ADM :: Volume #6

#551: Live people and deceased people

Looked for the family/home apartment hotel to stay, the undead cholera caused the Ancient Capital tourism to fall, the hotel thieves were cheap. 找了家公寓酒店住下,亡灵霍乱导致古都旅游业都降了许多,大酒店贼便宜。 Next day, after at nightfall, Mo Fan has not been worrying going off, calling the Liu Ru then outward city wall direction. 第二天才出发,入夜之后莫凡没有着急着睡去,叫上了柳茹便往外城墙的方向去了。 Undead Kingdom is world-famous, when Mo Fan has not seen this land has arrived at the appearance until now , tomorrow will be faces undead to make psychological ready officially. 亡灵国度世界闻名,莫凡迄今为止还没有见过这块大地降临时的样子,也算是明天正式面对亡灵做一个心理准备 Outside city wall is extremely high, the iron bucket encircled the city equally, Mo Fan as hunter to city wall above, walked on this shortly the end city wall say/way, the discovery here guard person of Mo Fan surprise had/left ten times to continue compared with the daytime. 城墙极高,铁桶一样将城市围了起来,莫凡以猎人的身份到了城墙之上,走在这一眼看不到尽头的城墙道上,莫凡诧异的发现这里的守卫人士比白天多出了十倍不止。 The cold wind blows from the distant place, is mixing with the rotten soil aura, calls it the death by the person who those guards the flavor. 冷风从远处吹来,夹杂着腐烂的泥土气息,被那些守卫的人称之为死亡的味道。 Stands tall and erect continuously city wall in this land, probably interrupted from the middle the black land generally, but if overlooks from the upper air, will then discover that in city wall has many people to take a walk back and forth, but beside city wall, similarly also some numerous form aimlessly wanders...... 高耸城墙连绵在这块大地上,像是将黑色的大地给从中间截断了一般,可如果从高空中俯视下去,便会发现城墙之内有许多人在来来回回走动,而城墙之外,同样也有众多身影漫无目的的游荡…… The black velvet cloud is torrential, the low pressure falls, in smooth land that a piece covers gloomily, received nourishing of death rain and dew, ten thousand spirit growth, not well-known creature buried in the deep tomb to crawl one after another from them, is taking a fast look around this world with that green and glossy eye. 黑色的丝绒云滔滔密布,低矮的压落下来,一片阴暗笼罩的平坦土地里,受到死亡雨露的滋养,万灵生长,一个接一个不知名的生物从它们埋藏已深的墓穴中爬出来,用那双绿油油的眼睛扫视着这个世界。 Smelled smelling, transmitted the flavor of living creature from the direction of counter gusty area...... is a troop! 嗅了嗅,从逆风口的方向上传来了活物的味道……还是一大群! Suddenly, loafing undead wriggled from the machinery is taken possession by the malicious ghost all of a sudden was the same, flushed in the direction of Ancient Capital city at the extremely quick speed unexpectedly!! 忽然间,游荡的亡灵从机械蠕动一下子被恶鬼附身了一样,竟然以极快的速度朝着古都城市的方向冲了过来!! The black body , from afar is one group of refugees rushes to the grain, but when their densely packed gathers, changes to the rotten flood same hit to city wall the time, their fierce appearance and hungry both eyes then made innumerable Mage feel scalp tingles!! 黑色的身躯,远远看去就是一群难民奔向粮食,可当它们密密麻麻聚集在一起,化作了腐烂的洪水一样撞向城墙的时候,它们狰狞的面目与饥饿的双眼便令无数法师都感觉到头皮发麻!! „!!!!!!!!!” “啊呃!!!!啊呃!!!!!” Roar!! Roar!!!!!” “吼呜!!吼呜!!!!!” The cry continuously, the separation of one wall, even lived in the people of city by central location can hear this special death to wail. 叫声此起彼伏,一墙之隔,连居住在城市靠中心位置的人都能够听见这特别的死亡哀嚎。 They strongly under standing tall and erect outside city wall, attempt the defense that destroys this to prevent them to look for food with their sharp claw and teeth, even hits with the brute force, hits the flesh and blood flying in all directions it! 