ADM :: Volume #6

#559: Dawn

The blade axe corpse splashes whole body bloody water randomly, finally was more moderate its crazy fierce offensive to this time. 刀斧尸将浑身一片血水乱溅,它那狂猛的攻势到这个时候才终于缓和了一些。 The heavy rain sprinkles, the surrounding piece of flying mud welled up suddenly, Mo Fan will be just about to display Thunder Magic to give the blade axe corpse again a deeper wound, periphery presented more than ten whole bodies unexpectedly is sludge zombie, these zombie opened disgusting big mouth to nip toward Mo Fan here, the speed was the extraordinary rapidness! 大雨洒落,突然间周围一片泥花涌了过来,莫凡正要再施展一个雷系魔法给予刀斧尸将更深的创伤,却不料周围出现了十几只浑身都是污泥的腐尸,这些腐尸张开了恶心的大嘴就朝着莫凡这里咬过来,速度又是出奇的快! Mo Fan turns head, this discovered that those zombie have broken through the obstruction that accompanies the flatter strength and Assing, the volume like the black flood comes. 莫凡一扭头,这才发现那些腐尸们已经冲破了随从阿力和阿辛的阻截,像黑色的洪水一样卷过来。 Also wanted Mo Fan that gives the blade axe corpse to cause heavy losses to have to stop Middle-Order Magic, the whole body exuded the thunder and lightning mark, made a stretch of [Thunder Seal] electric field! 还想要给予刀斧尸将重创的莫凡不得不停止了中阶魔法,周身泛起了雷电印记,制造出了一片雷印电场! The [Thunder Seal] force field spread all over in a Mo Fan under foot surrounding area 30 meters region, the time body that those zombie throws is lulled immediately, cannot move completely...... 雷印力场将遍布莫凡脚下方圆三十米的区域,那些腐尸扑过来的时候身体马上就被麻痹,完全动弹不得…… [Thunder Seal] could not cope with the Soldier Level blade axe corpse, but must limit these Servant Level undead creature actually to rub. 雷印对付不了战将级的刀斧尸将,可要限制住这些奴仆级亡灵生物却搓搓有余。 Big piece of undead completely by Mo Fan using the [Thunder Seal] force field containing, the thunder and lightning python is transmitting mutually, the electric shock, compared with approaching Mo Fan´s those undead resulted in whole body burnt/anxious Chuan by the electricity quickly! 一大片亡灵全部被莫凡利用雷印力场给遏制住,雷电蟒蛇相互传递着,电击着,比较靠近莫凡的那些亡灵很快就被电得浑身焦穿! „The undead quantity were too many, we cannot stop!” Accompanied the flatter strength to yell one. 亡灵数量太多了,我们阻拦不住!”随从阿力大叫了一声。 His sound conveys from a group of undead, obviously he had been given surrounding by undead zombie. 他的声音是从一大群亡灵之中传来的,可见他已经被亡灵腐尸给包围了。 Me could not control.” At the same time, the curtain of rain distant place Liu Ru sound also passed on. “我这边也控制不了了。”同一时间,雨幕远处柳茹的声音也传了过来。 The zombie huge quantity, wells up toward here from surrounding area one kilometer region, these undead that the time more gathers long are more, particularly that blade axe corpse, the roaring sound will be unceasing, crazy order surrounding those zombie undead comes to work as the cannon fodder! 腐尸数量庞大,从方圆一公里的区域往这里涌,时间越长聚集过来的这些亡灵就越多,尤其是那刀斧尸将,咆哮声不断,疯狂的命令周围那些腐尸亡灵前来当炮灰! everyone was encircled impenetrable by undead all of a sudden, occupied some driving them through the Shadow Division knight with great difficulty, in fell into to struggle hard all of a sudden...... 一下子众人亡灵围了一个水泄不通,好不容易通过司夜骑士占据了一些主动的他们,一下子又陷入到了苦战里…… How I said that asking you to escape, now is booing, do not want to walk.” Shorty wailed. “我怎么说的,叫你们逃,现在倒好,一个都别想走了。”矮男哀嚎了起来。 Blade axe corpse not that crude to/clashes, this fellow also calculates that heavy of wound, it starts unceasing roaring, start stands in not far away coldly is waiting and seeing, waiting those zombie silently consumes Mo Fan and the others the experiences! 