ADM :: Volume #6

#561: Variety undead

Young does, the medicine fry?” A voice of middle-aged leaning old man passed on. “小洛啊,药有没有煎好?”一个中年偏老者的声音传了进来。 Was good, you sit by the stove.” In the room spread the Su Xiaoluo sound. “就好了,您在炉子旁边坐一下。”内屋传出了苏小洛的声音。 Good, heard Old Man Yang saying that you already in dispensing, was really makes one be overjoyed, you know , since Uncle pass/test walked, if our these village on committing fornication what disease were at a loss, had you fortunately in......” leaning old man saying of a laugh. “好的,听到杨老头说你已经在配药了,实在是让人大喜过望啊,你知道自从关大叔走后,我们这些村子要是有染上什么疾病就束手无策,还好有你在……”偏老者笑呵呵的说道。 Which, but must thank the luck to be big, he braves the medicine introduction that the heavy rain picks.” Su Xiaoluo said. “哪呀,还要感谢福大,他可是冒着大雨去采的药引子。”苏小洛说道。 oh, oh, I and luck loudly chatted.” ,,我和福大聊聊天。” In the log cabin, in the stove the fleeing spark flip-flop beat, small sparks/Mars then fled occasionally all of a sudden, leaves behind a burn in the wooden circle the trace. 木屋里,火炉中偶尔有一窜火花噼啪的跳动一下,小火星便一下子窜了出来,在木圈上留下一个烧焦的痕迹。 The old man of that speech is throwing over rain clothes, he places in the rain clothes a bamboo basket, revealed one to maintain the face very well, but smiled fully is the wrinkle, letting the person can be very easy to judge his age. 那名说话的老者披着一件蓑衣,他将蓑衣放在一个竹篓里,露出了一张保养得很好得脸,只是笑起来满是皱纹,让人可以很容易判断出他的年纪。 Luck is big, you also are really the luck have good luck ever after greatly.” Old man Xie Sang smiled, is patting a shoulder of face simple-hearted thin youth with the hand. “福大,你还真是福大命大啊。”老者谢桑笑了起来,用手拍着一脸木讷的瘦青年的肩膀。 You grasped love me.” Thin youth dull turning the head, with an intonation that does not have the mood said. “你抓疼我了。”瘦青年呆呆的转过头,用一种没情绪的语调说道。 oh, excuse me, I forgot your here also to have the wound.” Old person Xie Sang sat in the front of thin youth, saying with a laugh. ,不好意思,我忘了你这里也有伤。”老人谢桑坐在了瘦青年的面前,笑呵呵的说道。 The thin youth still stayed there, had not responded to those that Xie Sang said completely. 瘦青年仍旧呆坐在那里,对谢桑说的那些完全没有反应。 Old person Xie Sang sighs lightly, asks Su Xiaoluo of room said: „His is amnesia, changed the fool?” 老人谢桑轻叹了一口气,开口问内屋的苏小洛道:“他这是失忆,还是变傻子了?” I do not know, is in any case silly.” Su Xiaoluo replied. “我不知道,反正傻乎乎的。”苏小洛回答道。 amnesia is good, is the spirit receives anything to attack mostly, or the head had the heavy losses to stop up, this also had treats. Because if the heavy losses changed the fool, must restore difficultly.” Xie Sang continues to say. 失忆还好,多半是精神受到什么打击,或者头部有重创堵塞了,这还有得治疗。若是因为重创变傻子了,要恢复就难咯。”谢桑继续说道。 Medicine is good!” Su Xiaoluo raised a dark pot medicine to come out. “药好啦!”苏小洛提着黑乎乎的一壶药就出来了。 Xie Sang receives, Su Xiaoluo quickly reminded him to burn, Xie Sang then responded, almost just fried the good medicine overturning. 谢桑接了过来,苏小洛急忙提醒他烫,谢桑这才反应过来,差点把刚煎好的药给弄翻了。 Such big person, but also is rash, how to look after this village!” Su Xiaoluo scolded Xie Sang to say. “这么大的人,还毛毛躁躁,怎么照顾好这个村子啊!”苏小洛数落起谢桑道。 Hehe, should not be village head uncle strangely has not reminded you, your age was also big, always lives in a room with this boy......” “嘿嘿,别怪做村长大叔的没提醒你,你年龄也不小了,总是和这男孩子住一屋……” Hurries to deliver the medicine!” “赶紧送药去!” Okay good.” “好好好。” Xie Sang leaves, Su Xiaoluo somewhat exhausted is patting the pantothenic acid shoulder. 谢桑一离开,苏小洛有些疲惫的拍着自己泛酸的肩膀。 