ADM :: Volume #6

#562: undead village

The second flame only massacred zombie of two villagers to fly again toward that the hot group that blasted out even also burnt down nearby wooden railing together. 第二个火焰再一次朝着那只残杀了两个村民的腐尸飞去,炸开的火团甚至连旁边的木围栏也一起焚烧了起来。 The heavy rain reduced some flame might, that zombie fire was only irrigated to be out quickly, that named spat saliva that Hong Jun the youth disdained...... 大雨降低了一些火焰的威力,那只腐尸身上的火被浇灭得很快,那名叫做洪俊的青年不屑的吐了一口唾沫…… If not this heavy rain, zombie had been given the bang to be rotten by oneself two [Flame Ignition]! 假如不是这大雨,腐尸早就被自己两个火滋给轰烂了! zombie has not died, it sway stood, wide open was the mouth of blood then howled toward youth Hong Jun. 腐尸并没有死,它摇摇晃晃的站了起来,张开满是鲜血的嘴便朝着青年洪俊吼叫了起来。 The body was rumbled looked awful, but this undead speed has not reduced slightly, its four limbs are well-grounded crazily threw toward Hong Jun...... 身躯都被轰得不成样了,可这亡灵的速度丝毫没有降低,它四肢着地疯狂的朝着洪俊扑了过来…… On the Hong Jun palm presented [Flame Ignition], what a pity after this time [Flame Ignition] throws, does not have hit high-speed movement undead, therefore on that was burnt undead that changes beyond all recognition to arrive at the Hong Jun front, frightening the Hong Jun whole piece face was white! 洪俊手掌上又出现了一个火滋,可惜这次的火滋抛出去后却没有命中高速移动的亡灵,于是那个身上被烧得面目全非的亡灵已经来到了洪俊的面前,吓得洪俊整张脸都白了! Draws back!” “退开!” A voice of old man resounds from side, village head Xie Sang that precisely took dose before! 一个老者的声音从旁边响起,正是之前取药的村长谢桑 The Xie Sang whole body has the tide to tumble, as he drinks loudly, the together turbulent mighty current makes noise curls toward zombie. 谢桑周身有浪潮在翻滚,随着他高声一喝,一道汹涌的洪流哗哗作响的朝着腐尸卷去。 zombie just leapt half, the body by [Storm Wave] to knock down, after sinking to the mighty current, this zombie immediately lost all actions, was rushed to outside the wooden stake railing following fierce [Storm Wave] ruthlessly. 腐尸刚跃了一半,身体就被暴浪打落了下来,沉入到洪流之中后,这头腐尸马上失去了所有的行动力,顺着凶猛的暴浪被狠狠的冲到了木桩围栏之外。 The wooden stake was shattered deep blue, zombie was also rushed to very far place, does not have a threat. 木桩蔚蓝被冲垮了,腐尸也被冲到了很远的地方,已经没有了一点威胁了。 The villagers see this secretly big relaxing , the good village head is Middle-Order Mage, otherwise meets this variant undead they really not to know that should should do. 村民们看到这一幕后才大大的松了一口气,还好村长是一名中阶法师,不然遇到这种变种亡灵他们真不知道该如何是好。 Arrogant arrogant, almost lost the poor life!” Xie Sang arrived at the Hong Jun front, cold snort/hum. “高傲自大,差点丢了小命!”谢桑走到了洪俊的面前,冷哼了一声。 Hong Jun then recovers, still Ning Wan a not appearance. 洪俊这才回过神来,仍旧一副宁顽不化的样子。 He has not paid attention to the lesson of village head, the half step walks toward Su Xiaoluo, actually discovery that does not know the wild fool who where runs is holding Su Xiaoluo, in the eye is flashing through angry. 他没有理会村长的教训,快步朝着苏小洛走去,却发现那个不知道从哪里跑出来的野傻子正扶着苏小洛,眼睛里闪过一丝恼怒。 Life-saving, but he, how turned into this boy to do everything to please. 救人的可是他,怎么变成这小子去献殷勤了。 Why many years have not presented variant undead...... to brave suddenly.” Su Xiaoluo looks that was only flushed very much far undead corpse. “已经多少年没有出现变种亡灵了……为什么突然间会冒出来。”苏小洛看着那只被冲得很远的亡灵尸体。 Who knows that not too small you felt relieved freely, has my Hong Jun, those undead could not injure you.” Hong Jun said. “谁知道呢,不过小洛你尽管放心,有我洪俊在,那些亡灵根本伤不了你。”洪俊说道。 