刀斧尸将并没有那么鲁莽的冲过来,这家伙也算伤的不轻,它开始不断的咆哮,开始站在不远处冷冷的观望着,默默的等待那些腐尸消耗莫凡等人的经历! Woooo ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!!!!” 呃呜~~~~~~~!!!!” ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!!!!” “呃嗷~~~~~~~~~~!!!!” The cry continuously, undead in groups rushes to be first in groups, even some have crawled on the bodies of their companion. 叫声此起彼伏,成群成群的亡灵争先恐后,甚至有些已经爬在了它们同伴的身上。 Mo Fan has the [Thunder Seal] force field, the situation is quite optimistic, black silk female Menge also stood with Mo Fan in one, eased the surrounded pressure with the aid of Mo Fan this powerful Thunder System strength, was her eyebrow black is being tightly pressed, obviously also felt that the situation was not wonderful. 莫凡拥有雷印力场,情况还比较乐观,就连黑丝女子梦婀也与莫凡站在了一起,借助莫凡这强大的雷系力量缓解一下被包围的压力,可是她眉黛紧蹙着,显然也感觉到形势不妙。 She looked at sky, in the continuous gray curtain of rain presented a ray of dim finally reluctantly! 她望了一眼天空,连绵的灰色雨幕里终于勉强出现了一丝熹微的光芒! On Pegasus must shine.” Black silk female Menge reminded Mo Fan to say. “天马上要亮了。”黑丝女子梦婀提醒莫凡道。 Mo Fan in spite of being very busy looked at by far cold Wang blade axe corpse, seeing only that whole body is the blood stain by the rain wash the blade axe corpse on the face revealed malicious smiles craftily, probably was unwilling called one! 莫凡百忙之中看了一眼远远冷望的刀斧尸将,只见那浑身都是血污又被雨水冲刷过的刀斧尸将脸庞上露出了一个恶毒的诡笑,像是非常不甘般叫了一声! After this yelled, is going crazy same undead to stop suddenly suddenly. 这一声啼叫过后,所有正发狂一样的亡灵突然间戛然而止了。 Ray weak sprinkles, Death Qi also, as fast divergence. 光芒微弱的洒落下来,死气也在随着快速的散去。 Without Death Qi, undead were been ordinary by the fish of reaching a deadlock with one crowd, starts to jump madly flurriedly! 没有了死气,亡灵们跟一群被搁浅的鱼一般,开始慌乱的乱跳了起来! They exuded the panic-stricken cry, covers them incomparably to fear the head of light to start to unearth muddy water unexpectedly...... 它们发出了惊恐的叫声,捂着它们无比惧怕光的脑袋竟然开始就地挖掘泥水…… Sieged to flee and become separated in the flatter strength and Assing's surrounding those undead, the fact ascended the sky has shone had one to meet, the thick dark cloud and day after day curtain of rain made this come in the morning lately. 围困在阿力、阿辛周围的那些亡灵逃散了起来,事实上天已经亮了有一会了,浓稠的乌云和连天的雨幕让这个早晨来得更迟了一些。 The ray is weak, that is light/only, is also most important Death Qi that is they need to breathe, once dissipates, does not return to the place, tomb in the deep sleep, they quick bare will die under more and more bright radiance! 光芒再弱,那也是光,最重要得是它们需要呼吸的死气一旦消散,再不回归到地底下、墓穴中沉睡,它们很快就会裸死在越来越明亮的光辉之下! If the flood same wells up, fast retreat like tide, this crowd of terrifying undead performed most thrilling one to Mo Fan and the others, if the God is late a roll-call to scatter at night, they then while still alive by these undead surrounding lethal! 如洪水一样涌过来,又像潮水一样快速的退去,这群恐怖的亡灵莫凡等人上演了最惊险的一幕,若是老天爷再迟一点将黑夜驱散,他们便会活活的被这些亡灵给围堵致死! Thanks heaven and earth......” the sewage of Shorty whole face, scratched is disinclined to scratch. “谢天谢地……”矮男满脸的污水,擦都懒得擦了。 Before accompanying the flatter strength and Assing on the face did not have at this time, that relaxed appearance, they returned to the black silk female Menge side in an extremely difficult situation, a wound does not know how should process, can only lower the head there, is speaking subordinate protection ineffective words low voice. 