ADM :: Volume #6

#560: Who do the little girls dislike many?

Looked again randomly, dug your eye carefully!” Old-fashioned accompanying Assing sees Shorty to be shifty-eyed, immediately fierce say/way. “再乱看,小心把你眼睛挖了!”古板的随从阿辛见到矮男贼眉鼠眼,顿时厉声道。 Who looked randomly, I was somewhat exhausted. The words saying that was too a moment ago thrilling, I almost think oneself die.” Shorty sits on the ground, greatly this money earn the appearance that is unworthy very much. “谁乱看了,我不过是有些疲惫了。话说刚才太惊险了,我差点以为自己没命。”矮男一屁股坐在地上,大有一种这钱赚得很不值的样子。 Originally is insufficient is so distressed, finally the curtain of rain delayed the dawn time.” Mo Fan said. “本来不至于这么狼狈,结果雨幕推迟了天亮的时间。”莫凡说道。 The blade axe corpse the battle efficiency astonishing will not say, can summon the undead group attack, original(ly) also thinks that kills that big corpse hopefully, finally nearly by the undead flood submerging! 刀斧尸将的战斗力惊人不说,又能够呼唤亡灵群袭击,原本还以为有希望杀死那头大尸物,结果险些被亡灵洪水给淹没了! The place of this undead is truly fearful, nearly is also annihilated by they so strong strength. 这片亡灵之地确实可怕,以他们如此强的实力也险些全军覆没。 Big rainy day we do not hurry along, the grey garlic does not have the effect.” Strong male face earnest saying. “大雨天我们还是不要赶路了,灰蒜没有效果。”壮男一脸认真的说道。 This rain, if, we can't hide forever here?” Mo Fan said. “这雨要是一直下,我们总不能永远躲在这里?”莫凡说道。 That also can only wait to look...... was right, your bodies have the scar, hurries to process, small claw marks must process, undead is carries the corpse to be poisonous, will not need several hours of those skin flesh wound to fester a big piece!” Experienced Shorty said. “那也只能等等看……对了,你们身上有伤痕的,都赶紧处理一下,一个小小的爪痕也要处理,亡灵都是携带尸毒的,不需要几个小时时间那些皮外伤都会溃烂成一大片!”经验丰富的矮男说道。 We must their two trade to trade, is the big masters, takes off/escapes directly, wet cold, was uncomfortable.” Mo Fan proposed. “我们非得等她们两个换好才换吗,都是大老爷们,直接脱吧,一身湿冷,难受死了。”莫凡提议道。 Everyone then thought that Mo Fan is reasonable, therefore several people fast took off the whole body clothing, takes out the new clothes from the package of respective seal. 大家这才觉得莫凡有道理,于是几个人快速的把全身衣物都脱了,从各自密封的包裹里取出新的衣裳来。 ...... …… The bonfire exuded flip-flop the sound to enable the entire cavern no longer that deathly stillness, everyone to experience that war once for a while is very exhausted, processed the wound, changed the dry clothes, lay down in those withered on sloppy rests, resulted in tired does not want to speak. 篝火时不时发出噼啪之声使得整个洞穴不再那么死寂,众人经历了那一场大战都很疲惫了,处理了伤口,换了干燥的衣服,都躺在那些干枯了草上休息,累得不想说话。 Black silk female Menge had exchanged a veil, this time is a more unique purple, covers up her can cancel the leaving soul directly certainly colorful face. 黑丝女子梦婀已经重新换上了一个面纱,这一次是更加具有韵味的紫色,遮掩住了她那能够直接勾走人魂魄的绝艳脸庞。 What does the place of your undead make?” Mo Fan spoke thoughtlessly to ask one. “你这亡灵之地做什么?”莫凡随口问了一句。 Black silk female Menge winked the pupil, the indifferent charming happy expressions, said in a soft voice: Here has the colleague who does not get on well with others, needs to come to talk with him.” 黑丝女子梦婀眨动了眸子,有一丝淡然妩媚的笑意,轻声说道:“这里有一个不合群的同僚,需要过来与他交谈。” oh, which organization are you?” Mo Fan continues to ask. ,你又是哪个组织的?”莫凡继续问道。 Parthenon.” 帕特农。” Probably has listened.” Mo Fan looking pensive. “好像有听过。”