ADM :: Volume #6

#574: You with puncturing?

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!!!” “嘣~~~~~~!!!” Big [Rock Barrier] under dashing will turn into the smashing in the ferocious bone demon, this defense is not very obviously thick, the Soldier Level creature bone of this fierce and tough is hard several times compared with the rock! 偌大的岩障在狞骨魔将的冲撞下变成了粉碎,这道防御明显不够厚实,这凶悍战将级生物骨头比岩石坚硬数倍! Damn, quick dispersing!” The team leader saw that the situation is not right, quickly shouted one toward behind everyone. “该死,快散开!”领队见到情况不对,急忙朝身后的众人大喊了一句。 During the speeches, the team leader thinks the ground the double palm numerous rackets all of a sudden, instantly in the black soil exuded a stratified rock level ripple rapid proliferation...... 说话之间,领队一下子将双掌重重的拍想地面,霎时黑色的泥土之中泛起了一层岩层波纹迅速的扩散…… The rock layer ripple carries everyone to disperse immediately, but that fierce ferocious bone demon will then only batter from everyone, shoulder that sturdy such as the long bone of corner/horn was separated from his body suddenly, changed to the bone great thorn toward dispersing everyone flew to shoot! 岩层波纹载着众人立刻散开,而那只凶猛的狞骨魔将便是从众人之间横冲直撞而过,肩部的那一根根粗壮如角的长骨突然间脱离了他的身体,化作了骨头巨刺朝着分散开的众人飞射过去! My hand! My hand!!” The girl of that fabric hat called immediately with high voice. “我的手!我的手!!”那名绒帽子的女孩顿时尖声叫了起来。 A spur passed through her arm spot like the lance, sewed her in the ground unexpectedly directly, blood unceasing flowed from her arm to the palm position. 一根骨刺像长矛一样穿过了她的手臂部位,竟然将她直接钉在了地面上,鲜血不断的从她的手臂流淌到手掌位置。 Damn, this ferocious bone demon will not be right!” The team leader then saw a hat girl, in the heart criticized one. “该死,这狞骨魔将不对劲!”领队回头看了一眼帽子女孩,心中暗骂了一句。 Mu Bai is recent to this girl, he jumped in front of the girl, exuded the hand of cold frost to hold that lance same bone, immediately the ice-cold strength started to spread along this spur, not only froze completely this skeleton, even also froze the girl that pierced wound. 穆白离这女孩最近,他跳到了女孩面前,泛着寒霜的手抓住了那根长矛一样的骨头,顿时冰冷的力量沿着这根骨刺开始蔓延,不仅将这骸骨完全冻住,甚至也冻住了女孩那被洞穿的伤口。 Palm fierce grasps, Mu Bai will change to both sides of ice body spur to pinch crushes, only stayed behind that section that passed through the girl arm, stops her injury reluctantly. 手掌猛的一握,穆白将化作了冰体骨刺的两端掐得粉碎,只留下了贯穿了女孩手臂的那一截,算是勉强止住她的伤势。 In this Soldier Level bone skeleton is poisonous, if the term spreads, the girl far more than discards an arm, the life not necessarily can preserve...... 这种战将级骨物骸骨中都是有毒的,若是任期蔓延,女孩何止是废掉一条手臂,性命都未必保得住…… What kind of?” Mu Bai quickly inquired the fabric hat girl. “怎么样?”穆白急忙询问了绒帽子女孩。 On the girl face had the blood-color slightly, the arm and wound that freeze almost passed out, no longer painful her gradually calm said: Was much better!” 女孩脸上稍稍有了血色,冻住的手臂与伤口几乎失去了知觉,不再痛苦的她渐渐的冷静了下来道:“好多了!” Mu Bai makes the girl stand the far place, oneself , then Huitouzhuan was only ferocious the bone demon to that star atlas in his adept incomparable drew, but how long, three [Ice Chains] appeared in his both sides simultaneously. 穆白让女孩站到远一些的地方,自己则回头转向了那只狞骨魔将,星图在他脚下娴熟无比的描画了起来,不过多久,三条冰锁同时出现在了他的两旁。 [Ice Chains] dance, straight will fly toward the ferocious bone demon, the long chains gives to restrain this brave warrior undead lower limb, arm and waist respectively, no longer lets its brute force recklessly audience. 