ADM :: Volume #6

#573: Ferocious bone demon

The dark clouds are low, felt that must touch the tower over a city gate above lookout tower to withstand/top. 黑云低矮,感觉都要触碰到城楼上方的瞭望塔顶了。 The man who wears the military uniform sits there, the mouth is chewing cigarette that does not have the ignition, vision several points are taking a fast look around the front dim stretch of land lazy. 一名穿着军服的男子坐在那里,嘴里嚼着一根没有点燃的烟,目光略带几分慵懒的扫视着前方昏暗的这片大地。 Several skeleton aimlessly hovers there, several zombie bodies sympathize the delusion on city wall climb up, several traveling speed quite quick ghost corpses flee, these in this military officer eyes the small creature that seems some often to see, has not let his vision multi- stay half a point. 几只骷髅漫无目的的在那里游动,几只腐尸身体贴在城墙上妄想攀爬,还有几个移动速度比较快的鬼尸窜来窜去,这些在这名军官眼中都好像一些时常能够见到的小动物,并没有让他的目光多逗留半分。 Talked during sleep!” “呓!” Suddenly, circled exuded a cry of caution above Skyhawk. 忽然,盘旋在上方的天鹰发出了一声警示的叫声。 This military uniform man spits the eye in mouth immediately, the vision focuses on that Skyhawk instructed. 这名军衣男子立刻吐掉了口中的眼,目光锁定了天鹰所指示的方向。 Oh!” “呃噢!” Oh!!” “呃噢!!” Two trembled this night low roar to pass on suddenly, saw one big piece already dry and hard like the plank same soil fierce was broken, the bull great corner/horn common bone with crawled from below with standing upside down creature. 两声颤栗着这片黑夜的低吼声突然间传了出来,紧接着就看见一大片已经干硬如木板一样的泥土猛的被冲开,公牛巨角一般的骨头跟跟倒立的生物从下面爬了起来。 The body steps 身躯踩在土地上,尘土为之一震,往旁边卷去。 The woods white skeleton exudes the fearful sound with its activity, a fishy smell red eye simply is two small-scale photo spotlights, the cold light terrifying of emitting!! 森白骨骼随着其活动发出可怕的响声,一双腥红的眼睛简直就是两个小型的照射灯,放射出来的冷光恐怖至极!! This white bones creature just regained consciousness, immediately sees in the sky was soaring white Skyhawk, may not stop on the anger all of a sudden, grasps a nearby big rock to pound conveniently toward above. 该白骨生物刚苏醒,马上就看到了天空中飞翔着的白色天鹰,一下子就怒不可止,随手抓起旁边的一块大岩石就朝着上面砸过去。 Skyhawk responded is extremely quick, a body incline avoided the big stone that this flew. 天鹰反应极快,身子一个倾斜躲开了这飞来的大石。 Skyhawk does not dare here to stop over again, immediately flies back to the position of lookout tower. 天鹰并不敢再这里多逗留,立刻飞回到了瞭望塔的位置上。 That military uniform man focused on white bones undead, a brow wrinkle, immediately places near communication device the lip, said with the serious intonation: Attention, N by E presents Soldier Level undead. The attention, N by E presents Soldier Level undead. Has to damage the city wall intention, please go to eliminate immediately!” 那名军衣男子锁定了白骨亡灵的方向,眉头一皱,立刻将一个通讯仪放在唇边,用严肃的语调说道:“注意,北偏东方向出现战将级亡灵。注意,北偏东方向出现战将级亡灵。有损坏城墙的意图,请立刻前去消灭!” ...... …… This sound passed to the tower over a city gate quickly, passes to the room that the those student was. 这个声音很快就传到了城楼内部,同时也传到了那些学员所在的房间里。 That about 30 -year-old Hunter Mage stood immediately, the vision swept in a room momentarily ready fight everyone, opens the mouth saying: Is Soldier Level undead, other teams have mission in the body, it seems like that this only undead must solve by us.” 