ADM :: Volume #6

#563: Wind...... [Wind Flow]!

„!!” “呃啊!!” Has not waited for everyone to reflect, an inching speed extremely quick ghost corpse fled all of a sudden, held all of a sudden a youth, then pulled off several meters away him. 还未等大家反映过来,一只爬行速度极快的鬼尸一下子窜了过来,一下子就抓住了其中一个青年,然后将他拖出了好几米远。 Rescues...... rescues......!!!” The youth shouted to save a life without enough time, immediately the ghost corpses of several crawling threw his body, shortly will rip to gnaw the flesh and blood flying in all directions him. “救……救……啊啊啊!!!”那青年来不及喊出救命,顿时好几个爬行的鬼尸就扑到了他的身上,顷刻间将他撕啃得血肉横飞。 Another two young people were scared, has no more to do with run toward the village. 另外两个青年人都吓傻了,拔腿就往村子里跑去。 muddy water everywhere, they fell the sewages on several tumble faces not to have the time to scratch, did not have the life toward the village wooden stake railing in run. 满地的泥水,他们连摔了几跤脸上的污水都没有功夫去擦,没了命的往村子木桩围栏里跑去。 However the undead speed too be quickly more than them, several zombie encircled from the both sides all of a sudden, a youth was held by the arm, was divvied up two arms all of a sudden, bright red blood spring water spout! 然而亡灵的速度要比他们快太多了,一下子几个腐尸就从两侧围了上来,其中一个青年被抓住胳膊两边,一下子就被分掉了两个臂膀,鲜红之血泉水喷涌! Help, help!!” “救命,救命啊!!” The youth shouted, ran back the position of wooden stake railing reluctantly, the whole person soul did not have. 青年大喊,勉强跑回了木桩围栏的位置,整个人魂都没有了。 Dusk sinks, the curtain of rain is denser, encircles the villagers in wooden stake place not to know that what happened, after running away of this youth companion blood, the villagers then realized around the village spread all over that so-called variant undead!! 黄昏更沉,雨幕更密,围在木桩处的村民还不知道发生了什么事,直到这名青年一身同伴鲜血的逃窜回来后,村民们这才意识到村落周围遍布了那所谓的变种亡灵!! Father, saves me...... to save me!!” “爸,救我……救我!!” Shortly , the body was grasped several blood-stained mouth Hong Jun also to escape, before that high-spirited Mage appearance, he acts like a different person with the youth who escaped a moment ago at this moment has no difference. 没多久,身上被抓出了好几条血口子的洪俊也逃了回来,和之前那意气风发法师模样相比,他此刻判若两人和刚才逃回来的青年没有任何区别。 Draws back, shoves open quickly!” Xie Sang loudly calls out, stroke of blue star path before him, changed to together [Water Shield] to wrap Hong Jun rapidly. “都退开,快推开!”谢桑大叫一声,蓝色的星轨在他面前划出,迅速的化作了一道水御包裹住了洪俊 After having [Water Shield] protected, Hong Jun then delivered the one breath, he sobbed to call out: Many, many undead, they...... they......” 有了一层水御保护后,洪俊这才送了一口气,他哽咽了一下叫道:“好多,好多亡灵,它们……它们……” Villagers panic, only presents a variant undead that also to understand why around village undead started to attack them completely, they have no longer received blessing of well water god, this does not mean that they were a community enter the sheep of wolf territory?? 村民们一片惊慌失措,只出现一只变种亡灵那还可以理解,为何村子周围的亡灵全部开始攻击他们了,难道他们已经不再受到井水神的庇佑了吗,这不就意味着他们是一群落入狼领地的绵羊吗?? Young, Su Xiaoluo??” Zhang Xiaohou fierce held Hong Jun, the whole face gets angry red calling out. “小洛呢,苏小洛呢??”张小侯猛的抓住洪俊,满脸怒红的叫道。 I...... I do not know, in...... in behind......” Hong Jun whole person paralysis there, the pants crotch position mixed rainwater spread show taste! “我……我不知道,在……在后面吧……”洪俊整个人都瘫在那里,裤裆位置混杂雨水传出了一股骚味! Zhang Xiaohou threw away Hong Jun, runs directly toward that washouting railing. 