冰锁狂舞,笔直的朝着狞骨魔将飞去,长长的锁链分别将这头悍将亡灵的下肢、手臂、腰部都给勒住,不再让它的蛮力肆意全场。 Oh!!!!” “呃噢!!!!” The ferocious bone demon is astonishing the strength, entangles, when its [Ice Chains] did not have the frozen strength will invade in its body with enough time, this monster tyrannical forcefully these firm chains completely collapse broken, such as iron broken same ice dregs all of a sudden sprinkling everywhere is. 狞骨魔将力量惊人,缠在它身上的冰锁还没有来得及将冰封之力侵染到它的身躯上的时候,这怪物暴虐的强行将这些坚固的锁链全部崩断,如铁碎一样的冰渣一下子溅洒的到处都是。 Draws back, making it taste my [Wind Flow]!!” Jiang Li yelled one. “退开,让它尝尝我的风盘!!”蒋黎大叫了一声。 The strong winds howl to curl up, that is together has the strength of some black storms, supported the body like a black big python, and toward front fast sweeping across in the past. 狂风呼啸卷起,那是一道带着些许黑色的风暴之力,就像一条黑色的大蟒蛇支撑起了身躯,并且朝着前方快速的席卷过去。 Cold wind chaotic dance, collision ruthlessly in ferocious bone demon body, ferocious bone demon when curls facing this black [Wind Flow] has not actually dodged, opened the both arms of skeleton constitution unexpectedly directly ruthlessly proceeds this to curl black [Wind Flow] that to whip! 凛风乱舞,狠狠的撞在了狞骨魔将的身上,狞骨魔将在面对这黑色的风盘卷来的时候却没有闪躲,竟然直接张开了骸骨构成的双臂狠狠的往前这道卷过来的黑色风盘拍打过去! The [Wind Flow] wind axis of threatening presented a distortion, as the boundless great strength to/clashes, this [Wind Flow] also disintegrated fast, changed to the innumerable wind rivulets, toward peripheral diverges. 气势汹汹的风盘风轴出现了一阵扭曲,随着磅礴的巨力冲过来,这风盘也快速的瓦解了,化作了无数的风细流,往周边散去。 Follows, will be several Magic hits in this ferocious bone demon the body, [Ice Chains] [Bone Grinder] of scarlet red [Intense Fist] [Field Raze], purple [Thunderbolt] bang top, green [Magic Vines] fetter and team leader...... 紧随其后,又是几个魔法打在了这只狞骨魔将的身上,赤红色的烈拳地煞、紫色的霹雳轰顶、绿色的魔藤束缚、领队的冰锁碾骨…… Trading to do is general Soldier Level creature, comes under the attacks of so many Middle-Order Magic, even if not die, the body had definitely presented many scars, may, break vine these body will scatter after the ferocious bone demon with burned black, flame and ice fragments, everyone discovered that this ferocious bone demon the white skeleton will still be hard like the steel, no effect! 换作是一般的战将级生物,受到这么多中阶魔法的攻击就算不死,肯定身上已经出现了许多伤痕,可随着焦黑、火焰、冰屑、断藤这些从狞骨魔将的身上散落下来之后,众人发现这狞骨魔将的白色骨骸仍旧坚硬如钢,根本没有什么效果! This is anything defends!!” Zhou Min yelled. “这是什么防御!!”周敏大叫了起来。 Bone undead be more formidabe than corpse undead, bone undead quenched refining to go to that useless rotten meat through Death Qi mostly, achievement a gold/metal strong character body, if used the bloodlines high ground theory of magic beast, skeleton bloodlines be higher than zombie, corresponding Soldier Level skeleton undead be more formidabe than Soldier Level zombie. 亡灵要比尸亡灵更难对付,骨亡灵大都是通过死气炼化去了那一身没有用的烂肉,成就了一身金刚骨躯,所以要是用妖魔血统高地论来说的话,骷髅血统要比腐尸更高,相应的战将级的骷髅亡灵就要比战将级腐尸更难对付。 In the past even if everyone killed Soldier Level undead, that is the corpse will still be in the majority, the small corpse also killed them were many. But this bone will be higher than incessantly a level compared with the small corpse the strength, completely has the feeling that plants unable to start. 以往大家即便是杀死战将级亡灵,那也是尸将居多,小尸将他们也杀了不少了。可这骨将实力比小尸将高出了不止一个层次,完全有种无从下手的感觉。 