ADM :: Volume #6

#565: Leaving

Marches into to the village, on the village track a piece in confusion, has the destroyed log cabin, there is everywhere a scattered haystack, some brown bloodstains smudge...... 步入到村子里,村落小道上一片狼藉,有被毁坏的木屋,也有到处零散的草垛,还有一些褐色的血迹涂抹…… Very obvious here suffered the attack, but why doesn't a person have? 很明显这里遭受到了攻击,可是为什么一个人也没有呢? Oh, died of thirst I, hoping this well is not dirty.” Shorty saw that the village center has a well, therefore ran immediately. “唉,渴死我了,但愿这井没有脏了。”矮男看到村子中央有一口井,于是马上跑了过去。 Searches downward the head, what Shorty sees is the jet black black deep well, when he was pondering how the water hits, suddenly a face from the mine shaft collected the face that comes out almost and Shorty pasted in one. 将脑袋往下探去,矮男看到的是漆黑黑的深井,就在他思考着怎么将水打上来的时候,忽然间一张脸从井下凑了出来几乎和矮男的脸贴在了一起。 Both faces frightened one, Shorty will sit in the future get down but actually, but in the well also transmitted numerous pū tōng! 两张脸都是吓了一条,矮男往后坐倒下去,而井里也传来了重重的“噗咚”一声! everyone transferred, saw in Shorty that appearance apparent Michihito some people. 众人都转了过来,见矮男那副模样便知道井里有人了。 ...... …… Falls into the person to well to fish that the young man of whole body wet filter saw that they said the live person, big relaxing. 将那个掉入到井里的人捞出来,浑身湿漉的年轻男子见到他们都说活人,大大的松了一口气。 „Are you Hong Jun?” The strong male recognized this youth to come actually, quickly collected. “你是洪俊?”壮男倒是认出了这个青年来,急忙凑了过去。 You are...... oh, you are the seedling of next door village!” Hong Jun recognized strongly male. “你是……,你是隔壁村的幼苗啊!”洪俊认出了壮男来。 What village had, how a person did not have, you know that which our Sunny Goat Village people did go?” Strong male Fang Youmiao said. “村子发生什么了,怎么一个人也没有,你知道我们羊阳村的人都去哪了吗?”壮男方幼苗说道。 Which me the person in your village goes to not to know, but I must first get down to greet with everyone, then did not come out to ventilate everyone to harbor evil thoughts.” Hong Jun said. “你们村的人去哪我不知道,不过我得先下去跟大伙们打声招呼,再不出来透气大家都要憋坏了。”洪俊说道。 ...... …… Not a big well, but the inside actually over a hundred villagers crawl one by one from inside, this made Mo Fan somewhat look dumbfounded, can this well have many deeply can think of under so many people? 一口不大的井,但是里面却有上百个村民从里面挨个爬出来,这让莫凡看得有些傻眼了,这井是得有多深才能够装得下这么多人? The villagers crawled one by one, gathered area well this, does not dare easily to leave this region to other village places. 村民挨个爬了出来,聚集在了井这一带,没敢轻易的离开这片区域到村子其他地方。 And finally, a man and a woman simultaneously crawls from the well, the Mo Fan whole person stares in a big way the eye, stubbornly is staring that male. 到了最后,一男一女同时从井里爬出来的时候,莫凡整个人都瞪大了眼睛,死死的瞪着那个男的。 original(ly) Mo Fan thinks that he will welcome immediately, but he follows in that girl's side, such walked from own side, to stands here to be aloof, is like the stranger. 原本莫凡以为他会马上迎过来,可是他只是跟在那女孩的身边,就那样从自己身旁走了过去,对就站在这里的自己无动于衷,跟陌生人一样。 Mo Fan has not recovered from the pleasant surprise then there, rides Zhang Xiaohou not to walk away, one held him. 莫凡还未从惊喜之中回过神来便愣在那里,乘着张小侯没走远,一把就抓住了他。 „Do you...... you do?” Speech is actually Su Xiaoluo, she stared one suddenly to Zhang Xiaohou make a move the outsider. “你……你干嘛?”