At this time, Zhang Xiaohou does not know where took a black gamp, will help still lifting in heavy rain Su Xiaoluo, who knows that Hong Jun one to overtake, without in a good mood said that thanks, then oneself and Su Xiaoluo is holding this together the umbrella, dried in the sun Zhang Xiaohou in one side. 此时,张小侯也不知道哪里拿了一把黑色的大伞,正要帮还在淋雨的苏小洛给举起来,谁知那洪俊一把就抢了过去,没好气的说了一句,谢谢,然后自己和苏小洛共同撑着这把伞,把张小侯晾在了一边。 Su Xiaoluo at the consideration variant undead matter, has not noticed their rival for love matter, Hong Jun is actually the floating off corners of the mouth, has several points of ridicule looks at Zhang Xiaohou. 苏小洛在考虑变种亡灵的事情,没注意到他们争风吃醋的事,洪俊却是浮起嘴角,带着几分嘲笑的看着张小侯 I want to inspect that corpse.” Su Xiaoluo earnest saying. “我想去检查一下那具尸体。”苏小洛认真的说道。 I accompany you to go.” Zhang Xiaohou said immediately. “我陪你去。”张小侯马上说道。 You are honest in the village are staying, your was who records the unclear fool including oneself, undead has is fierce you not to see a moment ago, do not have variant undead to appear when the time comes again, first running was you.” Hong Jun pushed Zhang Xiaohou, another hand ignited small group flame like doing magic tricks, having several points to show off meaning. “你还是老老实实在村子里呆着吧,就你这连自己是谁都记不清的傻子,亡灵有多厉害你刚才没看到吗,别到时候再有变种亡灵出现,第一个跑的就是你。”洪俊推了一把张小侯,另一只手像变把戏一样燃起了一小团火焰,带着几分炫耀意味。 Weakly don't be good.” Su Xiaoluo white, then oneself wore the rain clothes that fell toward the railing outside. “别那么幼稚好不好。”苏小洛白了一眼,便自己穿上滑落的蓑衣往围栏外去了。 Young, do not go, too dangerous......” thanks Dashen said. “小洛啊,还是别去了,太危险……”谢大神说道。 A dark uncle also nods saying: Yes, having the village may be more dangerous.” 一位黝黑老大爷也点了点头道:“是啊,出村子可更危险。” Certainly is Curse, I said this is Curse!!” Before that sharp face villagers who frightened is frightened out of one's wits called out. “一定是诅咒,我就说了这是诅咒!!”之前那个吓得魂飞魄散的尖脸村民叫道。 Gou Zi, can you not frighten itself all day long.” Hong Jun said. 狗子,你能不能别成天自己吓自己。”洪俊说道。 Xie Sang unemotional standing in the one side, in the village most people have also walked at this time, saw that two bloody corpse latter frighten panic-stricken, encircles in abundance in village head Xie Sang side. 谢桑面无表情的站在一旁,此时村里大部分人也已经走出来,看到那两具血淋淋的尸体后一个吓得惊慌失措,纷纷围在村长谢桑的旁边。 The village eats the special well water to grow up, so long as drinks certain well water every month, will then not be attacked by undead, therefore the village really does not need Mage mostly......, but considered that here leaves Qinling Mountains is quite near, presents the monster clan to come to here to look for food probably, the monster clan does not eat their set, therefore in the village will have such 1-2 Mage generally, generally is also the village head...... 村子吃特殊的井水长大,只要每个月饮一定的井水,便不会遭受到亡灵的攻击,所以村子多半不是很需要法师……但考虑到这里离秦岭比较近,保不齐出现妖族来这里觅食,妖族可不吃它们这一套,所以一般村子里会有那么1-2法师,一般也是村长…… Now the appearance of variant undead, can seem especially important with undead resistance Mage only. 现在变种亡灵的出现,唯一能够和亡灵对抗的法师就显得格外重要了。 Young, you have a look at that zombie what's the matter, outside Hong Jun you follow, to guard have this undead. The luck is big, with the past, you should not be the person in this village do not have received nourishing of well water, ordinary undead will attack you.” Xie Sang said. “小洛,你去看看那腐尸到底怎么回事,洪俊你跟着去,以防外面还有这种亡灵。福大,你就别跟过去了,你不是本村的人没有受到井水的滋养,普通亡灵都会袭击你。”谢桑说道。 