ADM :: Volume #6

#555: Big corpse!

Creak creak ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ “咯吱咯吱咯吱~~~~~~~~~~~” The skeleton was ground directly, the sent out sound is to hear the person whole body goosebumps. 骨骼直接被碾碎,发出的声音更是听得人浑身鸡皮疙瘩。 However several seconds, this only zombie changed to a frozen soft meat, although had not died thoroughly, but it cannot move. 不过几秒钟,这只腐尸就化作了一具被冰冻的软肉了,虽然还没有彻底死亡,但它根本动弹不得。 „The flatter strength, do not waste Mana.” The black silk female saw the beard to accompany to cope with zombie to use Middle-Order Magic, therefore urged one. “阿力,别浪费魔能。”黑丝女子见胡须随从对付一只腐尸都动用了中阶魔法,于是叮嘱了一句。 That beard named flatter strength quickly accompanied good a strange ritual, appearance that listened respectfully to the instruction. 那个叫阿力的胡须随从急忙行了一个奇怪的礼,一副聆听教诲的模样。 Words said, walked together was so long, we have not known how to call?” Shorty smiles hehe the inquiry, had unique insight he had seen that this woman status is not simple. “话说,一同走了这么久,我们还不知道怎么称呼?”矮男笑嘿嘿的询问了一句,独具慧眼的他早就看出这个女人身份不简单。 Ye Menge, the leaf of leaf, the dream of dreamland, graceful e, you can call me Menge.” The black silk female when stated own name appears in deadly earnest, probably feared that which link can speak incorrectly to be the same. 叶梦婀,叶子的叶,梦境的梦,婀娜的婀,你们可以叫我梦婀。”黑丝女子在陈述自己名字的时候显得一本正经,好像怕哪个环节会说错一样。 After nearby Mo Fan hears this name, smiled: „Is this China name that you give temporarily?” 一旁的莫凡听到这个名字后不由的笑了起来:“这是你临时取的中国名字吗?” The black silk female had not directly replied, but said: Strangely what does this name have?” 黑丝女子没有正面回答,只是道:“这个名字有什么古怪吗?” graceful e...... Menge, the China person rarely gives the name like this, actually Cuihua will be good. You can also add to your Surnamed this name, for example Eliza Cuihua, shows the knowledge that you China-foreign are skilled.” Mo Fan also in deadly earnest’s said. 婀娜的婀……梦婀,中国人很少这样取名字,其实翠花会好一点。你还能把这个名加到你本姓氏里,比如说伊丽莎娜-翠花,彰显你中外精通的学识。”莫凡一本正经的说道。 Shorty, the strong male and Liu Ru are the China people, hears Mo Fan these words almost not to spout the grey garlic dregs! 矮男、壮男、柳茹都是中国人,听到莫凡这番话差点没喷出灰蒜渣来! Does not lead such pit foreign friends!!! 不带这样坑外国友人的!!! Black silk female if also has nod of its matter, absolute Mo Fan´s suggested to be worth considering very much, but her two accompanied mostly is not the China people, can reach an agreement the China words to calculate well, where will understand the deep meaning in name. 偏偏黑丝女子还若有其事的点了点头,绝对莫凡的建议很值得考虑,而她的两个随从多半也不是中国人,能说好中国话都算不错了,又哪里会明白名字之中的奥义。 Do not listen to him to talk nonsense, Elder sister, your name is actually very of pleasant to hear.” Liu Ru quickly Mo Fan selling out. “你别听他瞎说啦,姐姐,你的名字其实很好听的。”柳茹很快就把莫凡给卖掉了。 The black silk female also smiles, and does not care about Mo Fan with the joke that she plays. 黑丝女子也笑了笑,并不在意莫凡跟她开的这个玩笑。 In, can we also call you like this?” The beard accompanied the flatter strength to ask one. “内个,我们也能这样称呼您吗?”胡须随从阿力问了一句。 The black silk female looked at his one eyes, the flatter strength shrinks the head immediately, does not dare to speak half a word words again. 黑丝女子只是看了他一眼,阿力马上缩起脑袋,不敢再多说半句话了。 ...... …… All the way, what are more is Shorty and Menge two accompanies in make a move copes with undead that those wanders. 一路上,更多的是矮男梦婀的两个随从在出手对付那些游荡的亡灵 Their luck are good, has not stepped on to the place of tomb, to was close to very being safe before dawn, saves many grey garlic. 