ADM :: Volume #6

#552: Black silk female

Besides the e graceful female of wears Heisi veil, pair of brothers, from beginning to end follow in the side of black silk veil female, said is the companion, seemingly within is more like accompanies. 除了戴黑丝面纱的婀曼女子之外,还有一对兄弟,始终都跟在黑丝面纱女子的身旁,说是同伴,看上去更像是随从之内的。 Is counted Shorty and Shorty companion greatly strong male, this line of seven people, five male and two female. 算上矮男矮男的同伴大壮男,这一行共七人,五男两女。 In the morning early morning wind blows, filled the air is the strange flavor, but does not know why the sunlight roasts toward the land, then what smell did not have, last night imposing with has not happened is the same. 清晨一早风吹来,弥漫的全是古怪的味道,但不知道为何阳光往大地上一烤,便什么气味都没有了,昨夜的轰轰烈烈跟没发生过一样。 During the daytime outside south gate has opened, the words of everyone journey registered one to be OK...... 白天外南门已经开放,众人出行的话登记一番就可以了…… Left outside city wall, following the direction of Shorty, seven people started to walk toward Sunny Goat Village. 离开了外城墙,顺着矮男的指引,七人开始往羊阳村走去了。 South to Qinling Mountains, the flight drives, does not give Qinling Mountains the monster clan face, the words that therefore walks toward the south, basically a no automobile kind, depends entirely on the walk. 南面是面向秦岭的,无论是飞行还是开车,都是不给秦岭妖族面子,所以往南面这边走的话,基本上没有什么汽车一类的,全靠步行。 ...... …… Mo Fan walks, actually dresses up the somewhat unusual female to be very curious to that. 莫凡一路走来,其实对那位装扮有些另类的女子感到很好奇。 The females are actually strange, in fact her appearance is shocking, in cold season she wear was still embroidering the silk robe of color bird, soft bright red shawl magnificent and expensive lets fall, walks then swings, wonderful graceful snake waist and perfectly round **** the curve also has covering up of rhythm under the shawl that this lets fall and presents. 女子倒不是怪异,事实上她的一身打扮非常惊艳,大冷天里她仍旧穿着绣着彩雀的绸袍,柔软嫣红的披肩华贵的垂落下来,走起路来便一荡一荡的,妙曼蛇腰与滚圆****的曲线也在这垂落的披肩下有节奏的遮掩与呈现。 Mo Fan walks behind others, the eye is very difficult to be supported not fold torso from that by the silk robe | On the body moves out of the way, from waist to beautiful } buttocks again to cultivating leg,...... probably no is not flooding the seduction from the long leg to the fair fine jade foot, no does not bewitch! 莫凡是走在人家后面的,眼睛很难从那被绸袍撑得没有一点褶皱的胴|体上挪开,从腰到美}臀再到修腿,又从长腿到白皙精致玉足……好像没有一处不充斥着诱惑,没有一处不勾魂! Mo Fan is the person who sees the big world, beautiful woman anything looks to no longer a few, in any event the side also follows, but this black silk restoring the old female that shocking seduction actually lengthens with the time of peer becomes more intense. 莫凡怎么也是见大世面的人,美女什么的看得不再少数,无论如何身边还跟着一个,可这黑丝复古女子那份惊艳诱惑却随着同行的时间加长而变得更强烈。 Hey, Shorty, where were you woman of finding?” Mo Fan cannot resist the curiosity eventually, inquired the black heart guide. “喂,矮男,你是哪找到的这女人?”莫凡终究抵不住好奇心,询问起黑心向导。 She said that must come to here, paying money is also more refreshed than you, I took her.” Shorty very direct saying, the time vision of speech looked at a dark eyes silk female specially secretly, in small eye Riima has the obscenity | The glow of desire, and reveals evil saying with a smile that men understood to Mo Fan, how, were you also bewitched?” “她说要到这里来,付钱也比你爽快,我就带上她了。”矮男很直接的说道,说着话的时候目光特意偷偷瞄了一眼黑丝女子,小眼睛里马上就有淫|欲之芒,并且向莫凡露出了一个男人都懂的邪笑道,“怎么,你也被勾魂了?” I spoke thoughtlessly to ask. Felt this female is not simple.” Mo Fan said. “我就随口问问。