ADM :: Volume #6

#566: Escorts the villagers

Village over a hundred people only then probably more than 30 people are willing to leave, what are more is youngster. 村子上百人只有大概三十多人愿意离开,其中更多的是年轻人 Xie Sang saw that so many people stay in the village, sighs. 谢桑看到有那么多人留在村子里,不禁叹了一口气。 Su Xiaoluo is still trying the persuasion, but the those person was urging they hurry to leave. 苏小洛还在尝试着劝说,但那些人只是催促着他们赶紧离开。 Without other means that more than 30 people have to carry the travel bag to head for Ancient Capital. 没有别的办法,三十多人只好背上行囊启程前往古都了。 Walks toward the village outside, Mo Fan at heart secret strange, the danger occupies the person in village should brings the grey garlic effect, for example the strong male that type, fought before that intensely, undead quantity so many, no undead attacks cannot Magic he. 往村子外面走,莫凡心里暗暗奇怪,危居村的人应该是自带灰蒜效果,比如说壮男那种,之前战斗那么激烈,亡灵数量那么多,都没有一个亡灵去攻击不会一点魔法的他。 If so, they go to Ancient Capital this should all the way very safely, why the village does not have/leave the village, one trembling appearance. 若是这样,他们前往古都这一路上应该很安全才是啊,为什么无论是出村还是不出村的,都一副战战兢兢的样子。 I said the village has Curse, you stay here to die, hurries.” That youth named Gou Zi said. “我说了村子有诅咒,你们留在这里都要死的,赶紧走吧。”那个叫做狗子的青年说道。 Gou Zi, other god god talked on endlessly.” Xie Sang scolded one. 狗子,别神神叨叨的。”谢桑呵斥了一声。 Left the village, abandons the ancestor, you exactly tonight's, stays in the village honestly, just before leaving we have the well water god to bless......” a grandma also to keep before everyone is talking over. “离开了村子,就是背弃祖宗,你们活不过今天晚上的啊,还是老老实实呆在村子里,我们有井水神保佑……”一名老奶奶在大家临走前还不停的念叨着。 This talked over, actually the really several thought remained stubbornly, the population of therefore leaving reduced a point. 这一念叨,竟然真有几个思想顽固的留了下来,于是离开的人数又减少了一分。 Mo Fan is unable to make any judgment to this matter, he does not know that is actually to stay in the village to be safe, hides into to Ancient Capital is the sure card, he is unable in the person for this village to make the decision, he can do is the person who helps Su Xiaoluo escort these to be willing to leave the village to Ancient Capital, after all Su Xiaoluo is brothers' savior. 莫凡对这件事无法做出任何判断,他也不知道究竟是留在村子里会安全,还是躲入到古都里才是万全之策,他更无法替这个村子里的人做决定,他能做的就是帮助苏小洛护送这些愿意离开村子的人到古都,毕竟苏小洛是自己兄弟的救命恩人。 One line of probably 30 people, formed a team to leave the village, was the old route returns to Mo Fan, Liu Ru, Fang Youmiao and Shorty. 一行大概三十人,组成了一个队伍离开了村子,对莫凡柳茹方幼苗矮男而言就是原路返回。 Menge and his two accompany are not long in the Flowery Village stay, they to escorting a matter interest does not have, early said goodbye to leave. 梦婀和他的两个随从并没有在华村逗留太久,他们对护送的事情也一点兴趣都没有,早早的道别离开。 After Menge leaves, in the Mo Fan heart somewhat was still curious, does not know that actually must look for anything their three to this chaotic lands on, must make anything...... 梦婀离开后,莫凡心中仍旧有些好奇,不知道他们三个到这片纷乱的土地上究竟要找什么,要做什么…… ...... …… Originally this season is long on the daytime short night, in addition dark clouds weather, Death Qi recklessly. 本来这个季节就昼短夜长,再加上阴云天气,死气就更加肆意。 