张小侯扔开了洪俊,直接朝着那个冲坏的围栏跑去。 Luck is big, do not go!” “福大,别去!” „Does fool, you bring death??” “傻子,你去送死吗??” Village head, Village head, had undead to crawl!!!” “村长,村长,有亡灵爬上来了!!!” Xie Sang original(ly) also wants to hold on to Zhang Xiaohou, may turn the head to discover impressively several claw extremely long zombie climbed up the wooden stake railing unexpectedly, green and glossy eye hungry stared at this is being the village of live person. 谢桑原本还想拉住冲出去的张小侯,可一转头赫然发现有几只爪子极长的腐尸竟然攀爬上了木桩围栏,绿油油的眼睛饥饿的盯着这个全是活人的村子。 A hungry roaring sound, more and more undead appeared in the village wooden stake railing place, the villagers all looked were scared, does not know how to go facing these fearful lives. 一片饥饿的咆哮声响了起来,越来越多亡灵出现在了村子木桩围栏处,村民们看得全都傻眼了,根本不知道如何去面对这些可怕的生灵。 ...... …… Luck is big, you go!” “福大,你去哪!” In the heavy rain, a delicate form appeared by the wooden stake railing, she turned head to discover that Zhang Xiaohou flushed toward outside. 大雨之中,一个柔弱的身影出现在了木桩围栏旁,她一扭头发现张小侯往外面冲了出去。 The Zhang Xiaohou fierce stopping foot, saw Su Xiaoluo come out unscathed returns, immediately is wild with joy. 张小侯猛的刹住脚,看到苏小洛安然无恙的返回来,顿时欣喜若狂。 You are all right, good.” Zhang Xiaohou runs over, somewhat is intense feels helpless the appearance. “你没事,太好了。”张小侯跑了过来,一副紧张得有些不知所措得模样。 I used the fragrant medicine to lead away them, returned to the village quickly, we lost the well water god probably blessed, the surroundings were undead.” Su Xiaoluo drew Zhang Xiaohou to run into the village. “我用香药引开了它们,快回村子里,我们好像丧失了井水神的保佑了,周围都是亡灵。”苏小洛拉着张小侯就跑入了村子。 However just entered the village, on the log cabin path of discovery village that mud presented several ghost corpses impressively, they use the long claw to rip open the body of those weaponless villagers, is enjoying the internal organs of villagers greedily! 然而刚进村子,却发现村子那泥泞的木屋道路上赫然出现了好几只鬼尸,它们用长长的爪子撕开那些手无寸铁的村民的尸体,正在贪婪的享用村民的内脏! Saw this Su Xiaoluo whole person dumbfounded, the wooden stake railing has not affected, did those make grey wooden Is it possible that that undead kept at a respectful distance also expire?? 看到这一幕的苏小洛整个人都呆住了,就连木桩围栏都已经没有作用了吗,那些亡灵敬而远之的灰木难不成也失效了?? A village pitiful yell, the blood mixes the rainwater everywhere is being, familiar forms dropped down, look at the Su Xiaoluo tears to fall...... 村子一片惨叫,鲜血混着雨水遍地都是,一个一个熟悉的身影倒下,看得苏小洛眼泪都已经掉落了下来…… How?” “到底怎么了?” How was??” “到底是怎么了??” Su Xiaoluo cried to tremble, facing this fearful slaughter, her spiritually hard to withstood. 苏小洛哭颤了起来,面对这可怕的屠杀,她精神上难以承受。 In village everyone to her like family member, but they pour in the pool of blood now, soaks in muddy water, turning into those was flagitious, name wicked undead food, the skin was ripped, the meat was gnawed cleanly, a head does not let off, was nipped the innumerable holes. 村里每个人对她来说就如亲人,可现在他们倒在血泊中,浸泡在泥水里,变成了那些凶残、狰恶的亡灵的食物,皮被撕下来,肉被啃干净,连一个头颅都不放过,被咬出了无数个窟窿。 to endanger occupied the village to receive blessing of well water god for generations, undead that others were panic at the news inundated the most unpurposed animal to them, some people said that they were some Spiritual God descendant, those dirty undead does not dare to encroach upon their these Spiritual God people. 