ADM :: Volume #6

#567: During the daytime is attacked

Had what you to say!” Mo Fan does not have saying of in a good mood. “有什么你就说!”莫凡好气的说道。 You do not remember that I did say the matter of that taking shelter from the rain cave to you?” Shorty then looked at a person in village specially, sees them in behind, saying that this feels relieved. “你不记得我跟你说那个避雨山洞的事情啦?”矮男特意回头看了一眼村落的人,见他们都在后面,这才放心的说出口。 Remembers that was you killed the Bloodbeast discovery the year before last, how?” “记得,那是你前年杀血兽发现的,怎么了?” Kills Bloodbeast, our that team of people plan first to arrive at the Sunny Goat Village rest, finally on the halfway ran into one team just the survey team that left from Sunny Goat Village, they gave our some military supplies, therefore we deferred to the smooth path that this was better to return to Ancient Capital directly. Returning to shortly after Ancient Capital I then heard that the survey crew were missing......” the Shorty sound to press completely lowly are very very low, will not let the appearance that anyone heard. When he discovered that side Mo Fan besides that amnesia fool Zhang Xiaohou without others , there would be no to care. “杀完血兽,我们那一队人打算先到羊阳村休息,结果半路上遇到一队刚从羊阳村离开的勘测队伍,他们送给了我们一些补给品,于是我们直接按照这条更好走的平坦道路返回古都了。返回古都不久后我便听说勘测人员全部失踪了……”矮男声音压得很低很低,一副不会让任何一个人听见的模样。当他发现莫凡身边除了那个失忆的傻子张小侯之外并没有别人,便没有太在意。 Em, it is estimated that was on the halfway is killed by undead. My brother's military team is also the halfway meets undead.” Mo Fan was saying looked around Zhang Xiaohou. “恩,估计是半路上被亡灵杀了吧。我兄弟的军方队伍也是半路遇亡灵的。”莫凡说着看了一眼旁边的张小侯 Hehe, I also felt from the beginning, but you know that survey party that I run into what did say to us?” Shorty smiled, the grafty and evil person flavor of whole face. “嘿嘿,我一开始也觉得,但你知道我遇到的那个勘测队跟我们说了什么吗?”矮男笑了起来,满脸的奸邪味道。 What said?” Mo Fan asked immediately. “说了什么?”莫凡马上问道。 They said, Sunny Goat Village radically no one, asking us not to need.” Shorty said. “他们说,羊阳村根本没有一个人,叫我们不必去了。”矮男说道。 Mo Fan hears to be confused. 莫凡听得一头雾水。 However, hears the Zhang Xiaohou actually inexplicable whole body that these spoke softly to tremble in side, that pair of confused pupil shrank shrinking fiercely! 但是,在旁边听到这些细声细语的张小侯却莫名的浑身一颤,那双迷茫的瞳孔猛的缩了缩! You said that this matter is strange, the village head also asks us to leave specially do not pass through Sunny Goat Village that road, obviously has anything to cause village head Xie Sang not to hope toward there very much.” Shorty then said. “你说这事奇不奇怪,村长也特意让我们走不要经过羊阳村的那条路,很明显有什么导致村长谢桑并不希望往那里去。”矮男接着说道。 Mo Fan then looked at village head Xie Sang, lowered the head to ponder a meeting. 莫凡回头看了一眼村长谢桑,低头沉思了一会。 ...... …… The team continues, experienced the second after night, everyone as before come out unscathed. 队伍继续前行,经历了第二个夜晚之后,大家依旧安然无恙 This night passed, they were near to Ancient Capital, goes one then to arrive in nearby Ancient Capital during the daytime. 这个夜度过,他们离古都就非常近了,想必接下去一个白天便能够抵达古都附近。 Dawn, dawn, spunked up we not to rest, today before the darkness, can arrive in Ancient Capital.” Hong Jun pulls the throat to call to wake everyone completely. “天亮了,天亮了,打起精神我们就不休息了,今天天黑之前就能够抵达古都。”洪俊扯着嗓子将大家全部叫醒了过来。 Hong Jun, you studied several years of Magic outside, waited till Ancient Capital you to everyone to find the dwelling?” A countrywoman asked. 洪俊,你在外学了几年魔法,等到了古都你能给大伙儿找到住处吗?”一位村妇问道。 Relax, relax!” Hong Jun is patting the chest, this matter leave it to me appearance. “放心,放心!”