ADM :: Volume #6

#564: Being remarkable

Floods into undead of village is not specially many, but such several then give the village to deliver the attack of destruction sufficiently, a village head Xie Sang person could not save so many people...... 涌入村落的亡灵并不是特别的多,但就那么几只便足以给村子带来毁灭的打击,村长谢桑一个人根本救不了那么多人…… However, after this hot tempered [Wind Flow] appears, four ghost corpses are curled immediately arrive at in the air, living strangling to death! 但是,这暴躁风盘出现后,四只鬼尸立刻被卷到空中,活生生的绞杀! This is...... this is......” “这是……这是……” After those was rescued the villagers who recovers by this [Wind Flow] Tornado, completely cannot believe looks at the Zhang Xiaohou direction. 那些被这个风盘龙卷救下来的村民回过神来后,完全不敢相信的看着张小侯的方向。 Su Xiaoluo also equally is surprised very looks is controlling Zhang Xiaohou of strength of strong winds...... 苏小洛也一样惊讶无比的看着身旁操控着狂风之力的张小侯…… Perhaps she guessed that Zhang Xiaohou is one comes out the risky hunter, but has not thought certainly Zhang Xiaohou can be Middle-Order Mage. 她或许猜测到张小侯是一个出来冒险的猎人,可绝没有想到张小侯会是一个中阶法师 Village head Xie Sang copes with several undead is actually somewhat strenuous, socializes is unable striking to kill those speed quick undead for a long time, but Zhang Xiaohou this [Wind Flow] is Insta-kill, Insta-kill entire four ghost corpses!! 村长谢桑对付几只亡灵其实是有些吃力的,周旋许久都无法将那些速度快的亡灵给击杀,可是张小侯这一个风盘便是秒杀,秒杀了整整四只鬼尸!! [Wind Flow - Sky Vortex]!” 风盘-天罗!” Zhang Xiaohou draws star atlas again, instantly another imposing manner huger revolving strong winds appeared. 张小侯再画星图,霎时另一个气势更加庞然的旋转狂风出现了。 The revolving strong winds formed wall of barrier the thick wind, included one group of villagers all of a sudden completely. 旋转狂风形成了厚厚的风之壁障,一下子将一群村民全部笼括了进去。 Zhang Xiaohou is controlling the wall of barrier wind again, does not make them reduce, the villagers seem like in the eye of wind by the hurricane are then protected to be the same, so long as those hungry undead throws to bond to [Wind Flow - Sky Vortex] the wall of wind, will change to the fragment shortly! 张小侯再控制着风之壁障,不让它们紧缩,村民们在风眼里便像是被飓风保护起来一样,那些饥饿的亡灵只要一扑到风盘天罗的风之壁障上,就顷刻间化作了碎片! undead is stupid, they only know toward the living creature on throw, in [Wind Flow - Sky Vortex] has more than ten to gather villagers who escapes, they are hungry greedy, more throws toward Magic of this wind on, dying more are also more. 亡灵是愚蠢的,它们只知道往活物上扑,风盘天罗内有十几个聚集在一起逃跑的村民,它们越是饥饿贪婪,就越往这个风之魔法上扑,死得也越多。 About ten undead hit on [Wind Flow - Sky Vortex] completely, was eliminated all of a sudden, dies thoroughly. 近十只亡灵全部撞到了风盘天罗上,一下子被肃清,死得透彻。 ...... …… Two Wind Magic drop from the clouds, that more than ten undead that intrudes to the village kills cleanly, lets blessing of gods of those villagers nearly worshipping on bended knees wind. 两个风系魔法从天而降,将那十几只闯入到村子的亡灵杀得干净,让那些村民们险些跪拜风之神明的保佑。 Village head Xie Sang killed last zombie, some do not dare to believe looks that this name was to become Shazi the thin youth by oneself. 村长谢桑杀死了最后一个腐尸,有些不敢置信的看着这个被自己叫成傻子的瘦青年。 A Xie Sang person could not cope with more than ten undead, in that moment of undead village he knows that the village must be been clean by slaughter, has not thought that the terrible thing of this destruction village was killed a cleanness by this dumb kid two Magic! 谢桑一个人根本对付不了十几只亡灵,就在亡灵袭村的那一刻他就知道村庄要被屠个干净了,万万没想到这毁灭村子的可怕东西被这傻小子两个魔法杀个干净! Xie Sang knows that he possibly is Mage, but has not listened to this age to have such cultivation base Mage!! 