感觉这女的不简单。”莫凡说道。 Where can be simple, everyone called me Shorty, but my anything the beautiful woman was only many more graceful than compared with those, anything was longer much the woman, the stature stick and technology good has not seen has tasted, but this woman......, I what no matter she were long, can that anything one time, later not bump women line.” Shorty face dreadful saying. Revealing that tone, that does not cover up, clarified treated as a kind of person Mo Fan. “哪能简单啊,大家都叫我矮男,可我那啥过的美女只比那些帅比多,什么长得好看的女人、身材棒、技术好的没见过尝过,可这女人……啧啧,我就不管她到底长啥样了,能那啥一次,以后不碰别的女人都行。”矮男一脸猥琐的说道。那语气,那毫不遮掩的吐露,摆明了是把莫凡当做一类人了。 „Can't you ideological health?” Saying of Mo Fan righteousness expression. “你这人就不能思想健康点?”莫凡义正言辞的说道。 I am unhealthy, whose his mother always does walk behind others buttocks?” “我不健康,谁他妈老走在别人屁股后面?” How long does volume...... also arrive at Sunny Goat Village?” Asking that Mo Fan is without turning a hair. “额……还有多久到羊阳村啊?”莫凡面不改色的问道。 Shorty must think of the proper person to Mo Fan this same lower reaches obviously is also speechless, shakes the head saying: You must be worried when does not arrive at Sunny Goat Village, but when darkness.” 矮男莫凡这种明明一样下流非要装正经的人也是无语,摇了摇头道:“你要担心的不是什么时候到羊阳村,而是什么时候天黑。” Saying, Shorty with pointing at referred to the front tumbling under Sun to horizon slowly. 说着,矮男用手指了指前方正在慢慢滚落到地平线下的太阳 This **** the day, can this set??” Mo Fan scolded one, the time also passed is too rather quick...... “这****的日,这就要落山了??”莫凡骂了一句,时间过得未免也太快了…… „The present is in the winter, the night long day is short, is the culture a little good.” Shorty said. “现在是冬季,夜长昼短,有点文化行不行。”矮男说道。 You have not told me this woman origin.” “你还没告诉我这女人来历。” Ability you asked!” “能耐你自己问啊!” ...... …… Mo Fan is rebuffed, has to return to the original position. 莫凡碰了一鼻子灰,只好回到自己原来的位置上。 At this time Liu Ru actually opened the mouth, small low voice said to Mo Fan: „This woman aura is very strange.” 这个时候柳茹却开口了,小小声的对莫凡说道:“这女人身上的气息很奇怪。” „, Right, is the aura.” Mo Fan is suddenly enlighted. “啊,对,就是气息。”莫凡恍然大悟。 Stares at the black silk woman, Mo Fan solely is not thinking that some disorderly mess things, lies in he detects unusual aura...... 一路盯着黑丝女人,莫凡不单单是在想些乱七八糟的东西,更在于他察觉到一丝不寻常的气息…… Should cultivates Black Magic.” Liu Ru said. “应该是修黑魔法的。”柳茹说道。 Repairs what department, is very easy to affect the makings and aura of person, the judgment of Liu Ru not wrong, even if the woman floods the desire of burning down from top to bottom | Looks, but on her is also sending out the darkness characteristics, what Mo Fan cultivates is Shadow System, calculates that slightly understands Black Magic. But Liu Ru has listed as darkness creature, her nose will work than Mo Fan. 修什么系,很容易影响人的气质、气息,柳茹的判断没有错,那女人纵然浑身上下充斥着焚烧起来的欲|望,但同时她身上也散发着黑暗特性,莫凡修的是暗影系,也算略懂黑魔法。而柳茹本身就已经列为黑暗生物了,她的鼻子会比莫凡更灵。 Naturally, cultivates Black Magic not necessarily is the unprincipled person, even cultivates the Curse System person, so long as complies with the Magic Association convention, is the normal cultivation...... 当然,修黑魔法的不一定是坏人,就算是修诅咒系的人,只要遵守魔法协会的公约,都属于正常修炼…… She is very certainly attractive.” Liu Ru then said. “她一定很漂亮。”柳茹接着说道。 „Can your look?” Mo Fan surprise say/way. “你这都能看出来?”莫凡诧异的道。 Un.” Liu Ru is also taking a look at her, brings several points of appreciation and envying. “嗯。”