ADM :: Volume #6

#558: Shadow Division knight

Clip clop dá dá ~ ~ ~ ~ “哒哒哒哒~~~~” In the fissure heard urging the sound of horse's hoof, the sound from far to near...... 裂痕之中传来了促急的马蹄之声,声音由远及近…… The next second, Mo Fan of distant place adjustment saw in this lunar white fissure to present a black charm horse, the big military might, the whole body was being covered by the dense black hair, the hair danced in the breeze also has the black to the fog flutter. 下一秒,远处调节的莫凡看见了这月白色的裂痕之中出现了一匹黑色的魅马,高大威武,浑身被密密的黑色毛发覆盖着,毛发飘舞之间还有黑色须雾正在飘动。 The charm wharf has the alone corner/horn, similarly is the black, above is glittering the black electric light. 魅马头有独角,同样是黑色,上面正闪烁着黑色的电光。 But in conducting the back of alone corner/horn charm horse, sits a whole body to put on the Kui shadow of bright black armor impressively, has with the human similar build, however in the heavy/thick western-style armor is actually empty radically! 而在独角魅马的背上,赫然坐着一个浑身穿着亮黑色铠甲的魁影,拥有着与人类相似的体型,但是厚重的欧式盔甲内却根本是空无一物! What thing is this?” Saying of Mo Fan whole face surprise. “这是什么东西?”莫凡满脸诧异的说道。 Everyone is Summoning System, Mo Fan´s [Dimension Summoning] is also Magic Wolf creature, strengthens it to present this rank is very splendid. Those who let Mo Fan not think was this black silk female Menge actually summons more unusual creature. 大家都是召唤系,莫凡的次元召唤也不过是一只魔狼生物,将它强化到现在这个级别已经算是很出色的了。让莫凡没有想到的是这黑丝女子梦婀竟然召唤出了一个更加与众不同的生物来。 Dark knight? 暗黑骑士? The overall attire truly seems like a warrior who is riding the black steed, in the hand takes is also half a month martial sword, but does not know that is He Yu water knock down above, then vaporized all of a sudden. 其整体的装束确实像是一位骑着黑色骏马的武士,手上拿着的也是一柄半月武剑,只是不知为何雨打落在上面的时候,便一下子汽化了。 Shadow Division knight!” 司夜骑士!” Black silk female Menge explained at will, then order this powerful darkness military copes with the blade axe corpse. 黑丝女子梦婀随意的解释了一句,便命令这名威风凛凛的黑暗武者去对付刀斧尸将。 Mo Fan has not summoned Swift Star Wolf, that is because Swift Star Wolf will not be this blade axe corpse the opponent, might die a violent death incautiously, but the Shadow Division knight stance of black silk female Menge summon will be very full, but since will be Basic Magic [Dimension Summoning], will summon creature is also no better surely. 莫凡并没有召唤疾星狼,那是因为疾星狼远不是这刀斧尸将的对手,一不小心很可能死于非命,而黑丝女子梦婀召唤的这司夜骑士架势是很足,但既然是初阶魔法次元召唤,召唤生物也必定强不到哪去。 To come this woman also to delay some time! 想来这女人也不过是要拖延一些时间! The Mo Fan chest also has the courage vigor to tumble, black snake magic armor resisted massive injuries, but that proverb, brute force Mage of dashing withstand mostly. 莫凡胸口还有血气在翻滚,玄蛇魔铠抵挡了大量的伤害,可还是那句老话,冲撞的蛮力多半还是法师自己来承受。 He who temporarily is unable to act can only stand in the distant place looks at black silk female Menge, hoping her to support to adjust to oneself. 暂时无法行动的他只能够站在远处看着黑丝女子梦婀,但愿她能够支撑到自己调整过来。 hui in ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “咴于~~~~~~~~~~!” The charm horse exuded one to yell, as that Kui armor knight the reins, but lifted the foreleg high. 魅马发出了一声啼叫,随着那名魁铠骑士的勒缰而高高抬起前肢。 Piece of muddy water was trampled, when the water splash has not fallen to the ground saw this charm horse to change to a black giant arrow arrow, curled up class/flow of the manic tornado to flush away toward the blade axe corpse unexpectedly. 一片泥水被践踏开,水花还没有落地之时就看见这魅马化作了一杆黑色的巨大箭矢,竟然卷起了一阵狂躁的旋风之流朝着刀斧尸将冲去。 But the tall and strong knight on private car instead grasps half a month martial sword suddenly, the body maintains an leans forward posture...... 