Mo Fan rapidly completed Thunder System star atlas, the hand toward the ferocious bone demon the above finger/refers. 莫凡快速完成了雷系星图,手朝着狞骨魔将的上方指去。 Thunder clouds for the first time presently, as the Mo Fan vision purple black electric light flashes, at night in purple alarmed [Thunderbolt] was with overpowering momentum knock down. 雷云乍现,随着莫凡目光紫黑色电光一闪,黑夜之中紫色的惊心霹雳气势磅礴得打落了下来。 The thunder and lightning is straight, but will be the ferocious bone demon will actually scrape past, has not shelled the ferocious bone demon directly the body...... 雷电笔直,但却是与狞骨魔将擦身而过,并没有直接轰击到狞骨魔将的身体…… I go, can your hit?” “我去,你这都能打偏?” What thing, you are stupid, doesn't this discharge??” Jiang Li scolds immediately. “什么玩意,你是蠢吗,这都施放不中??”蒋黎立刻骂了起来。 Silly X, you give father to shut up!” Mo Fan curses back one immediately. “傻X,你就给老子闭嘴!”莫凡立刻回骂了一句。 Finishes speaking, suddenly the ferocious bone demon the lower limb position will present the resounding. 话音刚落,忽然间狞骨魔将的下肢位置出现了脆响。 Creak creak ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ “咯吱咯吱咯吱~~~~~~” Numerous fissures appeared in the ferocious bone demon the position of thigh and calf joint, and spread. 众多裂痕出现在了狞骨魔将的大腿和小腿关节的位置,并且不停的蔓延。
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