ADM :: Volume #6

#550: Black heart guide

How this saying said, I had a friend to be missing outside......” Mo Fan looked at Shorty, inquired one. “这话怎么说,我有一个朋友失踪在外面……”莫凡看了一眼矮男,询问了一句。 Looked you first time are came Ancient Capital. Do you know here Hunter Mage custom?” In the Shorty eye brought several points of contemptuous, has several points of here many years of superior. “一看你们就是第一次来古都。你知道这里的猎法师的规矩吗?”矮男眼中带起了几分轻蔑,同时也有着几分在这里多年的优越。 I have really not known.” Mo Fan consults modestly. “我还真不知道。”莫凡虚心请教。 Here Hunter Mage is also living, who has not done a few words that the matter that drops out the teammate...... everyone most often spoke are: Do not turn head, waits to gather up dead bodies during the daytime!” Shorty said. “这里的猎法师还活着的,谁没干过抛下队友的事……大家最常说的一句话就是:别回头,等白天来收尸!”矮男说道。 „The people in team, if falls sleepily, shouldn't rescue??” Liu Ru extremely puzzled saying. “队里的人要是陷困,不是应该去救吗??”柳茹万分不解的说道。 Although she is not a hunter, but she also knows, so long as has conscience Hunter Mage to comply with the team convention, cannot betray, cannot abandon! 虽然她不是猎人,可她也知道只要有良知的猎法师都必须遵守团队公约,不能背叛,不能抛弃! Excuse me, here is not suitable.” Shorty smiled. “不好意思,我们这里不适用。”矮男笑了起来。 „Is the gathering up dead bodies alliance that you said a moment ago what meaning?” Liu Ru continues to ask. “那你刚才说的收尸联盟是什么意思?”柳茹继续问道。 Reduces outside, so long as passes the night to die, sent people to rescue was saying of pleasant to hear, was actually gathers up dead bodies, so as to avoid the skeleton degenerated into undead, therefore, saved others you not to count on that can successfully find the wreckage of 1-2 friends, and ensure from living is very extraordinary.” Shorty feels his duke beard with a smile. “沦落在外的,只要过夜必死,派人去救援是说着好听的,其实就是去收尸,免得骸骨沦为亡灵,所以啊,救人你们就别指望了,能成功找到1-2朋友的残骸,并保证自活着回来就很了不起了。”矮男笑着摸着他的公爵胡须。 How can like this?” “怎么会这样?” I do not frighten you, before was this condition, not to mention now......” Shorty narrows the eye, is speaking while horizontally views Liu Ru, happen to can look at the chest of Liu Ru | The section, is not gigantic, is exquisite and strong! “我可不是吓唬你们,以前就是这状况了,更不用说现在……”矮男眯起眼睛,一边说着话一边平视柳茹,正好能瞄着柳茹的胸|部,不硕大,却优美、坚挺! Since you will talk with us, explained that you do have the method?” Mo Fan looks at Shorty, says. “既然你会跟我们搭话,就说明你是有法子的?”莫凡看着矮男,开口说道。 Hehe...... little elder brother, very intelligent.” Shorty smiled, that two cast aside the beard that curls upwards to appear him to be especially self-satisfied. “嘿嘿……小哥,挺聪明的啊。”矮男又笑了起来,那两撇翘起来的胡须显得他格外得意。 That is, that is.” Mo Fan also smiled. “那是,那是。”莫凡也笑了起来。 I know that now the smart person are many, few believe that my jump the boast, you two stroll here again, if some people are willing to go with you, you go freely, do not blame me not to remind you, you give others like this money, others not necessarily go.” The Shorty laughter does the sand, is joining hands behind the back walks. “我知道现在聪明人多,没有几个会相信我这种跳出来说大话的,你们两个就在这里再逛逛,要是有人愿意跟你们去,你们尽管前往,可别怪我没提醒你们,就你们这样给别人钱,别人都未必去。”矮男笑声干沙,背着手就走了。 Mo Fan and Liu Ru really do not believe from the beginning, this Shorty is long cheats out of money to deceive the color quack like. 莫凡柳茹一开始确实是不相信的,这矮男长得就像个骗财骗色的江湖术士。 