ADM :: Volume #6

#569: Six village destruction

Mo Fan both hands and using, the purple thunder and lightning and bright red flame are interweaving respectively. 莫凡双手并用,紫色的雷电与嫣红的火焰分别交织着。 He has been able to achieve to complete the [Thunder Seal] next second now then to display [Flame Ignition] to come, to rely on the Level Four might immediately, these Servant Level undead basically by Mo Fan Insta-kill! 他现在已经可以做到在完成雷印的下一秒马上便施展出火滋来,凭借着第四级的威力,这些奴仆级亡灵基本上都是被莫凡秒杀 Mother, how you told that before, flusters anything!” Mo Fan jumped one to be cut by biting in front of the villagers of leg, was mad and angry calling out. “妈的,之前怎么跟你们说的,慌什么!”莫凡跳到了一位被咬断了腿的村民面前,又气又恼的叫道。 Mo Fan squatted, this lower part all was the villagers of blood carrying, this youth has hurt the nasal mucus and tears to mix on the face, the whole body must twitch in the pain. 莫凡蹲了下去,将这个下半身全是血的村民给背了起来,这个青年已经疼得鼻涕、眼泪混在了脸上,浑身都在痛苦得抽搐着。 Enduring, to be helping your leg restoration to city Healer!” Mo Fan impatient said. “忍着,到了城市治愈法师会帮你的腿复原的!”莫凡不耐烦说道。 Mo Fan is also bothersome, in fact undead of these attacks are not very strong, oneself can eliminate cleanly them, is really the villagers is very suspicious, obviously without being attacked runs the range that on oneself Mo Fan can protect, died on the contrary a piece. 莫凡也是烦,事实上这些袭击的亡灵并不算很强,自己一个人就能够把它们消灭干净,实在是村民杯弓蛇影,明明没有遭到袭击就自己跑出莫凡能够保护的范围,反倒是死了一片。 Although saw the life and death, may see that so many innocent villagers lost the life all of a sudden, was is not very at heart happy. 虽然见惯了生死,可看到一下子这么多无辜村民丢了性命,心里还是特别不痛快。 Mo Fan own is not happy vents on undead that completely, in these come out to offend somebody in broad daylight, [Flame Ignition] can use Middle-Order Thunder Magic pulpy several Servant Level undead Mo Fan that they rumble obviously. 莫凡将自己的不痛快全部发泄在这些大白天出来伤人的亡灵上,明明火滋就能够将它们轰的稀烂的几只奴仆级亡灵莫凡更是动用了中阶雷系魔法 [Thunderbolt - Forked Discharge] drops from the clouds, undead that several also want to slaughter ripping crushed by Mo Fan´s thunder severe claw, changed to the bunch of blood fog. 霹雳夜叉从天而降,那几只还想屠戮的亡灵莫凡的雷霆厉爪给撕得粉碎,化作了一团团血雾。 After thunder, Liu Ru raised two villagers to fall in front of Mo Fan. 雷霆过后,柳茹提着两个村民落到了莫凡面前。 She observed the situation the surroundings, said to Mo Fan: Only revives these two, the children are all right.” 她环视了周围,对莫凡说道:“只救活这两个,小孩子都没事。” Mo Fan looks at the villagers who on these three of side was wounded, conducts the back also conducts the back the youth who a both feet was being gnawed. 莫凡看了一眼身旁的这三个身上都带伤的村民,背上还驮着一个双脚被啃掉的青年。 Sweeps the corpse that around scattered, Mo Fan sighs: Walks, made contribution.” 扫了一眼周围散落的尸体,莫凡叹了一口气道:“走吧,尽力了。” Mo Fan and Liu Ru rescuing several villagers gave the Su Xiaoluo attendance, Su Xiaoluo brought some drugs, can save their lives reluctantly. 莫凡柳茹把救下来的几个村民交给了苏小洛照顾,苏小洛带了一些药品,可以勉强保住他们的性命。 everyone sits together, no one spoke, atmosphere all of a sudden dignified to the extreme, several scared children are sobbing in a soft voice, the those people who after all died were their uncle aunts and so on. 众人围坐在一起,没有人说话,气氛一下子凝重到了极点,几个被吓坏的小孩轻声哭泣着,毕竟死掉的那些人都是他们的叔叔婶婶之类的。 Liu Ru sat side Mo Fan´s, pushed and shoved his gently, said in a low voice: I ran into a undead youngster a moment ago.” 柳茹坐在了莫凡的身边,轻轻推搡了他一下,低声道:“刚才我遇到了一个亡灵少年。” Mo Fan lifts the vision, hinted Liu Ru to continue. 莫凡抬起目光,示意柳茹继续说下去。 