而座驾上的魁梧骑士突然间反握半月武剑,身躯保持一个前倾的姿势…… At the same time, the blade axe corpse will also raise that four arms, waits for this special darkness creature to bring death! 同一时间,刀斧尸将也举起了那四个手臂,就等着这特殊的黑暗生物过来送死! „!!!!” “唰!!!!” The knights and charm horses almost fused together, change to the black arrow arrow to cut the curtain of rain, sharp flashing past. 骑士与魅马几乎融为一体,化作了黑色的箭矢划破了雨幕,锋利的一闪而过。 The blade axe corpse just pounded the arm downward, actually does not know that this Shadow Division knight among the electric light flint had arrived at it behind...... 刀斧尸将手臂刚刚往下砸,却不知这司夜骑士已经电光火石间到了它的身后…… The sword the sheath, the rain curtain had been cut open long together to break the mark, the blade axe corpse simply will not have detected own body had been pierced a sword hole, strong body somewhat stiff trembles, the next second of bloody water such as in the body of cow spurted from its strength crazily!! 剑已出鞘,雨帘被切开长长的一道断痕,刀斧尸将根本没有察觉到自己的身躯已经被洞穿了一个剑窟窿,硕壮的躯体有些僵硬的一颤,下一秒血水从它的壮如牛的身躯上狂喷了出来!! Mo Fan is startled the holding breath one breath. 莫凡惊得倒吸一口气。 The speed of this Shadow Division knight was too rather fast, then completed the attack to the time of a blink quickly. 司夜骑士的速度未免太快了吧,快到一眨眼的功夫便完成了攻击。 Swift Star Wolf is creature that the speed is famous, may compare also to miss several scales with this Shadow Division knight, the blade axe corpse will cut not to cut continually, the body presented a hole! 疾星狼已经是速度著称的生物了,可和这司夜骑士比起来还差了好几个档次,刀斧尸将连砍都没砍下去,身上就出现了一个窟窿! Cuts!” “斩!” The Shadow Division knight has not been detained there plays the graceful, after completing passed through a sword, this clever darkness swordsman fiercely revolving horse body, with the aid of a strength back that ruthlessly the charm horse sways from side to side leaps cuts! 司夜骑士并没有滞留在那里耍帅,完成了贯穿一剑之后,这灵巧的黑暗剑客猛的旋转马身,借助魅马扭动的力量狠狠的一个背跃斩! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!!!” “唰~~~~~!!!” Black half a month buzz in the cry cuts impressively in the sword blade, the heavy rain boundless under is looks clearly. 黑色半月在剑身嗡鸣中赫然斩开,大雨磅礴下更是看得真切。 Sharp half a month martial Jianzhan in blade axe corpse on an arm, after that iron armor same skeleton stone meat will bump into the weapon that this cuts iron like mud, was truncated neatly! 锋利的半月武剑斩在了刀斧尸将其中一条臂膀上,那铁甲一样的尸骨石肉碰到这削铁如泥的武器后,被整齐的削了下来! Boom! 嘣! The blade axe corpse the arm will pound to fall on the ground, this ugly creature also exuded one not to know that was the pain is angry shouting, by drawing out another three arms stamped toward the Shadow Division knight. 刀斧尸将的手臂砸落在地上,这头丑陋的生物也发出了一声不知是痛苦还是愤怒的嘶吼,论起另外三个胳膊就朝司夜骑士跺去。 The Shadow Division knight sword dance like the wind, did not have the sequence law barbarian to pound facing three arms like this, pours to weave the net of sword mysterious probably, is preventing the blade axe corpse the fierce offensive. 司夜骑士剑舞如风,面对三条手臂这样毫无章法的蛮砸,倒好像是编织出了剑奥之网,阻挡着刀斧尸将的凶猛攻势。 Mo Fan is startled unable to speak, the strength of this Shadow Division knight also was too rather terrifying, for successive two times make a move gave the blade axe corpse the heavy losses not saying that also resisted the arbitrary attack of this big corpse unexpectedly! 莫凡惊得说不出话来,这司夜骑士的实力未免也太恐怖了,连续两次出手都给予刀斧尸将重创不说,竟然还抵挡得了这头大尸物的蛮横进攻! You adjust as soon as possible, my cultivation base is insufficient, can call the time that it comes out to be limited.” Black silk female Menge quickly makes noise to remind Mo Fan. “你尽快调整,我的修为不够,能够唤它出来的时间有限。”