那名三十岁左右的猎法师马上站了起来,目光扫了一眼屋子里随时准备战斗的众人,开口道:“是战将级亡灵,其他队伍已有任务在身,看来这只亡灵必须由我们来解决了。” Snort, always kills the those Servant Level thing to have what meaning, should make us cope with Soldier Level undead early.” Jiang Li smiled, revealed an impatient appearance. “哼,老是杀那些奴仆级的东西有什么意思,早该让我们对付战将级亡灵了。”蒋黎笑了起来,露出了一副迫不及待的样子。 Kills Soldier Level undead, we can obtain many school grades!” Is binding female student also somewhat exciting saying of fabric hat. “杀死一只战将级亡灵,我们可以获得不少学分呢!”裹着一个绒帽子的女学员也有几分兴奋的说道。 Soldier Level undead is very flagitious, everyone adds carefully.” The team leader Hunter Mage urging said. 战将级亡灵很凶残的,大家还是多加小心。”领队猎法师叮嘱道。 We are nothing issues, feared that what these just joined is the novice, when the time comes frightens wets pants.” Jiang Li said. “我们是没什么问题,就怕这几个刚加入的是新手,到时候吓得尿裤子。”蒋黎说道。 ...... …… This team of troops altogether have seven people, team leader Hunter Mage, most inexpensive Jiang Li, the pretty Water Element male and fabric hat girl, Zhou Min, Mo Fan, Mu Bai, a Wang Sanpang and Wang Sanpang liangs person are responsible for being close city wall here, Soldier Level creature they may not cope. 这队人马共有七人,领队猎法师、最贱蒋黎、俊秀水系男、绒帽子女孩、周敏莫凡穆白,王三胖个人就负责在城墙这里接近,战将级生物他们可对付不了。 After seven people of ready are good, that Skyhawk Mage flies in front of them immediately, he swept everyone, serious saying: Eliminates as soon as possible, cannot let it close to city wall.” 七人准备好后,那名天鹰法师立刻就飞到了他们面前,他扫了一眼众人,严肃的说道:“尽快消灭,决不能让它靠近城墙。” Relax, our seven Middle-Order Mage cope with Soldier Level undead is not a problem.” Team leader Hunter Mage said. “放心,我们七个中阶法师对付一只战将级亡灵绝不成问题。”领队猎法师说道。 The original(ly) team is five people, now joined Mo Fan and Mo Fan liangs, taking Soldier Level undead natural(ly) will be more relaxed. 原本队伍是五个人的,现在加入了莫凡个,拿下战将级亡灵自然会更加轻松。 Good, I will make one team of Mage first open a section of road on the tower over a city gate to you, remaining depended on you.” Skyhawk Mage said. “好,我会让一队法师在城楼上先给你们开一段路,剩下的就靠你们了。”天鹰法师说道。 Spoke these words, on the Skyhawk Mage palm shines one group of [Brilliant Light], brought the golden light light group to deliver to a city wall sky this group of milky white. 说完这句话,天鹰法师手掌上亮起了一团光耀,将这团乳白色带着金光的光团送到了城墙道的上空。 The signal sends out, quick had one team the team comprised of Military Mage to gather here completely, they were seemingly well-trained, wear the completely unified military uniform, stood on the city say/way. 信号一发出,很快就有一队完全由军法师组成的队伍聚集到了这里来,他们看上去训练有素,穿着完全统一的军衣,纷纷站在了城道上。 Dead ahead, cleaning!” “正前方,清扫!” Skyhawk Mage stands in in the air, lifted the hand to issue the order to this crowd of Military Mage teams. 天鹰法师立在空中,一抬手对这群军法师队伍发出了命令。 Instantly, all Military Mage drew star path, the striking red sparkled on each of them, and shortly after then transformed [Flame Ignition]. 霎时,所有的军法师描画起了星轨,醒目的红色在他们每个人身上闪耀了起来,并且没多久便幻化出了火滋 The probably 30 people, are completely Fire Mage, in each individual hand pinches the flame that one group of however are fleeing. 大概有三十人,全部都是火系法师,每个人手上都捏着一团蓬然窜动的火焰。 30 flame drop out city wall together, will pound to fall like small-scale flame rain generally in the ground, under city wall undead on that lands is rumbled shortly the burned black smashing...... 