Two people walked, Magic report/give clear(ly) strength, reveals the memorial arch of high-level hunter, even if disburses money to hire the person, so long as hears Sunny Goat Village, everyone complexion changed, does not go to how much money. 两人走了一圈,无论是魔法禀明自己实力,还是亮出高级猎人的牌坊,哪怕是出钱雇人,只要一听说去羊阳村,每个人脸色都变了,给多少钱都不去。 Afterward Mo Fan knows, nearby Sunny Goat Village that has presented Demonic Abyss, although does not know that Demonic Abyss is anything, but obviously all hunters dreaded Demonic Abyss very much. 后来莫凡才知道,羊阳村那附近出现过煞渊,虽然不知道煞渊是什么东西,但很明显所有猎人都忌惮煞渊 But two people can only retrieve that Shorty, Shorty has expected two people to come back, is looking at one leg on the other, is smoking the cigar, narrows the eye to size up bead circle jade smooth Liu Ru. 无奈之下两人只能够找回那个矮男,矮男早就料到两人会回来,正瞧着二郎腿,抽着雪茄,眯着眼睛打量着珠圆玉润柳茹 What kind of?” Shorty asked one intentionally. “怎么样啊?”矮男故意问了一句。 Just like you said.” The Mo Fan forced smile said. “正如你说的。”莫凡苦笑道。 Then we discussed the price.” Saying that Shorty comes straight to the point. “那么我们谈价格吧。”矮男开门见山的说道。 My friend is important, you open, I do not care about this change.” Mo Fan rubbish. “我朋友要紧,你开吧,我不在乎这点小钱。”莫凡也不废话。 Others are willing to guide, when the guide, that certainly is the charge, Mo Fan has this psychological ready. 别人肯带路,当向导,那一定是收费的,莫凡有这个心理准备 Shorty stretched out a finger. 矮男伸出了一根指头。 1 million, finalized.” Mo Fan complies refreshedly. “一百万,成交。”莫凡爽快答应。 You, when I begged for food, 10 million!” Shorty sat all of a sudden. “你当我要饭啊,一千万!”矮男一下子坐了起来。 Mo Fan gawked, immediately looked at Liu Ru, the say/way of being without turning a hair: We are go.” 莫凡愣了一下,随即看了一眼柳茹,面不改色的道:“咱们还是自己去吧。” Nearby Liu Ru somewhat was speechless, does not know that is which fellow most recent several seconds added anything, the friend is important, does not care about the change. 一旁的柳茹都有些无语了,不知道是哪个家伙前几秒钟还说什么,朋友要紧,不在乎小钱。 „The words that we go, not only does not know the way, but also likely steps on into the undead tomb, although is expensive/noble, but big Hunter's Union besides him, really no one is willing to go to that probably...... some here also money, originally is to you, I could not spend.” Liu Ru held on Mo Fan, hurriedly handed over a bankcard to him. “我们自己去的话,不仅不识路,还很可能踩入亡灵墓穴,虽然是贵,可偌大的猎者联盟除了他,好像真没有人愿意去那……我这里还有一些钱,本来就是要给你的,我自己花不了。”柳茹拉住了莫凡,急急忙忙的递了张银行卡给他。 Liu Ru, rich is not such flower...... the graciousness, where do you come this great sum of money?” Mo Fan asked. 柳茹啊,有钱也不是这样花的……恩,你哪来这笔巨款?”莫凡问道。 those small Blood Clan is filial piety my, they are rich.” Liu Ru small low voice saying. 那些血族孝敬我的,他们都蛮有钱的。”柳茹小小声的说道。 oh, since is the ill-gotten wealth, I accepted.” ,既然是不义之财,那我就收下了。” „......” “……” Liu Ru looks that Mo Fan in deadly earnest’s accepts the card, cannot bear throw smiles. 柳茹看着莫凡一本正经的收下卡,忍不住扑哧一笑。 Also thinks Mo Fan big man does not receive, originally this fellow very becomes greedy at the sight of money, is an unprincipled person. 还以为莫凡会大男子的不收咧,原来这家伙挺见钱眼开的,是个坏人。 10 million, Mo Fan cannot put out. 一千万,莫凡拿不出。 He on simply did not have money on hand, Little Flame Fairy was the baby who the entire world most burnt money, consumed up his savings. 他手头上根本没钱了,小炎姬是全世界最烧钱的宝宝,把他的积蓄都耗光了。 Naturally, the brought return is also astonishing, without Little Flame Fairy, the Mo Fan impossible fist to have Level Four [Intense Fist] Dongfang Lie striking down! 