黑丝女子梦婀急忙出声提醒莫凡 Heard these words, Mo Fan balanced at heart slightly. 听到这句话,莫凡心里才稍微平衡了一些。 A moment ago black silk female Menge used clearly is Novice-Order [Dimension Summoning], if Basic Magic has then been able to call such a astonishing battle efficiency darkness creature, she will not fear this blade axe corpse actually. 黑丝女子梦婀刚才使用的分明是初阶次元召唤,倘若一个初阶魔法便已经能够唤出一个这样惊人战斗力的黑暗生物,那她其实根本就不惧怕这刀斧尸将。 Really, excessively strong creature will certainly be limited, the Shadow Division knight surface CNC axe corpse does not fear not only, but also gets the advantage repeatedly, this indicated that the Shadow Division knight certainly was in dimension plane extremely strong summon race, this summon race was very difficult to control! 果然,过强的生物一定会受到限制,司夜骑士面对刀斧尸将不仅不惧,还屡占优势,这就表明司夜骑士一定是次元位面中极强的召唤种族了,这种召唤种族很难驾驭! Explodes the sword deep meaning!” “爆剑奥义!” What the Shadow Division knight puts out is English, Mo Fan cannot understand, but this type summoned creature to spit the criticism/human language very much obviously! 司夜骑士吐出的是英文,莫凡听不懂,但很显然这种召唤生物是吐人言的! After fierce battle more than ten rounds, the Shadow Division knight relied on the clever movement to look for the right counter-attack opportunity again, its sword attacked by the potential of lightning, simultaneously and received quickly...... 酣战十几个回合之后,司夜骑士再次凭借着灵巧的身法寻找到了合适的反击机会,它的剑以闪电之势出击,同时又很快的收了回来…… After the body draws back, the blade axe corpse in the arm position by stamp will be surged suddenly a boundless darkness energy, the darkness energy exploded suddenly flashes, will explode thunderously secretly the arm will explode a pulp the blade axe corpse! 身退之后,刀斧尸将被戳中的臂膀位置突然间涌起了一阵磅礴的黑暗能量,黑暗能量豁然爆闪,雷鸣暗爆得将刀斧尸将的臂膀炸得一片稀烂! Also is an arm, broke rottenly! 又是一条胳膊,生生的烂断了下来! Hence the blade axe corpse was will be scarred, when Mo Fan was counting on this powerful Shadow Division knight can directly its killing, this knight of aloof received the sword suddenly, reins then turned around to fly to tread toward darkness to go! 至此刀斧尸将算是伤痕累累了,就在莫凡指望着这强大的司夜骑士能够直接将其干掉的时候,这高冷的骑士忽然间收起了剑,一勒缰绳便转身往黑暗之中飞踏而去! In its body unceasing integration heavy rain curtain of night, is very obviously near, seems like has actually been separated by a space, in unconsciously it vanished in this lands...... 它的身躯不断的融入大雨夜幕里,明明很近,却看上去已经相隔一个空间,不知不觉中它消失在了这片土地…… If not for blood everywhere, cuts off limb, the sword mark, then feeling this Shadow Division knight has not appeared generally, comes the mysticalness, goes in a hurry! 若不是遍地的鲜血、断肢、剑痕,便感觉这司夜骑士从来没有出现过一般,来之神秘,去之匆匆! The time was too short! 时间太短暂了! This Shadow Division knight is strong, time that may enter the stage also Swift Star Wolf 1/10! 司夜骑士强是强,可出场的时间还不到疾星狼的十分之一! It has been seriously injured, don't to it close to our opportunities.” Black silk female Menge said. “它已经受了重伤,别给它靠近我们的机会。”黑丝女子梦婀说道。 I come!” Mo Fan draws Thunder System star atlas decisively. “我来!”莫凡果断描画雷系星图 [Thunderbolt]!!” 霹雳!!” The thunder clouds reappear, Mo Fan this time of panting for breath can a [Thunderbolt] dance complete release. 雷云再现,得到喘息的莫凡这一次可以将一个霹雳狂舞完整的释放出来。 The [Thunderbolt] might can wound this blade axe corpse absolutely, the huge bombardment hits, will be makes the whole body blood stain and hole blade axe corpse trembling!! 霹雳的威力绝对能够击伤这刀斧尸将,庞大的轰击撞下去,更是让满身血污、窟窿的刀斧尸将颤颤巍巍!!
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