ADM :: Volume #6

#557: black snake magic armor

The blade axe corpse will discover after pursuing mistakenly the goal, immediately transferred, the mouth of woman opened immediately, sent out one to shout toward Mo Fan. 刀斧尸将发现追错了目标之后,马上转了过来,女人的嘴顿时张开,朝着莫凡发出了一阵嘶吼。 The time brings the cold wind, projected 时候带着阴风,连同雨水一起打到了莫凡的脸颊上,莫凡血兽靴在脚上,这种距离下完全可以再躲避刀斧尸将的一次攻击。 The blade axe corpse will tread muddy water to come, the blade axe that brandishes is the insane hysterical/frenzy cuts, even side zombie by his swing carelessly hewing several pieces...... 刀斧尸将踏着泥水而来,挥舞的刀斧更是疯狂乱斩,甚至旁边一直腐尸都被他这胡乱的挥舞给砍成了好几片…… [Great Shadow Nail]!” 巨影钉!” The blade axe corpse will be just about to clash again, another side black silk female Menge completed her Shadow System Middle-Order Magic finally! 刀斧尸将正要再冲上来,另一边黑丝女子梦婀终于完成了她的暗影系中阶魔法 The darkness energy that one group has the ice-cold aura upwelled from her body, that jet black strength can stronger compared with darkness that Mo Fan controls on many, Menge very much obviously what has is one compares upper-level Shadow System Spirit-Seed! 一团带着冰冷气息的黑暗能量从她身上涌了起来,那漆黑一片的力量比莫凡所掌控的黑暗之能要强上很多,很显然梦婀拥有的是一个比较上层的暗影系灵种 [Great Shadow Nail] presents three handles, vanishes in the heavy rain suddenly. 巨影钉呈现三柄,在大雨之中骤然消失。 Black silk female Menge has not made [Great Shadow Nail] hide, she knows the situation to be urgent, therefore first started these three shadow nail pear thorns, direct to blade axe corpse! 黑丝女子梦婀并没有让巨影钉潜藏,她知道情况紧急,于是第一时间发动了这三柄影钉梨刺,直接扎向了刀斧尸将! The Mo Fan´s thunder is Basic Magic is unable to lull this whole body brute force the big corpse, but the shadow nail has extremely strong imprisoned effect! 莫凡的雷霆系初阶魔法无法麻痹住这头浑身蛮力的大尸将,但是暗影钉却拥有极强的禁锢效果! The first shadow nail quick will assign in same place the big corpse, keeping its body from moving, looks like the waist to be passed through by the long spear/gun, but under then sewed in the ground general, how whatever the blade axe corpse hot tempered will be very difficult to draw out. 第一颗暗影钉很快将大尸将给定在了原地,让它身躯无法挪动,就像是腰部被长枪贯穿而下然后钉在了地面上一般,任凭刀斧尸将如何暴躁都很难从中拔出。 Time that the second shadow nail flies, the blade axe corpse will be very difficult to exude the roaring sound, is brandishing arm suddenly static, but with that fishy smell red eye stubbornly is staring at black silk female Menge. 第二颗暗影钉飞去的时候,刀斧尸将连咆哮声都很难发出了,挥舞着的手臂猛然间静止下来,只是用那双腥红的眼睛死死的盯着黑丝女子梦婀 Third appears again, the blade axe corpse will suffer any huge spiritual blow probably, the whole body pain twitched! 第三颗再一次出现,刀斧尸将像是遭受到什么巨大的精神打击,浑身痛苦的抽搐了起来! [Great Shadow Nail] will play very good restriction to this savage blade axe corpse, this made Mo Fan obtain some respites, immediately he also drew Thunder System star atlas! 巨影钉对这凶残的刀斧尸将起到了很好的限制作用,这让莫凡得到了一些喘息,当下他也描画起了雷系星图 [Thunderbolt - Vicious Dance]!” 霹雳-狂舞!” The Mo Fan whole body electric light flashes randomly, hand direction blade axe corpse top of the head time, is together shocking purple black crazy thunder bang ruthlessly falls. 莫凡周身电光乱闪,手指向刀斧尸将头顶的时候,便是一道道触目惊心的紫黑色狂雷狠狠的轰落下去。 The crazy thunder in the sturdy body will blast out in the blade axe corpse, its seems like with the mail-armor and helmet corpse meat splashes all of a sudden like the froth, in the body presents was rumbled rottenly the hole impressively. 