当然,带来的回报也是惊人的,没有小炎姬,莫凡也不可能一个拳将拥有第四级烈拳东方烈给击倒! Liu Ru this bankcard also calculates that the matter solved urgent matter, Mo Fan was impolite with her. 柳茹这一张银行卡也算事解了燃眉之急,莫凡也不跟她客气。 Accepts the card despicable, a Shorty eye of band of light several points swept Mo Fan. 收下卡,矮男目光带着几分鄙夷的扫了一眼莫凡 Shorty also thinks that Mo Fan has the big ability, the side follows unexpectedly a that clever obedient beautiful woman, originally is lives by pimping. 矮男还以为莫凡有多大能耐,竟然身边跟着一个那么乖巧听话的美女,原来是个吃软饭的啊。 The words saying that this beautiful woman is a little rich, 10 million eyes do not wink unexpectedly, their these mingle to gain several years in the Ancient Capital old hunter to be not necessarily able to gain...... 话说这美女有点富啊,一千万竟然眼睛都不眨一下,他们这些混迹在古都的老猎人赚个好几年都未必能够赚下来…… Hits a 20% discount!” Mo Fan bargained back and forth. “打个八折!”莫凡讨价还价道。 „It is not good!” Shorty is very firm. “不行!”矮男很坚定。 This skill, is controlling on him and his brothers, wants to go to the Sunny Goat Village person definitely to have, Shorty does not discount! 这本事,也就他和他兄弟掌控着,想去羊阳村的人绝对有,矮男不打折! Package of protections?” Mo Fan asked. “包保护吗?”莫凡问道。 Does not wrap, I and my brothers strength also good, but you must have the self-preservation ability. We can guarantee night are you are surrounded by undead, but did not guarantee that wanders undead to attack.” Shorty said. “不包,我和我兄弟们实力都还行,但你们得有自保能力。我们能保证得是你们夜里不会被亡灵包围,但不保证有游荡亡灵来袭击。”矮男说道。 We protect oneself not to have the issue.” Liu Ru said. “我们自保没问题。”柳茹说道。 Me also the condition, me meets your form incessantly, therefore in the team will have others.” Shorty said. “我这边还有一个条件,我这边不止接你们一个单子,所以队伍里会有其他人。”矮男说道。 fuck you also opened the condition, grass.” Mo Fan scolded one. 尼玛你还开条件了,草。”莫凡骂了一句。 Black, has not seen is so black, entire world most expensive guiding guide. 黑,没见过这么黑的,全世界最贵的带路向导。 Buddy, we have Master Hunter to make the guarantee, then handles matters to you with the life, this price allows us to meet in other single situation to want, you want the chartered car is also good, 20 million.” Shorty said. “哥们,我们有猎人大师做担保,然后拿命给你们办事,这价格还是允许我们接别单的情况下要的,你们要包车也行,两千万。”矮男说道。 Urges to go faster, draws your guest to go.” Mo Fan does not want again with the Shorty argument. “去去去,拉你的客去。”莫凡不想再跟矮男费口舌了。 Shorty status Mo Fan before looks for him for the second time has verified, is a high-level hunter, no black history. 矮男的身份莫凡在第二次找他之前核实过了,是一位高级猎人,没有什么黑历史。 But is that Master Hunter that the Shorty team guarantees does not have the issue. 而为矮男团队担保的那位猎人大师也没问题。 The request establishment, that is must sign to sign, presents the acrobatics probability of deceiving people very small in this intermediate and high-level hunter hall, what the hunter met Bounty to be most important was the prestige, otherwise from losing one's means of livelihood, this Mo Fan understood. 委托成立,那是要签字画押的,在这种中级、高级猎人大厅里出现骗人的把戏概率很小,猎人接悬赏最重要的是信誉,否则就是自砸饭碗,这点莫凡是懂的。 But 10 million request gold/metal that are also the prepayment to Hunter's Union, when both sides confirmed that Bounty will complete will pay to the hunter, but the hunter will not seek the high praise to kiss anything, what pay particular attention to will be the finish rate! 而一千万的委托金那也是先付给猎者联盟,等双方确认悬赏完成才会支付给猎人,只是猎人不求好评啊亲什么的,讲究的是完成率!
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