ADM :: Volume #6

#571: student meeting

In said/tunnel Shaanxi Cuisine Restaurant, Mo Fan, Mu Bai, Zhao Kunsan, Wang Sanpang and Zhou Min five people sat in one, this perhaps was since Bo City disaster, only high school student got together, saw these familiar faces, Mo Fan at heart was very comfortable. 一家地道陕西菜餐厅里,莫凡穆白赵坤三王三胖周敏五人坐在了一起,这恐怕是自从博城灾难之后唯一一次高中同学聚会了,看到这几个熟悉的面孔,莫凡心里还是很宽慰的。 Mo Fan, doesn't your girlfriend come with us together?” Zhao Kunsan asked one intentionally. 莫凡,你女友不跟我们一起来吗?”赵坤三故意问了一句。 oh, she first went back.” Mo Fan knows that the Zhao Kunsan finger/refers is Liu Ru. ,她先回去了。”莫凡知道赵坤三指得是柳茹 Liu Ru and this group of people did not know, they sit together let alone also chats the matter of beforehand high school mostly, she does not need to mix, is looks for Su Xiaoluo on the contrary they, having a look at the danger to occupy placement of village those person. 柳茹和这群人都不认识,更何况他们坐在一起多半也是聊以前高中的事情,她就没有必要掺和进来了,反倒是去找苏小洛他们,看看危居村那些人的安置情况。 „Do you have the girlfriend?” Zhou Min looks at Mo Fan, winks that limpid big eye to ask. “你有女朋友啦?”周敏看着莫凡,眨着那双清澈的大眼睛问道。 Does not calculate, words saying our Zhou Min was actually long, was even more attractive, how your several haven't started to her?” Mo Fan could not bear ask one. “也不算,话说起来我们周敏倒是长开了啊,越发好看,你们几个怎么没有对她下手?”莫凡忍不住问了一句。 Wang Sanpang and Zhao Kunsan are work unceasingly smile, they want to start actually, does to them not to enter into to Middle-Order Mage, even very possible this whole life not to have become the hope of Middle-Order Mage, Zhou Min now was also the outstanding students of Ancient Capital school. 王三胖赵坤三都是干干一笑,他们倒是想下手啊,奈何他们两个都没有迈入到中阶法师,甚至很可能这辈子都没有成为中阶法师的希望,周敏现在好歹也算是古都学府的高材生了。 You in wild goose tower cultivation how?” Mu Bai is asks Zhou Min on the contrary. “你在雁塔修炼的怎么样?”穆白反倒是问起周敏来。 Zhou Min puts on today very much pure white, in the phoenix eye still has initially the pride and stubbornness of youth young girl, but can look, such long had not seen that Mo Fan´s she somewhat jumps for joy, always grabs Mo Fan to ask this and that. 周敏今天穿得很素白,凤眼中仍旧是带着当初青春少女的骄傲与倔强,不过看得出来,这么久没见到莫凡的她是有些雀跃的,总是抓着莫凡问这问那。 Where I can raise cultivation base in front of our big Mo Fan.” The Zhou Min sound was higher, but also turned the small supercilious look. “在我们大莫凡面前我哪能提修为呐。”周敏声音高了一些,还翻起了小白眼。 „The department where, where...... I cultivate/repair are many, cultivation base is very mixed.” Mo Fan modest saying. “哪里,哪里……我修的系多,修为很杂。”莫凡谦虚的说道。 Good, making me have a look at you now what equivalent.” Zhou Min felt that gives Mo Fan to suppose the wrap/sets intentionally, immediately took advantage of opportunity says downward. “好啊,让我看看你现在什么等阶。”周敏感觉是故意给莫凡设套,马上顺势往下说了。 Zhou Min is impolite, searches directly toward Mo Fan´s on Mind Power. 周敏也不客气,直接将意念莫凡的身上探去。 Mo Fan no psychology ready, felt intention of Zhou Min in own Spiritual World carelessly is fleeing, this intention searches actually and has no injury, so long as is not Mind System Mage is unable to pose any threat to others. 莫凡毫无心理准备,就感觉周敏的心念在自己的精神世界里胡乱的窜着,这种心念探来其实并没有什么伤害的,只要不是心灵系法师都无法对别人造成任何的威胁。 What, is second level of Nebula!” Zhou Min investigated Mo Fan Nebula then to be caught up by Mo Fan, stirred up Zhou Min not happy pursing the lips. “什么嘛,也不过是第二级星云呐!”周敏探查到了莫凡其中一个星云便被莫凡赶了出来,惹得周敏一阵不高兴的噘嘴。 