它们集中在高耸的外城墙下,用它们锋利的爪子、牙齿试图摧毁这道阻挡它们觅食的防御,甚至还有用蛮力去撞击的,把它自己撞得血肉横飞! My calf is trembling.” Liu Ru stands in the city wall border, somewhat fearful and apprehensive saying. “我腿肚子都在颤了。”柳茹站在城墙的边沿,有些心惊胆颤的说道。 Mo Fan was slanting the eye to look at Liu Ru, teased: strictly speaking are you are undead also good.” 莫凡斜着眼睛看了一眼柳茹,调侃道:“严格来说你也是亡灵好不好。” Liu Ru not happy blows up the small red cheek, I am undead, is satisfactory the undead appearance. 柳茹不高兴的鼓起小红腮,一副我就是亡灵,也是美美哒亡灵的模样。 How to have so many??” The Liu Ru vision looks with boundless city wall. “怎么会有这么多??”柳茹目光随着无垠的城墙望去。 city wall was continuous, may be called the mountain ridge mountain range, but the sentry post tower under city wall can see undead every other in groups...... 城墙连绵冗长,堪称山脊山脉了,而在城墙下每隔个哨塔都能够看见亡灵成群…… Some position undead a large number have even built the human ladder, undead was stepping on undead, desperate must surmount city wall. 有些位置亡灵数量众多的甚至已经架起了人梯,亡灵踩着亡灵,拼命的要翻越城墙 The guardians will certainly not make them pass, quick will have brigade Mage, the roaring flame, Frost, [Thunderbolt] and storm these present the different color Magic then crazy bang to explode randomly, the flesh sprinkling opens, is magnificent is afraid! 守卫者当然不会让它们通过,很快就会有一大队法师,烈焰、冰霜霹雳、风暴这些呈现不同色彩的魔法便狂轰乱炸,大片大片的血肉溅洒开,壮观得不寒而栗! Miscellaneous personnel please leave!” “闲杂人等请离开!” Does not know sound where broadcasts, vigorous can spread all over this entire city wall. 不知道哪里传来的声音,雄浑的能够遍布这一整面城墙 Mo Fan and Liu Ru did not have the opportunity to observe and emulate again this like the war general night, they were caught up to city wall quickly, that moment of but leaving, Mo Fan saw under black velvet Miyun across darkness, a huge xu shadow appeared in the horizon position!! 莫凡柳茹没有机会再观摩这场如同战争一般的夜晚了,他们很快被赶离了城墙,但离开的那一刻,莫凡穿过黑暗看见了黑丝绒的密云之下,一个巨大的魆影出现在地平线位置!! Around this xu shadow is a forming a dense mass big piece, probably the sea water rising tide same vine opens, even if cannot see clearly completely can still be able to imagine there crowded undead. 这个魆影周围是黑压压一大片,像是海水涨潮一样蔓开,即便完全看不清也可以想象得到那里得亡灵有多密集。 But the xu shadow heavy breathing day, the roar changes to the billowing thunder proudly across this stretch of the world, somewhat shook city wall to sway. 而魆影傲然哮天,吼声化作滚滚之雷穿过这片天地,震得城墙都有些摇晃了。 If Ancient Capital is a city, then the xu shadow of distant place is a king, under verbal command, crazy earth everywhere and ten thousand army such as tide...... 古都是一座城池,那么远方的魆影便是一个君王,号令之下,狂土漫天、万军如潮…… Final, Mo Fan is unforgettable all night. 最后的这一幕,莫凡彻夜难忘。 Has thought the war leaves people very much to be remote, actually does not know that this carrying/sustaining endless years the old city actually no longer faces such war always. 一直以为战争离得人们很遥远,却不知这座承载无尽个岁月的古城却无时无刻不再面临这样的战争。 Renouncing between live person and deceased person! 活人与死人之间的决绝! That shocks, for a very long time hard to is tranquil. 那份震撼,久久难以平静。 ...... …… ...... …… The night is very short, regarding those early on people natural(ly) that goes to sleep calmly and steadily is so. 夜很短暂,对于那些早早就安稳入睡的人们自然是如此。 The night is very long, that is outside the city wall campaign is still continuing. 夜无比漫长,那是外城墙战役还在持续。 The Mo Fan sleep is somewhat shallow, endured the dawn eventually. 莫凡睡眠有些浅,终究是熬到了天亮。 