ADM :: Volume #6

#572: Installs good B

Ate meal to finish, everyone arrived at outside city wall with Zhou Min. 吃饭结束,众人就跟着周敏到外城墙去了。 The point that she performs duties in the north city corner/horn place, here undead other quantity not several directly so many, quite suitable Magic student here to gain experience and brushes the rank. 她执勤的点是在西北城角处,这里亡灵的数量并没有其他几个正面那么多,比较适合魔法学生在这里历练和刷排行。 One group of people followed Zhou Min to the western North City Wall corner/horn, in city wall was a stretch of residential district, mostly was even Ai the old house, looked that from the high place this big stretch of block and city were been same by the square minute of good tofu with one. 一群人跟着周敏到了西北城墙角,城墙内是一片住宅区,大都是平矮的老房子了,从高处看下去这一大片街区、城区就跟一块被四四方方分好的豆腐一样。 The city wall corner/horn is west city wall with the place of north city wall connection, on city wall spacious is also ordinary like a Dama Road, several automobiles lead the way above abreast in row do not have an issue. 城墙角也就是西面城墙与北面城墙交汇的地方,城墙上面非常的宽敞如同一条大马路一般,好几辆汽车在上面并排前行都没有一点问题。 city wall is very straight, stands in city wall corner/horn here toward a direction looks, then the feeling is one straight highway in the crowded eave same height, extends toward very far place very much. 城墙很直,站在城墙角这里往其中一个方向望去,便感觉是一条笔直的高速公路架在密集的房檐同一个高度处,朝着很远很远的地方延伸。 city wall is extremely long, cannot see the end, sees that two rows of lights to be getting more and more crowded submerges to darkness. 城墙道极长,一眼都望不见尽头,就看见那两排灯火越来越密集得没入到黑暗里。 Arrived the night, on the entire city wall say/way then can see that team of to become Dui Mage guards there, once for a while has Magic radiance to sparkle in the nighttime, flies high to bloom just like bunches of gorgeous fireworks, but in the ground outside quick city wall will transmit a sound, in darkness undead flesh and blood flying in all directions. 一到夜里,整条城墙道上便可以看到成队成队的法师守卫在那里,时不时有魔法光辉在黑夜里闪耀,宛如一簇簇绚丽的烟花凌空绽放,但很快城墙外的地面上就会传来一阵响,黑暗亡灵血肉横飞。 This is the corner/horn tower over a city gate, other Students should in inside.” Zhou Min led everyone to arrive at a corner/horn tower over a city gate. “这是角城楼,其他同学们应该在里面了。”周敏带着大家到了角城楼。 The corner/horn tower over a city gate happen to constructs in the city intersection point, wants to come also as the supplies and rest, the corner/horn tower over a city gate most goes against tower the observation post, above has a Skyhawk Mage guard, his white Skyhawk stood most peak in lookout tower, the wing had drawn, but that sharp eye is actually staring at distant thick darkness. 角城楼正好就建造在城道交汇处,想来也是作为补给与休息之用,角城楼最顶上耸立着瞭望台,上面有一位天鹰法师把守,他白色的天鹰就站在瞭望塔的最顶端,翅膀已经收拢了起来,可那双锐利的眼睛却凝视着远方浓浓的黑暗 Walked into a corner/horn tower over a city gate, some inside actually people are taking a walk, association Mage, Hunter Mage and Military Mage, travelled for pleasure Mage and student...... to form an appearance of small-scale relay station actually, the spoils of war that sets up a stall sold drugs, sells magical equipment, sells just obtained. 走入到了角城楼,里面倒是有一些人在走动,协会法师猎法师军法师、游历法师、学生……倒是形成了一个小型驿站的模样,摆摊卖药品的、卖魔具的、卖刚获得的战利品的。 Went through the crowd, Zhou Min belt/bring everyone arrived at one to separate the room. 穿过了人群,周敏带大家到了一个隔屋。 Separates in the room to sit several people, looked that the appearance knows from the school, on their chest is even also leaving the school insignia. 