ADM :: Volume #6

#568: undead youngster

The situation comes extremely suddenly, everyone does not have the protection. 情况来得太过突然,所有人都毫无防备。 Who can think undead that only then can appear and disappear at night then attacks the person unexpectedly in broad daylight, and is one crowd slaughters the crazy corpse. 谁能想到只有夜晚才会出没的亡灵竟然大白天便袭击人,并且都是一群杀戮狂尸。 Waits for Mo Fan forcefully the time that the aspect controls, the villagers have died had about half. 莫凡强行将局面控制下来的时候,村民已经死了有一半左右。 That instantaneous Mo Fan of accident is then killing undead full power, if the villagers do not run all over the place, closely hugs the agglomerate, undead that the person of death certainly only then initial that several, drilled from earth was zombie and ghost corpse, Mo Fan Magic can destroy completely their one piece. 变故发生的那瞬间莫凡便全力在杀亡灵了,假如村民不乱跑,紧紧抱成团的话,死亡的人一定只有最初的那几个,从土里钻出来的亡灵都是腐尸和鬼尸,莫凡一个魔法能够灭掉它们一片。 Before doing, thousand ding ten thousand Zhu, in the event of accidental/surprised cannot run all over the place, finally met the matter villagers to forget all, only knows they who ran away delivered themselves the dead end on the contrary. 奈何之前千叮万嘱,一旦发生意外决不能乱跑,结果遇到事情村民把一切都忘了,只知道逃窜的他们反倒是把自己送上了绝路。 Zhang Xiaohou Earth Element plays very good protective effect, he has made one completely the lithosphere that is surrounded by the mountain screen, so long as villagers come out unscathed in lithosphere, those undead must attack them to climb up these 78 meters high rock wall barriers! 张小侯岩系起到了很好的保护效果,他已经制造出了一个完全由山屏所环绕的岩石圈了,只要在岩石圈内的村民都安然无恙,那些亡灵要袭击它们必须爬上这七八米高的岩石壁障! Village head Xie Sang and Shorty stand in the above that the rock wall bonds, organizing those undead to flee, the zombie jump ability is the same, but the claw of ghost corpse is sharp, crawling the rock wall bonds to be extremely quick, the ghost corpse that is responsible for crawling rumbling to become dregs. 村长谢桑矮男都站在岩石壁障的上方,组织那些亡灵窜上来,腐尸的跳跃能力一般般,但鬼尸的爪子锋利,爬起岩石壁障来极快,他们两个就负责将爬上来的鬼尸给轰成渣。 Zhang Xiaohou in lithosphere, on the one hand maintains this rock to defend, on the other hand prevents undead to jump the slaughter. 张小侯在岩石圈内,一方面维持这个岩石防御,另一方面防止有亡灵跳进来屠杀。 A Mo Fan and Mo Fan liangs person outside the rock fist, running all over the place of some villagers brain blanks, they have to pursue to save them. 莫凡个人则在岩石拳外,还有一些村民脑子一片空白的乱跑,他们不得不追过去救他们。 Not far away, Liu Ru like twisting the chicken twisted that villagers named Gou Zi, was good that this villagers named to take, the dog's life was enormous, several undead pursued middle-aged villagers, he before Liu Ru pursued by undead is attacked. 不远处,柳茹像拧小鸡一样拧住了那个叫做狗子的村民,也是这个村民取名取的好,狗命极大,几个亡灵去追一个中年村民了,他在柳茹追过来之前没有遭到亡灵的攻击。 Rescues...... saves me!” Youngster weeping sound shouted, his leg was ripped open by a ghost corpse, deep and bone. “救……救我!”一个少年哭声大喊,他的腿被一只鬼尸撕开了,深及骨头。 Liu Ru sees that twists Gou Zi to rise with a spring directly, just like her of glide immediately lithe falling in the front of this youngster. 柳茹见状,直接拧着狗子一跃而起,宛如滑翔的她立刻轻盈的落在了这名少年的面前。 Liu Ru loosened Gou Zi, both hands to become claw, rules out toward side at the extremely quick speed, instantly ten blood-color points diverge toward the both sides, cuts like the blood-color sickle that ten handles dance in the air to three zombie that must throw. 