Hehe, I had not said that I am very strong.” Mo Fan modest smiles. “嘿嘿,我也没说我很强啊。”莫凡谦虚的一笑。 "Crap!, second level of Nebula already very strong!! ” Wang Sanpang cried out strangely, complete was attacked to be a mass of cuts and bruises the appearance. “我靠,第二级星云已经很强了好吗!!”王三胖怪叫了起来,完全一副被打击得体无完肤得样子。 „Did Zhou Min, say you to the third level?” Mu Bai shoulders the eyebrow to ask. 周敏,这么说你到第三级了?”穆白挑起眉毛问道。 No, if learned [Fierce Fist - Nine Pillars], I can cope with the corpse to challenge, such my ranking will also be higher.” Zhou Min said. “没有啦,要是学会了烈拳-九宫,我就能够对付尸将了,那样我的排名也会更高一些。”周敏说道。 Mo Fan hears the complaint of Zhou Min, immediately asked curiously: What's wrong, your ranking by coping with corpse?” 莫凡听到周敏的抱怨,顿时好奇的问了起来:“怎么,你的排名是靠对付尸将的?” Copes with undead.” Mu Bai investigates the correct path, sees an appearance of Mo Fan also doubts, therefore then said, makes the student make insignificant comparing notes with it, might as well makes the energy of student place on undead, on this land has undead that cannot kill. Our school can kill the undead quantity to take the school grades, school grades higher rank natural(ly) is higher. those wants to obtain the person of struggle of nomination, when the night to hitting the chicken blood was the same, is squatting to outside city wall that side completely.” “是对付亡灵。”穆白纠正道,见莫凡还一副疑惑的样子,于是接着说道,“与其让学生做无意义的切磋,还不如让学生的精力放在亡灵上,这块土地上有杀不完的亡灵。我们学府会以杀死亡灵的数量作为学分,学分越高排行自然越高。那些想要获得提名之争的人,每到夜里就跟打了鸡血一样,全部都到外城墙那边蹲着。” Mo Fan nods, originally not student school uses the different mechanism, the Ancient Capital school is really interesting, eliminates the undead merit to rank by the student unexpectedly. 莫凡点了点头,原来不同学校是采用不同的机制啊,古都学府这边还真有意思,竟然是以学生消灭亡灵的功绩来排名。 Besides by this makes ranking, we will make the student perform duties to outside city wall that once in a while. I am to perform duties today, this your big Mo Fan did not come, therefore runs away specially......” saying of Zhou Min face hidden bitterness from very far place. “除了以这个做排名之外,我们每隔一段时间都会让学员到外城墙那执勤。我今天就是要执勤啦,这不你大莫凡来了,所以特意从很远的地方偷跑过来……”周敏一脸幽怨的说道。 I also really feel extremely flattered.” Mo Fan also smiled. “那我还真是受宠若惊。”莫凡也笑了起来。 You completed the school grades, the school grades were insufficient, could not assign to have the resources that.” Mu Bai looks at Zhou Min to say. “那你完成得了学分吗,学分不够,是分配不到该有的资源的。”穆白看着周敏说道。 „A month of resources do not take are also little significance, can gather together with great difficulty, actually I also think strangely your.” Zhou Min said. “一个月的资源不拿也没多大关系啦,好不容易能聚在一起,其实我也怪想你们的。”周敏说道。 These words, everyone is silent, but is also approving of these words that Zhou Min spoke at heart. 这句话一出,大家都沉默,但也在心里赞同周敏说的这句话。 The high school period, everyone awakens on training ground , studies Magic together, for result together diligently, in the wild to gain experience, had passed together in an instant so many years, becomes Mage, particularly equivalent higher Mage, is actually less worry-free, more often faces the life and death. 高中时期,大家在操场上觉醒,一起学魔法,为了成绩一起努力,也一起野外历练,转眼间已经过去了这么多年,成为法师,尤其是等阶越高的法师,其实远没有那么无忧无虑,更多的时候是面对生与死。 Originally is also, when stepped into Tian Lan Magic High School initially first day, Principal Zhu has told everyone, the Mage responsibility is anything. 本来也是,在当初踏入天澜魔法高中第一天的时候,朱校长就告诉过所有人,法师的职责是什么。 