隔屋里坐着几个人,看打扮就知道是来自学府的,他们胸口上甚至还别着校徽。 School insignia each school has, according to the different departments will provide the different color school insignias to express that the department of student, but the above bright stripe is often representing this/should Mage rank. 校徽每个学府都有,根据不同的系会发放不同颜色的校徽以表示学员的学系,而上面的鲜明的条纹往往代表着该法师的级别。 Similarly, the school has beside the Mage badge, Magic Association, Hunter's Union and military have the chapter of corresponding status, completes mission to conduct Bounty, the team is important, for distinguishes clearly the equivalent and series, most Mage section of wears Mage in chest front. 同样的,学府有法师徽章之外,魔法协会猎者联盟、军方也都有相应的身份之章,无论是完成任务还是进行悬赏,团队都非常重要,为了一眼分清等阶与系别,大部分法师都会把法师之章戴在胸前的。 Zhou Min has worn the school badge, what the badge presents is the hot chart shape, representative her is being Fire Element Middle-Order Mage, middle two mark marks, is representing her Fire Element Nebula second level, is second level of Middle-Order Fire Mage. 周敏就一直戴着学府徽章,徽章呈现的是火图状,代表着她是火系中阶法师,中间的两痕纹,又代表着她火系星云第二级,也就是第二级的中阶火系法师 Zhou Min is eating meal that to look whether specially Mo Fan had to wear the Mage coat of arms, finally Mo Fan chest front anything did not have, she has to search with Mind Power directly. 周敏在吃饭那会就特意看莫凡是否有戴法师纹章了,结果莫凡胸前什么都没有,她只好直接用意念去探了。 Mo Fan walked a moment ago, discovers the person on city say/way to wear the chapter of Mage, probably a stipulation. 莫凡刚才一路走来,发现城道上的人全都戴着法师之章,像是一种规定。 Really, when Zhou Min just about to his several student introductions, a very unfriendly sound passes on immediately. 果然,当周敏刚要向他的几个同学介绍时,一个很不友善的声音就立刻传了出来。 Does not have Mage to wear Mage a chapter of person to leave immediately, here is not the miscellaneous personnel can wait and see.” The person of speech sits in a middle slightly fat youth, is wearing good, the forehead does not conceal proudly. “没有法师法师之章的人都请马上离开,这里可不是闲杂人等可以观望的。”说话的人是坐在中间的一个微胖青年,一身穿着不俗,眉宇自傲毫不掩饰。 School leader Jiang Li, they are my high school student, is Mage , helping me complete to perform duties.” Zhou Min hurriedly said to the slightly fat youth of this V character eyebrow. 蒋黎学长,他们是我的高中同学,都是法师,来帮助我完成执勤的。”周敏急急忙忙的对这个V字眉毛的微胖青年说道。 Then wears the chapter of Mage, that side Magic Association has the stipulation, so as to avoid being reproven by Judge later.” And a good-looking male student who wears the scarf said. “那把法师之章戴起来吧,魔法协会那边是有规定的,免得待会被审判员训斥。”其中一个戴着围巾的俊俏男学员说道。 Mu Bai natural(ly) understands here custom, therefore looked at Wang Sanpang and Zhao Kunsan said: You do two have the chapter of Mage?” 穆白自然明白这里的规矩,于是看了一眼王三胖赵坤三道:“你们两有法师之章吧?” Two people immediately section of take Mage, don't in chest front. 两人立刻将法师之章拿了出来,别在了胸前。 They are Elementary Mage, section of and the person present Mage have the obvious disparity, can look. 他们都是初阶法师,法师之章和在座的人有明显的差距,一眼就能够看出来。 That fellow eyebrow named Jiang Li twists, says: We outside the team toward city wall, the request are Middle-Order Mage, you two get down to deliver the dinner to undead.” 那个叫蒋黎的家伙眉毛一拧,开口说道:“我们是往城墙外的队伍,要求是中阶法师,你们两下去就是给亡灵送晚餐。” Zhao Kunsan and king fat people were said the whole face to become flushed, suddenly does not know should go to remain. 赵坤三和王胖子都被说得满脸涨红,一时间不知道该去该留。 