狂雷在刀斧尸将粗壮的身躯上炸开,其看上去跟甲胄般的尸肉一下子飞溅如沫,身躯上赫然出现了一个被轰烂了的窟窿。 Several crazy thunder chop again, the blade axe corpse was obviously rumbled the body opened rottenly, bloody water unceasing same wells up like the river from its body. 几道狂雷再劈,刀斧尸将身躯明显被轰烂开了,血水不断的从它的躯体中如河一样涌出来。 Trading to do is general creature, such body consecutively several burned black holes are half-dead, but to undead, this injury basic could not have the tremendous impact on them. 换作是一般的生物,这样身躯连续几个焦黑窟窿便已经是半死不活了,但对亡灵而言,这种伤害根本对它们造成不了多大的影响。 The skin and meat these they can definitely through gobbling up other thing replenish again, so long as does not support the important joint that they move to be damaged, they then can be vivid. 皮、肉这些它们完全可以通过吞吃别的东西再添补起来,只要不是支撑它们活动的重要关节被损坏,它们便可以一直生龙活虎。 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!!!” “嗷呃~~~~~~~~~~~!!!” Blade axe corpse fierce sways from side to side fully is the body of rotten meat bloodstain, under this arbitrary strength [Great Shadow Nail] started to become less crowded. 刀斧尸将猛的扭动满是烂肉血渍的身体,这股蛮横的力量下巨影钉都开始松动了起来。 The [Great Shadow Nail] imprisoned strength is limited, once this/should creature working loose strength is certain intensity, [Great Shadow Nail] will also be given to shake the powder forcefully. 巨影钉的禁锢力量是有限的,一旦该生物的挣脱力达到一定强度,巨影钉也会被强行给震散。 At this time, the blade axe corpse will have worked loose [Great Shadow Nail], it that has swept away all obstacles should very long not by like this injured humiliation, in that woman head put out a long blood-color tongue suddenly. 此时,刀斧尸将已经挣脱了巨影钉,一直所向披靡的它应该很久没有遭受到这样的受伤屈辱,那张女人脑袋中突然间吐出了一条长长的血色舌头。 The tongue is hitting the volume toward Mo Fan here bunch, the speed is extremely fast, even if Mo Fan Blood Beast Boots in could not have shunted this cunning corpse tongue unexpectedly! 舌头打着卷就往莫凡这里捆来,速度极快,哪怕莫凡血兽靴还在竟然也躲不开这诡诈的尸舌! The corpse tongue fetters the Mo Fan´s left leg, fierce entrained to raise Mo Fan but actually. 尸舌束缚住莫凡的左脚,猛的一拽就将莫凡倒提了起来。 Mo Fan from the sky lost the center, but he can feel that oneself left the blade axe corpse to be getting more and more near. 莫凡在空中失去了中心,但他能够感觉到自己离刀斧尸将越来越近了。 Once by drawing to the blade axe corpse the side, by the hewing muddy flesh while still alive, will not be to bite to death by that female head/number of people while still alive. 一旦被拉到刀斧尸将的身边,不是被活活的砍成肉泥,就是要被那个女人头给活活咬死。 Do not look at that is an ordinary female head, but the mouth of woman occupies the larger part of whole piece face now, felt that the maxillary bone splits to the skull behind thoroughly...... 别看那是一个普通的女子脑袋,可现在女人的嘴已经占据了整张脸的一大半,感觉颚骨是彻底裂开到脑壳后面的…… Black silk female Menge sees Mo Fan to be whirled away, for a while does not know how should rescue, only hears Mo Fan to be flung , in the midair is also shouting: With other Magic!” 黑丝女子梦婀莫凡被卷走,一时也不知该如何解救,只听见莫凡被甩在半空中的时候还喊着:“用别的魔法!” Black silk female Menge has not thought, continued to draw star atlas. 黑丝女子梦婀也没有多想,继续描画起了星图 Looks at again is curled to the blade axe corpse front Mo Fan, as his Mind Power moves, around his body exuded azure black splendid light unexpectedly! 