The undead youngster situation that at that moment Liu Ru will encounter told, the expression on Mo Fan face dignified several points, did not sweep village head Xie Sang of not far away voluntarily. 当下柳茹将自己遇到的亡灵少年情况讲述了一遍,莫凡脸上的表情都凝重了几分,不自觉的扫了一眼不远处的村长谢桑 Why does not know, he always felt that these matters village head who has the matter to conceal are related with this, in broad daylight comes out to attack undead of person, this also really hears something never heard of before...... 不知道为什么,他总感觉这些事和这个有事隐瞒的村长有关,大白天出来袭击人的亡灵,这还真是闻所未闻啊…… Can investigate thoroughly?” Liu Ru asked. “要不要查个清楚?”柳茹问道。 Has nothing to check, delivers to Ancient Capital these villagers, how they like dropping how the place!” Mo Fan really does not like managing this others 's business. “没什么好查的,把这些村民送到古都,他们爱咋滴咋地!”莫凡实在不爱管这闲事。 Un, delivers them to Ancient Capital, should not have what danger.” Liu Ru nods. “嗯,送他们到古都,应该不会有什么危险了。”柳茹点了点头。 ...... …… Crossed for a long time, undead no longer appeared, watched a weather, Mo Fan thought that cannot waste the time again here. 过了许久,亡灵不再出现了,看了一下天色,莫凡觉得不能再在这里浪费时间了。 those undead can come out to offend somebody during the daytime, hiding in the lithosphere at all is not the long-term plan, before must ride the darkness, arrives in Ancient Capital, god knows at night can have large quantities of undead! 那些亡灵白天就能够出来伤人,躲在岩石圈里根本不是长久之计,必须乘着天黑之前抵达古都,天知道夜晚会不会有大批亡灵袭来! Everyone continues to start to start, this Mo Fan wishes one could to tie up these villagers with the iron chain, so as to avoid experiences a matter to be able choose the exact way because of flurry again. 大家继续开始启程,这一次莫凡是恨不得用铁链把这些村民都拴起来,免得再遇到一点事就慌不择路。 Before experiencing, that afterward, everyone also quite approves to the Mo Fan´s strength, they are not blind, a Mo Fan that Magic Insta-kill undead strength made them slightly more relieved. 经历了之前那件事后,大家对莫凡的实力也相当认可,他们又不瞎,莫凡那一个魔法秒杀一个亡灵的实力令他们稍稍安心一些。 Walks, the weather is late gradually, fortunately in the horizon that dim palatial city wall in afternoon cloud Qi also appears in everyone's front gradually. 一路走去,天色渐晚,所幸的是地平线上那朦胧在午后云气中的巍峨城墙也渐渐出现在大家的面前。 Because is during the daytime, outside outside city wall some Military Mage are also going on patrol, saw after the live person, everyone relaxes finally, steps out to hide into to the city in abundance. 因为是白天,外城墙外还有一些军法师在巡逻,看到活人后大家终于松了一口气,纷纷加快脚步躲入到城市之中。 One group of people arrived under the city gate, Mage that one team wears the military uniform is guarding there. 一群人到了城门下,有一队穿着军服的法师在那里把守着。 „Are you danger occupy the village Flowery Village person?” Guards a Military Mage face doubt visits them. “你们是危居村华村的人?”守卫军法师一脸狐疑的看着他们。 Yes, yes, I am a village head.” Village head Xie Sang puts out a seal immediately, obviously this can express that his danger occupies the status of village head. “是的,是的,我是村长。”村长谢桑立刻拿出了一个印章,显然这个可以表示他危居村村长的身份。 Recently in the city was discussing the matter that your danger occupies the rural population.” Another young guard said. “最近城里都在谈论你们危居村人的事。”另一位年轻的守卫说道。 Discussed us, why?” The Hong Jun whole face visits them puzzled. “谈论我们,为什么?”洪俊满脸不解的看着他们。 That defends Guard Captain to curl the lip, takes a today's morning paper to look to the village head conveniently. 那名守卫队长撇了撇嘴,顺手拿了一份今天的早报给村长看。 The village head takes, sees striking one line of titles! 