洪俊拍着胸膛,一副这事包在我身上的样子。 Oh, it seems like we passed the danger, but also thinks that we were abandoned by the well water god.” “唉,看来我们是度过危险了,还以为我们被井水神抛弃了呢。” Gou Zi, looked the those words that you spoke frighten everyone, snort/hum!” 狗子,看你说的那些话把大家吓的,哼!” The villagers in a few words, on faces had some smiling faces. 村民们三言两语,一个个脸上都有了一些笑容。 Two passed at night safely, gone distance can walk during the daytime, they do not need to worry for the life again. 两个夜晚都安全度过了,接下去的路程这个白天就能走完,他们已经不需要再为性命担忧了。 Because is during the daytime, everyone walks is also quite scattered, Mo Fan still led the way to everyone in the forefront of team...... 因为是白天,大家走得也比较零散,莫凡仍旧是在队伍的最前面给大家开路…… The Shorty words keep saying, this fellow collected to look for Mo Fan to chat him to work as various heroic deeds of hunter, Mo Fan snorts contemptuously to Shorty, speaks thoughtlessly also blew a Poland Bo City fucking awesome matter...... 矮男一路话唠叨个没完,这家伙又凑过来找莫凡聊他当猎人的各种英雄事迹,莫凡矮男嗤之以鼻,随口也吹了一波自己博城牛B事情…… Originally you from Bo City, the Bo City friend I may know much.” Shorty all of a sudden pleasantly surprised saying. “原来你是来自博城的啊,博城朋友我可认识不少。”矮男一下子惊喜的说道。 How will you know the Bo City person?” Mo Fan was on the contrary puzzled. “你怎么会认识博城的人?”莫凡反倒不解了。 oh, I often chatted with them, after they said are the disasters, by public placing Ancient Capital, before lived in Anzhi District of comparison suburb, afterward a rich young master named Mu Bai bought a street shop to sell the Magic Stone raw material, the Bo City refugees who those placed is working to him.” Shorty said. ,我常跟他们聊天,他们说是灾难后被政府安置到古都的,以前住在比较郊外的安置区,后来一个叫穆白的有钱公子买了一条街铺卖魔石原料,那些原来安置过来的博城难民都在给他做事了。”矮男说道。 Mo Fan gawked, but remembered the matter that the disaster placed initially immediately. 莫凡愣了一下,但马上想起当初灾难安置的事情了。 That will place the Bo City disaster victims to have several directions, one batch toward Shanghai in the suburbs, one batch to Ancient Capital. Mo Fan chose Shanghai, living of achieving wishes in very suburb placement room, listening to a Shorty such saying to think, a group of Bo City people were placed to the Ancient Capital Xi'an come! 那会安置博城灾民们有几个方向,一批是往上海郊区,一批是到古都莫凡选择了上海,如愿以偿的住在很郊区的安置房中,听矮男这么一说才想起来,还有一批博城人是被安置到古都西安来了啊! Rare another region with fellow villager, after returning to Ancient Capital, how, regardless of must have a look at them. 难得他乡遇老乡,等回到古都后无论如何也要去看看他们。 I get so far as Magic Stone also to put their shop to sell...... Shorty then incessant saying generally. “我弄到魔石也一般放到他们店铺去卖……”矮男接着滔滔不绝的说道。 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!!!!!” “啊啊啊~~~~~~~!!!!!” Suddenly, a pitiful yell passed from the rear area of team. 忽然,一声惨叫从队伍的后方传了出来。 This scream pitiful has the great suffering the effect of distortion, like this does not have the sound of indication to have a scare the team people. 这尖叫凄惨中带着巨大痛苦而扭曲的效果,这样毫无征兆的响起来把全队人都吓了一跳。 The Shorty speech sound stops suddenly, Mo Fan also fierce has turned the head, actually discovered that blood fog splashes in the crowd, is dispersing instantly of villagers scream!! 矮男话声戛然而止,莫凡也猛的转过头去,却发现一片血雾在人群中溅起,紧接着就是村民们一片尖叫的一哄而散!! undead, has undead!!” 