ADM :: Volume #6

#570: Green tea male

...... …… According to Shorty said that Mo Fan found that to be known as that by street that the Bo City person seizes. 按照矮男说的,莫凡找到了那条号称被博城人占领的街道。 The street is not long, by-ways between two main roads, what this by-way sells is the Magic goods. 街道并不长,两条大路之间的一条横道,这条横道卖的是魔法物品。 Mo Fan in the Magic well-known colleges and universities, majority is Middle Tier Mage, belonged in the society has of position very much. Mage and people that but some entire social also innumerable those struggle in the Magic floor in fact, they make some and Magic related small-scale business, sells the magical equipment material, resells Magic Stone, purchases magic beast certain available spots...... 莫凡是在魔法名校,大部分都是中阶魔法师,在社会上属于很有地位的那种了。可事实上整个社会还有无数那些魔法底层挣扎的法师和民众,他们做一些和魔法有关的小生意,卖卖魔具材料,倒卖魔石,收购妖魔某些可用的部位…… This returns to the street so, sold is very broken very broken Magic goods, price generally in 500 to 10,000, because the value of many second-hand magical equipment and material is very difficult to estimate, sells the street then just like the antique street and a Magic nine Yuan shop like this Magic, in many pouches shy Mage will come here Taobao, occasionally can get so far as the thing, to them are many magical equipment is a strength qualitative leap! 这条回离街就是如此,卖的都是很碎很碎的魔法物品,价格一般在500块到1万块之间,因为很多二手的魔具、材料的价值很难估算,像这种魔法卖品街道便如同古玩街、魔法九元店一样,很多囊中羞涩的法师都会来这里淘宝,偶尔能够弄到好东西,对他们来说多一件魔具就是一次实力质的飞跃! Mo Fan does not refer to seeing everyone actually, after all even the Bo City person his not necessarily entire understanding, how comes to here has a look at their situation...... 莫凡其实不指望见所有人,毕竟就算是博城的人他不一定全认识,来这里就是看看他们情况如何…… Passes through several shops continuously, Mo Fan discovered that the sales clerk and boss mostly are the Bo City people, the southern accent was too strong, their day passes evidently well, with a laugh, did not have the haze of disaster. 连续走过几家店,莫凡发现店员、老板多半是博城的人,南方口音太重了,他们看样子日子过得蛮不错的,一个个笑呵呵的,没有了灾难的阴霾。 I go, what goods that this enters, is pile of trash, but also spent 100,000 oceans, money is not money!!” A slightly hoarse voice reverberated in the shop, the sound is not really of pleasant to hear. “我去,这都进的什么货啊,全是一堆垃圾,还花了十万大洋,钱不是钱啊!!”一个稍沙哑的嗓音在店里回荡了起来,声音实在不怎么好听。 However, Mo Fan hears familiar-soundingly, sweeps off the discovery to exude the cry to result in the boss is a face is black, eye is small, frustration male who nose collapses, although the facial features had some changes, when also with high school the appearance has no change. 不过,莫凡听得耳熟,一眼扫去发现发出叫声得老板是一个脸黑、眼小、鼻塌的挫男,虽然脸型有了一些变化,但还和高中时模样没啥变化。 Zhao Tuizi!” Mo Fan greeted with this person with a smile. “赵腿子!”莫凡笑着和此人打招呼。 Zhao Kunsan full belly air/Qi, because oneself subordinate dog eye took one pile of trash goods, how he worries sells can return 100,000 this comes, finally hears some people to call the nickname, immediately on fire! 赵坤三满肚子气,因为自己手下人狗眼拿了一堆垃圾货,他发愁怎么卖才可以把十万块回本过来,结果听见有人叫自己外号,顿时就火了! His Zhao Kunsan is follows Mu Bai to mix, but Mu Bai works as half brothers him, is not a lackey, the thing that these do not keep eyes open called itself all day long like this. 赵坤三是跟着穆白混的,可穆白怎么也把他当半个兄弟,不是狗腿子,这些不长眼的东西成天这样叫自己。 Courts death, courts death, believed my Magic to kill by explosion you, told you, but father Mage, third level of Elementary Mage!” Zhao Kunsan is one shouts abuse toward Mo Fan that entering the shop comes...... “找死啊,找死啊,信不信我一个魔法轰死你,告诉你,老子可是法师,第三级的初阶法师!”赵坤三朝着进店来的莫凡就是一顿破口大骂…… But scolded is scolding, the Zhao Kunsan sound, like damn looks at Mo Fan getting smaller. 