莫凡若有所思了起来。 Un, is famous.” Black silk female Menge nods. “嗯,蛮有名的。”黑丝女子梦婀点了点头。 You are not character in what Saintess, goddess and princess, I watch in the soap opera always so, and can be covered with the veil doing surveys in a quiet way.” Mo Fan smiled, is chatting with black silk female Menge. “你不会是什么圣女、神女、公主之内的人物吧,我看电视剧里总是如此,并且也都会蒙着面纱微服私访。”莫凡笑了起来,和黑丝女子梦婀闲聊着。 Menge is not that type coldly, if Frost type, even if the whole person is sending out the unearthly general lofty makings, actually all questions will be answered. 梦婀不属于那种冷若冰霜的类型,纵然整个人散发着不食人间烟火一般的高雅气质,却有问必答。 She hears a Mo Fan such imagination without foundation, shakes the head to say with a smile: I am not holy. ignorant/veiled the veil is liking personally, feels very beautiful.” 她听到莫凡这样一番毫无根据的推想,不由的笑着摇摇头道:“我没那么圣洁。蒙着面纱只是个人喜好,觉得很美。” „The China air is not good, PM2. 5 know that...... the band of light veil is useless, no matter the mask uses.” Mo Fan said. 中国空气不好,PM2。五知道吗……光带面纱是没用的,口罩都不管用。”莫凡说道。 Menge laughing gently, that ripples the vibrato that charmingly and coexists holily seems especially wonderful in this small cave, as well as directs the person daydream. 梦婀轻轻的发笑,那荡漾开的妩媚与圣洁并存的颤音在这小小的山洞里显得格外美妙,以及引人遐想。 Shorty sits in the one side, a face hidden bitterness looks that Mo Fan and Menge teased there. 矮男坐在一旁,一脸幽怨的看着莫凡梦婀在那里调笑。 He who finally cannot bear has drawn Mo Fan, said in a low voice: Brothers, the good and evil is I first discovers this woman, can you limelight.” 终于忍不住的他拉过了莫凡,低声道:“兄弟,好歹是我先发现这女人的,你能不能注意点。” Big brother, you install the pure male, but also manages others to lick the face?” Mo Fan response unrestrained/no trace of politeness said. “大哥,你装纯男,还管别人舔着脸啊?”莫凡毫不客气的回应道。 Menge was very attractive, the status that in addition she mysterious and hard to ascertains, Mo Fan as a normal man, why cannot go to communicate with others, looks at this woman very much to like with like oneself handsome , and knowledgeable Eastern man chatted! 梦婀本来就很有吸引力,再加上她神秘而又难以捉摸的身份,莫凡作为一个正常的男人,凭什么不能去和别人沟通,看得出来这女人还是很喜欢跟像自己这样英俊且有学识的东方男人聊天的! You had one, considers others' feeling to be good, this does Menge give the brothers I?” Shorty said in a low voice. “你自己带了一个,照顾一下别人的感受可好,这梦婀让给兄弟我?”矮男低声道。 mental disorder, whose idling little girl will be many. Others come China is not easy, must make her realize the romantic and humor of China man.” Mo Fan said Shorty. 神经病,谁会闲妞多的。别人来一趟中国不容易,要让她体会一下中国男人的浪漫与幽默。”莫凡噼里啪啦的把矮男说了一顿。 ...... …… ...... …… The heavy rain is continuous, entire Flowery Village was covered in the dim curtain of rain. 大雨连绵,整个华村被笼罩在朦胧的雨幕里。 The gray sky, the gray land, an alone village is built on the world, even if there are many colors also to be diluted thoroughly. 灰色的天空,灰色的大地,孤零零的一个村庄立于天地间,纵然有再多的色彩也会被彻底冲淡。 However, was good passed away because of the village ancient old, the log cabin constructed pay particular attention to very much, understood how to prevent to infiltrate moistly, understood how the institute of cold wind resisting outside, each log cabin had the garden greatly, only then, so long as inside raised the furnace fire, then certainly warm incomparable. 不过,好在村落古老归古老,木屋都建造得很讲究,懂得如何防止潮湿透入,也懂得如何将寒风拒之院外,每一栋木屋无论是大有庭院还是小到只有一间,里面只要升起了炉火,便一定会暖和无比。 