ADM :: Volume #6

#556: The heavy rain fights the corpse

„It is not good, a group of zombie strongly are coming toward here, they will obey this corpse probably the verbal command!” Accompanied the flatter strength to shout one loudly. “不好,有一大群的腐尸正在朝我们这里集中过来,它们好像是听从这只尸将的号令!”随从阿力高声喊了一句。 Do not fluster, Assing, the flatter strength, you cope with zombie that those wells up.” Black silk female Menge said. “别慌,阿辛、阿力,你们对付那些涌过来的腐尸。”黑丝女子梦婀说道。 Her hair had been moistened by the rainwater, the black veil must fall probably from the fine cheeks. 她的头发已经被雨水打湿了,就连黑色的面纱都好像要从精美的脸颊上滑落下来。 This thinks that she hoodwinks the face then to be doomed is not impossible to see her appearance, but she has not covered up at this moment, implicates the veil conveniently after the ground, a white jade perfect face then exposed...... 本以为她蒙着脸便注定不可能看到她的容颜,但此刻她并没有遮遮掩掩,随手将面纱扯落在地上之后,一张白玉完美的脸庞便展露了出来…… This is not a face of complete westerner, the words that even carefully does not look, have no too big difference from the Eastern female, is the pupil especially bright like the star, long eyelash this will stain moistly, precisely pear flower belt/bring rain, pretty! 这并非是一张完全西方人的面孔,甚至不仔细看的话,和东方女子并没有什么太大的差别,可是眸子格外的明亮如星,长长的睫毛这会更沾满湿润,正是梨花带雨,楚楚动人! Mo Fan has wanted to look at her appearance, this can be takes in everything at a glance, but forms the bright inverse proportion with this female at this moment the ugly corpse in the front, his natural(ly) has no time to make many appreciation...... 莫凡早就想看她模样了,这会算是一览无遗,但此刻有一个和这女子形成鲜明反比的丑陋尸将就在面前,他自然无暇做过多的欣赏…… Menge saw the Mo Fan strength actually, she told after two subordinates cope with undead that wells up, oneself rapid falling gently to Mo Fan and Liu Ru side, sound forceful say/way: We cope with it jointly!” 梦婀倒是看出了莫凡实力,她吩咐两个手下去对付涌过来的亡灵后,自己则迅速的飘落到莫凡柳茹的身边,声音铿锵有力的道:“我们联手对付它!” Runs, you run actually, the big corpse us is not its opponent!” Shorty also calculates that has the a little bit conscience, without immediately turns the head to run. “跑啊,你们倒是快跑啊,大尸将我们绝不是它对手!”矮男还算有一点点良知,没有立刻转头就跑。 Shorty stayed so many years in Ancient Capital, his very clear corpse terrifying. 矮男古都呆了这么多年,他很清楚尸将是有多恐怖。 Most undead are Servant Level, but zombie quantity, once are many, one team of Middle-Order Mage must be annihilated. 绝大多数亡灵都是奴仆级,但腐尸的数量一旦多起来,一队中阶法师也要全军覆没。 But alarmed the corpse, that is a narrow escape, the corpse undead within one kilometer this surrounding area will summon completely, even if you killed several hundred undead, was impossible to resist over a thousand undead the same as gather like the tide. 而惊扰了尸将,那更是九死一生,尸将会将这方圆一公里之内的亡灵全部呼唤过来,哪怕你杀得了数百只亡灵,也绝不可能抵挡得了上千只亡灵如潮水一样聚集过来。 The corpse is the Middle-Order Mage nightmare, not to mention was that had nourished the big corpses of dozens years in the place of undead! 尸将已经是中阶法师的噩梦了,更不用说是那种自身已经在亡灵之地滋养了好几十个年份的大尸将! Big corpse that generally only then High-Order Mage dealt with, a Middle-Order team excellent also died again surely not entire corpse! 大尸将那一般只有高阶法师才应付得了,一个中阶队伍再精良也必定死无全尸! Here all was undead, the heavy rain broke our direction, ran also cannot choose the exact way because of flurry, will only be disintegrated one by one. The day was about to shine, we insisted that the dawn......” Mo Fan said. “这里全是亡灵,大雨断了我们的方向,跑也是慌不择路,只会被逐个瓦解。天快亮了,我们坚持到天亮……”莫凡说道。 Menge and Mo Fan are an idea, in this situation runs is nothing significance, this big corpse did not say the build strong, the speed is especially quickly. So long as it roared, condensed to besiege and pursue to block off surroundings undead, surely inescapable. 梦婀莫凡是一个想法,这种情况下跑是没有任何意义的,这大尸将体型硕壮不说,速度还特别快。它只要一咆哮,将周围亡灵凝聚过来围追堵截,就必定无法逃脱。 