ADM :: Volume #6

#553: Monarch of the millennium

Rumble ~ ~ “咕噜~~” The Adam's apple of Shorty obviously moves. 矮男的喉结明显动了动。 Had stayed so many years in the place of this undead, but each night falls, heart beats fiercely, without in Ancient Capital, flies other city, at nightfall that anxious and will be flustered will appear as before. 已经在这亡灵之地呆了这么多年,可每一次夜幕降临的时候,心脏就不由的剧烈跳动起来,哪怕没有在古都,飞到别的城市,一入夜那份不安和心慌依旧会出现。 Ate the grey garlic quickly!” Shorty urged everyone to say. “快把灰蒜吃了!”矮男叮嘱众人道。 The black silk females and his two accompany not hesitant, grey garlic that will be unpalatable eating. 黑丝女子和他的两个随同都没有犹豫,一口就将难吃的灰蒜给吃下去了。 Liu Ru also ate one, only had Mo Fan still to intertwine there. 柳茹也吃了一个,唯有莫凡仍旧在那里纠结。 „!!!!!!!!!!” “呃啊!!呃啊!!!!!!!!” When the throat is stopping up what dunghill the sound that makes sent from earth all of a sudden, Mo Fan turns around, fierce discovery one full was the head of maggot Traverse searched, the eyeball is drooping, the chin is also drooping...... 喉咙里堵着什么污秽物时发出的声音一下子从土里发了出来,莫凡一转身,猛的发现一颗满是蛆穿梭的脑袋探了出来,眼珠子耷拉着,下巴也耷拉着…… Probably was caught by anything was the same, it only then the head braves, the body also buries in earth, saw the person who Mo Fan on such as noisy famine sees the shining chicken leg, moves toward Mo Fan here! 像是被什么东西卡住了一样,它只有脑袋冒出来,身子还埋在土里,一看到莫凡就如闹饥荒的人看到金灿灿的鸡腿般,不停的往莫凡这里挪! Also wants to injure your Grandpa don't on your thing.” Mo Fan unrestrained/no trace of politeness, a foot kicks toward the head of this undead on. “就你这东西也想伤你莫爷爷。”莫凡毫不客气,一脚就往这亡灵的脑袋上踢去。 This head mostly is also and nape of the neck separation, this flies high the volley shot to make this head draw the together arc in the midair, pounding ruthlessly on an exposed rock, the size stuck everywhere is. 这脑袋多半也是和脖颈分离的,这一脚凌空抽射让这头颅在半空中划过一道弧线,狠狠的砸在了一块裸露岩石上,浆液糊得到处都是。 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!!!!” “呃嗷~~~~~~~~~~~~~呃嗷~~~~~~~!!!!” Whooshes the sound all of a sudden continuously, spread all over in not periphery. 嘶吼声一下子此起彼伏,遍布在了莫周围。 Suddenly, big soils split, exposed to have an enormous tomb in a Mo Fan less than ten meters place. 突然间,一大片泥土裂开,就在莫凡十米不到的地方裸露出了一个极大的墓穴。 The tomb should have some years, the stone brick corrupts looks awful. Inside is lying this way and that is lying down twenty -and-a-half corpse half skeletons, they hear that shouts that probably tumbles the head to exude, unexpectedly all of a sudden vision fishy smell red crawls from the tomb!! 墓穴应该有一些岁月了,石砖都腐烂得不成样。里面横七竖八得躺着二十几具半尸半骷髅,它们像是听见那个滚落头颅发出的呼唤声,竟然一下子目光腥红的从墓穴里爬出来!! These skeleton skeletons become dark, was killed by poison by the collective mostly, looked some tools that again their whole body scatters, perhaps was some being buried along with the dead person of feudal official, original(ly) Mo Fan thinks in the ancient times twenty were many, who knew under that tomb also the grave hole, in the grave hole continuous had the skeleton to drill, blood-stained, fierce incomparable! 这些骷髅骨骼发黑,多半是被集体毒死的,再看它们周身散落的一些工具,恐怕是某个古代将臣的陪葬人,原本莫凡以为二十几只就很多了,谁知那个墓穴下还有一个墓洞,墓洞里源源不断的有骷髅钻出,一个个血迹斑斑,狰狞无比! The Mo Fan fist scratches toward the air, immediately had the roaring flame to tumble...... 莫凡拳头往空气上一擦而过,顿时就有烈焰翻滚了起来…… Since the skeleton is in the tomb drills, that one fist gave the bang the tomb! 既然骷髅都是墓穴里钻出来的,那就一拳把墓穴给轰了! Mo Fan, you look at the surroundings.” Liu Ru hurriedly reminded him. 