柳茹松开了狗子,双手成爪,以极快的速度朝着旁边划去,霎时十道血色锋芒往两侧散去,如同十柄飞舞的血色镰刀斩向了要扑过来的三只腐尸 Three zombie directly by blood-color sickle of dancing in the air cutting several, body stiff pouring in Liu Ru side. 三只腐尸直接被飞舞的血色镰刀给斩成了好几段,身躯僵硬的倒在了柳茹的旁边。 Little Brother, you follows in me behind.” Liu Ru held him. “小弟弟,你跟在我身后。”柳茹将他扶了起来。 At this time, nearby Gou Zi looked at a youngster, the complexion suddenly became ugly! 这时,一旁的狗子看了一眼少年,脸色突然间变得难看至极! He shiver pointed at the youngster who Liu Ru is supporting by the arm to call out: He...... he is not our village!!” 他颤抖的指着柳茹搀扶起来的这个少年叫道:“他……他不是我们村的!!” Gou Zi called already late, when Liu Ru held the youngster, on the youngster pale face of revealed wiped smiles craftily, he hand that used the body to block extended all of a sudden, impressively was palm white bones...... 狗子叫的时候已经晚了,就在柳茹去扶少年的时候,少年苍白的脸上露出了一抹诡笑,他用身子挡住的手一下子伸了出来,赫然是一掌白骨…… This white bones palm fingertip is like the dagger, fierce punctured toward the Liu Ru heart position! 这白骨手掌指尖就跟匕首一样,猛的往柳茹的心脏位置刺了过去! The cold glow flashes, Liu Ru is like this near with this youngster, where will have the protection, severe claw the straight insertion of youngster that white bones to the chest of Liu Ru, heart was punctured one to put on!! 寒芒一闪,柳茹与这少年这样近,哪里会有防备,少年那白骨的厉爪直接插入到柳茹的心口,心脏生生的被刺了一个穿!! A Liu Ru face does not dare to believe. 柳茹一脸的不敢置信。 How she thinks that this youngster is also undead, undead that has such fearful plans!! 她怎么会想到这少年也是亡灵,还是一个拥有这样可怕心机的亡灵!! This is one with those zombie and ghost corpse completely different undead creature. 这是一个与那些腐尸、鬼尸完全不同的亡灵生物 Lets your meddling in other people's business, died.” The undead youngster is smiling, later pulled out from the Liu Ru chest place the bone claw, cruel raises the bone claw wants **** blood...... “让你多管闲事,死去吧。”亡灵少年笑着,随后将骨爪从柳茹的胸口处抽了出来,残忍的将骨爪扬起要****鲜血…… However, when the bone claw puts the front, the undead youngster actually discovered that on own bone claw does not have drop of blood. 不过,当骨爪放到面前,亡灵少年却发现自己的骨爪上没有一滴血液。 Youngster stunned, he is not clear, oneself pierced the heart of this woman obviously, how can a drop of blood not moisten, oneself act is not quick. 少年一阵错愕,他不明白,自己明明刺穿了这个女人的心脏,怎么会一滴血都没有沾到,自己动作并没有那么快啊。 Small age deceived people, but also such evil and cruel.” Liu Ru gazes at this undead youngster, on the face does not have color of the pain, even in the eye also flashes through several points of disappointed meaning. “小小年纪就骗人,还这么歹毒。”柳茹注视着这个亡灵少年,脸上没有一丝痛苦之色,甚至眼中还闪过几分失望之意。 You...... you are how possible!!” The undead young fellow with seeing the ghost same shouted. “你……你怎么可能!!”亡灵少年人跟见到鬼一样叫了起来。 Elder sister sends you to the reincarnation, do not injure someone again.” Liu Ru smiled, that Blood Clan had charming sent out all of a sudden. “姐姐送你去投胎,别再害人了。”柳茹笑了起来,那血族本就具备的妩媚一下子散发了出来。 Piercing of heart to the action of Liu Ru is unprevailing, she blocked the throat of this undead youngster all of a sudden, the wrist/skill suddenly thrust augmentation. 心脏的刺穿对柳茹的行动毫无影响,她一下子扼住了这个亡灵少年的喉咙,手腕突然间加力。 „!” “嘎!” undead youngster also in extremely panic-stricken, the result next second his neck then directly by Liu Ru twisting and breaking, brings that panic-stricken expression head crooked...... 