柳茹也在打量着她,带着几分欣赏和羡慕。 Saw the Liu Ru situation, Mo Fan to keep a mind. 看见柳茹的情况,莫凡不由的留了一个心眼。 ...... …… The weather is late gradually, in this night of long day short season, it is estimated that five points raised one's head father-in-law Sun to touch to its wife's dark bed. 天色渐晚,这夜长昼短的时节里,估计五点出头太阳公公就摸到它媳妇黑乎乎的床了。 Mo Fan and Liu Ru good and evil is to see undead, but before the curtain of night arrives at the deathly stillness is very easy to make one be flustered...... 莫凡柳茹好歹是见过亡灵的,可夜幕到来前的这份死寂很容易令人心慌…… The land is so big, how you affirmed oneself have not stepped on a group of undead domain, why this also comes to here to spend that sum of money to invite the guide, oneself come arbitrarily, it is estimated that next year the grave mound grass two meters will be high. 土地这么大,你怎么肯定自己没有踩在一大群亡灵的地盘上呢,这也是为什么来这里一定要花那笔钱请向导,自己擅自过来,估计明年坟头草就两米高了。 Come, this thing eating.” The greatly strong male pulled out the grey from the back package like garlic one thing. “来,把这东西给吃下去。”大壮男从背后的包裹里掏出了灰色如蒜一样的东西。 This person is a strong body is strong, but should be an average person, the body does not have Magic aura, simultaneously lacks the vitality/angry of average man probably. 此人是身强体壮,但应该是个普通人,身上没有一点魔法气息,同时又好像缺乏常人的生气。 Has to eat, said early, I happen to was hungry......” Mo Fan am also originally ripe, looked the greatly strong male sent the special product to eat to everyone, immediately received. “有吃的,早说啊,我正好饿了……”莫凡也是自来熟,一看大壮男发特产给大家吃,马上就接了过来。 This grey thing, is a bit like the sweet potato, is a bit like the large size the garlic, he has not thought so many one clear bit. 这灰色的东西,有点像地瓜,又有点像大号的蒜,他没想那么多就一口清脆的咬了下去。 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!!” “噗~~~~~~~~~~!!” The thing that the next second, Mo Fan will nip directly spurting, the gray trash sprinkled place. 下一秒,莫凡直接将自己咬下的东西给喷了出来,灰色的渣渣洒落了一地。 Damn, what you eat to me is ****!!” Mo Fan cursed angrily. 我草,你给我吃的是****吗!!”莫凡怒骂道。 This is the grey garlic, is used to cover the vitality/angry of live person, will have its undead not to attack us. This thing quantity is limited, you spat one a moment ago, if cannot support tonight, you look at the office.” Shorty answers immediately. “这是灰蒜,用来掩盖活人的生气,有它亡灵就不会攻击我们了。这东西数量有限,你刚才吐了一个,若是撑不过今夜,你自己看着办。”矮男立刻解释道。 „The thing that is unpalatable, the father rather and undead kills happily not to eat.” Mo Fan said. “这么难吃的东西,老子宁愿和亡灵杀个痛快也不吃啊。”莫凡说道。 A these words exit|to speak, that black silk female bright eyes dodge, must actually to the appearance that Mo Fan holds in high esteem. 这句话一出口,那位黑丝女子明眸一闪,倒是一副要对莫凡刮目相看的样子了。 These words you let alone are too full...... breathe out, you listen.” Shorty hints everyone not to make noise. “这句话你别说太满……嘘,你们听。”矮男示意大家别出声。 What listens to?” “听什么?” Underground, in soil......” “地下,泥土里……” Everyone peaceful, really day also in dusky, the under foot combined the soil of white fine sand to have the loose sign...... 大家安静了下来,果然天还在灰蒙蒙的时候,脚下混杂着白色细沙的泥土就出现了松动的迹象…… At first sight, looked like the farmer uncle laborious type of fruits and vegetables to take root to germinate, but on the Shorty face that dignified expression has told everyone, goes will have anything!! 乍一看,就像是农民伯伯辛辛苦苦种的蔬果要生根发芽了,但是矮男脸上那凝重的表情已经告诉大家,接下去会发生什么!!
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