随从阿力和阿辛此时脸上也没有了之前那副轻松的模样,他们狼狈不堪的回到了黑丝女子梦婀的身边,一身的伤又不知道该如何处理,只能够在那里低着头,小声的说着属下保护不力的话语。 Black silk female Menge had not said, she looks at soaked the whole body, looked at one to be hit by the rainwater is in utter confusion the hair. 黑丝女子梦婀并没有多说,她看了一眼湿透了的全身,又看了一眼被雨水打得凌乱不堪得头发。 We first find a place to take shelter from the rain. The weather is so cold, the rainwater is so cool, is easy to fall ill.” Liu Ru said to everyone. “我们先找个地方避雨吧。天气这么冷,雨水这么凉,容易生病的。”柳茹对大家说道。 This leaves Flowery Village is very far.” The strong male said. “这离华村还很远。”壮男说道。 Walks toward Qinling Mountains there, there should have in the cave, first evaded...... the Shorty proposition say to Qin Lingshan in. “往秦岭那里走,那里应该有山洞之内的,先到秦岭山上避一避……”矮男提议道。 Qinling Mountains monster clan is not good to cope.” “秦岭妖族可不好对付。” Relax, I know that a place does not have the monster clan.” Shorty said. “放心,我知道一个地方没有妖族。”矮男说道。 ...... …… Everyone follows Shorty to go to Qinling Mountains, Qin Lingshan such as day screen, rising straight from the ground, is imposing, such mountain imposing manner was very difficult to find the cavern, after all was the steep cliffs, was not all creature can that free walked on the sheer precipice. 大家跟着矮男前往秦岭,秦岭山如天屏,拔地而起,气势巍峨,这样的山气势是很难找到洞穴的,毕竟都是陡峭的石壁,不是所有的生物都能够那么自如的在悬崖峭壁上行走。 However Shorty led everyone to enter a pit hole, was that towering appearance in mountain wall half, needs crawls following the vine and stratified rock...... 不过矮男却带大家进入到了一个石洞,是那种突兀的出现在山壁半处的,需要顺着藤蔓和层岩爬上去…… Here is a Bloodbeast hole, one year ago Bloodbeast by our team butchering, should not have other magic beast to live.” Shorty pushed aside those long in the cave entrance weed. “这里是一个血兽洞,一年前血兽被我们团队给宰了,应该还没有别的妖魔住进来。”矮男扒开了那些长在洞口处的杂草。 Accompanied Assing to hit a sound to refer, then one group of flame beat in his fingertip. 随从阿辛打了一个响指,便有一团火焰在他指尖跳动。 The flame illuminated this cavern, although inside some ill-smelling smells, but the overall is dry, this were too more than outside ice-cold big raininess on. 火焰照亮了这个洞穴,里面虽然有一些难闻的气味,可总体是干燥的,这比外面冰冷大雨强上太多了。 You two are defending.” Black silk female Menge indifferent to accompanying the flatter strength and Assing said. “你们两个守着。”黑丝女子梦婀淡然的对随从阿力和阿辛说道。 Two people nod, immediately defended in the cave entrance entrance, did not make anyone step into the half a point toward the deep place, only had is also Liu Ru of woman has the general power. 两人点了点头,马上就守在了洞口入口处,坚决不让任何一个人往深处踏入半分,唯有同样是女人的柳茹才有通行的权力。 Shorty and Shorty liangs dreadful male eye thief very shines all of a sudden brightly, stands on tiptoes to start to pass through these two accompanying bodies to look toward the cavern deep place...... 矮男个猥琐男眼睛一下子贼亮贼亮,都踮起脚想要穿过这两个随从的躯体往洞穴深处望去…… Does to inside darkness, obviously Menge made one group of thick darkness, even if with were the Mo Fan line of sight of darkness department is unable to pass through. 奈何里面一片漆黑,显然梦婀制造出了一团浓密的黑暗,哪怕同为黑暗系的莫凡视线都无法穿越过去。 The cavern is silent, two male is defending, three male dripping wet is standing, the cavern deep place transmitted rustling sound sound, seemed the clothes has slid they tender and elastic flesh, suddenly several men looked several mutually, only thought that had a parched mouth really...... 洞穴寂静,两个男的守着,三个男的湿淋淋的站着,洞穴深处传来了“悉悉索索”的声音,仿佛是衣裳滑过了她们柔嫩、弹性的肌肤,一时间几个男人相互对望了几眼,只觉得甚是口干舌燥……
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