All right, you two do to aid to us the city wall wall, walked the matter that to give us toward the deep place to be good.” Mu Bai quickly said to two people. “没事,你们两个在城墙壁这边给我们做接应,往深处走的事情交给我们就好了。”穆白急忙对两人说道。 Good, good.” The Zhao Kunsan even/including nods. “好,好。”赵坤三连点头。 After assigning them, that student named Jiang Li had not said that after he takes back several points of discontented vision, happen to discovered that Mo Fan still had not worn the chapter of Mage, immediately stares saying: Without hearing me said a moment ago, deaf how, thinks that outside this city wall is the fun place!” 分配好他们两个之后,那个叫蒋黎的学员才没有多说,他收回几分不满的目光之后正好发现莫凡仍旧没有戴法师之章,立刻瞪了眼睛道:“没听到我刚才说的吗,聋还是怎么的,以为这外城墙是好玩的地方!” Zhou Min has not waited for Jiang Li to scold quickly to advise, and to smiling of Mo Fan is sorry. 周敏没等蒋黎呵斥完就急忙去劝阻,并对莫凡抱歉的笑了笑。 Your student is really unfriendly.” Mo Fan indifferent smiling, pulled out chapter of one Mage from the pocket casually. “你同学真不友好。”莫凡无所谓的笑了笑,从口袋里随便掏出了一个法师之章。 Since wears, Mo Fan was insufficient to eat to the full to support to pull out the chapters of oneself 4 Mage, therefore drew lots to stress one same, the result was Shadow System. 既然只是戴一戴,莫凡不至于吃饱了撑着把自己四个法师之章都掏出来,于是抓阄一样抓了一个,结果是暗影系的。 „The Middle-Order second level? Originally is a expert.” The pretty student who that wears the scarf is quite actually amiable, said to Mo Fan with a smile. 中阶第二级?原来是高手啊。”那个戴围巾的俊秀学员倒是比较随和,笑着对莫凡说道。 He is Pearl Academy freshman / rebirth representative oh!” Zhou Min supplemented one immediately. “他可是明珠学府新生代表!”周敏马上补充了一句。 Pearl Academy freshman / rebirth represents on one Middle-Order second level, it seems like Pearl Academy also such.” That Jiang Li snorts contemptuously immediately, has not paid attention to Mo Fan this Middle-Order second level of Shadow System. 明珠学府新生代表就一个中阶第二级,看来明珠学府也就那样。”那个蒋黎马上嗤之以鼻,并没有把莫凡中阶第二级暗影系太放在眼里。 Ok, let alone so many above, waited to instruct that to us, should be quick.” Wears chapter of 30 -year-old a man hunting to say. “好了,别说那么多的了,等上头给我们指示吧,应该快了。”一名戴着猎者之章的三十岁男子说道。 This person should be the team leaders of this student team, how it seems like they need a person of experience quite old say/way to direct them to resist undead. 此人应该是这个学生队伍的领队了,看来他们需要一个经验比较老道的人来指挥他们如何对抗亡灵 ...... …… Mo Fan, your his mother do not frighten me, that two departments that minor Shadow System your Middle-Order second level, you majored in......” Wang Sanpang collected, low voice inquiry Mo Fan. 莫凡,你他妈别吓我啊,辅修的暗影系你都中阶第二级了,那你主修的那两个系……”王三胖凑了过来,小声的询问莫凡 Is higher.” Mo Fan does not conceal, replied Wang Sanpang truthfully. “更高一些。”莫凡也不隐瞒,如实回答王三胖 Wang Sanpang is startled immediately is a Celestial! 王三胖顿时惊为天人! However, was quick he to smile secretly, thief said to Mo Fan: Zhou Min that school leader really uncomfortable, wait/etc. you exposed the real strength to come...... hehe, is the chapter comes out with the minor, really your Mo Fan most understands, installs good B!” 不过,很快他又暗暗笑了起来,贼兮兮的对莫凡说道:“周敏的那个学长真让人不爽,等等你展露出真实实力来……嘿嘿嘿嘿,拿个辅修系章出来,果然还是你莫凡最懂,装得一手好B!” I have not really installed, took one casually......” “我真没装,随便拿了一个……” „, Takes one casually.” “啧啧,随便拿一个。” Good, I felt own very attire.” “好吧,我都觉得自己挺装的了。” All right, how to have the capital!!” “没事,咋有资本!!”
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