三十道火焰一同抛下城墙,像一个小型火焰雨一般砸落在地面,城墙下方那一片土地上的亡灵顷刻间被轰得焦黑粉碎…… Continue!” “继续!” Also is 30 [Flame Ignition], goes to some directions to throw toward the distant place, the roaring flame heat the black earth, burnt the flame rug all of a sudden, those gathered below undead is fired the ashes completely. 又是三十道火滋,往更远处去一些方向抛去,一下子烈焰烧红了黑土,燃成了火焰地毯,那些聚集在下方的亡灵们全部被烧成了灰烬。 Good, attacks!” “好,出击!” The team leader sees the cleaning work already almost, therefore the big hand wields, takes the lead to jump toward below from the high city corridor. 领队见清扫工作已经差不多,于是大手一挥,率先从高高的城楼道上往下面跳去。 Others are the guts color are also full, the following team leader jumped beside city wall in abundance. 其他人也是胆色十足,纷纷跟着领队跳到了城墙之外。 The under foot also had the flame of vestiges in the fever, on the tower over a city gate that team the team comprised of Fire Mage opens one to say to everyone completely, enabling them to be able smoother arrived in that only Soldier Level skeleton undead front. 脚下还有残余的火焰在烧,城楼上那一队完全由火系魔法师组成的队伍给众人开辟了一条道,让他们可以更顺畅的抵达那只战将级骷髅亡灵的面前。 Leads the way very smoothly, but quick everyone also went out of the extent of protection of fire Mage team, gone undead must sweep clear by them. 前行非常顺利,但很快大家也走出了火法师队的保护范围了,接下去的亡灵就要靠他们自己来清扫。 Seven people are Middle-Order Mage, the utilization of their Basic Magic is quite adept, to save Mana, copes in zombie and skeleton that those throws, basically can solve with Basic Magic, saw that small crowd of undead flushed to use Middle-Order Magic to be then OK again. 七人都是中阶法师,他们初阶魔法的运用相当娴熟,为了节省魔能,对付那些扑过来的腐尸、骷髅之内的,基本上用初阶魔法就能够解决,看到一小群亡灵一齐冲过来再动用中阶魔法便可以了。 That is a ferocious bone demon, does not have any monster technique, but body skeleton that because it quenchings specially but hard like steel, simultaneously the great strength incomparable......” experienced the team leader of old say/way to distinguish that only undead type quickly. “那是一只狞骨魔将,没有任何妖技,但是身躯因为其特殊淬炼的骸骨而坚硬如钢铁,同时巨力无比……”经验老道的领队很快就分辨出了那只亡灵的种类。 The ferocious bone demon, this will be in the undead skeleton to compare the fierce and tough category, generally needs very elite Middle-Order Mage team to deal. 狞骨魔将,这属于亡灵骷髅中比较凶悍的类别,一般都需要非常精锐的中阶法师队伍才能够应对。 In fact, this ferocious bone demon will have left city wall here to be near, most 300 meters, seven people toward the time that it kills, it also to/clashes in the front surface. 事实上,这只狞骨魔将已经离城墙这里非常近了,最多不过三百米,七人朝着它杀去的时候,它也在迎面冲来。 In darkness, first is a pair of red infrared vision cold-launch comes, in everyone thinks when this fellow to their also distance, its white bone body such as a howling truck same has hit! 黑暗里,先是一对红色的红外线目光冷射过来,就在大家以为这家伙离他们还有一段距离时,它白森森的骨躯已经如一辆呼啸的卡车一样撞来了! Defense, the formation do not disperse, [Rock Barrier]!!” Team leader Hunter Mage yelled one. “防御,队形别散,岩障!!”领队猎法师大叫了一声。 This ferocious bone demon will so threaten hits, even if has not hit everyone body, that visual impact then changes to the wave of one fear to hit in everyone's mind!! 这狞骨魔将如此气势汹汹的撞来,即便还没有撞到大家身体,那视觉冲击便化作一种恐惧之浪打在大家的脑海里!!
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