Death Qi is thicker, undead are more, cannot eat food the words, undead needs by swallowing to accept Death Qi to promote their autopsy reports, this and those wants completely all means advanced/Evolve to become magic beast of creature to have no difference. 死气越浓,亡灵越多,吃不到食物的话,亡灵就需要靠吞纳死气来提升它们自己的尸格,这和那些想尽一切办法进阶成为更生物妖魔没有什么区别。 The villagers physical strength is good, walked many distances during the daytime. 村民体力都不错,一个白天就走了不少路程。 During the daytime everyone is safe, therefore walks the mood comparison to relax, but after 3 : 00 pm, inexplicable haze covered at heart, and with the lapse of time even more was flustered. 白天大家都是安全的,所以走起来心情比较放松,可下午 3 点过后,一层莫名的阴霾就笼罩在了心里,并且随着时间的推移就越发心慌。 No one dares definitely to drink them who the well water grows up whether also has blessing of well water god, cannot guarantee that Zhang Xiaohou the friend is whether credible. 谁都不敢肯定喝井水长大的他们是否还拥有井水神的庇佑,也不敢保证张小侯的这位朋友是否靠谱。 Takes this road, did not pass through Sunny Goat Village.” Mo Fan of village head Xie Sang to lead said. “走这条路吧,就不经过羊阳村了。”村长谢桑对领头的莫凡说道。 Like this walks the watch quickly?” Mo Fan read a map, discovered the words that the straight line walks in any event will be after Sunny Goat Village. “这样走更快吗?”莫凡看了一眼地图,发现直线走的话无论如何都是会经过羊阳村的。 This road hypsography, on the map is seemingly short, but actually must spend a lot of time, believes me, I move in this area a lot.” Village head Xie Sang said. “这条路地形起伏,地图上看上去短,但其实要花不少时间,相信我吧,我没少在这一带活动。”村长谢桑说道。 Mo Fan nods, according to the instruction of village head Xie Sang continues. 莫凡点了点头,按照村长谢桑的指示继续前行。 ...... …… The night arrives gradually, the villagers obviously quite trust village head Xie Sang and Mage Hong Jun, unconscious depends to go toward their, grasped these two Mage on the difference. 夜渐渐到来,村民们显然对村长谢桑法师洪俊比较信任,不自觉的就往他们那里靠去,就差抱住这两位法师了。 The Su Xiaoluo surroundings also pinch of person, this miss clearly has the prestige in the village very much, everyone unconscious the choice under this migration believes that medical female Su Xiaoluo, what naturally is most important is Su Xiaoluo picks that dumb kid strength that to be astonishing, initially attacked undead of village destroying completely by his two Wind Magic. 苏小洛的周围也有一撮人,这姑娘在村子里显然很有威望,大家在这种迁徙下不自觉的选择相信医女苏小洛,当然最重要的还是苏小洛捡来的那个傻小子实力惊人,当初袭击村子的亡灵就是被他两个风系魔法给灭掉的。 Liu Ru, you protect the those child to the team behind.” Mo Fan says to Liu Ru. 柳茹,你到队伍后面保护那些小孩。”莫凡开口对柳茹说道。 Liu Ru nods, exhorted one: You are also careful.” 柳茹点了点头,嘱咐了一句:“你自己也小心。” First looks at the situation, we have the grey garlic, the villagers have the well water to bless, if undead does not attack us, we also hurry to pass through.” “先看情况,我们有灰蒜,村民有井水庇佑,假如亡灵不攻击我们,我们也赶紧穿过去。” Understood.” “明白。” The village head said this road to be truly smoother, walking to be smoother. 村长说得这条路确实更加平坦,走起来顺畅许多。 Did not pass the night arrived, not far away has heard some undead famine general cries, heard to make in the will of the people be scared. 不过夜是到来了,不远处已经传来了一些亡灵饥荒一般的叫声,听得就让人心里发毛。 I said the Mo Fan big brothers, if were really attacked by undead, we radically on protection so many people.” Shorty gathers in front of Mo Fan, small low voice saying. “我说莫凡大兄弟,真要是被亡灵攻击,我们根本就保护不了这么多人。”矮男凑到莫凡面前,小小声的说道。 Mo Fan knows certainly, therefore can only pray that these villagers so-called blessing have not expired. 