Village head Xie Sang also asked several other guts color quite big youth to go together, Su Xiaoluo brought these people to pass through toward the villages outside is walked by the wooden stake railing that [Storm Wave] broke. 村长谢桑又叫了另外几个胆色比较大的青年一同前去,苏小洛带着这些人穿过了被暴浪冲开的木桩围栏往村子外面走。 zombie was flushed, little said very much 100-200 meters, the danger occupies the villagers in village easily not to go out of the village to the evening, undead does not attack them to turn over to not to attack them, who can guarantee that can have that resentment to see dreadfully will move monster undead that the thing kills? 腐尸被冲得很远,少说有100-200米,危居村的村民们到晚上也不会轻易走出村子,亡灵不攻击他们归不攻击他们,可谁能保证会不会出现那种怨气滔天见会动东西就杀的怪物亡灵呢? Others in village do not have the guts to walk, encircles in abundance distantly in the place of wooden stake railing looks. 村里的其他人都没胆量走出去,纷纷围在木桩围栏的地方远远的看着。 The present is in the evening, the curtain of rain dim under causes the ray to be lower, most can only see 300-400 meters range outward, if crosses a meeting again, it is completely black anything to look to disappear. 现在是傍晚,雨幕朦胧下导致光线更低,最多只能够往外看到300-400米的范围,要是再过个一会,天完全黑了就什么都看不见了。 Su Xiaoluo, Hong Jun as well as another three youth arrived in front of zombie, Su Xiaoluo is the medical female, therefore does not have any to fear to the corpse, her squatting down body inspected this zombie. 苏小洛洪俊以及另外三名青年都到了腐尸面前,苏小洛是医女所以对尸体倒没有什么惧怕的,她蹲下身子检查起了这具腐尸 Quick...... quickly.” “快……快一点吧。” „A corpse, no attractive......” “一尸体,没啥好看的……” Two youth are trembling, does not dare the staying little while outside this. 两青年颤颤巍巍,不敢在这外面多呆半刻。 Hong Jun ridiculed that they said: Has me , do you fear an egg?” 洪俊嘲笑他们道:“有我在,你们怕个卵子啊?” Also right, is right, but Brother Hong Jun Fire Mage. Novice-Order third level of Mage!” “也对,也对,洪俊哥可是火系法师初阶第三级的法师!” „Outside this places is also very fierce?” Another youth also said. “这放在外面也是很厉害的吧?”另一青年也说道。 That is.” “那是。” Su Xiaoluo frowns slightly, finally helpless standing up. 苏小洛微微皱起眉头来,最后无奈的站起身。 Several other people quickly inquired, actually this zombie why attacks them. 其他几个人急忙询问,这腐尸究竟是为什么攻击他们。 This is ordinary undead.” Su Xiaoluo draws this conclusion to say. “这就是一具普通的亡灵。”苏小洛得出这个结论道。 That is how possible, we drank the well water for generations, was in itself protected, moreover we we also accepted the well water god ceremony last month every household, how to be attacked by undead.” And a youth said. “那怎么可能,我们世世代代喝井水,本身就是受到保护的,况且我们上个月我们每家每户还接受了井水神仪式,怎么可能被亡灵攻击。”其中一青年说道。 Su Xiaoluo is pondering, suddenly does not know how should answer this issue. 苏小洛沉思着,一时间也不知道该怎么回答这个问题。 Hong Jun cares actually not very much, just when wanted makes noise to comfort several, suddenly nearby the curtain of rain spreads one piece to make one hear the absolutely terrified sound...... 洪俊倒不是很在意,刚想要出声安慰几句时,忽然间雨幕附近传出了一片令人听得毛骨悚然的声音…… Probably drags to entrain the body, probably chews the slough, probably the joint symphony, the sound from passed on all directions came to be getting more and more clear in the heavy rain hash. 像是拖拽身体,像是嘴嚼腐肉,像是关节交响,声音从四面八方传了过来在大雨哗啦声中越来越清晰。 My Heaven!!!” “我的天啊!!” And a youth called out in alarm, Hong Jun turns head, in the discovery rain cats and dogs fishy smell red eye is their several live people impressively stubbornly!! 其中一个青年惊叫了起来,洪俊一扭头,赫然发现大雨倾盆之中一双双腥红的眼睛正死死的盯着他们几个活人!!
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