ADM :: Volume #6

#554: Disappearance Sunny Goat Village

Xianchi always finds at everywhere some careful gravels, it is said was moistened longer by Death Qi then can also become the undead nutrient. 咸池一带总是随处可见一些细细的沙砾,据说被死气滋润久一些便也能够成为亡灵们的养分。 Walks, Mo Fan also really discovered that many undead are collecting absorbed the white fine sand of moonlight and dead Ze energy, pans for gold just like the rough seas. 一路走来,莫凡还真发现不少亡灵在拾取一些吸纳了月华与死泽能量的白色细沙,宛如大浪淘金。 This crowd of undead have a distance to outside city wall, they are loafing, aimlessly seeks for some to their body useful things, those careful sand bone, discards by the wild dog has bit the wreckage...... 这群亡灵离外城墙有一段距离,它们只是游荡着,漫无目的的寻找着一些能够对它们身体有用的东西,无论是那些细细的沙骨,还是丢弃被野狗咬过的残骸…… Since there is such an exorcising evil spirits good way, that undead has not imagined was so fearful?” In which whole face beard of black silk female accompanies to say. “既然有这样一个辟邪的好办法,那亡灵也没有想象中的那么可怕了?”黑丝女子的其中一位满脸胡须随从说道。 Grey garlic is more difficult than to look the gold, is unable to plant, most of them grow in the place that undead piles in heaps, depends upon the dead flesh to take the nutrient, how only has the danger to occupy the person in village to know to pick, and every year the quantity is very limited, my brothers have half of dangers to occupy rural population bloodlines, has no way to give you to get so far as this type of thing.” Shorty said with a smile. “灰蒜比金子还难找,是无法种植的,它们大多生长在亡灵成堆的地方,依靠着死人肉作为养分,唯有危居村的人知道怎么采摘,并且每年数量都很有限,要不是我这位兄弟有一半危居村人血统,也没法给你们弄到这种东西。”矮男笑着说道。 At this time that was not the strong male also simple and honest smiled, the eye also looked at a black silk female secretly, it is estimated that he was this whole life has not seen such energetic woman. 这个时候那个不是壮男也憨厚的一笑,眼睛还偷偷瞄了一下黑丝女子,估计他也是这辈子没有见过这么带劲的女人。 Front was not Sunny Goat Village, the night was long, we rested to there temporarily.” Shorty points at front under that small hillside to say. “前面不远就是羊阳村了,夜还长,我们到那里暂歇。”矮男指着前面那个小山坡下说道。 Village has the custom, the words that you must go in best observe.” The strong male reminded everyone one. “村子有规矩,你们要进去的话最好遵守。”壮男提醒了大家一句。 everyone nodded said that did not have the issue. 众人点头都说没有问题。 Arrived in the hillside very much smoothly, following the hillside downward, everyone is wanting how has a look at a human the village is come out unscathed in the place of undead to survive, however under the hillside, in the mountain streams, under Qinling Mountains, they see is just one pile abandons the disorderly wood/blockhead pile, where has what village! 很顺利抵达了山坡,顺着山坡往下,大家正想要看看一个人类的村落是如何安然无恙的在亡灵之地中存活的,然而山坡之下,山溪之间,秦岭之下,他们看见的只不过是一堆废弃凌乱的木头堆,哪里有什么村落! Looks again in other direction, black soils, anything do not have besides several bumpy burrows! 再往别的方向望去,一片黑色的泥土,除了几处坑坑洼洼的地穴之外什么都没有! „Do you play us?” The man of that whole face beard brings saying of several points of anger immediately. “你耍我们?”那个满脸胡须的男子立刻带着几分怒气的说道。 I...... I do not know what's the matter.” The Shorty complexion changed, the vision turns to the strong male. “我……我也不知道怎么回事。”矮男脸色都变了,目光转向壮男。 In the strong male eye full is astonished, appearance that cannot believe completely. 壮男眼里满是惊愕,一副完全不敢相信的样子。 He starts to run, crazy runs toward the slope under. 他开始跑,疯狂的往坡下跑去。 The place of that disorderly wood/blockhead including an corner/horn thatched hut unable to see, do not say is the village! 