他们的运气还算不错,没有踩到墓穴之地,一直到了接近凌晨时分都很安全,算是节省下了不少灰蒜。 Also one hour of sky shone probably.” Shorty looked at the watch. “大概还一个小时天就亮了。”矮男看了看手表。 Also thinks that Ancient Capital undead fierce, is not one crowd of stupid corpses that do not have the brain?” The beard accompanied the flatter strength to smile. “还以为古都亡灵有多厉害,不就是一群没脑子的蠢尸吗?”胡须随从阿力笑了起来。 Big brother, do not say like this, the place of undead is very weird, this words really cannot say!” Strong male this time opens the mouth. “大哥,你千万别这样说,亡灵之地很邪门的,这种话真不能说的!”壮男这个时候开口了。 Accompanies the flatter strength to think otherwise, is grinning smiles there. 随从阿力不以为然,咧着嘴在那里笑。 The front is stretch of some mud lands of relaxation, complete black. But the cloud cluster in sky is thick incomparable, pressing lowly is very very low. 前方是一片有些松弛的泥土地,完全的黑色。而天空中的云团更是浓密无比,压得很低很低。 Rips ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!!!!” “撕啦~~~~~!!!!” Suddenly, the together pale lightning cut this stretch of narrow world, immediately sky that depressing black backdrop and continuous land pitch-black was shone, making people feel in an endless flight recorder. 猛然间,一道惨白的闪电划开了这片狭窄的天地,顿时天空那压抑的黑色天幕与连绵大地的乌黑被照耀了出来,让人感觉走在一个无尽的黑匣子里。 The air does not know when became depressed, with unceasingly thunderous explosion sound in cloud layer, the pea-sized rainwater fell one after another, numerous hitting on land, can splash one group of small flying mud! 空气不知道什么时候变得沉闷了起来,随着不断雷鸣在云层上轰响,一滴一滴豆大的雨水落了下来,重重的打在土地上,都能够溅起一团小小的泥花! Paralysis, rains!!” Shorty cursed immediately. “麻痹,下雨了!!”矮男顿时大骂了起来。 The words just fell, the heavy rain drifts , the white lightning has delimited, reflection of the world one rainwater, became a piece of dense hemp continually. 话刚落,大雨漂泊而下,白色的闪电划过,天地一片雨水的反光,连成了一片密麻。 The rainwater was intense, broke soft earth, stepped on is a muddy piece. 雨水激烈,冲开了松软的土,一脚踩上去便是泥泞一片。 The lightning raids again, immediately the front piece blood red is printed in the line of sight of everyone the rainwater flushed. 闪电再袭,顿时前方一片被雨水冲过来的血红印入到了众人的视线里。 The bloody water winds through near the foot, terrified, the curtain of rain makes one unable to see clearly the front crowded, therefore everyone does not know suddenly wants being covered with dust garlic. 血水流过脚边,悚然至极,偏偏雨幕密集的让人看不清前方,于是众人一时间根本不知道要不要吃灰蒜。 Walks quickly, rainwater spitting grey garlic air/Qi washing off!” The strong male reminded the big family fortune at this time. “快走,雨水会将吐出来的灰蒜气给洗去!”壮男在这个时候提醒大家道。 In other words, can't the grey garlic use in the rainy day?” Mo Fan said. “也就是说,灰蒜不能在雨天用?”莫凡说道。 Right!” “对!” Mo Fan has numerous bad languages to feel nauseated at heart, He Yu potential came fiercely, really had no interest here blind BB, must hurry to find a place to take shelter from the rain. 莫凡心里有众多的脏话要吐,奈何雨势来得太猛了,实在无心在这里瞎BB,必须赶紧找一个地方躲雨。 In team doesn't have Water Mage?” Mo Fan asked one. “队伍里就没有一个水系法师吗?”莫凡问了一句。 What a pity, no one replied. 可惜,没有人应答。 Water Mage in the words, everyone exerts a [Water Shield] circulation the words, everyone will not make into this appearance by the rain. 水系法师在的话,每人身上施加一个水御循环的话,大家都不会被雨打成这副模样。 Black silk female Menge two accompany actually in every possible way, they have not brought the umbrella, quickly took off the coat to make the raincoat to Menge actually, shielded her to lead the way, shows and common person different honored. 