莫凡,你看周围。”柳茹急急忙忙提醒他。 Mo Fan has turned head, discovery this stone tomb also 78, distribute on this surrounding area less than several hundred kilometers small soil ground impressively unexpectedly...... 莫凡扭过头,赫然发现这种石头墓穴竟然还有七八个,就分布在这方圆不到几百公里的小泥土地上…… Skeleton in groups same assembles with the soldier in groups, their vision same locked here only gasping for breath Mo Fan like the stars, the terrifying of that magnificent type made the Mo Fan whole person stiffen. 成群成群的骷髅跟士兵一样集结,它们目光如繁星一样锁定了这里唯一一个喘气的莫凡,那壮观式的恐怖让莫凡整个人都僵住了。 Actually this thing chews carefully well.” Mo Fan takes up the grey garlic fierce gnaws, the expression on face must ugly ugly. “其实这东西仔细嚼起来还是不错的。”莫凡拿起灰蒜猛的一啃,脸上的表情要多难看就有多难看。 Shorty disdains smiles, the vision swept around one this in groups in groups the skeleton, says: We hurry to leave here. This should be some Qing minister the place of tomb, being buried along with the dead person and artisan number so many, enduring...... these skeletons was but actually better than the king burying ostentation, really must hit us to deal with but actually, feared that in the tomb has the those senior minister before death is extremely strong Mage, after dying, changes to undead the feudal official, that awfully.” 矮男不屑的一笑,目光扫了一眼周围这成群成群了的骷髅,开口说道:“我们还是赶紧离开这里吧。这应该是某个清朝大臣的墓穴之地,陪葬人和工匠数量这么多,堪比君王下葬排场了……这些骷髅倒还好,真要打起来我们倒能应付,就怕墓穴里有那些老大臣生前就是极强的法师,死后化作亡灵将臣,那就要命了。” You spoke to leave my distant point.” Mo Fan supplemented one. “你说话离我远点。”莫凡补充了一句。 The grey garlic effect gets quick results, the aura that spits undead thought sometimes you have not rinsed mouth, cleanliness/mysophobia will give you giving way to traffic path. 灰蒜效果立竿见影,吐出来的气息连亡灵有的时候都觉得你没漱口,洁癖的都会给你避让道路。 Traverse in this undead pile in groups, that black silk female opened the mouth in groups rarely, the sound was wonderful from in the air to flutter like a clear spiritual sound melody, if in the words had a mood again well, perhaps but also precisely this unearthly check was popular on the contrary itchy like the hemp. 穿梭在这成群成群的亡灵堆里,那位黑丝女子难得开口了,声音美妙得就像一个清灵歌声旋律从空中飘下来,倘若话语中再带一点情绪就在好不过了,但也或许正是这份不食人间烟火反倒勾得人心痒如麻。 Here always so?” The black silk female asked. “这里总是如此吗?”黑丝女子问道。 Shorty such a was asked that feels extremely flattered simply, quickly replied: Before not, since Desolate Sand River riot, here Death Qi is also strong, industry in said that the new undead era must come. The words that perhaps, this Undead Kingdom imperator exchanges ownerships, may have this situation.” 矮男被这么一问,简直受宠若惊,急忙回答道:“以前不是的,自从沙惘河暴乱后,这里也死气浓烈,业内都说新的亡灵纪元要来了。或许吧,这个亡灵国度的最高统治者易主的话,是有可能出现这种情况。” Imperator?” The black silk female had a question immediately. “最高统治者?”黑丝女子又马上发出了一声疑问。 No one has seen, but who knows that it has...... everyone to call it the perishing emperor it, it is said after was Sovereign of Tang Dynasty dies .” Shorty immediately started to show off own culture. “没有人见过,但谁都知道它存在……大家将它称之为亡帝,据说是唐朝的君主死后所化。”矮男马上开始卖弄自己的文化了。 How many years was your Tang Dynasty?” The black silk female continues to ask. “你们唐朝距今多少年?”黑丝女子继续问道。 We?” Shorty gawked. “我们?”矮男愣了一下。 The Mo Fan also vision flashes, caught an information from the words of female, that was this female is not a home boy, no wonder Chinese said that had the level and oblique tones unharmonious feeling! 