Rides other undead not to have the capacity for alcohol to well up, solves this big corpse general's talent as soon as possible is the best plan! 乘着其他亡灵还没有海量涌来,尽快解决掉这只大尸将才是上策! Liu Ru, you lead away that direction undead.” Mo Fan looks at big sewages that in a curtain of rain splashed, immediately says to Liu Ru. 柳茹,你去引开那个方向的亡灵。”莫凡看了一眼雨幕中溅起的一大片污水,立刻对柳茹说道。 Liu Ru nods, the body vanished at the extremely quick speed in the boundless heavy rain. 柳茹点了点头,身体以极快的速度消失在了茫茫的大雨之中。 „Did she deal with?” The strong male noticed that a Liu Ru such woman one person alone charges into the undead pile unexpectedly, unavoidably some said with amazement. “她应付得了吗?”壮男看到柳茹那样一个弱女子竟然孤身冲向亡灵堆,不免有些骇然道。 Relax, she does not have you to imagine the delicacy.” Mo Fan said. “放心,她没你想象中的柔弱。”莫凡说道。 The Liu Ru present strength should be initially stronger than that only vampire Nie Dong, must know initially she just incarnation Blood Clan time has erupted Nie Dong to the heavily damaged astonishing battle efficiency, now after she gradually is used to the Blood Clan ability, those small undead is not her opponent! 柳茹现在的实力应该比当初那只吸血鬼聂东还要强,要知道当初她刚化身血族的时候就已经爆发出将聂东给重创的惊人战斗力,现在她逐渐习惯了血族的能力之后,那些亡灵根本就不是她的对手! Even if she is overwhelmed by sheer numbers, so long as she receives the aura, those undead will not attack her, the air/Qi that strictly speaking, she exhales is not the vitality/angry. 即便是她寡不敌众,她只要将气息一收,那些亡灵也不会去攻击她,严格来说,她呼出的气也不是生气。 Accompanies me, accompanies me!!” “都来陪我吧,都来陪我吧!!” The blade axe corpse on that ugly face will twist, the language of malicious the mouth puts out made person absolutely terrified. 刀斧尸将上那张鬼脸扭曲了起来,嘴里吐出的恶毒之语令人一阵毛骨悚然。 The cold rain sudden and violent fall, the big corpse will brandish that obtuse axe to rely on the brute force stamped toward Mo Fan and black silk female Menge crazily, this fellow is not relying on the blade axe is sharp is killing people, is pounding using the weight of blade axe completely!! 寒雨暴落,大尸将挥舞起那钝斧凭借着蛮力就朝着莫凡和黑丝女子梦婀狂跺了下来,这家伙根本就不是凭借着刀斧的锋利在杀人,完全是利用刀斧的重量在砸!! [Shadow Escape]!” 遁影!” [Shadow Escape]!” 遁影!” Mo Fan recited the darkness incantation, the body in the night heavy rain sank underground, rapid flutters the line more than 20 meters away. 莫凡念出黑暗咒语,身体在黑夜大雨中沉入到了地下,迅速的飘行出了二十多米远。 But similarly, black silk female Menge is also controlling Shadow System Magic, [Shadow Escape] that she displays is the third level, the speed slightly was slow Mo Fan some, and does not have two genuine and fake shadows. 而同样的,黑丝女子梦婀也掌控着暗影系魔法,她所施展的遁影是第三级的,速度稍慢了莫凡一些,并且也没有两个真假影子。 Meanwhile will spread out certain with the blade axe corpse, Mo Fan looked at dark eyes silk female Menge, in the dim heavy rain only sees dimly her certainly colorful, said: You look for the opportunity to control it with the shadow nail, I first attract its attention.” 同时与刀斧尸将拉开了一定距离,莫凡看了一眼黑丝女子梦婀,朦胧大雨中只看到她朦胧的绝艳,道:“你寻找机会用暗影钉控制住它,我先吸引它注意力。” Black silk female Menge nods, body once again strange disappearance of beautiful graceful in same place. 黑丝女子梦婀点了点头,美丽婀娜的身子又一次诡异的消失在了原地。 [Thunder Seal]!” 雷印!” Mo Fan completes Thunder System Basic Magic instantaneously, Level Four [Thunder Seal] made its whole body Twisting the countless electric eel, the rainwater have some effects of transmission, therefore the electric arc was hit by the rainwater flip-flop makes noise! 莫凡瞬间完成雷系初阶魔法,第四级雷印令它周身缠绕着数之不尽的电鳗,雨水也拥有一些传递的效果,于是电弧被雨水打得劈啪作响! Is controlling all thunder and lightning marks, Mo Fan in the blade axe corpse the area manufacture that proceeds to take a step a piece of densely packed [Thunder Seal] electric field, the purple black electric arc supplements the weak space to shake, helping the those electric arc transmit toward a farther place. 操控着所有的雷电印记,莫凡在刀斧尸将往前迈步的区域制造出了一片密密麻麻雷印电场,紫黑色的电弧附带着微弱的空间震荡,帮助那些电弧往更远的地方传递出去。 