The average people can the calm and steady pass life, but Mage is unlikely. 普通人可以安稳的度过一生,但法师却不太可能。 The death that these year of Mo Fan see is countless, occupied village more than ten human lives in yesterday's danger also in the mind, but should eat, should rest, but how can also? 这些年莫凡看见的死亡已经不计其数了,就在昨天危居村十几条人命还在脑海,可该吃吃,该睡睡,还能怎么的? Right, Xu Zhaoting not with you with the school?” Zhao Kunsan remembered anything, broke the Zhou Min topic. “对了,许昭霆不是跟你同个学校吗?”赵坤三想起了什么,打破了周敏的话题。 Mu Bai natural(ly) knows that the Xu Zhaoting matter, stared Zhao Kunsan ruthlessly. 穆白自然知道许昭霆的事,狠狠的瞪了一眼赵坤三 This fellow, really loves to talk about somebody's most vulnerable points! 这家伙,真是哪壶不开提哪壶! Wang Sanpang and Xu Zhaoting are the adversity brothers, Zhao Kunsan mention Xu Zhaoting, the fat on Wang Sanpang face shook. 王三胖许昭霆是患难兄弟,赵坤三一提到许昭霆,王三胖脸上的肥肉都不由的抖了一下。 the one breath, Wang Sanpang earnest inquiry Mo Fan said: Such long I have not known that actually my brother how dies, Mo Fan you definitely know that is right. All right, I want to ravel.” 呼了一口气,王三胖才认真的询问莫凡道:“这么久了我都还不知道我兄弟究竟是怎么死的,莫凡你肯定知道的,对不对。没事,我就是想弄个明白。” Mentioned Xu Zhaoting, Mo Fan was also sad, as far as possible tranquil say/way: I burn him.” 提到许昭霆,莫凡心情也沉重,尽量平静的道:“我把他焚掉的。” You...... do you burn his?” everyone stares the big eye to look at Mo Fan. “你……你烧死他的?”众人都瞪大眼睛看着莫凡 Mo Fan explained to everyone the situation, after everyone listens, is very long for a long time has not spoken very much. 莫凡将情况给大家解释了一遍,大家听完之后很久很久都没有说话。 Oh, ok, ok, it is estimated that gives the opportunity that he chooses one time again, he such will also do, I understand his temperament.” Wang Sanpang sighed. “唉,算了,算了,估计再给他一次选择的机会,他也会那样做,我了解他的脾气。”王三胖叹了口气道。 Black Church was too hateful, if there is an opportunity, I also certainly will eliminate cleanly them.” Zhou Min is clenching teeth to say. 黑教廷真的太可恶了,要是有机会,我也一定会将他们消灭干净。”周敏咬着牙说道。 Mentioned Black Church, the entire room is filling the enmity and anger, but they are clear by their present strengths are unable to contend with fearful Black Church directly, can only ride young is practicing diligently, in the future will have Black Church to rebel again, surely acted boldly regardless of one's safety eradicated them! 提到黑教廷,整个屋子都弥漫着仇与怒,只是他们都清楚以他们现在的实力根本无法与可怕的黑教廷正面抗衡,只能够乘着年轻努力修炼,将来再有黑教廷作乱,必定奋不顾身的将他们铲除! Mother, more raises more air/Qi, Zhou Min you are not tonight must perform duties, simple several of us go city wall that with you, releases to give vent to indignation with those undead, is for Ancient Capital, is country makes a contribution.” The Wang Sanpang first proposition said. “妈的,越提越气,周敏你不是今晚要执勤吗,干脆我们几个跟你去城墙那,拿那些亡灵泄泄愤吧,也算是为古都,为国家做点贡献。”王三胖第一个提议道。 „Didn't that sing?” Did Zhao Kunsan say? “那不去唱歌了?”赵坤三说道? Knows KTV, the student meeting always eats meal, KTV, has the wool meaning. Doubting to promote to be exciting, we are Mage!” Saying that the Wang Sanpang heroic spirit soars to the heavens. “就知道KTV,同学聚会总是吃饭、KTV,有个毛意思。打怪升级去才刺激,我们可是法师!”王三胖豪气冲天的说道。 I do not have the opinion.” “我没意见。” My a little hand is also itchy.” Mo Fan smiled. “我也有点手痒。”莫凡笑了起来。 Happen to the danger occupies the matter of village to let some Mo Fan also a lot of air/Qi, this undead can kill a happiness! 正好危居村的事情让莫凡还有一肚子气,这次亡灵可以杀个痛快!
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