Perhaps our these Magic might are insufficient the wound to it, everyone will remove in the future, tries to find another way.” Team leader very decisive saying. “我们这些魔法威力恐怕不足以伤到它,大家往后撤一些,另想办法。”领队很果断的说道。 What to do but it close to city wall, can definitely on city wall dislodge a hole by the brute force of this fellow outside.” Zhou Min said hastily. “可它靠近城墙怎么办,以这家伙的蛮力肯定可以在外城墙上撞出一个窟窿来。”周敏连忙说道。 Zhou Min, be careful!” 周敏,小心!” Zhou Min also in heavyhearted, the ferocious bone demon will actually draw out on it unexpectedly suddenly the sharp thorn, they change to the bone lance fiercely toward Zhou Min here throws! 周敏还在忧心忡忡,却不料狞骨魔将突然间倒拔出了它身上的尖刺,将它们化作骨矛猛的朝着周敏这里掷来! Where Zhou Min thinks that the ferocious bone demon will leave her then to attack itself, slightly without protection, even if calls Magic Shield Equipment to come, she did not determine whether can resist these two coming bone lances!! 周敏哪里想到狞骨魔将离她这么远便能够攻击到自己,丝毫没有防备,况且即便唤出盾魔具来,她也不确定是否能够抵挡得了这两根呼啸而来的骨矛!! When the Zhou Min god, one group of black shadows appeared in her front suddenly. 就在周敏愣神之际,一团黑色的影子忽然出现在了她的面前。 Zhou Min fixes the eyes on looked, was actually Mo Fan floated from the black shadow with a strange stance, stood in her front all of a sudden. 周敏定睛一看,却是莫凡以一个诡异的姿态从黑色的影子中浮了起来,一下子站在了她的面前。 Dark Ambusher Shield!” Mo Fan proceeds to push single-handed. 冥离盾!”莫凡单手往前一推。 Before his palm, immediately has blue radiance to condense, first is a shield outline of very bright rhombus, is the congealing reality of skeleton of shield in the ray! 他的手掌前立刻有蓝色的光辉在凝聚,先是一个非常明亮的菱形的盾牌轮廓,紧接着就是盾牌的骨架在光芒之中凝实! Quick, exuded dark blue metallic luster Dark Ambusher Shield to appear in front of Mo Fan´s, the body of shield gripped in the land, high happen to completely protected. 很快,泛着深蓝色金属光泽的冥离盾出现在了莫凡的面前,盾牌之身扎在土地,高正好将人完全保护进去。 Clang!! Clang!!!” “铿!!铿!!!” The swift and fierce bone lance on such thorn, passing through the strength is astonishing, Mo Fan this Dark Ambusher Shield is also the high-quality goods, but the bone lance submerges to the Dark Ambusher Shield thick shield body in directly, nearly must put on! 凌厉的骨矛就那样刺来,贯穿力量惊人,莫凡冥离盾也算是高级货,可骨矛直接就没入到冥离盾厚厚盾身之中,险些要穿了出来! Mo Fan stands after the shield, has seen the acme of bone lance to arrive in oneself surface gate suddenly, the eye stared straight. 莫凡站在盾后,已经看见骨矛的尖端要突到自己面门上了,眼睛都瞪直了。 Mother, you with puncturing!” In Mo Fan heart uncomfortable. “妈的,就你会用刺!”莫凡心中大为不爽。 Once were attacked intensely, will then trigger the Dark Ambusher Shield counter-attack effect. 一旦受到强烈的冲击,便会触发冥离盾的反击效果。 As Mo Fan read the strength to move, in the Dark Ambusher Shield shield body departed a dark blue sharp thorn suddenly, glitters the cold glow then in the surface gate to puncture toward the ferocious bone demon! 随着莫凡念力一动,冥离盾盾身中突然间飞出了一柄深蓝色的尖刺,闪烁着寒芒便往狞骨魔将的面门上刺去! Also is very skillful, deeply to puncturing will happen to hit to this ferocious bone demon the left eye, nail stubbornly there...... 也是很巧,冥离刺正好打向这狞骨魔将的左眼,死死的钉在了那里…… The ferocious bone demon was all of a sudden dark the spotlight same eyeball, does not know it that pain as if did not care about this blindly an eye, pulled out has not gone to pull out, the starting to walk step flushed toward here. 狞骨魔将射灯一样的眼珠一下子就暗了,不知痛苦的它仿佛根本不在意这瞎了一只眼,拔都没有去拔,迈开步子就往这里冲过来。
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