莫凡当然知道,所以只能够祈祷这些村民所谓的庇佑并没有失效。 Probably...... they had not responded to us.” The Shorty vision is taking a fast look around several of not far away ahead of schedule getting out of bed undead. “好像……他们对我们没反应。”矮男目光扫视着不远处的几只提早“起床”的亡灵 Em.” Mo Fan holds one's breath Absolute Attention. “恩。”莫凡屏气凝神 Continues, such a large crowd vitality/angry should be very heavy properly speaking, is easier to provoke the attack of undead, but had walked probably one kilometer, those undead has no response to their group of people, this indicated that the grey garlic or the villagers well water bless, has not expired. 继续前行,这么一大群人按理说生气应该很重,更容易招惹亡灵的袭击,但是已经走了大概有一公里,那些亡灵都对他们这群人没有什么反应,这就表明无论是灰蒜还是村民井水庇佑,都没有失效。 Saw that undead does not attack them as usual, the villagers also relax, walking was also calmer, otherwise treads one step to have with the sole board every time. 看到亡灵像往常一样并不攻击他们,村民们也都松了一口气,走起路来也更从容了一些,否则一个每踏出一步就跟脚底板有针似的。 Strange, our well water gods bless do not have the issue, but why was attacked by so many undead on that day?” On the Su Xiaoluo face was full of the doubts. “奇怪,我们的井水神庇佑没问题,可那天为什么遭到那么多亡灵的攻击呢?”苏小洛脸上充满了疑惑。 On that crowd is variant undead, must words our such big fee/spent flustered leaving such really not have the significance.” Hong Jun said. “难道就那一群是变种亡灵,要那样的话我们这样大费周章的迁离真的就没意义了。”洪俊说道。 Which Su Xiaoluo, this Hong Jun when, this fellow forgot probably initially encountered the danger ran. Before Su Xiaoluo, had not thought that this Hong Jun is not how good, how now to see how to think this person is very repugnant. 苏小洛在哪,这个洪俊就在哪,这家伙好像忘记了当初遇到危险时自己一个人就跑了。苏小洛以前也没觉得这洪俊如何不好,现在怎么看怎么觉得这人很讨厌。 Let alone this words, no matter what to Ancient Capital, we are the true security.” Village head Xie Sang must certainly leave actually. “别说这种话,不管怎么样到了古都,我们才是真正安全。”村长谢桑倒是很肯定要迁离。 Nearby Mo Fan looked at village head Xie Sang specially, felt like that this village head has concealed. After all the village head is that is defending the person of ancestor custom firmly. 一旁的莫凡特意看了一眼村长谢桑,隐约觉得这个村长有所隐瞒。毕竟村长才是那个最坚定守着祖宗规矩的人。 ...... …… When a night of calmness and steadiness, all undead were unresponsive to such a brigade person, relaxes, a previous time undead village then makes the person hard to explanation. 一夜安稳,所有的亡灵都对这么一大队人毫无反应,松了一口气之余,上次的亡灵袭村便更令人难以解释了。 Night has not threatened, even if dawn in the heart the dark clouds sweep off, after taking a rest slightly, everyone then hurries along, returns to Ancient Capital as soon as possible. 夜里没有威胁,天亮纵然心中阴云更是扫去,稍作休息之后,大家便接着赶路,尽快返回到古都 Brother Mo Fan, you thought that this is what's the matter?” Shorty pushed Mo Fan, low voice said to Mo Fan. 莫凡兄弟,你觉得这是个怎么回事?”矮男推了推莫凡,小声的对莫凡说道。 How I know, I did not know about here.” Mo Fan looks at Shorty, discovered that Shorty obviously had the words to say, therefore shouldered the eyebrow then saying that what you did guess correctly?” “我怎么知道,我对这里又不了解。”莫凡看着矮男,发现矮男明显有话要说,于是挑起眉毛接着道,“你是不是猜到什么?” Hehe, be honest with you, I really knew a matter, before that was knows Fang Youmiao......” “嘿嘿,不瞒你说,我真知道点事,那还是认识方幼苗之前的……”
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