莫凡也目光一闪,从女子的话语中捕捉到了一个信息,那就是此女不是本国人,难怪中文说起来有种平仄不和谐的感觉! „More than 1000 years.” Shorty has no way to say the specific year. “一千多年吧。”矮男没法说出具体年份。 Monarch of the millennium......” black silk female muttered, has not asked again. “千年之君……”黑丝女子喃喃自语,却没有再发问下去了。 The females had not asked, Shorty actually looks like the scholar to be able, then said: Yeah, undead this thing spoke the year, the year was more remote, the strength was more terrifying, nourishing of millennium Death Qi god knows will be born the monster that anything shocked everybody.” 女子没有问,矮男却像秀才能,接着说道:“可不是嘛,亡灵这东西讲年份的,年份越久远,实力越恐怖,千年死气的滋养天知道会诞生出什么惊世骇俗的怪物来。” This world history is to tally, read poetry book Mo Fan to recall full quickly, capital city of Tang Dynasty also in Xi'an, if here nourished undead creature, after that ancient those king dies, really might transform undead...... 这个世界历史是吻合的,饱读诗书的莫凡很快就回忆起,唐朝的都城也就是在西安,倘若这里滋养亡灵生物,那古代的那些君王死后也确实有可能幻化成亡灵…… These ancient kings also were really, died so many years, unexpectedly also ruler underground world and curtain of night world!” Mo Fan scolded one. “这些古代君王也真是的,死了那么多年了,竟然还统治者地下世界与夜幕世界!”莫凡骂了一声。 „The tomb of king mostly is the valuable land with a good geomantic omen, absorbing the air/Qi of the world changes to magic beast ghost that is also normal finally. Everyone said that the Undead Kingdom ruler exchanged ownerships, this saying also teases, seems them who said to know that the beforehand Undead Kingdom ruler is the same, has exchanged ownerships, undead does not know, our live people knew on the contrary.” Shorty said. “君王的墓穴多半是风水宝地,吸纳天地之气最终化作妖魔鬼怪那也正常。大家都说亡灵国度的统治者易主了,这话也是逗,说的好像他们知道之前的亡灵国度统治者一样,易没易主,亡灵不知道,我们活人反倒知道了。”矮男说道。 „Has no one really seen that undead ruler?” Liu Ru weak asked one. “真的谁也没见过那个亡灵统治者吗?”柳茹弱弱的问了一句。 Shorty is shaking the head, the stance without lain said: Strongest Mage has not seen certainly, before actually some said that is the Holy Inquisition Tribunal foreigner seeks the answer, is the Mage expert second to none, finally does not have one to live. Heard that they also changed undead finally...... these foreigners, performed puts to trouble to us!” 矮男摇着头,没有撒谎的姿态说道:“最强的法师也绝没有见过,以前倒是有一些自称是圣裁院的外国人来寻求答案,都是首屈一指的法师高手,结果没一个活着回来。听说他们最后还变亡灵了……这些外国佬,尽给我们添麻烦啊!” After Shorty spoke these words, realized suddenly the black silk female is not its aborigine, smiles hehe say/way: I am not saying you.” 矮男说完这番话后突然间意识到黑丝女子也不是本国土人,笑嘿嘿的道:“我不是在说你。” Doesn't matter, I am glad to hear the Holy Inquisition Tribunal person to do the foolish matter very much.” In the black silk female bright pupil flashes through a happy expression. “没关系,我很乐意听到圣裁院的人干蠢事。”黑丝女子明亮眸子中闪过一丝笑意。 Holy Inquisition Tribunal? 圣裁院 Mo Fan seemingly has heard 12, that side European Magic organization, is similar to a China Tribunal kind of arbitration institution probably. 莫凡貌似有听闻过一二,欧洲那边的魔法组织,好像是类似于中国审判会一类的仲裁机构。 Tribunal is carries out, issues a warrant for arrest and executes those to have stain evil Mage, Holy Inquisition Tribunal it is said their objectives probably with Ultraman same are- safeguards the Earth peace. 审判会是执行、通缉、处决那些有污迹的邪恶法师,圣裁院据说他们的宗旨好像和奥特曼一样是-维护地球和平。 If participates in the struggle of World School, can do with these overseas Magic organizations mostly.” Mo Fan thought aloud. “要是参加世界学府之争,多半会和这些国外魔法组织打交道吧。”莫凡自言自语了一句。
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