The blade axe corpse just about to pursues, a foot stepped on the [Thunder Seal] electric field, its whole body was the bloody water, this let a [Thunder Seal] better transmission in its body. 刀斧尸将刚要追来,一脚就踩在了雷印电场之中,它浑身都是血水,这让雷印更好的传递到它身体中。 The corpse it skeleton and muscle are die, in addition this blade axe corpse hard-skinned thick flesh, the effect paralysis cannot play makes it lose the effect of action, can only slow down its body reluctantly before , to/clashes. 只是,尸物本身骨骼、肌肉都是死的,再加上这刀斧尸将皮糙肉厚,麻痹效果并不能起到让它丧失行动的效果,只能够勉强减缓它身躯的前冲。 The big corpse will be arbitrary, even Level Four Basic Magic is still very difficult to play the result, after it receives the electric shock, then crazy to/clashes toward Mo Fan here, the giant blade axe runs while brandishes, simply is a meat delivery machine! 大尸将蛮横至极,即便是四级初阶魔法也很难起到成效,它受到电击后,便疯狂的朝着莫凡这里冲来,巨大的刀斧一边奔跑一边挥舞,简直就是一个肉型交割机! Blood Beast Boots!” 血兽靴!” Mo Fan has nothing to retain, directly used own Magic Boots Equipment. 莫凡没有任何保留,直接使用了自己的履魔具 The both feet strength erupts, Mo Fan leaps lifelong, jumped out of more than ten meters in the side direction far, will avoid the big corpse the tank to dash. 双脚力量爆发,莫凡终身一跃,往侧方向跳出了十米多远,避开了大尸将的这次坦克冲撞。 However, Mo Fan just fell to the ground, that turning round speed extremely quick blade axe corpse will have killed his front unexpectedly, in the hand four blade axes neat stamped! 然而,莫凡刚落地,那回身速度极快的刀斧尸将竟然已经杀到了他的面前,手中四柄刀斧齐刷刷的跺了下来! In the Mo Fan heart startles greatly, this blade axe corpse speed unexpectedly quickly to this degree, but also really such as Shorty said that even one team of Middle-Order Mage did not deal with absolutely. 莫凡心中大骇,这刀斧尸将的速度竟然快到这种程度,还真如矮男说的,即便是一队中阶法师也绝对应付不了。 Mo Fan has ready luckily, he jumps in this direction, because precisely here has piece of darkness to make him hide. 幸好莫凡是有准备的,他往这个方向上跳,正是因为这里有一片黑暗可以让他遁形。 At the same time that the blade axe corpse will brandish, the Mo Fan body submersion changed to one group of shadows...... 就在刀斧尸将挥舞下来的同一时间,莫凡身体下沉化作了一团影子…… Shadow fast dividing into two, a black empty image has fled at night the black cat, suddenly left this place. 影子快速的一分为二,其中一个黑色虚影像是一只夜间窜过的黑猫,眨眼间离开了此地。 The blade axe corpse will see the object rapid traverse, natural(ly) knows that is this human must escape, the blade axe has not fallen then treads again pursues crazily, without pursuing many meters then cut that empty shadow all of a sudden pulpy...... 刀斧尸将看到有物体快速移动,自然知道是这个人类要逃脱,刀斧还没有落下便再一次蹬地狂追,没追出多少米便一下子将那个虚影砍了一个稀烂…… This big corpse the strength should also want the strong several points compared with Terror Monster!” The original darkness place, Mo Fan had a lingering fear appears figure to come, to turn the head to stare at this crazy fierce corpse! “这大尸将的实力应该比怖魔还要强几分!”原来的黑暗处,莫凡心有余悸的显出了身形来,转过头盯着这个狂猛的尸将! Soldier Level creature also divides several levels, wants initially their one team of students to be Middle-Order Mage, finally almost entire dead Golden Forest Araki in that tree strange Terror Monster trap...... 战将级生物也分几个层次,想当初他们一队学生都是中阶法师,结果差点全死金林荒城在那个树怪怖魔的陷阱里…… But big corpse at this moment trapping Terror Monster of murder is higher than the rank, the actual battle efficiency is much stronger, the Hunter Mage also not his opponent of experience old say/way! 而此刻的这只大尸将级别比设陷阱杀人的怖魔还高一些,实际战斗力强得骇人,经验老道的猎法师也绝不是其对手啊! --- --- ( Operated backstage to renew, seemingly will present BUG, was renews chapter unable to see, a blank ~ ~ ~ ~ does not know that this chapter can show normally, was good to seize anxiously, if can see that voted ~ ~ ~ ~) (操作后台更新了,貌似会出现一个BUG,就是更新章节看不到,一片空白~~~~不知道这章能不能正常显示,好捉急,若是能看到,那就投个票吧~~~~)
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