谢桑知道他可能是法师,但从没听过这个年纪有如此修为法师啊!! Cries anything, cries anything, the present is crying time, hurries to hide in the well cellar!” Village head Xie Sang had not yelled one toward villagers of surroundings those resistance. “哭什么,哭什么,现在是哭的时候吗,赶紧都躲到井窖去!”村长谢桑朝着周围那些没有一点抵抗能力的村民大叫了一声。 Entire slaughter process actually and not long, villagers actually more than ten people of dying, injured is countless. 整个屠杀过程其实并没有多久,死的村民却有十几人,受伤的更不计其数。 God knows does outside have many undead, he must make the decision as the village head immediately. 天知道外面还有没有更多的亡灵,作为村长他必须马上做出决定。 Well cellar, this is their village has the place that the peculiar circumstance seeks asylum, the secret room seals up generally, deeply buries in isolating other undead soils stone layers, now everyone must take the thing that some food and water, warm up to escape to the well cellar. 井窖,这是他们村子发生特殊情况避难的地方,密室一般封闭,又深埋在隔绝其他亡灵土壤的石层中,现在大家必须拿上一些食物、水、取暖的东西逃到井窖里。 ...... …… Mourns without enough time, the villagers took their thing to escape in abundance in the well cellar. 来不及哀悼,村民们带上自家的东西纷纷逃到了井窖里面。 Also without completely at nightfall, but the entire village then nobody left, kept on the greasy road was bright red water that flowed the stream. 还没有完全入夜,可整个村庄便空无一人了,留在泥泞道路上的就是一条条流淌成溪的鲜红之水。 The body of villagers also processes without enough time, soaks in the water, dead shape very pitiful...... 村民的尸体也来不及处理,浸泡在水里,死状都非常的凄惨…… What is strange, then did not have other undead creature to well up toward the village in except for former that more than ten undead again, in fact outside the village also had many other undead creature crawling earth, but they were not interested in the village, even after smelling the grey wooden flavor , even if floated the smell of blood not to make them step here. 奇怪的是,除了之前那十几只亡灵便再也没有别的亡灵生物往村子里涌了,事实上村落之外还有很多其他的亡灵生物爬土而出,可它们对村庄一点都不感兴趣,甚至嗅到灰木的味道后即便飘来血腥味也没有让它们移步到这里。 The rainfall intensity was slightly gentle, continuously like the needle. 雨势稍稍平缓了一些,绵绵如针。 Outside village, gray rain clothes slowly prints out in the rain curtain. 村子外,一件灰色的蓑衣缓缓的在雨帘之中印出。 The bamboo hat of bamboo knitting was gigantic, covered the face of this rain clothes man, can only see his somewhat sharp chin reluctantly. 竹编织的斗笠硕大,遮住了这个蓑衣男子的脸,只能够勉强看到他那有些尖的下巴。 This person walked several steps toward the village spigot, looks pool of blood that a front lightly the rain got down...... 此人往村子口走了几步,望了一眼前方淅淅沥沥雨下的血泊…… Other Mage...... rain clothes man voice same flutters unexpectedly like the cold wind. “竟然还有别的法师……”蓑衣男子声音如寒风一样飘出。 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “呃啊~~~~呃啊~~~~~~~~~!” Side the men, several build vigorous and healthy zombie are exuding the cry that is hard to take hungrily, they to this rain clothes man several meters distance, but they have not attacked the rain clothes man, instead stands like the servant in his behind several steps distances. 男子身旁,几只体型健壮的腐尸正发出饥饿难耐的叫声,它们离这名蓑衣男子不过几米的距离,但是它们没有攻击蓑衣男子,反而是像仆人一样站在他的身后几步的距离。 Corpse kindly gave you.” Rain clothes man brutal saying. “尸体赏给你们了。”蓑衣男子无情的说道。 Finishes speaking, vigorous and healthy zombie scatters to throw all of a sudden in the villagers corpse of village toward those, crazy such as wicked dog! 