亡灵,有亡灵!!” Father's younger cousin was towed, died, he died!” “表叔被拖下去了,死了,他死了!” ~ ~ ~!!!!!” “啊啊~~~!!!!!” Also is a grating fearful squeal, frightens the countrywoman who in a terrified way runs away toward side to tumble on the ground, in the lax soil drilled a long corpse claw suddenly, the corpse claw strength is enormous, punctured the body of countrywoman ruthlessly, looks at the person abdomen to start the convulsion! 又是一声刺耳可怕的尖叫声,一名吓得往旁边惶恐逃窜的村妇跌倒在地上,松垮的泥土里突然间钻出了一个长长的尸爪,尸爪力量极大,狠狠的打穿了村妇的身体,看得人腹部都开始痉挛! Here also has!!” “这里也有!!” Saves me ~ ~ ~!! Saves me!!” “救我~~~!!救我!!” Don't be upset, everyone don't be upset......” “不要慌,大家不要慌……” The villagers more flee and become separated, more was attacked by undead, the Mo Fan vision sweeps off, discovered impressively those original(ly) only from earth crawled in undead that the night appeared and disappeared unexpectedly directly, is attacking the person who the those headless fly is scurrying about. 村民越是逃散,越是被亡灵袭击,莫凡目光扫去,赫然发现那些原本只在夜里出没的亡灵竟然直接从土里爬了出来,正袭击着那些无头苍蝇乱窜的人。 Several seconds, the blood flows everywhere is! 才几秒钟时间,血就流得到处都是! I drop mother, these undead went against heaven's will, in broad daylight comes out to kill people!” Shorty screamed. “我滴娘啊,这些亡灵逆天了,大白天出来杀人!”矮男尖叫了起来。 „Side you go, Liu Ru, Liu Ru, protects the good those child, do not let their running powder.” Mo Fan runs while shouts toward Liu Ru. “你去侧面,柳茹,柳茹,保护好那些小孩,别让他们跑散了。”莫凡一边跑一边朝着柳茹喊道。 More and more undead drilled from earth, the well water god of villagers blesses to these undead does not have the function, even these undead goals are these villagers. 越来越多的亡灵从土里钻了出来,村民的井水神庇佑对这些亡灵来说根本毫无作用,甚至这些亡灵目标就是这些村民。 In the past undead after striking to kill a living creature then to gnaw to nip the crazy food immediately, peripheral undead will also well up because of the new blood taste and meat taste, but these undead to not eat, killed one to pursue next immediately, slaughtered purely! 往常亡灵在击杀了一个活物之后便会立刻啃咬狂食,周边的亡灵也会因为新鲜血味、肉味而涌过去,可这些亡灵根本就不是为了吃,杀完一个马上追下一个,纯粹就是杀戮! [Thunder Seal]!” 雷印!” Swift Star Wolf!” 疾星狼!” [Great Shadow Nail]!” 巨影钉!” Mo Fan saw that the villagers were killed continuously, in the heart is angry, natural(ly) cannot attend to preserving anything at this time, can use anything then to use completely. 莫凡看到村民被连续杀害,心中也是愤怒至极,此时自然顾不得保存什么,能用上什么便全部用上。 But, the villagers had been frightened lose the reason, starts four to flee and become separated. 可是,村民已经被吓得失去理智,开始四下逃散。 In this situation Mo Fan cannot rescue, can only look zombie that helplessly they were drilled ripped the fragment directly. 这种情况下莫凡根本救不到,只能够眼睁睁的看着他们被钻出来的腐尸给直接撕成了碎片。 Monkey, rock......” “猴子,岩……” [Rock Barrier]!!” 岩障!!” Mo Fan just about to speaks with Zhang Xiaohou, loses the memory Zhang Xiaohou not to represent not to have IQ, but also remembers he who how fights displays Earth Element Middle-Order Magic immediately. 莫凡刚要跟张小侯说话,失去记忆的张小侯并不代表没有了智商,还记得如何战斗的他立刻施展出了岩系中阶魔法来。 Consecutively two [Rock Barrier] formed the mountain screen of hill all of a sudden, forcefully the villagers who those cannot choose the exact way because of flurry preventing in this region, simultaneously prevented jumping into of one crowd of undead. 连续两个岩障一下子形成了小山的山屏,强行将那些慌不择路的村民给阻挡在这片区域之内,同时阻止了一群亡灵的扑入。 „In Liu Ru, twists [Rock Barrier] to protect the those little rascal, here soil was hardened by Zhang Xiaohou, will not have undead to drill!” Mo Fan jumped the above of Gansekiyama screen, toward still shouted outside Liu Ru. 柳茹,把那些小鬼拧到岩障保护里来,这里的泥土被张小侯硬化了,不会有亡灵钻出来!”莫凡跳到了岩石山屏的上方,朝着还在外面的柳茹喊道。
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