那一片凌乱木头之地连一角茅屋都看不到,更不要说是村落! However the strong male to going crazy to be the same, even if there several undead are also taking a walk, appearance that his does not have scruples. 但是壮男就跟发了疯一样,即便那里还有几只亡灵在走动,他也一副毫不顾忌的样子。 On this map indicated, Sunny Goat Village truly...... Liu Ru lowers the head to examine the surrounding terrain in this position. “这张地图上表明,羊阳村确实是在这个位置……”柳茹低着头查看周围的地形。 Right, the map will not be wrong, I have not deceived you.” Shorty hurriedly said. “对对对,地图是不会错的,我没有骗你们。”矮男急急忙忙说道。 That village??” “那村子呢??” I don't know either.” “我也不知道。” Only if......” “除非……” Then can see from the strong male that scared appearance, there is Sunny Goat Village is truly. 从壮男那副失魂落魄的模样便可以看出,那里确实是羊阳村所在。 But, an entire village vanished impressively. 可是,一整个村落赫然消失了。 If there is a wooden stake fence, has the house ruins, some things scatter, that can also show that the village has existed, is there, only then some scattered woods, remaining is the black soil, anything did not have. 假如有木桩围墙,有房屋废墟,有一些物件散落,那还能够证明村庄存在过,可是那里只有一些零散的木头,剩下的全是黑色的泥土,什么都没有了。 „Does the Is it possible that danger occupy the village unable to evade the undead riot?” Liu Ru had such question. 难不成危居村也没能够躲过亡灵的暴乱?”柳茹发出了这样的疑问。 Perhaps perhaps, the new undead ruler does not give these indigenous inhabitant faces......” “或许吧,没准新的亡灵统治者并不怎么给这些土著居民面子……” Everyone followed the hillside to walk together, discovered that this piece was the place of village had obviously has burnt down the trace, charcoal everywhere, in heaps, the wind blew to fill dirty fog. 大家顺着山坡一同走了下去,发现这片原来是村落的地方有明显焚烧过的痕迹,遍地的木炭,成堆成堆,风一吹就弥漫起了一层肮脏的雾。 Has not seen the corpse, has burnt down sign, does not know that what happened.” The man of that whole face beard said to the black silk woman. “没怎么看见尸体,有烧毁过的迹象,也不知道发生了什么事。”那名满脸胡须的男子对黑丝女人说道。 Even if had anything, we cannot see the corpse.” Mo Fan refers to those undead that periphery loafed. “就算发生了什么,我们也看不见尸体的。”莫凡指了指周围游荡的那些亡灵 If the villagers died, will also turn into undead mostly, here everywhere has burnt the ashes, even if there is a bloodstain unable to see. 村民要是死了,多半也会变成亡灵,这里到处是烧过的灰烬,即便有血迹也根本看不到。 We now what to do?” Black silk female another accompanies to say. “那我们现在怎么办?”黑丝女子另一个随从说道。 Has to go to the next village, if the next village is also this......” black silk female said. “只好去下一个村落了,假如下一个村落也是这样……”黑丝女子说道。 The Shorty hurried nod, he is also this meaning. 矮男急忙点头,他也是这个意思。 Mo Fan and Liu Ru can also say anything, natural(ly) can only agree. 莫凡柳茹又还能说什么,自然只能同意。 Walked, walked, your anything could not find here, they might be moved, leaving was so pessimistic.” Shorty said to his partner strong male. “走了,走了,你在这里什么也找不到,他们有可能是迁徙了,别那么悲观。”矮男对他的伙伴壮男说道。 The strong male is also sane, discovered that did not have the signs of massive dead, then started to give everyone to lead the way, goes to next village Flowery Village. 壮男也还理智,发现没有大量死亡的迹象,便开始给大家引路,前往下一个村落华村 Here leaves Flowery Village to have two days of distances, originally I calculated spent after midnight Sunny Goat Village here, can be more economical the grey garlic...... the present looks like, we grey garlic on the Flowery Village halfway will use up.” A Shorty face earnest said to everyone. “这里离华村有两天的路程,本来我计算是在羊阳村这里度过下半夜,可以节省一些灰蒜……现在看来,我们在华村的半路上灰蒜就会用光了。”矮男一脸认真的对大家说道。 