可是骂着骂着,赵坤三声音就越来越小了,像见了鬼一样看着莫凡 ****, Is you.” Zhao Kunsan is staring that small eye, good long while cannot get back one's composure. “****的,是你。”赵坤三瞪着那小眼睛,好半天回不过神来。 Mo Fan!! 莫凡!! How can be Mo Fan, since Bo City disaster, Zhao Kunsan has not seen this person again, it is said that he already reputation big chirp, in enjoying the sight and sound of the wind whipping up the water that Pearl Academy mixes. 怎么会是莫凡,自从博城灾难之后赵坤三就再也没见到这个人了,据说他已经名声大噪,在明珠学府混的风生水起。 Zhao Kunsan has not paid attention to Mo Fan, because he was truly a snobbish SOB before. 赵坤三没怎么关注莫凡,因为他以前确实狗眼看人低了。 However Zhao Kunsan knows that Mu Bai has been paying attention, how often knows Mo Fan, closing up painstaking cultivation that Mu Bai can be mad, wants to exceed Mo Fan eventually, before snow, shame. 但是赵坤三知道穆白一直都在留意,每每得知莫凡如何如何,穆白都会气的闭关苦修,终究想要超越莫凡,一雪前耻。 Is I, for a long time does not see.” The Mo Fan smiling face is very bright, but on the palm has the thunder and lightning electric arc to flee again, this goods dog mouth must put out one again by the uncomfortable dirty words, Mo Fan is minded such taught him to cultivate the behavior in the high school with before! “是我,好久不见。”莫凡笑容无比灿烂,但是手掌心上已经有雷电电弧再窜动了,这货狗嘴里要再吐出一个让自己不爽的脏字,莫凡不介意跟以前在高中那样教他做人! Boss, wants me to ask the person to go out this fellow bang, whose domain also does not have a look here is.” The waiters see boss that response, immediately protects the main cherished appearance. “老板,要不要我叫人把这家伙轰出去,也不看看这里是谁的地盘。”伙计一见老板那反应,马上护主心切的样子。 Rolls rolling, has your anything matter.” Calling out of Zhao Kunsan impatient. “滚滚滚,有你什么事。”赵坤三不耐烦的叫道。 Cracks a joke, Mage of this street all called the estimate is not the Mo Fan´s opponent, Zhao Kunsan was not silly, how can not know Mo Fan present cultivation base. 开玩笑,这一条街的法师全叫过来估计也不是莫凡的对手,赵坤三又不傻,怎么会不知道莫凡现在的修为 Easy life has well.” Mo Fan received the strength of thunder and lightning, arrived in front of Zhao Kunsan to pat his shoulder layer on layer/heavily. “小日子过得不错啊。”莫凡收起了雷电之力,走到赵坤三面前重重的拍了拍他肩膀。 Zhao Kunsan smiles ugly, pushes someone take on a difficult job is replying. 赵坤三笑得难看,勉为其难得应答着。 ...... …… Zhao Kunsan also truly is a lackey, immediately gave Mu Bai matter report/give report who Mo Fan kicked the shop. 赵坤三也确实是狗腿子,马上就把莫凡来踢店的事情禀报给了穆白 Mu Bai also comes to really be quick, Mo Fan sits in the shop the tea has not drunk several, this fellow on unemotional walked. 穆白来得也真是快,莫凡坐在店里茶还没有喝上几口,这个家伙就面无表情的走了进来。 Green tea male, does not see for a long time.” Mo Fan is sizing up Mu Bai. “绿茶男,好久不见。”莫凡打量着穆白 Mu Bai is the appropriate make-up, the hairstyle processes as before carefully, an actor does not know that the genuine and fake in brief seem like wealthy families' kids. 穆白依旧是打扮得体,发型精心处理,一身行头也不知道真假总之看上去就是有钱人家的娃。 However, Mo Fan had to notice in this fellow foreheads to be short of passing that proud, to be proud, were many calmly for several points steady, wants to come the Bo City matter also to have a big influence on him. 不过,莫凡有注意到这个家伙眉宇间少了过往的那份骄傲、自负,多了几分沉着稳重,想来博城的事情对他也造成了不小的影响。 Listened to Shorty saying that this street was Mu Bai buys, it seems like that the ability of Mu Bai operation was also strong, this street store was not cheap. 矮男说这条街是穆白买下来的,看来穆白经营的本领也蛮强的,这一条街商铺可不便宜。 From the present situation, Mu Bai should still continue to cultivate with concentration, the store matter is lackey Zhao Kunsan is handling, the person who Bo City other move works to him to here mostly, the rare this goods did a good deed, making the Bo City resident not need to live under subjugation outside. 