说话的却是苏小洛,她瞪了一眼突然对张小侯出手的这个外来人。 „Didn't you know me?” Mo Fan astonished looks at Zhang Xiaohou. “你不认识我了?”莫凡惊愕的看着张小侯 Zhang Xiaohou also looks at Mo Fan, in the eye full is confused. 张小侯也看着莫凡,眼睛里满是迷茫。 „Do you know him??” In Su Xiaoluo heart one happy, hurriedly said to Mo Fan. “你认识他??”苏小洛心中一喜,急急忙忙莫凡说道。 Mo Fan opens mouth, looked at one still facial expression simple-hearted Zhang Xiaohou, looked around strange response girl Su Xiaoluo again, is amnesia in legend??? 莫凡张了张嘴,看了一眼仍旧神情木讷的张小侯,再看了一眼旁边奇怪反应的女孩苏小洛,难道是传说中的失忆??? At present this person obviously is Zhang Xiaohou, even now is thinner is like a monkey, but Mo Fan takes a look at this goods leg wool to recognize. 眼前这人明明是张小侯,即便现在更瘦得跟一个猴子一样,可莫凡瞅一眼这货一根腿毛就能够认出来。 Looks that simply has not recognized own Zhang Xiaohou, even if this fellow seemingly real amnesia, Mo Fan is grasped him, gave him layer on layer/heavily a hug. 看着根本没有认出自己的张小侯,纵然这家伙貌似真的失忆了,莫凡还是一把将他抓了过来,重重的给了他一个拥抱。 Without dying well, your his mother has not died well!” Mo Fan patted him, deep breath one breath. “没死就好,你他妈没死就好!”莫凡拍了拍他,又深呼吸了一口气。 ...... …… ...... …… The dawn was still truncated a gloss by dark clouds ignorant/veiled, sprinkling, when this village then is also gloomy unclear. 晨光仍旧被阴云蒙削了一层光泽,洒落在这个村落的时候便也是晦暗不明的。 The rain stopped, the cloud has not actually dispersed, all day long piles up in the above of place of this Xianchi. 雨是停了,云却没有散,终日堆积在这片咸池之地的上方。 Luck big...... oh not, Zhang Xiaohou, but also thinks that your whole life must work as a wood/blockhead, some people meet you.” On the Su Xiaoluo face full is the bright smiling face said. “福大……不,张小侯,还以为你这辈子就要当一个木头,有人来接你啦。”苏小洛脸上满是灿烂的笑容道。 I do not walk.” Zhang Xiaohou fears to lose anything probably, hurriedly said to Su Xiaoluo. “我不走。”张小侯像是怕失去什么,急急忙忙的对苏小洛说道。 That how line, your friend said that you are a serviceman, he can lead you to go back to treat, perhaps your did amnesia cure?” Su Xiaoluo said. “那怎么行,你朋友说你是军人,他会带你回去治疗,没准你的失忆就治好了呢?”苏小洛说道。 How I......” Zhang Xiaohou should express him to say that but such is gazing at Su Xiaoluo. “我……”张小侯该怎么表达他心里想说的,只是那样注视着苏小洛 Mo Fan stands in the one side, easily saw very much Zhang Xiaohou after amnesia as if relies on to this girl very much. 莫凡站在一旁,很轻易就看出失忆后的张小侯似乎对这个女孩很是依赖。 However, thinks is also, on Zhang Xiaohou so many wounds congeal the scar, the back of the head to meeting the spot also long scar centipede of near cheeks, can live to be all good to meet depending on the luck is medical female Su Xiaoluo. 不过,想想也是,张小侯身上那么多的伤凝结成疤,后脑勺到接近侧脸颊的部位还有一条长长的疤蜈蚣,能活下来全凭运气好遇到了是医女的苏小洛 What cannot walk, we decided that rides the day also to shine, hurried to move to Ancient Capital goes to......” Hong Jun to walk came said to Zhang Xiaohou and Su Xiaoluo. “什么走不走的,我们决定了,乘着天还亮着,赶紧迁到古都去……”洪俊走了过来对张小侯苏小洛说道。 Can leave the village?” Su Xiaoluo raised the head to ask. “要离开村子吗?”苏小洛抬起头问道。 Yes, the village is unsafe, stays our complete people to die again here.” Hong Jun said. “是啊,村子已经不安全了,再呆下去我们全部人都要死在这里。”洪俊说道。 Was saying Hong Jun referred to another direction, village head Xie Sang in mobilizing the person in village packs the travel bag. 