Dawn, the land that transmitted from the distant place trembles lightly had vanished, Mo Fan opened the window, what the vision saw like the grid same city, street and alley across densely packed was dim giant Changchun Movie Studio in the pride of the morning, it there, horizontally probably where had presented the gap, probably and last night had no change. 天亮时分,从远方传来的大地轻颤已经消失了,莫凡打开窗,目光穿过密密麻麻如网格一样的城区、街道、小巷看到的是在晨雾中朦胧的巨型长影,它横在那里,好像有什么地方出现了缺口,也好像和昨夜没有什么变化。 The Mo Fan line of sight cannot achieve to see clearly the thing dozens kilometers away, only knows that the fight should end. 莫凡视线做不到看清数十公里外的东西,只知道战斗应该结束了。 Hasn't had a good sleep?” Liu Ru is away from the same balcony to say to Mo Fan. “没睡好?”柳茹隔着一样阳台对莫凡说道。 Is occupied by here, it is estimated that few individuals for a long time can have a good sleep, if we had known did not go to city wall that looked is making undead to break through outside the city wall nightmare all night.” Mo Fan smiled a sound said. “要不是长期住在这里,估计没几个人可以睡好的,早知道就不去城墙那了,看得整夜都在做亡灵冲破外城墙的噩梦。”莫凡笑了一声道。 That are not related, we live in city wall, even outside city wall broke, in isn't city wall the together defense line?” Liu Ru said. “那也没关系,我们住在内城墙里呢,就算外城墙破了,内城墙不也是一道防线吗?”柳茹说道。 Small girl, do not talk nonsense, outside city wall is being persevered by over a thousand Earth Mage, how to be broken. Must be broken, many people must die. The thing can eat randomly, the words cannot say randomly!” An old woman's voice rushes suddenly, originally is downstairs one is pruning the flowers and plants the old inhabitant. “小丫头,别胡说八道,外城墙由上千名土系法师在坚守,怎么可能被破。要被破了,多少人得死。东西可以乱吃,话不能乱讲!”一个老太太的声音突然间闯了进来,原来是楼下一个正在修剪花草的老住户。 This hotel is also interesting, below is the upscale resident apartment, the upper layer is the hotel apartment. 这酒店也有意思,下面是高档居民公寓,上层才是酒店公寓。 Sorry.” Liu Ru spits the tongue, strange embarrassed replied. “对不起。”柳茹吐了吐舌头,怪不好意思的回答道。 youngster always does not make sense, the persevering spirit that the ancestor keeps also forgets, know that hid makes others die...... old woman to start in city lengthy to talk incessantly. 年轻人总是这么不像话,老祖宗留下来的坚守精神也都忘咯,一个个就知道躲在城市里让别人去死……”老太太开始长篇唠叨了起来。 Mo Fan and Liu Ru have not listened, ready one then went to outside the city wall south and Shorty can with. 莫凡柳茹也没多听,准备一下便前往外城墙南面与矮男会和去了。 ...... …… Arrived outside south gate, Mo Fan had not found Shorty in the crowd good long while, takes the cell phone until that fellow Mo Fan called while jumped to stumble, Mo Fan saw his scalp reluctantly. 抵达了外南门,莫凡在人群中好半天都没找到矮男,直到那家伙拿着手机一边跟莫凡打电话一边蹦跶着,莫凡才勉强看到了他的头皮。 He looked at around Shorty, the discovery has several people to gather around him. 他看了一眼矮男周围,发现已经有几个人聚集在他周围了。 Others seem like also same, in only team a female who wears the black silk veil made person some pay attention especially. 其他人看上去也就一般般,唯独队伍里其中一位戴着黑丝面纱的女子令人不免有些格外注意。 Nowadays, everyone goes out wears the mask, which also has to wear the gauze, has saying that the attire of woman has the wind of gallant and chivalrous frame of mind tender feelings. 现如今,大家出门都是戴口罩的,哪还有戴丝纱,不得不说女人的装束颇有侠骨柔情之风。 Also does not know that she wears like this to block from the appearance, but also is only pure not putrid stench that likes outside the city not dissipating. 也不知道她这样戴是为了遮住容颜,还只是单纯的不喜欢城外还没有消散的尸臭。
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