从现在情况来看,穆白应该还在继续潜心修炼,商铺事情是狗腿子赵坤三在打理,博城其他迁徙来的人多半都到这里给他做事情,难得这货做了件好事,让博城居民在外不用寄人篱下。 Originally Mu Bai walks there is no mood, but one hear of Mo Fan that green tea male, the complexion was all of a sudden cloudy, scolded Mo Fan at heart a lot. 本来穆白走进来没啥情绪的,可一听莫凡那句“绿茶男”,脸色一下子就阴了,心里没少骂莫凡 Liu Ru sits in the one side, is gazing at these two people, always thought that Mo Fan and these two old student relate strangely. 柳茹坐在一旁,注视着这两个人,总觉得莫凡和这两个老同学关系奇怪至极啊。 Since came, in the evening I called Zhou Min also to come, everyone gathered together.” Mu Bai eventually is a person who has a face the surface, is disinclined to get angry with Mo Fan this mental disorder. “既然来了,晚上我叫周敏也来一趟,大家一起聚聚。”穆白终究是一个有脸有面的人,懒得跟莫凡这种神经病翻脸。 Zhou Min also Ancient Capital?” Mo Fan somewhat is surprised the different way. 周敏古都?”莫凡有些诧异道。 Let alone, Zhou Min this miss was really had not related for a long time, the Bo City disaster caused too to relate broke, Mo Fan does not know where they went, also without their contact methods. 别说,周敏这姑娘真是好久没联系了,博城灾难导致太多关系都断了,莫凡不知道他们去了哪里,也没有他们的联系方式。 She in the Ancient Capital school, with me is an alumnus. The matter of struggle of nomination made her close up cultivates was very long, I have not seen her for a long time.” Mu Bai drank tea, says. “她在古都学府,和我是校友。提名之争的事情让她闭关修炼了很久,我也很长时间没见到她了。”穆白喝了一口茶,开口说道。 oh?” ?” Naturally, she wants to obtain the struggle of nomination basically to have no chance.” “当然,她想要获得提名之争基本没希望。” Mo Fan nods, the struggle of nomination is not that easy, the Zhou Min family is the same, by wanted to push in the entire Ancient Capital school first ten is too difficult purely diligently. 莫凡点了点头,提名之争不是那么容易的,周敏家庭一般般,单纯靠努力想要挤入全古都学府的前十太难了。 Also, the king fatty also, called together.” Zhao Kunsan remembered anything, quickly said. “还有,王胖子也在,一起叫上吧。”赵坤三想起了什么,急忙说道。 Good.” “好。” Everyone came from the Bo City disaster, calculates that has risked one's life together, before the those small graciousness small resentment in school put now is actually not anything, but could look, Mu Bai has not been convinced. 大家都是从博城灾难过来的,也算一起出生入死过,以前学校里的那些小恩小怨放到现在其实也不算什么了,只是看得出来,穆白还不太服气。 I subscribed the place, their two heard that you came Ancient Capital, complied to gather.” Mu Bai puts down the cell phone to say to Mo Fan. “我订了地方,他们两个听说你来古都了,都答应过来聚聚。”穆白放下手机对莫凡说道。 Green...... Mu Bai, you are giving Mu Family to work, is?” Mo Fan looked all around some these shops, actually this street shop value is not low. “绿……穆白,你是在给穆家做事,还是自己?”莫凡环顾了一些这些店铺,其实这条街店铺价值不低。 I. Mu Family...... hmph hmph, works as the beggar us.” Mu Bai cold snort/hum, clearly has the complaint to Mu Family very much. “我自己。穆家……哼哼,把我们当乞丐。”穆白冷哼一声,对穆家显然很有怨念。 What's wrong?” Mo Fan shoulders the eyebrow, immediately has the interest of listening. “怎么?”莫凡挑起眉毛,立刻有听下去的兴趣了。 You told that these are also useless, in brief Mu has not paid attention to our little branch families from the start, even Uncle Mu Zhuoyun is not very pleasant, only they are interested is Mu Ningxue, because the Mu Ningxue inborn talent......” Mu Bai said. “跟你说这些也没用,总之大穆氏压根没把我们这个小分支家族放在眼里,甚至穆卓云大伯也不是很如意,他们唯一感兴趣的就是穆宁雪,因为穆宁雪的天生天赋……”穆白说道。 Her inborn talent is truly strong.” Mo Fan nods. “她的天生天赋确实很强。”莫凡点了点头。 The Mu Ningxue inborn talent should not only be is so only simple, that [Ice Crystal Temple Bow] astonishing might that displays makes Mo Fan still unforgettable. 穆宁雪的天生天赋应该不仅仅是表现出来的那么简单,那冰晶刹弓惊人的威力让莫凡至今难忘。
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