再看被卷到刀斧尸将面前的莫凡,随着他意念一动,他的身体周围竟然泛起了青黑的华光! Azure black splendid light is not scattering radiance, same winds around like the soft band on the contrary in Mo Fan´s each joint spot, at first is only 12 such azure black splendid light silk snakes is attaching, Twisting, in a while the Mo Fan whole body was given the package by such azure black splendid light probably! 青黑色华光并非是散射的光辉,反倒如同柔软的绸带一样缭绕在莫凡的各个关节部位,起初只是一两道这样的青黑色华光绸蛇在依附、缠绕,没过多久莫凡浑身都好像被这样的青黑色华光给包裹了! Clang!!” “铿!!” Clang!!!!” “铿!!!!” The blade axe corpse will hold up two long chopper, fierce on detachment toward the Mo Fan´s body. 刀斧尸将举起了两柄长长的砍刀,猛的就往莫凡的身子上劈去。 Spark all of a sudden gorgeous splashed, this pair of blade falls happen to cuts on his chest, any human will be ripped open with the great strength under directly...... 火花一下子绚丽的溅了起来,这双刀落下正好砍在他的胸膛上,任何一个人类在和巨力下都会被直接撕开…… Cuts in does not rip open the resounding of muscle Mo Fan long blade sends out, on the contrary is grating of metal friction! 只是,砍在莫凡身上的长刀发出的不是撕开肌肉的脆响,反倒是金属摩擦的刺耳! Mo Fan was cut down by this pair of blade in the blade axe corpse the under foot, the blade axe corpse will discover this fellow has not died unexpectedly, lifted the iron hammer big foot angrily, steps on directly toward the Mo Fan´s abdomen. 莫凡被这双刀砍倒在刀斧尸将的脚下,刀斧尸将发现这家伙竟然没有死,恼怒的抬起了铁锤大脚,直接往莫凡的腹部踩去。 Mo Fan actually body already corona, but drew Shadow System star atlas in this extremely short time, when the blade axe corpse will step on toward his body, Mo Fan sank to the shadow, rapid moving to blade axe corpse body side position. 莫凡其实身体已经一阵晕乎了,但还是在这极短的时间里描画出了暗影系星图,就在刀斧尸将朝着他身体踩下去的时候,莫凡沉入到了阴影里,迅速的挪动到了刀斧尸将身侧的位置上。 The blade axe corpse will step on spatial, could not judge that which shadow is true Mo Fan, therefore four hands all moved, two blade axes strike off toward the left shadow, another two blade axe sides shadows strike off toward right! 刀斧尸将踩了一个空,又判断不出到底哪个影子才是真正的莫凡,于是四只手全部动了起来,其中两个刀斧往左边的影子砍去,另外两个刀斧往右边的影子砍去! Mo Fan just crawled from the shadow, precisely obtuse blade axe that welcomed. 莫凡刚从影子里爬起来,迎来的正是钝得不行的刀斧。 He who has not come to a stop by blade axe corpse weapon ruthlessly hits, the body flew, drew a very high parabola in the rainwater, even if dropped also to rub the muddy water gully on the ground! 还未站稳的他被刀斧尸将武器狠狠的一撞,身体飞了起来,在雨水中划出了一条很高的抛物线,哪怕跌落在地上都还摩擦出了泥水沟壑! ****!” “****的!” Ate the pain Mo Fan to crawl difficultly, throat one sweet, had the blood to well up. 吃痛的莫凡艰难的爬了起来,喉咙一甜,有鲜血涌了出来。 Lowers the head again looked, Black Snake Armor above presented a together long dent, the Black Snake Armor material quality is soft, the blade axe corpse will not have started out an opening above, but the brute force bangs into the Mo Fan taste, the five main internal organs (entrails) wanted the dislocation! 再低头一看,玄蛇铠甲上面出现了一道道长长的凹痕,玄蛇铠甲材质本身就偏柔软,刀斧尸将没有在上面开出一条裂口,可蛮力还是撞入到莫凡脾胃里,五脏六腑都要错位了! Black silk female Menge looked at Mo Fan, in the eye flashed through a surprise. 黑丝女子梦婀看了一眼莫凡,眼中闪过一丝诧异。 Obviously, azure black snake scale Magic Armor Equipment of this person is on the high-grade, suffers the blade axe corpse not to see the damage such attack unexpectedly!! 很显然,此人身上的青黑色蛇鳞铠魔具是上上品,遭受到刀斧尸将这样的攻击竟然也不见损坏!! [Dimension Summoning]!” 次元召唤!” In front of black silk female Menge presented the together lunar white space fissure. 黑丝女子梦婀面前出现了一道月白色的空间裂痕。
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