危居村世世代代都受井水神的保佑,别人闻风丧胆的亡灵对于他们来说不过是漫无目地的动物,有人说他们是某位神灵的后裔,那些肮脏的亡灵是不敢侵犯他们这些神灵子民的。 But now? 可现在呢? Blessed their gods to abandon them, whatever these domestic animals did trample the lives of their these reverent followers?? 保佑他们的神已经将他们抛弃了吗,任由这些畜生践踏他们这些虔诚信徒的生命?? The heavy rain irrigation, hit on the body of everyone is unable to resist, was similar to the attack of undead, was cruel does not have a little bit to pity! 大雨浇灌,打在了每个人的身上无法抵挡,就如同亡灵的袭击,残忍得没有一点点怜悯! The rainwater is crowded, Zhang Xiaohou stands, in almost partly kneels side Su Xiaoluo in muddy water, his vision that begins supinely vacant...... 雨水密集,张小侯站在几乎半跪在泥水之中的苏小洛身旁,仰起头的他目光茫然…… Wind...... wind......” “风……风……” Su Xiaoluo raising the head of no use, looks at resembles klutz Zhang Xiaohou, does not know his mouth in twittering anything. 苏小洛无助的抬起头来,看着像一个木头人般的张小侯,不知道他嘴里在呢喃着什么。 Luck is big, you escape, you are not the person in village, perhaps our village really encountered Curse, those undead said to...... Su Xiaoluo that we came in a low voice. “福大,你逃吧,你不是村子的人,或许我们村真的遭到了诅咒,那些亡灵就是冲着我们这些人来的……”苏小洛低声说道。 Wind......” “风……” Zhang Xiaohou still stood there, Su Xiaoluo has not noticed his under foot to have together light azure star path to draw. 张小侯仍旧站在那里,苏小洛并没有注意到他的脚下有一道道浅青色的星轨正在描画。 However, draws the process very strenuously, has the memory the barrier to be the same like his brain, star atlas somewhat is also off and on. 但是,描画过程非常的吃力,就如同他的脑部存在着记忆的障碍一样,星图也有些断断续续。 Wind...... [Wind Flow]!!” “风……风盘!!” Finally, that graph of memory appears in the mind! 终于,记忆力的那个图形在脑海之中浮现! The Zhang Xiaohou whole body presents a turbulent flow impressively, with his raising both hands of instinct, everywhere curtain of rain swayed from side to side instantly unexpectedly, following a spiral path high-speed plate revolutions!! 张小侯周身赫然出现一股乱流,随着他一种本能的扬起双手,霎时漫天的雨幕竟然被扭动了起来,顺着一个螺旋的轨迹高速盘转!! Is the wind!! 是风!! Extremely strong winds are mixing the heavy rain, the heavy rain by crazy absorbing to that Tornado, changes Water Dragon hurricane that the Twisting plate had! 有一股极强的风正在搅动着大雨,大雨被疯狂的吸纳到那龙卷之中,化作了缠绕盘起的一条水龙飓风! hū hū hū hū hū ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!!” 唿唿唿唿唿~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!” dragon of Pan wind appears on the village say/way, that several are slaughtering the ghost corpse of villagers immediately by intake colossus. 风之龙盘出现在村道上,那几只正在屠杀村民的鬼尸立刻被吸入道这庞然大物之中。 The hurricane is moving, the surrounding several thatched huts rose straight from the ground completely, the innumerable haystacks and woods also mixed in [Wind Flow], but been involved in that several undead became one piece in the collision with wood/blockhead rottenly!! 飓风在挪动,周围几个茅草屋全部被拔地而起,无数的草垛与木头也混入到了风盘内,而被卷入的那几只亡灵更是在与木头的碰撞中烂成了一片!! The wind is very hot tempered, but has not actually been involved in any villagers, the place of way all goes to those savage undead!! 风无比暴躁,但却没有卷入任何一个村民,途径的地方全是冲着那些凶残的亡灵去的!!
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