说着洪俊指了指另一个方向,村长谢桑已经在动员村子里的人收拾行囊了。 I also thought that you leave this earlier are the non- place are better.” Mo Fan nods. “我也觉得你们早点离开这是非之地好一些。”莫凡点了点头。 Good, Zhang Xiaohou, we walk together.” Su Xiaoluo smiled. “好吧,张小侯,那我们一起走。”苏小洛笑了起来。 Zhang Xiaohou nod, could visit him the incarnation is the Su Xiaoluo personal servant, which she went, he went. 张小侯一个劲的点头,看得出来他已经化身为苏小洛的跟班了,她去哪,他就去哪。 Mo Fan looks at Zhang Xiaohou that pig type, helpless shaking the head. 莫凡看着张小侯那副猪样,无奈的摇了摇头。 Father untold hardships come to here to look for you, you actually pick up the little girl here! 老子千辛万苦来这里找你,你却在这里泡妞! ...... …… The person opinion in village had the difference, where some tenacious people are firm not to go, rather hid in the well lives to endure this difficulty not to go to the place outside village. 村子里的人意见出现了分歧,一些固执的人坚决哪里也不去,宁愿躲在井里生活熬过这次难关也不愿意到村子之外的地方。 In their opinion, goes out of the village possibly dead quickly. 在他们看来,走出村子可能会死得更快。 Village head Xie Sang results in the meaning is the migration, therefore he can only organize the person who those is willing to leave the village. 村长谢桑得意思是迁徙,所以他只能够组织起那些愿意离开村子的人。 However, truly the person who is willing to leave the village has not imagined many, most people choose to remain unexpectedly. 然而,真正愿意离开村子的人并没有想象中的多,绝大多数人竟然选择留下来。 Village, did you also stay here to wait for death like this??” Su Xiaoluo somewhat angry old tenacious shouts to village those. “村子都这样了,你们还留在这里等死吗??”苏小洛有些气恼的对村子那些老固执们喊道。 Right, must walk walks together, stays in the village only to be killed by undead, we have lost bless.” That youth named Gou Zi said. “对啊,要走一起走吧,留在村子里只会被亡灵杀死的,我们已经失去庇佑了。”那个叫做狗子的青年说道。 We have decided.” A middle-aged man sat by the well. “我们已经决定了。”一名中年男子一屁股坐在了井旁边。 Here arrives at the Ancient Capital 2-3 days of distances, we must stay two evenings outside, that is brings death.” An aunt said. “这里到古都怎么也有2-3天的路程,我们必须在外面呆两个晚上,那就是送死啊。”一位大婶说道。 „The Zhang Xiaohou friend will escort us to Ancient Capital, so long as outside city wall we were safe.” Su Xiaoluo continues to persuade. 张小侯的朋友会护送我们到古都的,只要到了外城墙我们就安全了。”苏小洛继续劝说道。 Several young babies, where can cope with outside those thing. We will not walk in any case!” “几个年轻娃娃,哪能对付外面那些东西啊。反正我们不会走的!” Weather early, do not walk hurry to start off, delays on many one point of danger......” an old man said. “天色不早了,你们要走就赶紧上路吧,多耽搁就多一分危险啊……”一名老者说道。 Su Xiaoluo is nipping the lip, what to do suddenly does not know should. 苏小洛咬着唇,一时间也不知道该怎么办。 Staying here definitely is dies, those undead does not care about everyone to drink the well water, does not care about the those grey wooden stake, even if hides into to the well cellar is still the idea of postponing, has no way to maintain life. 留在这里肯定是死的,那些亡灵根本就不在意大家是不是喝井水,不在意那些灰木桩,就算躲入到井窖也不过是暂缓之计,没法保命的啊。 Since is their decisions, persuaded is also useless again. The person who must walk arrives at the village set, after ten minutes, we. Remembers the belt/bring good grey garlic!” Village head Xie Sang decisive saying. “既然是他们的决定,再劝说也没有用。要走的人到村口集合,十分钟后我们就出发。记得带好灰蒜!”村长谢桑果断的说道。
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