村长拿起来,一眼就看到醒目的一行标题! „The Xianchi six dangers occupy the village to be looted by undead completely, rare survivor!” “咸池一带六个危居村全部遭到亡灵的洗劫,罕有生还者!” The village head looked was silly, original(ly) he thinks that was attacked by undead on their Flowery Village, has not thought that other villages had perished unexpectedly, the relations of news jamming, have really not known to Ancient Capital here him. 村长看得都傻了,原本他以为就他们华村遭到亡灵攻击,未想到其他村落竟然已经灭亡了,消息堵塞的关系,要不是到了古都这里他还真不知道。 This news made the expression on village head face stranger, probably had anything unable to think through general. 只是,这个消息让村长脸上的表情更加怪异了,好像有什么事情根本想不通一般。 We walked, you arrange.” Mo Fan more looked that this village head more gets suspicious, does not think beach turbid water completely. “那我们走了,你们自己安排吧。”莫凡越看这个村长越起疑心,完全不想滩这个浑水。 Thank you, your age is never expected that the same as our Hong Jun, is actually such strong Mage.” An aunt excited said to Mo Fan. “谢谢你们啊,没有想到你年龄跟我们洪俊一样,却已经是这么强的法师。”一位大婶激动的对莫凡说道。 Perhaps without you, we also occupies the village to be the same with other danger, sincerity thank you.” Su Xiaoluo the news that perishes from other villages recovers, quickly to Mo Fan and Liu Ru expression of gratitude. “没有你们,兴许我们也和别的危居村一样,真心谢谢你们。”苏小洛从其他村庄灭亡的消息中回过神来,急忙对莫凡柳茹道谢。 Mo Fan must leave, but the issue came. 莫凡要离开,不过问题来了。 Zhang Xiaohou only knows Su Xiaoluo, original(ly) Mo Fan must lead him to leave here, delivers to that side Xinxia the mind to treat him, where result fool does not go, must follow in the Su Xiaoluo side, simply likely impervious child. 张小侯只认识苏小洛,原本莫凡要带他离开这里,将他送到心夏那边心灵治疗一番,结果这傻子哪里都不去,就要跟在苏小洛的身边,简直像个不可理喻的孩子。 Mo Fan also took amnesia Zhang Xiaohou not to have the means that finally helpless say/way: I first inform that side military region person one, you this goods first side belt/bring.” 莫凡也拿失忆张小侯没办法了,最后无奈的道:“我先通知军区那边的人一声,你把这货先带身边吧。” Has arrived at Ancient Capital in any case, Zhang Xiaohou natural(ly) will not have anything, making him follow side Su Xiaoluo also good, Su Xiaoluo can attend to his those secret disease. 反正都已经到古都了,张小侯自然不会有什么事,让他跟在苏小洛身边也行,苏小洛可以料理他身上的那些隐疾。 The Flowery Village person followed Hong Jun to walk, wants to come that side Magic Association also to occupy the person in village to arrange the dwelling to these dangers that only saved, this was not Mo Fan must be worried. 华村的人跟着洪俊走了,想来魔法协会那边也会给仅存的这些危居村的人安排住处,这不是莫凡要担心的。 ...... …… Mo Fan informed Zhang Xiaohou military instructor Fei Jiao, finally was informed Fei Jiao to carry out mission outside, at least requires day of time to come back. 莫凡通知了张小侯教官飞角,结果被告知飞角在外执行任务,至少要一天时间才回来。 Has not cured to hand over that side the military region Zhang Xiaohou, Mo Fan did not feel relieved, keeps several days in Ancient Capital simply, when matter processing was clear then returns to Ancient Capital. 没把张小侯治好交到军区那边,莫凡怎么也不放心,索性在古都多留个几天,等事情处理清楚了再回古都 „Do we go?” Liu Ru follows side Mo Fan´s, she appears to Ancient Capital all is very curious, always unceasing looking all around. “我们去哪?”柳茹跟在莫凡的身边,她显得对古都的一切都很好奇,总是不断的环顾四周。 Sees my fellow villagers.” Mo Fan said. “去见见我的老乡们。”莫凡说道。 You have the fellow villager here.” Liu Ru asked. “你在这里都有老乡啊。”柳茹问道。 It is estimated that several cities had our Bo City person.” “估计几个城市都有我们博城的人了。” Also is oh, you encountered difficulty initially, many cities opened the special zone to place your side people......” “也是,你们当初遇难,好多城市都开了特区安置你们那边的人……”
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