Obviously, the stockout of grey garlic is the most serious concern. 很显然,灰蒜的缺货是最严重的问题。 Shorty proposed that first returns to Ancient Capital, waits for the strong male to get so far as this things from consanguineous there to come again, the strong male said how he must get so far as these grey garlic to several months...... 矮男提出先返回古都,等壮男再从同族那里弄到一些这东西再过来,壮男表示他要弄到这些灰蒜怎么都得几个月…… Rushes directly, returned too to waste the time again, you brought the good road on the line.” The big beard accompanies to say. “直接闯吧,再返回去太浪费时间了,你们带好路就行。”大胡须随从说道。 Mo Fan and Liu Ru are also this meaning, drags again, god knows what happened. 莫凡柳茹也是这个意思,再拖下去,天知道会发生什么事情来。 Do not be rash.” The black silk female opened the mouth at this time, she looked at Shorty, the sound gently beautiful say/way, walks, I discover not all region spread all over undead. Our after midnight temporarily do not use the grey garlic, meeting the undead quantity are too much the situation that but is unable to cope with eats up again.” “别莽撞。”黑丝女子这个时候开口了,她看了一眼矮男,声音柔美的道,“一路走来,我发现并非所有的区域都遍布亡灵。我们这个下半夜暂时不要使用灰蒜,遇到亡灵数量过多而无法对付的情况再吃下。” This means are good.” Shorty quickly nods assent. “这个办法好。”矮男急忙点头同意。 Mo Fan also nods, in the heart sighed the sentence secretly: Saw rarely the chest also has the brain greatly. 莫凡也点了点头,心中暗暗感叹了句:难得见到胸大还有脑的。 ...... …… According to the black silk female said, this after midnight everyone has not used the grey garlic...... 按照黑丝女子所说,这下半夜大家并没有一直使用灰蒜…… After leaving probably Sunny Goat Village was 34 li (0.5 km), everyone then can obviously feel periphery the undead vision becomes not quite friendly. 大概离开了羊阳村有三四里地后,大家便能够明显感觉到周围亡灵的目光变得不太友善。 This undead is loafing at will, 3322, are some servant zombie, besides having a liking to cure a cold the person, and does not have any specially. 这一带亡灵都是在随意游荡,三三两两,都是一些奴仆腐尸,除了看上去寒人之外,并没有什么特殊。 They came.” Shorty made noise to remind everyone one. “它们来了。”矮男出声提醒了众人一句。 Is taking zombie that the rock did a lot of talking as if to smell the human meat to be fragrant, the head creak transferred, the green and glossy pupil locked to its recent black silk female. 一只正在拿岩石磨牙的腐尸似乎嗅到了人类肉香,脑袋咯吱咯吱的转了过来,绿油油的瞳孔锁定了离它最近的黑丝女子。 In black silk female eyes no mood, even did not have in the past female like that to be flustered and dislike to this disgusting thing. 黑丝女子眼睛里没有什么情绪,甚至对这恶心的东西也没有往常女子那般慌张与厌恶。 Accompanying of her whole face beard has left one step toward the side multispan, the under foot has ice color star atlas to present autumn leaf such congealment...... 她那满脸胡须的随从已经往旁边多跨出一步,脚下有冰色的星图在呈现霜叶那样凝结…… [Ice Chains]!” 冰锁!” The beard accompanies the hand to raise, instantly the ice crystal transformed from a thick steel common chains. 胡须随从手一扬起,霎时冰晶幻化从了一条粗大钢铁一般的锁链。 Chains straight flying only tried to attack zombie of black silk female to that shortly will tie hands it bundled. 锁链笔直的飞向了那只试图攻击黑丝女子的腐尸,顷刻间将它五花大绑的捆了起来。 [Bone Grinder]!” 碾骨!” The beard accompanies the hand violent force to grasp, that [Ice Chains] tightens suddenly stubbornly! 胡须随从手猛力一握,那冰锁突然间死死勒紧! ( Today's random impressions cold, the dark deep sleep a day...... this can getting out of bed symbol. The chaotic uncle delivers today's renewal as far as possible, without delivering, in the dream sees.) (今天偶感风寒,昏沉睡了一天……这会才起床码字。乱叔尽量把今天的更新送上,要是没送上,梦里见。)
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