She looked at one to sit Zhang Xiaohou before brazier like the root wooden stake, saw him not to pay attention to itself, snort/hum. 她看了一眼像根木桩一样坐在火盆前的张小侯,见他没有理会自己,不由的哼了一声。 even/including snort/hum several, Zhang Xiaohou sat there is aloof, this makes her be mad and stamps to start, has turned head is also disinclined to visit him simply. 连哼了几声,张小侯都坐在那里无动于衷,这让她气得又跺起脚,干脆扭过头去也懒得去看他。 „It is not good!! It is not good!!!!” “不好啦!!不好啦!!!!” Hides quickly, hurries to hide!!!” “快躲起来,赶紧躲起来!!!” At this moment, outside the room heard an aunt's panic cry. 就在这时,屋外传来了一位大婶惊慌失措的叫声。 The Su Xiaoluo hurriedly shoving open window, sees Aunt thanks panic-stricken runs toward the village, running was anxious she to fall two somersaults to muddy water in continually. 苏小洛急急忙忙的推开窗子,见谢大婶正惊慌失措的往村子里跑,跑得太急得她更是连摔了两个跟头到泥水之中。 What's wrong, thanks Dashen!” Su Xiaoluo quickly asked. “怎么了,谢大神!”苏小洛急忙问道。 undead, had undead...... the village old man to be eaten...... thanks Dashen in the village to be obviously frightened while still alive spoke incoherently, the sound shivered. 亡灵,有亡灵在村口……村老头被活活的吃掉了……”谢大神明显是被吓得语无伦次了,声音颤抖至极。 I had a look at......” Su Xiaoluo to wear the rain clothes immediately, stepped on outside the room all of a sudden. “我去看看……”苏小洛马上穿上了蓑衣,一下子就踩到了屋子外面。 Zhang Xiaohou sees her to run, wants not to think with, being very afraid she will have an accident to be the same. 张小侯见她跑出去,更想都不想的跟了上去,深怕她会出什么事一样。 In the village heard the calling out in alarm sounds of some villagers, several timid tumbling escape toward the village deep place...... 村子里传来了一些村民的惊叫声,有几个胆子小的连滚带爬往村子深处逃…… Su Xiaoluo and Zhang Xiaohou two people ran up to the village directly, on the path of discovery village unexpectedly was impressively red a piece, the blood mixed to flow the stream to the rainwater, was divided into innumerable to spread toward the village beyond. 苏小洛张小侯两人径直跑到了村口,赫然发现村口的道路上竟然红了一片,血液混入到雨水里流淌成溪,分成无数条往村口外蔓延。 Several young and vigorous villagers are taking standing in hoe in the heavy rain, they do not dare to be close to the village, can only the eye stubbornly stares at that only to gnaw village old man's zombie...... 几个年轻力壮的村民正拿着锄头之内的站在大雨里,他们不敢接近村口,只能够眼睛死死的盯着那只正在啃噬村口老头的腐尸…… What's the matter, defends the village old man not to drink the well water of Kunming well??” Su Xiaoluo sees bloody this one secretly, the complexion was pale. “怎么回事,守村老头没有喝昆井的井水吗??”苏小洛看到这血腥的一幕后,脸色都苍白了。 Naturally drank, but this undead does not know that what's the matter, same will attack us...... mostly is variant undead!” That lifts the hoe the villagers who protects oneself to tremble to say. “当然喝了啊,但这亡灵不知道怎么回事,一样会攻击我们……多半是变种亡灵啊!”那个举着锄头护身发抖的村民说道。 Certainly by Curse, our Flowery Village certainly by Curse! A week ago old to congratulate dies under the undead claw, in three days of eve also died, today will be the big evening time village is attacked, how long large quantities of large quantities of undead cannot want to crash in the village...... to eat us us. Curse, I said that cannot do that matter, we by Curse!!” Another middle-aged villagers frighten the say/way that speaks incoherently. “一定是被诅咒,我们华村一定是被诅咒了!一个星期前老贺就死在亡灵爪子下,三天前夜里也死了一个,今天更是大傍晚的时候村口被袭击,要不了多久大批大批亡灵就会冲进村子把我们……把我们全吃掉。诅咒,我就说不能做那种事,我们被诅咒了!!”另一个中年村民吓得语无伦次的道。 