亡灵少年还在万分惊恐,结果下一秒他的脖子便直接被柳茹给拧断了,带着那副惊骇的表情脑袋歪了下去…… Liu Ru looks that this was twisted and broken the neck with dying the common undead youngster, the smiling face on face has not actually reduced. 柳茹看着这个被拧断脖子跟死去一般的亡灵少年,脸上的笑容却没有减少。 Do not tease the elder sister, without hearing has twisted and broken undead that the neck then died......” Liu Ru to see that the undead youngster takes advantage of opportunity to feign death, the eye smiled the crescent moon shape. “别逗姐姐,没听说过拧断脖子便死掉的亡灵……”柳茹见到亡灵少年顺势装死,眼睛更笑成了月牙状。 Is speaking, Liu Ru slowly places on the hand the head of this undead youngster, just like stroking a Little Brother is so gentle. 说着话,柳茹慢慢的将手放在这个亡灵少年的脑袋上,宛如抚摸一个小弟弟那样温柔。 No, no!” The undead youngster detected that the Liu Ru action, felt thoroughly was afraid, in the sound has several points to entreat. “不,不!”亡灵少年发觉柳茹的举动,彻底感觉到害怕了,声音中带着几分哀求。 Liu Ru not softhearted, the index finger transformed the claw of long Blood Clan, the elongation at the same time directly from skull place penetration of ruthlessly undead youngster to his brain in...... 柳茹没有心慈手软,食指幻化出了长长的血族之爪,伸长的同时直接从亡灵少年的头盖骨处狠狠的贯穿到他的脑子内部…… In the undead body has the undead crystallization that maintains them to move, is the same like the important heart of person, so long as undead crystallizes also, undead will then not die...... 亡灵身体里都有着维持它们活动的亡灵结晶,就如同人的重要心脏一样,只要亡灵结晶还在,亡灵便不会死亡…… Liu Ru judged quickly undead of this undead youngster crystallizes in the brain, therefore crushes its undead crystallization with the claw of Blood Clan, delivers this living corpse to start off thoroughly!! 柳茹很快就判断出这个亡灵少年的亡灵结晶在脑部,所以用血族之爪粉碎它的亡灵结晶,彻底送这个活死人上路!! The undead crystal was pierced, this undead youngster sent out sad and shrill like the ghost same pitiful yell. 亡灵结晶被刺穿,这亡灵少年发出了凄厉如鬼一样的惨叫。 His five flutter immediately the black gas, like screened out in the body all essence, turned into a dry corpse in several seconds time unexpectedly. 他的五孔立刻飘出了黑色的气体来,如同被抽走了身体里所有的精气,竟然在短短几秒钟时间变成了一具干尸。 Saw the undead youngster dead thoroughly, Liu Ru then stood, pondered a meeting slightly. 看见亡灵少年死透了,柳茹这才站了起来,稍稍沉思了一会。 She is not clear, why before all undead were not zombie is the skeletons, why will present such a lifelike living corpse...... 她不明白,为什么之前遇到的所有的亡灵不是腐尸就是骷髅,为什么会出现这么一个栩栩如生的活死人来…… Follows I, do not run to lose.” Liu Ru confessed behind Gou Zi one. “跟着我,别跑丢了。”柳茹交代了身后的狗子一句。 But Gou Zi stands in same place, the body has not moved half step, was frozen completely appearance!! 狗子站在原地,身子没有挪动半步,完全被冰冻了的样子!! In the previous quarter, he also felt oneself were saved, who knows this woman...... this woman...... 就在前一刻,他还觉得自己得救了,谁知道这个女人……这个女人…… What has not listened to twist and break undead that the neck then died...... 什么叫没听过拧断脖子便死掉的亡灵…… But this woman the heart was put on!!! 这女人可是心脏都被穿了啊!!! Villagers Gou Zi innermost feelings at this moment are almost to collapse, nightmare one after another! 村民狗子此刻的内心几乎是崩溃的,噩梦一个接着一个! ----- ----- ( Recommendation ticket everyone forgot to throw ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ chaotic uncle consciously renewed every day, you must vote to scatter voluntarily ~ ~) (推荐票大家是不是又忘了投了呐~~~~~~~~~乱叔每天这么自觉更新,你们也要自觉投票撒~~)
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