黑丝女子梦婀的两个随从倒是无微不至,他们并没有带伞,倒是急忙脱去了外衣给梦婀做雨衣,一路掩护着她前行,彰显出与寻常人不同的尊贵。 Damn, here bloody water were getting more and more, perhaps has the big corpse!” Shorty relies on own experience to judge to say. “该死,这里血水越来越多了,恐怕有大尸!”矮男凭借着自己的经验判断道。 „The words that under this heavy rain, will not fight all became the clay figurine.” Mo Fan complained. “不会吧,这大雨下的,战斗起来的话全成泥人了。”莫凡抱怨道。 How I said that the place of this undead is very weird, do not speak blindly!” The strong male puts the blame on the issue is accompanying the flatter strength beforehand words. “我怎么说的,这亡灵之地很邪门,别瞎说话!”壮男则将问题都归咎在随从阿力之前的话语。 everyone stepped on the muddy water vanguard, the speed was speeding up. 众人踩着泥水前行,速度都不由的加快了起来。 This place plain, only if walks toward Qinling Mountains that side, otherwise is impossible the place that found to take shelter from the rain. 这地方一片平原,除非往秦岭那边走,否则根本不可能找到避雨的地方。 Qinling Mountains that side Qinling Mountains monster clan welcome human very much, the wok with cooking oil is perhaps good for your ready, and other human toward in facing set. 秦岭那边秦岭妖族是很欢迎人类的,没准油锅都为你准备好,就等人类往里面钻。 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!!!” “嗷呃~~~~~~~!!!” wo ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!!!” “呃嚄~~~~~~~~~!!!” Suddenly, two sounded makes shouting that person heart pū tōng jumped pass from side. 忽然,两声听起来令人心脏噗咚跳起来的嘶吼从旁边传了出来。 Liu Ru is recent to that sound, she has turned the head to look, the whole body has the shiver to come!! 柳茹离那声音最近,她转过头去看,不由浑身都打起冷颤来!! In the curtain of rain, strong such as cow the shadow of great corpse is getting more and more clear, goal precisely Liu Ru. 雨幕之中,一个硕壮如牛的巨尸之影越来越清晰,目标正是柳茹 This fellow has several arms, on each arm is grasping the rusty stain stained blade axe impressively, the rain wash on this blade axe, washed the blood of those air-drying completely, looks more terrifying, does not know that this blade axe has hacked to death many live people!! 这家伙拥有好几条手臂,每条手臂上赫然握着锈迹斑斑的刀斧,雨水冲刷在这刀斧上,将那些风干的血全部洗了下来,看上去更加恐怖,不知道这刀斧砍死过多少活人!! The body like the cow, the four limbs is strongly fierce, what is terrified is such in a thick extravagant body is having a woman tiny head of unexpectedly, a dirty long hair hung loose, one in the rain wash full is gloomy, the malicious face!! 体壮如牛,四肢狰狞,更悚然的是这样一个粗阔的身躯上竟然长着一个女人细小的脑袋,一头脏兮兮的长发披散了下来,一张在雨水冲刷中满是阴沉、恶毒的脸庞!! Why...... why drops out me!!!” The women opened the mouth, made very ambiguous coarse sound. “为什么……为什么抛下我!!!”女人张开了嘴,发出了非常含糊难听的声音。 This sound had deteriorated, although is the language of human, is actually flooding resentful spirit malicious ghost the meaning of rope life!! 这声音已经变质了,虽然是人类的语言,却充斥着怨灵恶鬼的索命之意!! Damn, your his mother who!!” Mo Fan quickly draws Liu Ru to own side. 我草,你他妈谁啊!!”莫凡急忙将柳茹拉到自己身边。 Looks that this made the person goosebumps fall a blade axe corpse of place, really does not understand on this corpse body grafted many dying thing, otherwise how ugly wicked name to this degree! 看着这个令人鸡皮疙瘩掉了一地的刀斧尸将,真不明白这具尸躯上到底嫁接了多少死物,否则怎么会丑陋恶狰到这种程度! Corpse, big corpse! Ended, ended, we died!!” Shorty panic-stricken is extremely staring at this big corpse, appearance that complete must escape. “尸将,大尸将!完了,完了,我们死定了!!”矮男惊恐万分的盯着这大尸将,完全一副要逃命的样子。
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