That zombie is only cruel, after eating old person's internal organs , has probably not satisfied to be the same, plunged another delusion unexpectedly fiercely the youth villagers who it drives away. 那只腐尸残忍至极,吃了老人的内脏之后好像还没有满足一样,竟然猛的扑向了另外一个妄想将它赶走的青年村民。 The youth villagers laughable sickle has not wielded, was bitten open the throat by one directly, the viscous blood spurted, what kind of shocking under this grey curtain of rain!! 那青年村民可笑的镰刀都没有挥下去,便直接被一口咬开了喉咙,粘稠的鲜血喷了出来,在这灰色的雨幕下何等的触目惊心!! The villagers rely on the special way to protect the body, was not attacked by undead. May happen the condition, their zombie cannot resist! 村民凭借着特殊的方式护体,不遭受亡灵的攻击。可一旦出现状况,它们连一只腐尸都招架不住! Escapes!” “逃啊!” Several young and vigorous villagers frighten immediately are frightened out of one's wits, escapes toward the village. 几个年轻力壮的村民立刻吓得魂飞魄散,朝着村子里逃去。 Cannot make it enter the village!” Su Xiaoluo wants to stop by calling that several villagers, who knows their frightened being frightened out of one's wits, escaping is quicker than anyone. “不能让它进村!”苏小洛想喊住那几个村民,谁知他们被吓的魂飞魄散,逃得比谁都快。 Su Xiaoluo clenches teeth, hurriedly runs toward the place of wooden stake fence...... 苏小洛一咬牙,急匆匆的朝着木桩围墙的地方跑去…… That zombie has not only entered the village completely, if the wooden stake gate of village putting, then can reduce and solve this time crisis, the wooden stake is made by the grey wood, undead inborn does not like this type of woodware, will be distant to the village...... 那只腐尸没有完全入村,若是将村口的木桩门给放下来,便可以化解这次的危机,木桩是由灰木做的,亡灵天生不喜欢这种木制品,会离得村庄远远的…… Su Xiaoluo runs toward the floodgate mechanism/organization place, who knew that zombie green and glossy eye to observe closely all her of a sudden. 苏小洛往闸口机关处跑,谁知那腐尸一下子绿油油的眼睛盯住了她。 zombie abandoned that to gnaw to half of young villagers, just like a hungry wild dog, insane threw toward Su Xiaoluo. 腐尸抛开了那啃到一半的年轻村民,宛如一条饥饿的野狗,疯了似的朝苏小洛扑去。 You make anything, does not want to live!” An aunt screamed. “你做什么,不想活了啊!”一位大妈尖叫了起来。 Su Xiaoluo has turned the head, discovered impressively zombie flushed toward her, that speed was much faster, the before one can say Jack Robinson throws to oneself in front of probably. 苏小洛转过头,赫然发现腐尸朝她冲了过来,那速度快得惊人,好像一眨眼功夫就扑到自己面前了。 [Flame Ignition]!” 火滋!” Explosion!” 爆裂!” When a Supreme[Qian Jun] round, on the alley of mud one group of flame broke the crowded heavy rain, accurate falling on the body of that only zombie. 千钧一发之际,泥泞的小路上一团火焰冲开了密集的大雨,准确的落在了那只腐尸的身上。 Flame Explosion opens, flew to the bang that only zombie all of a sudden, exploded the body to fester. 火焰爆裂开,一下子将那只腐尸给轰飞了出去,炸得身体都溃烂了开。 How your these people coped with undead, left quickly!” On muddy village road, an eyebrow horizontally the youth called one. “你们这些人怎么对付得了亡灵,快离开!”泥泞村路上,一名眉毛横着的青年叫了一句。 The villagers who those escapes in a panic see the youth, with seeing life-saving Buddha same...... 那些仓惶逃跑的村民一看到青年,就跟看到救命佛祖一样…… Good, Hong Jun you in the village, could then be saved!” “太好了,洪俊你在村子里,这下有救了!” Hong Jun, this zombie is very savage, or and other did your father arrive coped again together?” Several villagers hurriedly flee and become separated, hid from this youth named Hong Jun behind. 洪俊,这只腐尸很凶残,要不等你父亲到了再一起对付?”几个村民急急忙忙逃散开,躲到了这名叫做洪俊的青年身后。 Snort, zombie, I alone can cope.” Then the youth face named on Hong Jun had an arrogance! “哼,一只腐尸,我一个人能对付。”那名叫洪俊的青年脸上有了一丝傲气!
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