Stupid, the big rainy day must pick, you looked that you drench yourself, hurries the sound body......” a 20 -year-old high and low delicate girl to stand under the eaves, charmingly angry stamping the feet, on the red cheeks does not know that is blames or charming. “笨啦,大雨天非要去采,你看你把自己淋的,赶紧进来烘烘身子……”一个二十岁上下的清秀女孩站在屋檐下,娇嗔的跺着脚,通红的脸颊上不知是责备还是娇羞。 Under the heavy rain, a thin youth whole face laughs foolishly arrives at the ladder place, probably feared own muddy water smeared the room, does not dare to enter the room. 大雨下,一个瘦青年满脸憨笑的走到门梯处,像是怕自己一身泥水弄脏了屋子,不敢进屋。 Came in quickly, what to do ruined by freezing the body, on you originally also so many internal injuries.” Su Xiaoluo one entrained in the thin youth the room, and helped his clothes give deftly following, the solution to half, found that thin youth that smooth arm and chest located several shocking scar, another stamped the feet, honk the mouth was saying, took off/escaped, I took care of you is so long, had to see your body!” “快进来,冻坏了身子怎么办,你身上本来就还有那么多的暗伤。”苏小洛一下就把瘦青年拽进了屋里,并且麻利的帮他衣服给接下来,解到一半,发现瘦青年那光溜溜的臂膀以及胸膛处几个触目惊心的疤痕,又一跺脚,嘟着嘴道,“自己脱啊,我照顾你这么久,又不是没见过你身子!” The thin youth scratches the head, embarrassed smiling. 瘦青年挠挠头,不好意思的笑了笑。 Hurried in the room to change clothes, was some homespun cloth hempen garments, but was very warm. 赶紧到屋里换了一身衣服,都是一些粗布麻衣,但很暖和。 These herbal medicines are enough, oh, area Xianchi this corpse air/Qi is so heavy, heavy rain, the corpse poisonously all of a sudden on the combination to the wet rain, causing several village corpse typhuses to be serious, the Sir is but actually good, can some time, be painstakingly the those child and old person, their physique may weak...... I not take care of you, must hurry boiling the medicine.” Su Xiaoluo smiles to the thin youth, then pounded medicines in a mortar to room another. “这些草药足够啦,唉,咸池这一带尸气这么重,大雨一下,尸毒一下子就混杂到湿雨之中,导致几个村子都尸伤寒严重,大人倒还好,能挺一些时间,就是苦了那些小孩和老人了,他们体质可弱了……我就不照顾你啦,得赶紧把药给熬出来。”苏小洛冲着瘦青年笑了笑,便到屋子另一头去捣药了。 The thin youth sits by the stove, to her silly smiling. 瘦青年坐在火炉旁,冲着她傻傻的笑。 Su Xiaoluo, mumbled charmingly angry: Knows to laugh foolishly, who you hurry to remember itself are actually, your big boy cannot live in my family like this, others will say that...... will gossip.” 苏小洛娇嗔不已,嘟哝道:“就知道傻笑,你倒是赶紧想起自己是谁啊,你一个大男孩总不能这样一直住在我家里,别人会说……会说闲话的。” The Su Xiaoluo sound getting smaller, always thought like this said is very embarrassed. 苏小洛声音越来越小,总觉得这样说挺难为情的。 Calculates that you sit here think well.” “算啦,你就坐在这里好好想吧。” Su Xiaoluo said that these words then turn around to depart, but has not walked several steps her to turn head, looked at a thin youth from the back of the head to face that shocking scabs, sighs lightly. 苏小洛说完这句话便转身离去,可是没走几步她又回过头来,看了一眼瘦青年从后脑勺到脸部那一个触目惊心的伤疤,不由的轻叹了一口气。 Also does not know that actually he experienced anything, initially saved him the time, his wound are much more, what is more astonishing is head that almost opens hitting hard of shell! 也不知道他究竟经历了什么,当初救下他的时候,他身上的伤多得数不清,更惊人的是头部那几乎开壳的重击! He ran into himself luckily, oneself is a medical female, otherwise he has died. 幸好他是遇到了自己,自己是一个医女,不然他早已经没命了。
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