话音刚落,健壮的腐尸一下子就朝着那些散落在村庄的村民尸体扑去,一个个疯狂如恶犬! Hiding in Irii Cellar is useful, Ha Ha Ha!!!!” “躲入井窖有用吗,哈哈哈哈哈!!!!” The rain clothes man turned around to disappear in the black curtain of rain suddenly, left behind that grinning fiendishly sound to integrate in the cold wind in the sky of village to reverberate. 蓑衣男子突然间转身消失在了黑色的雨幕之中,留下那狞笑声融入到寒风里在村子的上空回荡着。 ...... …… ...... …… The rain linked for three days, was good because of Mo Fan is an open-minded man, understood that played the gobang to find relief in the ground picture check with Liu Ru with the branch. 雨连下了三天,好在莫凡是一个豁达的男人,懂得用树枝在地上画方格跟柳茹下五子棋解闷。 Rain, we cannot start off.” Accompanied the flatter strength to walk from the cave, said to everyone. “雨不下了,我们可以上路了。”随从阿力从山洞外走了回来,开口对众人说道。 What's wrong, do you also want to go to Flowery Village?” Shorty looks at these people. “怎么,你们还要去华村?”矮男看着这几个人。 Certainly must go.” Mo Fan said. “肯定要去。”莫凡说道。 Menge also same nods. 梦婀也一样点头。 I said two, I know that your strength is outstanding, but I very early listened to others saying that nearby Flowery Village had Demonic Abyss, if we did not step on Demonic Abyss carefully, several hundred lives must die a thoroughness!” Shorty said. “我说两位,我知道你们实力出众卓越,可我很早就听别人说华村附近有煞渊,要是我们不小心踩到煞渊,几百条命都得死个透彻!”矮男说道。 Refunds either, either starting off.” Mo Fan said very much directly. “要么退钱,要么上路。”莫凡很直接说道。 „Not possibly refunds!” Shorty said. “退钱不可能!”矮男说道。 That starting off.” “那上路。” I must go to Flowery Village, my several years of not chapter of Sunny Goat Village, although I do not know why my uncle always does not make me go back, but this time went back to see the village not to have, said that anything must make clear.” Strong male face earnest saying. “我也得去华村一趟,我好几年没回羊阳村了,虽然我不知道我叔为什么总不让我回去,但这次回去就看到村子没了,说什么也要搞清楚。”壮男一脸认真的说道。 Strong male named Fang Youmiao, when knows that this tall and strong farmer name not good Mo Fan at least smiled had one hour. 壮男名叫方幼苗,在知道这个魁梧庄稼汉这个名字的时候无良的莫凡至少笑了有一个小时。 Fang Youmiao is the Sunny Goat Village person, because did not like that seal running big city of village going very much for several years, but he returned to Ancient Capital the year before last time, his uncle cannot he return to the village, original(ly) Fang Youmiao thought is in the village repels his person who abandoned the ancestor, therefore fooled around together in Ancient Capital, but this time came back actually not to think that the entire village disappeared! 方幼苗羊阳村的人,因为不是很喜欢村子的那种封闭就跑大城市去了好几年,但前年他回到古都的时候,他的叔叔不许他回村,原本方幼苗以为是村子里排斥他这个背弃祖宗的人,所以才在古都厮混,可这次回来却没有想到整个村子不见了! Eventually is a family member, said that anything must their missing reasons seeking, but must find answer natural(ly) only then went to Flowery Village of next door. 终究是家人,说什么也要将他们失踪的原因给寻出来,而要找到答案自然就只有去隔壁的华村了。 Idea that only then Shorty has, therefore he was basically being put up. 只有矮男打回去的主意,所以他基本上是被架着走了。 ...... …… Goes to Flowery Village rare peace, meets undead in groups, passing that but is shocking but not dangerous with the grey garlic. 前往华村的一路难得的太平,也遇到成群的亡灵,但用灰蒜都有惊无险的过去了。 After arriving in Flowery Village, everyone hitting is confused by the village of nobody left! 只是,抵达华村后,众人又是被空无一人的村庄给撞得一头雾水! Was the Flowery Village person missing?? 华村人怎么也失踪了?? ----- ----- ( Almost, almost thinks that this month has 31 st. Haha this chapter of round, new in January/one month arrived, I have lain down, everyone pounds the monthly ticket to come!!!) (差一点,就差一点以为这个月有31号。哈哈这章一发,新的一月就到来了,我已经躺好,大家砸月票过来吧!!!)
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